also, just so you cant claim the bully card anymore, i have documented out first exchange for everyone to see
it starts with you grabbing me. This was fine. I retaled once, and sent you a message saying something like "this was a retal for your grab on me, have a nice set" this is standard practice.
so what do you do? you double tap me back. nice. who is the bully?
news for proof:
as if this wasnt enough, you sent me messages back trying to intimidate me into not doing anything, this is where it gets good. because we get to see you go from badass, to little punk. you can see in this exchange where i kill 4 of your countries in minutes, because you start begging.
you continued to beg, and ask to join me and learn from me. I want the gam to grow, so i accepted your groveling
I then spent the next couple weeks training you. trying to teach you about specialization, and stocking, and bot farming. But you were greedy. you joined under the assumption of wanting to learn, but you are either too stupid to learn, or only wanted protection. I talked people out of killing you because of your stupid grabs. I tried to explain to you why farming solo tags was a bad idea. but you refused to listen to me. you refused to listen on topics as simple as having 8K bus and res zones on a c/i is a terrible idea.
so what do you do aster i yell at you for farming solo tags? you detagged and did it anyways. you basically made my weeks of effort, that i didnt have to do, worthless. because you were a greedy fluff.
we were introduced because you tried to bully me, and you are now dying because you refused to listen to me, and you are the victim? this is my fault? get over yourself. adults accept responsibility. you once told me that you were an engineer in graduate school. i deem that to be bullfluff. if true i feel sad for my professions future.