
passerby Game profile

New Member

Dec 1st 2015, 0:56:46

Hey all,

So this was my first time playing Game A and I think I destocked incorrectly. I had about $3.8B worth of stock which I dumped 2 hours before the set ended. Bought out my private market, public military market then public tech market, in that order. I think I did this wrong because after buying out my private market I was forced to dump stock on overpriced public market military units (which I completely bought out, thereby forcing me to end up buying tech to finish my destock).

Any advice on better timing my destock? Is it better to destock 1-2 days before the end to allow my private market to regenerate (but then I'd be leaving 1-2 days worth of turns on the table). I was a casher (and plan to be one again next set) if that makes any difference.


silentwolf Game profile


Dec 1st 2015, 2:04:04

tourney market is different that other servers. Sometimes the market gets empty(which is the worst case) or overpriced (normal).. overpriced cuz there is 2 reasons.. (they are stocking stuff in the market or selling it to gain profit).

So to be safe.. sometimes its best to buy oil, if you have cash in hand. there is a formula to it.

x units of oil generates x units in the private market.

so to be safe.. to destock effectively, buy oil to cash ratio.. i cant remember the ratio (check the boards for this percentage or ratio).. and then stock em.

when time comes.. clear out the private market , then use the oil to generate more units.. then clear it out again :)

u need to do the maths though.

passerby Game profile

New Member

Dec 1st 2015, 2:13:53

Ah, I didn't think of buying oil to regenerate my private market. Thanks.

drkprinc Game profile


Dec 1st 2015, 4:09:50

yeah if you are stuck buying tech you did not plan out the destock right :P
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP


EE Patron

Dec 1st 2015, 4:23:24

I usually leave about 100 or more turns on the table, but don't follow me.

silentwolf Game profile


Dec 1st 2015, 6:31:17

it all depends on your strat :)

Viceroy Game profile


Dec 1st 2015, 7:58:23

Originally posted by drkprinc:
yeah if you are stuck buying tech you did not plan out the destock right :P

Oh, so that's my problem! Planning... Who knew?
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

mrford Game profile


Dec 2nd 2015, 16:52:07

Calculate your destock.

your PM replenishes at a steady rate based off how much land you have.

3 troops
2.5 jets
2.5 turrets
1 tank
per acre per turn

you can figure out how much stock you will have, how much cash you can turn that into, and how long you need to destock it. And when those numbers match, you start.

You can also log out for 41 hours before you start destocking to get the larger PM and still be able to run those last 100 turns.

It is a bit more complicated than that, but that is the basics.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Dec 2nd 2015, 16:53:04

also, any oil under $80 is worth it for PM replenishment, otherwise you are just wasting money because you are too lazy to calculate a proper destock.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

passerby Game profile

New Member

Dec 3rd 2015, 3:46:14

Very helpful, thanks mrford

Hneftafl Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 4:15:10

Yes, whatever you do, don't be lazy while playing this game. The last thing you want to do is relax and have fun playing it. And heaven forbid you should get distracted by having a life or something. Discipline!!
If at first you don't succeed, reverse the polarity.

mrford Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 4:21:36

how you make the jump from what i said to that is fascinating.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

silentwolf Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 5:25:41

Originally posted by mrford:
Calculate your destock.

your PM replenishes at a steady rate based off how much land you have.

3 troops or 4 ?
2.5 jets
2.5 turrets
1 tank
per acre per turn

you can figure out how much stock you will have, how much cash you can turn that into, and how long you need to destock it. And when those numbers match, you start.

You can also log out for 41 hours before you start destocking to get the larger PM and still be able to run those last 100 turns.

It is a bit more complicated than that, but that is the basics.

regen is
3 troops or 4 ?
anyway .. thats a good point and guide made by mrford.

You can use eestats to forecast ur regen for the hours and simulate the costs and etc under the "others" section.. i think resell calculator.

silentwolf Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 5:26:05

Originally posted by Hneftafl:
Yes, whatever you do, don't be lazy while playing this game. The last thing you want to do is relax and have fun playing it. And heaven forbid you should get distracted by having a life or something. Discipline!!

dont drink and run turns.. can be very hazardouse :)

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2015, 11:11:11

That is a good summary by mrford. I didn't realize it was 41 hours for Tournament to get to 100 turns, rather than 40. Thanks

mrford Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 15:04:25

25 min per turn fluffs that up no? It is really 41 hours and 40 minutes to 100 I think.

And I got the 3 troop number from qzjul years ago. So unless it has changed....

Edited By: mrford on Dec 3rd 2015, 15:06:28
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2015, 16:44:04

I do appreciate it. The way I was calculating this was pretty complicated. First, when the time seemed right, I would buy out all my PM troops. Then I would wait until 1 turn passed, and determine how many new troops appeared on my PM. I would then look up old records of destocks, stored away in Microsoft OneNote, and from an old game figure out the ratio of jets, turret and tanks that would be produced by multiplying those factors with the current troop production rate. (your 3 troops , 2.5 jets and turrets, and 1 tank seems to be correct, btw)

Then I would figure out how many turns I had left, figure out a plan for selling my bushels, and log out for 40 hours to maximize my PM while minimizing my expenses.

So, now I can do all of the PM calculations in 30 seconds instead of about 15 minutes, and I now know that I need to wait 41.66 hours instead of 40 hours, because the 25 minutes thing changes it. So, mrford, you actually have saved me some time.
Thanks again :)

mrford Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 16:53:37

Yeah, i have an excel spreadsheet for my destocking needs. Makes it easy as fluff!

It is also important to point out that any goods on your PM after you log in will decay every issued turn after said login. I dont remember the percentage and it is fairly small, but enough to throw your calculations off. Once you start destocking, it doesnt matter how often you log in, just that you buy everything every login. Make sure you don't log in with like 2 min till the next turn so you wont be caught off guard with a massive PM.

Edited By: mrford on Dec 3rd 2015, 17:22:55
See Original Post
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

silentwolf Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 17:44:28

excel for the win ! :)

sprockitz Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 18:28:58

It looks like the decay rate is ~1.5% per turn.

Edited By: sprockitz on Dec 3rd 2015, 19:26:58