
Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 1:32:21

We decided it was better to throw some war around this set for the last 7 days instead of you guys oweing us 200m Bushel reps or whatever it was from ravi's suicide next set.

this way our members can get out their frustrations against each other, in a set where we already threw away top 10 chances by having to kill the suiciders and losing so much to them in the first place.

then we can start fresh next set.

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 1:34:24

p.s. not sure how effective we will be but it will be a good challenge to try runs on such well stocked countries.

Purposeful1 Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 1:41:33

hopefully you stocked oil, because i just bought it all out.

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 1:42:43

SoF paid us to war so they could blow there oil stocks

Purposeful1 Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 1:44:05

heh. smart. well, throws a kink in my finish but the rest of us are intact. =)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 1:50:44

Originally posted by Purposeful1:
hopefully you stocked oil, because i just bought it all out.

good thing we were told to have atleast 4million barrels before the FS incase one of you big rich guys bought it all out to hamper our FS :)

joe2 Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 1:53:41

You should have just bought out all the troops and jets

joe2 Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 1:54:36

and yes i'm aware of private markets but those are only so large :P

AxAlar Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 1:55:49

Classy... not.

(see what I did there?)
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

Thomas Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 1:56:15

Well this war won't be entertaining, but I'm sure round II next set will be.

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:07:12

Leadership sponsored suicide is something we take very seriously.

When Ravi informed us of this, we had no choice.

trumper Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:08:38

You're right AxA, but then again did anyone expect them to act classy? I didn't. They can't net so they decide to stir up a war. C'est le vie.

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:20:13

us classless?

LCN has been RoR, supporting it's suicider, and generally giving us zero respect.

we are a war alliance, when the mebership tells me that they feel slighted and want to war, we war. Next time, make more effort to solve issues with us. We aren't a netting alliance ;-)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:20:55


Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:25:04

Speedwood is pissed at lcn:p

he asked me to post it.

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:25:53

<SpeedWood> tell them i'm pissed coz they ruined my netting set

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:26:32

if LCN was like Collab they wouldn't be at war atm lol

trumper Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:28:20

Yes, classless--absolutely and positively. Rewriting history is an exercise in futility and I suspect particularly for you, DL.

It began by your member grabbing an LCNer and then whining when he was retaled. In fact, the guy then threatened suicide. LCN warns you guys of his threat and you shake it off. Low and behold he suicides. Does Rage take responsibility? Of course not. Instead of just sending reps you spend your time trying to see if your suicider will pay up:

"Silent Sentinel
Posts: 97
"Nearly a day before a change of heart? Bullfluff. And it wasn't a change of heart, it was after being able to contact the suicider and get him to agree to reps and land. Which I got to Trife as quick as I could from my phone, from work. LCN chose to ignore this because they got all affronted because I didn't polish their balls the second they came to me."

trumper Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:32:46

And Ravi did suicide on Rage since Rage was just screwing around on paying reps as SS said. LCN's leadership took responsibility for Ravi's suiciding despite Rage's obvious disregard when it comes to being responsible for your own tag. We (LCN) broke down Ravi's country (8mil+ troops taken out) and scheduled a warchat to kill Ravi's country.

And yes, some of us (aka simple members like me) disagreed for varying reasons. In my case, I just thought you guys fluffed LCN over.

It'll be a fun war.

AxAlar Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:43:10

Originally posted by Dragonlance:
if LCN was like Collab they wouldn't be at war atm lol

I think thats a compliment! Thanks!

Still, don't think the move helps the game any when you could have waited til next set, but mehhhhh *goes to play in his own sandbox*
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

Silent Sentinel Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:55:00

Trumper, you need to dry those eyes and just get on with life. Neither alliance got the picturesque finish it was hoping for.

Junky Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:56:55

I like the sight of 42m nw countries warring... gives me a warm feeling.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Ladijapri Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 2:58:24

<----Sadly does not have a 42m nw country :(
You go away now or we will farm your pimple covered ass!

locket Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 3:02:46

SS you sure do know how to be a retard. Plenty of options lately to bring up too.

trumper Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 3:16:01

Nothing to dry up SS, I was explaining why I thought (and think) Rage is classless :). I don't really care about finishes much or honestly the game, that's why I don't do leadership or even landgrabbing because the time I spend on this is amusement for me. Right now i'm just nursing a hangover from tailgating earlier today.

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 3:45:09

No Trumper, you do NOT know the whole story.

it began with #9 making multiple double taps on the same rager at the beginning of this set.

Then we had various retalling issues as we follow 1:1 and you follow L:L.

This war is in this context, the suicider was the straw that broke the camels back. LCN's leadership supported ravi, this you have not denied.

So so far we have:

Retal conflicts through the set.
suiciders on both sides.
LCn havn't made any effort to pay owed reps out ofsuiciders.

seem like plenty of reasons to war this set.

AxA i think that us Fs' ing LCN over this next set, is just perpetuating the grudge war culture of earth2025.

Which is not something we want to do. This set's issues should be settled THIS SET.

No LCN being forced to pay us reps next set. no us Fs'ing them next set.

ghall Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 3:58:30

after reading the last post Dragonlance is not thinking right

locket Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 4:24:25

Perhaps you should look at your own fluffty FR policies and work to see why this turned out this way Rage.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Nov 28th 2010, 4:30:22

Shouldn't this be "RAGE War Dec"?

trumper Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 6:07:44

"This war is in this context, the suicider was the straw that broke the camels back. LCN's leadership supported ravi, this you have not denied."

Well, since we're using observational selection might I add that I also did not deny that you're possibly Ravi's angry love child, Assassin's gay partner, and/or the Queen of England. With that said, I'm not sure that because I didn't deny something therefore makes it true.

I hardly think that the LCN leadership's decision to attack and attempt to kill a valued LCNer's country constitutes supporting the same member.

Circling back around to my original point (and utilizing a little bit of your logic), since you didn't explicitly deny Rage is classless therefore Rage is classless.

Also I did not deny I know the winning Powerball numbers. Thus I shall win the $95 million jackpot. I hope you're right about this non-denial stuff because I sure would enjoy the money :-).

zigigy Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 7:50:18

I don't usually buy into this business but just a couple of things:

1) DL please don't prance around like Rage's fluff don't stink. You can't possibly expect people to believe that Rage is completely innocent and LCN are devils from the underworld. If FA matters had been handled properly by SS in the first place, none of this would have happened. It seems a little childish to attempt to bring in something that happened at the start of the set as an extra excuse for this war.

From what I saw, Originally reps were declined (or ignored) and we were told killing him wouldnt be a problem but outside of that "We are not pacted". By the time someone had realised that it was the wrong decision, it was much too late, no matter what efforts/lengths people went to at work etc to try and sort it out.

Everything could have been avoided if things between the clans were handled differently. Neither parties are particularly innocent I don't think. Really nothing can be said on that matter that already hasnt been said though.

Thats how we all learn i suppose.

2) Yes this thread is named wrong.

So, the trollers may pick apart what I have
TIE Head
gamesurge server, #tiechat

zigigy Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 8:05:12

Now that my rage (pun intended) is out of the way, enjoy the few days of warring, everyone can scream and shout over the situation.
TIE Head
gamesurge server, #tiechat

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 8:05:13

piss off locket your a bias prick who supports the farming and killing of new players for your own selfish reasons. You are an asshole and you try to justify the fact your douchebaggery through your crappy trolling on here against many fair and just players.

Slag makes a valid point:p

zigigy i don't know you, but think about how your members feel after the rage suicide, that is how my members feel right now, x2 due to speedy being specifically targeted by an LCN member earlier in the set. I have clearly stated multiple bloody times that BOTH sides are responsible. But the fact is:

1.) we DID NOT support our suicider. LCN DID as CLEARLY STATED by Ravi, and NOT DENIED by LCN.

2.) LCN RoR'ed against us, we went OUT OF OUR WAY to use their L:L retal policy to solve earlier issues, their repayment? suicide at a moments notice on the back of one of our FA's MERELY INDICATING that MAYBE ragers won't like wasting turns killing someone.

Trumper, so you can categorically say that Ravi was LIEING when he said that trife supported him insite?

A war this set is better than continueing fluff into next set, THIS is what the new age of EE is about, solving issues in the set they occured.

The only reason our FS was delayed, is unrelated to the reason why.

Dragonlance Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 8:05:51

great pun btw:p

Silent Sentinel Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 8:15:19

Zigigy, had I handled the issue differently then yes, the situation would likely have had a significantly altered outcome. My choice of words were poor. At no time later did I realise my 'mistake' and scramble to fix it, rather I was intending on getting our suicider to do so himself from the get go, and merely needed time to contact him and confirm this. By not conveying that to LCN, I fell short in the FA talks and my duty to Rage. But LCN's immediate reaction of sponsoring its own suicider only hours later really does not give them any justification of moral high ground either.

This war will see out our set, and like the server, we'll start again fresh come December 4. Best of luck to all involved.

zigigy Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 8:18:51

Well at least we agree on some things. I dont think that it was endorsed by LCN at all, but people were angry and rage (pun intended again for DL) was flowing. Its a grey area.

We have spoken in passing a couple of times over the years I believe DL, but nothing memorable probably, I was with TIE.

Now i have just recieved warm fresh baked cookies, and i am considerably happier, nothing has gone right today yet :P

I don't really wish to argue about the rest, we wouldnt get anywhere and it wouldnt help anyone, but you made it seem as though other than your suicider, Rage had done nothing wrong, I am glad that you have straightened that out in your following post.
TIE Head
gamesurge server, #tiechat

Purposeful1 Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 9:10:28

Actually, I denied the assertion that "LCN leadership supported and endorsed their suicider" several times, both on AT and in individual conversations with you, DragonLance. Seeing as how, last time I checked, I was the President of LCN, I think that counts.

By the way, nice FS.


Dark TwizTid


Nov 28th 2010, 9:11:19

I like this lil chat on AT... :)

locket Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 9:15:49

Yes and your record of blasting netting clans for no reason and rage doing retarded fluff all set and for the last 2-3 sure speaks for itself.

dagga Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 10:02:51

I approve of this War Reason! (c)
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

AxAlar Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 10:36:51

While I'd like to agree to your theory, Dragonlance, common sense tells me thats not the way it goes.

Problem 1 arises from the fact that it takes both alliances to say "hey we're gonna squash it after this set," and so far, only RAGE has said anything about that.

Problem 2 stems from the action itself being one of which starts grudge wars. You waited until the final week of the set to hit an alliance that otherwise would have peacefully netted it out with some good finishes. That leaves a bitter taste in their members mouths and they'll want to kill you next set for it.

Problem 3 is that every alliance since I've come back (only a year ago) to hit an alliance in the last week of their net set, go spanked incredibly hard the next set.

Based on that, I'd recommend ya knock on wood, throw some salt over your shoulder and bring your A-game next set or you might watch what you've been patiently building up and stabilizing the last three sets go down in a blaze.

Then again, I could be wrong and LCN could roll over for you guys. Personally, I'd put that hope in the same realm of possibilities as me bagging Daum triplets.. in the same night.
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

ZIP Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 12:03:05

so pang do you still think it was my/marshal's fa work that is so bad ?

it is nice to see the " battle of the big ones "
( and by big ones i am referring to their nw, not pee-nouse, i reserve that right for myself )
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

spawn Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 13:01:02

lol, another gay move my Rage
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Alana Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 14:32:53

oh RAge *rolls eyes*
LCN Peon

trumper Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 15:53:31

DL, I can't categorically say anything on LCN's behalf because for the 11th time I'm not a leader in LCN.

Again though, just because someone did not deny something explicitly does not mean that the converse is true. If that were the case then you would in fact be Ravi's angry love child and Assassin's gay partner.

Assassin Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 16:08:58

i'm always happy to war, and it doesn't bother me that rage decided that they were bored and wanted to war lcn.

what does bother me is how ridiculously contrived the supposed "justifications" are.

"Retal conflicts through the set.
suiciders on both sides.
LCn havn't made any effort to pay owed reps out ofsuiciders."

retal conflicts through the set? right, which were resolved throughout the set. non-issue.

suiciders on both sides? right, one on each side. lcn killed the rage suicider, rage killed the lcn suicider. wash. non-issue.

LCn [sic] havn't [sic] made any effort to pay owed reps? rage didn't pursue the issue. lcn reasonably thought that both sides got screwed, both sides dealt with it, and it was water under the bridge. you don't fs someone because they didn't unilaterally offer reps.

lcn hasn't denied that it supported ravi? as purpy points out, lcn has in fact denied it all along. and had a kill chat scheduled for his country. more pretext for rage's predetermined course of action.

obvious fact is, rage decided early on in the process that they wanted a war. which, i reiterate, is fine.

just don't piss on our legs and tell us that it's raining.

SpeedWood Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 16:18:40

finally i can post here..

Well, just to add oil to fire, I AM PISSED WITH LCN's handling of #9's situation for me.

Rage and LCN's suiciders just make the war happened, and endorsed by me.


not in rage leadership

Spaced Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 16:58:56

I'm just going to say, Hell I wanted to wait to next set, but then you just would have fluffed about that timing. Bitter Taste, Yes; most likely getting spanked next set? I can live with that, god knows LaF did it for fluff reasons before.

Speaking of which, you guys seem to think that Rage never got spanked for a bullfluff reason during a netting set... Did you see us go and FS laF the next set.. no, we didn't. In fact I believe that says more to our character than everyone leads on.

Rage tends to deal with the fact that this is a game. If a netting Clan gets hit (Keeping in mind the netting clan has 10 more members and a 12mil AVG nw advantage.(yea, no big deal right)) They are instant bad guys. You Treat Imagnum with the same bullfluff policy. You assume that we are only out to ruin games of others. No. We are here to make the game more interesting for ourselves. And yes. We have been on the fluff end of the stick before... In fact most of the time we are. NOW. Rage has spent the last 3 sets rebuilding its member basis from near nothing, and restructuring our leadership. Which i think still needs work *glares at SS* We've also enforced our policies against larger clans, Now how you can say all of this bullfluff is stupid. From what I can tell, Rage got fluffed(and you can claim one member loosing what was it 80 mil stock? the same?). DL lost any shot at a top, along with anyone else Ravi hit, would you rather pay a few hundred million bushels in rep or just get into a war. Cause if that's the case. Feel free to FA me into #1 Next set. Then fluff about how I only won because of FA.

Rage Did this because we thought this was in the best interest of RAGE. Something we have been rebuilding. And the concept of a spanking will not make us quiver in fear because we picked on someone bigger and stronger. You have the stocks and advantages. Stop fluffing and kill us. Or just roll over. I dont Care..

HoW Rage And acting PR Rep

P.S. Feel free to FS us and win NExt set if it will make you feel any better. But i believe we were offered a friendly with Collab. SO be polite and ask first.

Spaced Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 17:01:02

And If you want to claim that this will lead to a grudge war? Remember the last set of Earth? The whole everyone broke pacts ad Hit everyone? I don't believe that complicated the first set of EE.

-Its just a game guys. Some people just play it differently.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Nov 28th 2010, 17:02:00

my pen ran out of ink because I was so busy rewriting history