
rodger90 Game profile


Mar 19th 2017, 13:09:16

Toward the end of the set, do people no longer buy tech? First time teching. Seems to be working pretty well so far but wondering if I should start diversifying into some others areas toward the end of the game.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 20th 2017, 19:46:25

Teching is a very good strategy, DO NOT DIVERSIFY! In this game specialization is key as serveral of the building types are more productive the more you focus on them. This is especially true for research labs. The first research lab you make is damaging you, the last you make is the most productive building you can ever build, as long as you are using turns researching that is.

To answer your question, yes, as people max their techs they stop buying techs, and sometimes they even get time to sell their techs. The tech market will crash hard in the last few days and you will have to undercut to get your techs sold. But by that time you should be using your stockpile of cash/food/techs and convert them to military units by buying either on the private or public market in order to achieve a higher NW. This will lead to your expences rising above your earnings and taking turns should no longer be profitable. As a techer you should end up with a few turns untaken after finishing your jump. I wish I could point you to a guide at this point but none are around any more.

JoshNAimes Game profile

New Member

Mar 21st 2017, 12:01:00

I ran into this last round as well as a Techer. I think I was able to just barely able to Cash my turns to break even and get the benefit of the spies my few Indy buildings produced.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 21st 2017, 15:04:50

I hope you made a typo. Do not use the cashing button even once as a techer. Sell tech to get cash. Tech all your turns not spent growing in various ways.

DancingBear Game profile


Mar 22nd 2017, 10:02:55

pardon me, but i do use the cash button toward the end of my techer sets .... once in the last days, as the private market buyouts raise expenses and food costs to where taking turns has become a loosing proposition, then i use my bonus points to take pci booms rather than extra turns and the cash booms are almost always worth taking

fwiw, my more successful techer sets usually have 100+ turns on the board at the end


Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 22nd 2017, 10:45:36

Hmm that can be beneficial in some cases, yes. Or increased PM replenishment. Either way it rarely makes or breaks the reset if you do/don't. :)

DancingBear Game profile


Mar 22nd 2017, 11:26:45

agreed ... definitely a second order item ... once in a while it means one rank on the finish ...

i've looked for a better way to use the last 3 days of bonus points, but just a few points of expenses or pm replinishment seems to mean very little

but taking the pci booms makes the last tech sells more green than red and then the left over booms are still worth cashing if you keep enough cheap bushels to take them



Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 22nd 2017, 12:09:20

I have only played this game for a month with the current bonus system and I only played the endgame for a techer once in express in which I got no bonuses after my jump so the issue has never come up for me.

DancingBear Game profile


Mar 22nd 2017, 13:07:35

something tells me it will come up in your future ... let us know when you find a better wrinkle ;)

rodger90 Game profile


Mar 25th 2017, 22:42:26

Interesting thoughts. Thanks. I will have to see how it plays out.

drkprinc Game profile


Mar 26th 2017, 0:14:45

floor price for tech on every server except express(1000) is 500 so if you are teching even 2k points per turn thats 1,000,000$ income per turn minimum and if you can get troops for 120 thats 240$ per nw compared its a profit with tech at 500 being 250$ per nw.

selling at 500 will auto sell to the server the moment it hits the market so tech and sell and buy units at end of set to reduce expenses.

this is also mostly only viable as a demo with low military and food expenses.
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rodger90 Game profile


Mar 26th 2017, 23:02:25

Yes, I was doing some calculations. I still think teching is the best strategy even with the low prices at the end. I did not realize there was a minimum sell price. That certainly helps.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 27th 2017, 17:49:07

When techs drop below like 1400-1500 the other strategies, with high techs usually end up making more per acre than the techers, and they should have more acres as well since the techer is stunted in his growth for his stocking phase while the cashers, farmers and indies can stock quite effectively while still growing.

Before that the techers make a killing. :)