
Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 27th 2017, 15:02:09

The SCOTUS has decided to allow a Maryland Assault Weapons ban to stand. I imagine that all true patriots will be departing Maryland for other states now. I know if I lived there I would. They'll be overrun without a fight when the extremists light off their campaign there. At least here we will still be able to shoot back.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Ivan Game profile


Nov 27th 2017, 16:21:41

go maryland showing the us the future!

braden Game profile


Nov 27th 2017, 16:31:55

Now only blm in Baltimore will have guns?
Sounds safe. Many businesses, I'm sure, to follow presently.



Nov 27th 2017, 17:20:56

Guess ivans future is bohica.
Dev encouraging it

Ivan Game profile


Nov 27th 2017, 17:52:20

im just so happy for you girls soon there will be a day where you can go out without being scared!

Heston Game profile


Nov 27th 2017, 18:12:36

terrifying firearms! Trump is a states rights type of pushover. This isn't news. i am hopeful that Maryland is as successful as California implementing the gun laws. Write a law that passes but cannot be enforced then hold onto it for years while the government catches up to the corruption.

It's as good as swedens Islamic gay pride state. A fantasy for unicorn collecting fluffless men with tits and the mothers that fluffed them up.
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Nov 27th 2017, 18:17:36

Originally posted by Ivan:
im just so happy for you girls soon there will be a day where you can go out without being scared!

Maybe I own a gun because I like to do something known as hunting.
Sorry that you live in a country that likes to take away your freedoms.
Dev encouraging it

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 27th 2017, 19:25:28

Ivan's future is bleak indeed.
1. Only the criminals will have firearms
2. Only the corrupt will have money
3. Only the disrespectful will have respect
4. The snowflakes will be overrun by the enemies of freedom without even a whimper.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 27th 2017, 20:22:23

Originally posted by The_Hawk:

Maybe I own a gun because I like to do something known as hunting.

I really wanna join you on a hunt with assault rifles. I've hunted a bit only, never with assault rifles though, I'm terribly jealous. :/

sinistril Game profile


Nov 27th 2017, 20:44:41

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by The_Hawk:

Maybe I own a gun because I like to do something known as hunting.

I really wanna join you on a hunt with assault rifles. I've hunted a bit only, never with assault rifles though, I'm terribly jealous. :/

Reason for 2nd amendment in America really doesn't have anything to do with hunting. It has to do with preventing tyranny. Same reason Protestants in England were allowed weapons in 1689. Years of Catholics murdering them got on their nerves. Government tyranny is a legitimate fear. I don't know how many times in a century you need to see governments turn into self-population killing machines before people get that through their head, but I guess the tune of over 200 million+ dead in the lives of people still alive isn't enough. I think being skeptical of any powerful institution with a history of murder like government, religion, etc is healthy and I don't think it needs to be justified by saying weapons are for hunting. The whole it can't happen in x and y country is pretty hilarious considering you have conservatives being beaten to a bloody pulp if they want to see a gay jew talk on a college campus.

If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Heston Game profile


Nov 27th 2017, 20:58:59

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by The_Hawk:

Maybe I own a gun because I like to do something known as hunting.

I really wanna join you on a hunt with assault rifles. I've hunted a bit only, never with assault rifles though, I'm terribly jealous. :/

Most all of my so called assault weapons are for people. Same with almost every pistol I own. However, folks still hunt with semi auto rifles. I have a custom ar10 chambered in .260 with a 32in barrel. It's frightening at over 3200 yards. Shoot a pile of coyotes with it all the time.
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Nov 27th 2017, 21:08:57

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by The_Hawk:

Maybe I own a gun because I like to do something known as hunting.

I really wanna join you on a hunt with assault rifles. I've hunted a bit only, never with assault rifles though, I'm terribly jealous. :/

That would invoke a big ticket, as I mainly hunt migratory waterfowl.
Dev encouraging it

Heston Game profile


Nov 27th 2017, 21:12:01

The government regulates what u can shoot, how many, sex, age size, method and time of year. It's been driven to like a lottery for hunters. It's a bunch of fluffin bullfluff.
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Heston Game profile


Nov 27th 2017, 21:14:22

Liberal sissy lala hippy fluffing bullfluff.
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sinistril Game profile


Nov 27th 2017, 21:39:08

Not sure how hunting is any worse than buying animals harvested, often in cramped cages to make them fat, for mass consumption. I suppose mounting a head on your wall is somehow more morbid than using the spare parts in cosmetics, candy, soap, drugs etc. The thing I love most about the process of slaughterhouses is even vegetarians and vegans unwittingly use products that involve the leftover carcasses of dead animals.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Heston Game profile


Nov 27th 2017, 22:02:43

Originally posted by Mini:

You must be one of those cutter types with a host of institutional dreary psychological disorder friends that collect morbid fluff. Like a jar with a two headed calf fetus or a preserved racoon that got its head run over by a car.
Only in your circles is head shot game an attractive display. Go back to coitus with whatever domesticated animals legal in your parts junior.

Edited By: Primeval on Nov 29th 2017, 16:32:28. Reason: overly offensive content quoted
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Ivan Game profile


Nov 28th 2017, 5:37:04

So Sinistril people should buy weapons to protect themselves from conservatives (input Heston, thehawk,cerberus, sinistril and more here) who are the same people buying the guns


Ivan Game profile


Nov 28th 2017, 5:37:52

Also if you need an assault rifle to hunt with yer a fluff

sinistril Game profile


Nov 28th 2017, 6:32:08

People should buy weapons to protect themselves from whatever tyranny they see manifesting. It is a form of deterrence to, frankly, keep the government scared of you. I don't see how it's really funny considering Europe was infested with dictators not that long ago. Not everyone can feign neutrality and hope they aren't murdered if it happens again.

If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Ivan Game profile


Nov 28th 2017, 9:13:47

Problem with that is that there will always be people seeing tyrannies everywhere, real ones and imagined ones no matter what party you have for goverment etc theres A LOT of crazy people out there as we can see with all the shootings occuring

sinistril Game profile


Nov 28th 2017, 9:43:28

Originally posted by Ivan:
Problem with that is that there will always be people seeing tyrannies everywhere, real ones and imagined ones no matter what party you have for goverment etc theres A LOT of crazy people out there as we can see with all the shootings occuring

Are grenades banned in Sweden?
Just seems strange to me that someone from a place with hundreds of grenade attacks a year despite it's small population thinks gun control in a country across an ocean is a problem he should worry about.

Edited By: sinistril on Nov 28th 2017, 9:53:09
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.



Nov 28th 2017, 13:23:02

Originally posted by Ivan:

So Sinistril people should buy weapons to protect themselves from conservatives (input Heston, thehawk,cerberus, sinistril and more here) who are the same people buying the guns


My gun hasn't hurt anyone, and I leave it out of the gun case. You would think it would be running rampant while I wasnt home.

Buying a gun for protection and knowing how to use a gun for protection are two different things. You may go out and purchase a gun, but until you know how to use it for protection, you might as well have the police on speed dial.
Dev encouraging it

Ivan Game profile


Nov 28th 2017, 14:50:42

Grenade attacks has little to do with our gun laws tho, it has to do with goverment stripping down border control

As for guns for protection sure, who are you scared of? oh right the other crazy people who buy guns :P

sinistril Game profile


Nov 28th 2017, 15:04:01

But grenades are banned yes? So how is grenade regulation going? Also, every country has borders. Most people who murder with guns purchased them illegally, many are from gang members that have the ability to bring guns across the border anyways, so same problems. Gun deaths are rare and if you remove gang members using illegal guns to kill other gang members from the gun statistics, they are even rarer. As far as terrorists using guns like in Vegas, well, I guess we can see in the past few years guns or not doesn't really matter. Gun regulations are basically useless in preventing gun deaths anyways and even diehard liberals that actually look into what they're talking about admit the same. Hell, if you look at most gun deaths in the US you'll notice a trend... there are more gun deaths in places that have had the most gun control regulations for years. These are often liberal hotbeds and sanctuary cities. If you want to prevent gun deaths, letting ICE do their job would prevent more deaths than ANY regulation you can put forward, by far.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Heston Game profile


Nov 28th 2017, 18:00:12

Originally posted by Ivan:
Problem with that is that there will always be people seeing tyrannies everywhere, real ones and imagined ones no matter what party you have for goverment etc theres A LOT of crazy people out there as we can see with all the shootings occuring

Spoken like a real free thinker.
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Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 28th 2017, 19:27:16

Originally posted by sinistril:

Are grenades banned in Sweden?
Just seems strange to me that someone from a place with hundreds of grenade attacks a year despite it's small population thinks gun control in a country across an ocean is a problem he should worry about.

Hundreds of grenade attacks? Well dozens last year. Last year there were many, this year not so much. So big fail there.

This has been a manageable problem for decades and there was a great increase in grenade attacks just a few years ago and it seems it is on the decline again, if you like to extrapolate. We are talking about half a dozen attacks this year so far and upwards around 3 dozen last year.

Either way the grenade attacks and a lot of other crap that has happened in Sweden the last 2-3 years correlate very badly with any changes gun laws and is much more a result the 165k refugees (most not from Syria) that came in 2015. Since I like to extrapolate it is to compare with 5 million refugees coming to the US in a year, mostly in October to December, 100% of whom are unable to speak your language and none of who knows your laws or customs. The swedish police force was naturally not able to handle all that and those grenade attacks were mostly diversions for the police as criminals realized they could make the police stop interfeering with their 'work'. That has nothing to do with our gun laws. We had the same gun laws pretty much for decades and afaik 0 grenade attacks up until 2008. In general gun violence in Sweden exists and is a problem but not nearly as much as in the United States. Further I have guns, my father has guns and my grandfather has guns, it has never been difficult to aquire one legaly and I have never needed one of them to defend myself.


Also you have to do more to warrant the "counter-tyranny arguement". The burden of proof is on you when you state that assault rifles are neccesary and a sure counter to dictatorship/tyranny or whatever. Show me where and when it happened. Which country has been prevented from becoming a tyranny by a well armed populace? You got a very weird attempt at suggesting a causal relationship from a bunch of historical regimes who control the guns of their people. How will you take out the tanks? You need to buy at least something like an old S-300 system for every backyard to stop that AC-130 from shooting a puncture on your kids tricycle at night. Should you be able to buy it when you are on the no-fly-list and/or the terror watch list? I suppose so, else a tyrannical regime will just use those lists to stop their enemies from aquireing potent freedom-blasters.

There are so many functioning democratic states around the world that offer their people equal (or more) freedoms and privileges as most of the people of the US is offered while still enforcing gun laws that are far more stringent than yours. Which will fail? Which are closer to become tyrannies? The ones with the most stringent gun control?

Personally if I lived in the US I would just use those freedoms and buy whatever I feel like buying and shoot at the range, I would probably enjoy myself, it doesn't really bother me either way. But I would never have the stomach to suggest my HOBBY is in any way responsible for maintaining a well functioning democracy. You are not gonna get away with such grand statements when they are made in such perfunctory manner. Explain your hypothesis in a way that can withstand critizism or have it rejected.

Zorp Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 28th 2017, 20:46:19

It's less a counter to tyranny, as much as it's an incredibly strong deterrent, if not an absolute one. If a truly tyrannical leader were to ever grab the reigns of power in the USA, they would always know that the people are capable of defending themselves strongly, and so they simply can not go to far for fear of their own lives and hold on power.

It's just as much, if not more of a deterrent to outside invaders. All of the land here could never be conquered, and in the land that was conquered an enemy would encounter possibly the strongest insurgency in world history.

Heston Game profile


Nov 28th 2017, 20:48:50

the Japanese didn't have the stomach to meet Americans on American soil. "Behind every blade of grass" still terrorizes the world today. To you I say fluff off.
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sinistril Game profile


Nov 28th 2017, 21:18:10

I should have said hundreds in the last few years. The point was more that you can regulate or even ban a weapon and those who want it to commit criminal acts will still commit them.

Anyways,I'm not going to write the several thousand word essay you want me to on why guns are responsible for maintaining a well functioning democracy. Better writers than me have wrote that book haha and it's written in the 2nd amendment of the US constitution for that reason (You can check the wording yourself). I would, however, go even further and say the ONLY reason we have well functioning democracies is because the great equalisers were created that made even the most powerful kings mortal. All democracies in the world came after the first few that had to fight for it using weapons against tyrannical governments. If it weren't for them, your country would not have spontaneously turned into the democracy you know today. Thousands of years of history speaks to that. I don't think it's arrogant to say that, I do think it's arrogant to say that governments that are barely responsive as it is should have a monopoly on the only thing that can ultimately hold them accountable.

Also, it's not even my hobby. I own 0 weapons and the only one's I have ever had in my possession were service weapons. I'm just skeptical of government control over every aspect of my life including my ability to defend myself. If you have complete trust that tyranny is dead and will never return then I can respect that but I think it's like playing the lottery. You might win but hundreds of losing tickets tell you otherwise.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Suicidal Game profile


Nov 28th 2017, 23:36:32


Heston Game profile


Nov 29th 2017, 0:41:53

Originally posted by Mini:
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Mini:
Originally posted by Heston:
The government regulates what u can shoot, how many, sex, age size, method and time of year. It's been driven to like a lottery for hunters. It's a bunch of fluffin bullfluff.


You must be one of those cutter types with a host of institutional dreary psychological disorder friends that collect morbid fluff. Like a jar with a two headed calf fetus or a preserved racoon that got its head run over by a car.
Only in your circles is head shot game an attractive display. Go back to coitus with whatever domesticated animals legal in your parts junior.


Now let's talk about what winning hobbies you have. Besides showcasing how virtuous you are. That's only good for pats on the back from like minded sheeple.
Is that what you need? Someone to agree that I am an asshole and you're right? When I'm called a mother fluffer, folks are never angry about my mother. Why you so mad bro?

Edited By: Primeval on Nov 29th 2017, 16:35:11. Reason: overly offensive content in quoted text
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Mini Game profile


Nov 29th 2017, 2:06:54

i just really dislike hunting, im sure you have admirable qualities also - i basically tell all hunters to kill themselves, don't take it personally.



Nov 29th 2017, 2:43:14

Originally posted by Mini:
i just really dislike hunting, im sure you have admirable qualities also - i basically tell all hunters to kill themselves, don't take it personally.

Are you that antihunter who got shot in Australia?

You do know hunters bring in more conservation for wildlife than non hunters right?
Dev encouraging it

mrford Game profile


Nov 29th 2017, 3:29:38

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by The_Hawk:

Maybe I own a gun because I like to do something known as hunting.

I really wanna join you on a hunt with assault rifles. I've hunted a bit only, never with assault rifles though, I'm terribly jealous. :/

You need an "assault rifle" when participating in boar population control.

My favorite is my SOCOM-16 with an ACOG. Supressed.

As for the idiot in this thread that is against hunting, you might want to look at population control aspects of hunting. It is paramount since a lot of apex predators are no longer around in great enough numbers to do the job.

Don't want wild boar to ruin your land? Hunters. Don't want to hit that deer with your car? Hunters.

Additionally, hunting fees and permits pay for the vast ammount of conservation budgets, and most hunters are conservationists themselves. Ignorant flufftard.

Edited By: mrford on Nov 29th 2017, 3:35:28
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Heston Game profile


Nov 29th 2017, 5:17:51

Originally posted by Mini:
i just really dislike hunting, im sure you have admirable qualities also - i basically tell all hunters to kill themselves, don't take it personally.

Dear mini,
What else do you fluff about that you can't change or know nothing about? Believe me when I say, some elk, deer, boar all scream louder than you could for them after being shot.
This weekend I am putting together a prairie dog and coyote hunt in honor of your big fluffin mouth. I will send your concerns to them all with your love. Don't worry about me I'll be having a grand time without shooting myself in the head. ☠️
Their blood is now on your hands. 😱

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Buch Game profile


Nov 29th 2017, 15:59:59

Originally posted by Mini:
i just really dislike hunting, im sure you have admirable qualities also - i basically tell all hunters to kill themselves, don't take it personally.


I would like to know your reasons against hunting.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Nov 29th 2017, 16:38:35

Regardless of your stance on whatever debate, please avoid incredibly vulgar and inappropriate replies. Some of the posts in this thread were over the line, removed, and time-outs issued.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 29th 2017, 17:07:11

Nothing like being civil.

The armed population of the US could, in fact march on Washington, Arrest all the corrupted politicians and put them on public trial due to the fact that they are armed.

Without being armed, they'd simply have to survive under the corruption that would exist in even greater amounts than what we are already seeing. This is why the politicians immediately jump to "gun control" whenever there is an incident. It's their greatest dream to disarm the population so that those trials will NEVER happen.

Get it?
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Ivan Game profile


Nov 29th 2017, 17:46:17

LOL please lay off the drugs cerberus

Buch Game profile


Nov 29th 2017, 18:23:33

Ivan is just angry he couldn't handle the recoil of the all powerful 5.56x45

Heston Game profile


Nov 29th 2017, 19:18:23

Nancy pelosi just pooped her pants bush, good work.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 29th 2017, 19:58:18

Originally posted by Ivan:
LOL please lay off the drugs cerberus
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Yet Another God

New Member
EE Patron

Nov 29th 2017, 20:12:26

LOL Cerb cites the Rob Lee YT channel. Tells you all you need to know.

Are the serpents talkin' at ya again Cerb?

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 29th 2017, 20:35:53

I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Ivan Game profile


Nov 30th 2017, 17:28:56

*insert random video made by KKK or other extremists here* ARM YOUR NATION DEFEAT THE TYRANNY!

Trump might be the worst president in your short history but even he wont start slaughtering civilians
altho after selecting him as president I ALMOST understand your worry problem is that most of the pro gun people are the morons who selected him as president



Nov 30th 2017, 17:48:38

I am starting to think Ivan was molested by a gun as a child.
Dev encouraging it



Nov 30th 2017, 17:49:47

Still trying to figure out why owning guns is bad, and I see no valid argument on why owning guns are bad.
Dev encouraging it

Buch Game profile


Nov 30th 2017, 18:35:42

I have all kinds of guns. They all sit in the safe and have never tried to escape and kill anyone... People problem not gun problem

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 30th 2017, 19:34:36

While I completely agree that owning guns is not a problem. I do not see why people on the terror watch list and no-fly lists are supposed to be allowed to buy guns. And I can even see that assault rifles could be alright for normal people to buy - if they supply a valid reson for owning them, like recreation, and pass some form of rigorous scrutiny of perhaps their gun storage habits, psycology, and criminal records.

The "slippery slope"-arguement when talking about selling guns without background checks, selling to people on terror watch lists and no-fly lists I give just as much credit as I would give if someone started saying making pedophilia and necrophilia illegal is a "slippery slope" that can only lead to banning of every sexual expression other than the missionary position. While I like extrapolation in general, this just becomes real absurd real fast.

Dissident Game profile


Nov 30th 2017, 20:00:21

Well said gerdler. Lol

Watch the Trimp supporters get all whiny about how shooting at tyrannies isnt like pedophilia at all. These are the same people who said Obama wanted to take your guns.. he had 8 years and didnt do that. So enjoy your terrorism and mass shootings while you can.