
SuperFly Game profile


Jan 14th 2017, 16:26:03

Fellow players I am posting today to help the owner of country #11 in game B get along with others and not quit the game after he receives multiple beat downs. So please give him your input and lets retain this little tough guy fellow so that he doesn't quit in tears down the road.

The situation is that he made 1 SS on me and I retaled with 1 PS. He was really upset that I made a PS and not an SS and according to him I have violated retal rules and thus he hit me again and sent the following messages.

Message from (#11) sent on Jan 13, 10:29
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So you believe a PS which is +50% is equal to SS for a retal? No. I will attack you one more time to make it even after that if you decide to go further we can.

Message from (#11) sent on Jan 14, 11:21
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Sounds like you're a little fluff baby boy who gets picked on in school a lot :) An 2 SS = 1 PS how does getting +50% more in an attack = the same? You must be a very sad scared little boy in life and that's ok lets do this.


At this point I have now PS'ed him back and AB'ed him as I had full turns on hand and 10 bonus points. However, I would like him to continue to play so I would like to give him group counsel to learn how to properly interact with others when LGing.

If you can give him your personal views on land grabs and retals that will be great as appreantly my views of you LG once and I retal you once are not valid to this player.


beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 14th 2017, 19:15:20

I think this guy must have played last primary set. I had the same thing happen to me except i just left him alone b/c of the way DR works in primary.

I think a grab=grab in solo servers. If you grab me with a SS expect a PS back. If you grab me twice i will ussually take it quite personally.
Just shut up and have another beer

vern Game profile


Jan 14th 2017, 19:23:15

and the ab's and gs and missles will really prove your point to keep that person playing the game ?

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 14th 2017, 21:10:58

Yes Vern, I made the explanation and he did not like it. I will attack him first before he attacks me yet again.

After RORing you can only assume that he would have continued on his path so I acted swiftly...

Now what's your stance on land grabs. Are you in favor of RORing just because the retal was larger than the initial grab?

vern Game profile


Jan 14th 2017, 21:55:16

you proved your point, but I know not to do a ss grab, and i know to do a PS always, and i kinda know some country names NOT to attack ;)

happy gaming

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 15th 2017, 0:01:11

oh snap that was you? Well tell ya what stud, I will cease my attacks on you. Hopefully u can rebuild and if you would like to sneak attack me in a few days that's up to you.

But yea man always make PS land grabs and expect that most people will retal you with a PS back. If they are small choose to not retal you then you should feel greatful about an easy land grab :P

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 15th 2017, 0:05:55

I should have logged in before posting a nice message to you here hey?

Message from (#11) sent on Jan 14, 21:57
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Hey no problem this is just one game out of the other couple I'm playing why do I care? You getting your jollies off of AB or whatever it is you trying to do but long term you still a little fluff fluff whos a sad person on the inside mad that you don't understand that an SS does not Equal a +50% military strength and land grab it's ok you probably voted for Hillary too because of your retardness. Either way you might win this but in the end you'll always have to live with being a dumb liberal fluff. GL with that tho!


Like i messaged you in game: It is shame that someone like you feels so insecure that they resort to name calling and trump like behavior. One can only assume that you are bullied in real life which is why you need to act so tough behind a computer screen.

Good luck with you personal life.

and I do not live in the US so your presidential choices have no significance to me :)

DancingBear Game profile


Jan 15th 2017, 5:52:53

my 2 cents to earn my bonus

for tourney, a grab is a grab, size doesn't matter

but if the sizes seem so unfair that you need to "do something about it," then the probability of escalation is very high ... i would estimate it at about 90% in tourney.

if you are prepared for that and use polite messages, you can maybe step back from a war if only a few missiles, spy ops and ab's have been traded ... but much more common is a war where the better warrior cleans the floor with his opponent for the remainder of the set

so my advice is to keep land grab retals to 1:1 and ignore size results unless you are preparded to spend the remainder of the set fighting


stanrools Game profile


Jan 15th 2017, 6:35:55

Back when you used to actually have to try to get into game A war was a much bigger deal now if someone looks at someone funny its war then if you loose the war in two sets your back in game A again no big deal 30 days is short have fun. 1:1 ps ss it doesn't matter after that its war
Techer to win it all.

vern Game profile


Jan 15th 2017, 14:20:18

#11 isn't me

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 18th 2017, 6:58:32

Sounds like a player I would like actually. LOL

He sees the "game" part of it very distinctly associated with his "nation" / "country". He needs to learn the "political" side of the game, or "diplomatic" if you prefer. :)

I have been known to chew people up over crap similar to this before. And most recently in the express game where a couple of games go by and I got some other player who's most likely butt hurt about something that happened to him before decided to set ambushes for me since I would consistently use the same country name. Thus forcing me to change my country name so that he couldn't "sneak" attack me with full turns and not kill me somehow, allow me to rebuild and beat his ass game after game. Now, he's going to have to just blindly attack somebody to figure it out, or he will have to expose himself openly to the hostility and come at me with what he has onboard, no time to prepare his forces for any kind of effectivness, like he did before, which still failed. LOL

I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!