
mrford Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 3:02:00

they did
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Oct 5th 2010, 3:05:28


I'm going to remember this next set and try to win my own solo triple crown at hour 0! :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Junky Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 3:45:59

Bring it, I'm gonna have to challenge your own Challenge with a Tripple crown solo of my own next set
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

archaic Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 4:34:08

I like Crown with a shot of triple sec
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

mrford Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 4:44:03

I understand you were just attempting a play on words

But you shoot whisky

you never, ever, mix it unless you have a vagina. He'll, even my woman shoots whisky
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

llaar Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 13:23:25

you can mix w/coca cola though

nothing wrong with that :)

mrford Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 13:36:28

Ok, I'll agree with you there, cuz I don't really like regular crown

gotta roll with the crown black for the shots. Tastes better and is more potent
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Silent Sentinel Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 13:52:27

If you say Crown to an Australian, we think beer, not whiskey.

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 5th 2010, 17:37:45


none of these poofta flufftails ! ;P
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Fooglmog Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 20:55:28

Originally posted by mrford:
they did

They did not. To "win" implies some form of completion. If you have a 10k race and someone is in first for the first 2 k, you don't say "they won for 2k" you say "They were in first for 2k".


Guy with no clue.

mrford Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 21:18:55

Me stating that they won it at the 3 hour mark implies a ending, the 3 hour mark. And saying the tripple crown states the competition.

I realize that you were trying to be clever by picking apart my obvious joke, but you fail, horribly.

Edited By: mrford on Oct 5th 2010, 21:50:42
See Original Post
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

NOW3P Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 21:49:14

Whiskey/Water = State drink of Texas

dustfp Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 22:28:22

Originally posted by Silent Sentinel:
If you say Crown to an Australian, we think beer, not whiskey.

That's definitely what I was thinking :D
SancTuarY President
icq: 123820211
aim: fudgepuppy6988

Viceroy Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 3:01:31

Originally posted by NOW3P:
Whiskey/Water = State drink of Texas

Actually, I thought it was Whiskey/Dr Pepper, but whatever...
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

mrford Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 3:02:41

Cheerwine >>>>>>>>> Dr Pepper
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Viceroy Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 3:12:57

Maybe the regular Dr Pepper, but not a true Dublin Dr Pepper...
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Junky Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 3:29:05

I drink Hawiian punch, 10% Real Fruit Juice Muther fukkers
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

mrford Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 4:07:21


That's some serious fluff right there
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

anubis0079 Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 4:34:24

Originally posted by mrford:
I understand you were just attempting a play on words

But you shoot whisky

you never, ever, mix it unless you have a vagina. He'll, even my woman shoots whisky

whiskey + ever clear + amaretto + beer = mmmmm mmmm mmmm

mixing is ok as long as you increase the potency yes? ;)

SoLer for Life
"All Hail The Maki!"
Have a heart.....they are really fresh.

crazyserb Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 5:38:23

guys just a word of advice, why not drink something that doesn't need to be taken as a shot due to its horrible taste?

try some brandy or cognac or something...and make sure its not some commercialized garbage made by some chemist in a lab, something made from natural fruits with no sugar added that gets its potency from the natural sugar in the fruit

just my suggestion

plum brandy in the morning mmmmmmmmmmm

NOW3P Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 5:39:45

Yeah....cuz Serbian brandy doesn't taste like sterno or anything :-P

j/k - <3 Rakija.

Fooglmog Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 8:37:47

Originally posted by mrford:

I realize that you were trying to be clever by picking apart my obvious joke, but you fail, horribly.

I'm too old to worry about being clever.

It's a stupid joke that someone seems to insist on making (in some variation) almost every reset. It doesn't make sense. It's never funny, and it's certainly not original anymore. Your particular variation of it had the added burden of not making sense.

Why post something like that? Is it a plea for attention?

And yes, I'm in a fluffty mood -- which is why I'm taking the time to say this. But your post would have been idiotic whether or not I took the time to point it out.

Guy with no clue.

mdevol Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 18:39:16

no point in mixing whiskey anyhow. on the rocks like its meant to be.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

NOW3P Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 20:17:17

SOL is ranked too high

crazyserb Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 20:24:11

SOL owns know that crnogorac

NOW3P Game profile


Oct 6th 2010, 20:46:38

I have never played in SoL, so they lose that right there. :-P

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 6th 2010, 22:50:28

you should have a go then mate ;)
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


anubis0079 Game profile


Oct 7th 2010, 7:30:51

i thought we were talking about drinking here ;)

SoLer for Life
"All Hail The Maki!"
Have a heart.....they are really fresh.

Fooglmog Game profile


Oct 7th 2010, 8:50:46

Isn't evolution supposed to cause improvement?

If this is an example of evolution, then I'm throwing my hat in with the creationists for origin of species.

Guy with no clue.

gwagers Game profile


Oct 7th 2010, 11:46:15

Natural evolution is supposed to cause change, not necessarily for the better. It's random, remember? That's why species die out.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Viceroy Game profile


Oct 8th 2010, 4:34:25

Its also why whales have hips.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Fooglmog Game profile


Oct 8th 2010, 5:55:16

Originally posted by gwagers:
Natural evolution is supposed to cause change, not necessarily for the better. It's random, remember? That's why species die out.

That's not true at all.

Evolution (at least, Darwinian evolution) is not random at all. Mutation within a single individual is random -- but evolution is the process of selecting the mutations that are beneficial and passing them through the entire species. That's not random, because it's predictable. Any mutation that makes an individual more likely to reproduce will pass into the species as a whole.

Species don't die out because "random evolution made them go the wrong way", they die out because conditions change and their can't evolve quickly enough to cope.

Guy with no clue.

gwagers Game profile


Oct 9th 2010, 16:30:28

For the most part, I concede the point. Regardless, the main statement I was trying to point out was the "not necessarily for the better" bit, as even unhelpful mutations can be spread throughout the entire species if those that carry them stay alive long enough to reproduce.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Fooglmog Game profile


Oct 13th 2010, 12:40:26

No... they can't. If a mutation offers no reproductive advantage it dies out, or becomes consigned to a minority of the population. It will never spread to the species as a whole and will not play a role in the evolutionary path of the species.

Mutations can be good or bad... but evolution is (by definition) the spreading of beneficial mutations. Therefore, evolution is always "for the better".

Guy with no clue.

gwagers Game profile


Oct 13th 2010, 14:22:28

As long as the disadvantage is slight enough that the individual suffering it can survive long enough to reproduce, there is no reason that a disadvantageous mutation can't spread. Case in point: Even those of us in cold climates STILL don't have fur. Despite that, plenty of humans live in cold climates, because they've found ways around that irritation that make that disadvantage survivable.

As far as I've been taught, evolution is change over time--in either direction.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Oct 13th 2010, 16:25:02

Any disadvantage when multiplied by statistically large numbers will find itself removed from the gene pool. You have to remember the time frames and numbers usually associated with evolution; even for humans, if you talk 1M years, that's a bloody lot of humans.

While you are correct that minor disadvantages may not find themselves removed immediately in times of low evolutionary pressure, in times of high evolutionary pressure (climate change, new predators, less food, disease) these slight disadvantages will find themselves rapidly selected against.

One interesting graph I liked was this one, and while it's not directly related to my point it is cool, and show...
Finally did the signature thing.

gwagers Game profile


Oct 14th 2010, 11:54:23

The graph was interesting. As someone who is not in that field of study, I had to look at it a little longer than most, but I'm pretty sure I get it now.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!