
MountainYeti Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 15:24:16

Stones FSed and killed my country. My country is #379. Yes i was playing without a tag(only 2nd time trying alliance) however having read the EWPP above there is nothing stating that it doesnt apply to untags. The only caveat that could've been used against me was if i was labeled a suicider or committed an eaow to provoke stones. Checking my news feed i feel this argument cannot be substantiated since I have never done anything besides ss/ps and my single landgrab on stones only followed 3 initial hits by them.

Again according to the ewpp stones should be killed. The agreement doesn't state anywhere that eaow cannot occur against untags. My limited experience in alliance makes me feel this is a waste of time but wanted to take the time to point this out and see if the server will actually enforce a clear violation

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 15:27:48

Your an untagged playing an alliance server?

Join an alliance and meet the community. You will enjoy the game way more and you won't be randomly killed.

Suni Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 15:29:04

Seriously, you are playing "Alliance" which implies that to be successful you should be in an Alliance. Yet you complain that you are running untagged and get killed. I don't understand how you think that you are a part of the EWPP if you have signed on to that pact or are not part of an alliance which has. *Hands over a crying towel, Welcome to the "Alliance" server.

mrford Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 15:30:41

stones is an idiotic spam tag. however, you are untagged so you will get no sympathy here, nor should you.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Suni Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 15:30:47

BTW, feel free to apply at :)

MountainYeti Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 15:34:00

Just relax on telling me to quit fluffing and i get what i deserve for playing untagged its just a game. Im by no means venting here simply wanted to point out that stones broke ewpp. Do what you will with that info.

MountainYeti Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 15:35:39

Suni the pact clearly states it applies to everyone equally regardless of signing and is enforced by all the signee clans

mrford Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 15:43:54

it is just a game but you are trying to twist the words of a pact that was intended to prevent OOP wars into one that protects untags.....

lol i like you.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 15:46:24

he would make a good FR mrford. He can be the FR representative of untagges :)

DeathRider Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 15:48:14

no pacts ever protect untagged countries, just tags. Untagged in this server are fair game for abuse. Untagged rarely will find themselves in fair situations because countries can't grab too many choices of clans, so they go after untagged. Always been, always will.

no sense "trying" alliance server w/o joining a clan, cause you'll just be farmed to the ground w/o being in a clan.

Furious999 Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 17:19:06

You need a response from one or other of the signatories but are unlikely to get one.

As it has played out, it has been a mistake to take much notice of exactly what the Pact says. The signatories disregard untagged players and small clans and do not consider the Pact as having any significance as regards them.

They explained that the Pact purports to involve everyone and contains a threat against everyone, whether signatories or not, because the major clans were unwilling to afford to anyone the opportunity to get in a FS while they were abiding by the terms they agreed.

They have also said that they won't bother to enforce the Pact against anyone sufficiently insignificant that an attack by them can be shrugged off by one of the major clans w/o requiring any help from anyone else.

While negotiating they overlooked the incompatibility of those two stances (because everyone not a signatory falls into the second category). Hence the misleading way the thing is drafted.

The Pact is nearing its end so questions about what it means will soon become irrelevant.

I am sorry your country was killed off. On the other hand your re-start will be well placed to do some damage if that is what you wish to do. Alternatively you could try playing within a clan. You have to play with a measure of discipline but that is not really a drawback. The server is more fun played with clan mates than it is playing solo. As you know, there is plenty of scope for solo play on the other servers.

Nekked Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 17:52:34


BladeEWG Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 19:42:18

Originally posted by mrford:
stones is an idiotic spam tag. however, you are untagged so you will get no sympathy here, nor should you.
Originally posted by mrford:
stones is an idiotic spam tag. however, you are untagged so you will get no sympathy here, nor should you.

Tsk tsk mr ford
Did you forget that I also lead this STONES tag?
After all these years I don't need to spam for members
You'd be surprised how many vets are STONES
BUT we are working with some news and that is always a challenge for any tag

And the eewp certainly doesn't apply in this matter
Thanks for playing tho

mrford Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 19:45:18

I sure as fluff didn't forget that you lead the tag. Maybe spam tag is a bit harsh but you are all over AT putting out fires and with my ingame interaction with one of your "leaders" was one of noobishness and incompetence.

Hell, you don't even know how spy ops work dude.... and didn't you get beat by OMA last set? Lol

Edited By: mrford on Jan 1st 2015, 21:37:33
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Marshal Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 20:10:44

according to lj oma beat both imag and stones.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

timmie Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 20:22:01

Originally posted by Marshal:
according to lj oma beat both imag and stones.


BladeEWG Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 22:11:38

Ya know something mr ford, I've gone out of my way to not personally insult anyone in this game but this is now an exception.
As for you, where I see posters slamming you left and right I've gone out of my way to try to toss you a crumb... Or at least to not join the slam
However I see now why that is how it is for you
You are a arse and certainly deserve what is said about you

So here's a suggestion
Worry about your tag and I'll continue to do what I can for ours
These players are worth my effort and time you are not worth either.
It pains me to have spent this time responding , simply because I know it's a waste of my time
But no worries this is the last time I will bother with you

mrford Game profile


Jan 1st 2015, 22:59:44

Lol thanks for your crumbs!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

tellarion Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 0:14:42

Furious is an idiot and once again shows his ignorance of this server. He tried to substitute the ewpp for a real retal policy last set, and this set got his own country killed for retalling retals and topfeeding.

As far as the ewpp goes, deathrider has it right. He's from know, one of the alliances that signed the pact? Gosh, furious swings again and...whoosh!

farmer Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 1:06:53

untagged or not my vote would have been to kill him. he said it was a retal the country he hit had not hit him and it was a top feed with no chance of getting the land back as he was being farmed by everyone else

MountainYeti Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 2:57:08

^we were basically identical nw when i launched my attack so it definately was not a top feed. A member of there alliance had previously hit me 3 times. i spied that member after spending stock(he had run out of gdi range) and a direct retal was not possible so i single tapped another member at same nw as me.

I wouldve had no issues with more land grabs but a coordinated kill run by a clan that was the 1st to attack over a single ss(that was not a topfeed) is a little ridiculous

farmer Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 3:16:50

from the looks of your retals it was just a matter of time before someone killed you. you triple taped a TDK country. retals are on the country that hit you not who you want to chose. get over your self!

Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 3:26:51

Originally posted by MountainYeti:
^we were basically identical nw when i launched my attack so it definately was not a top feed.
I wouldve had no issues with more land grabs but a coordinated kill run by a clan that was the 1st to attack over a single ss(that was not a topfeed) is a little ridiculous

hey NOOB!!!

networth has nothing to do with topfeeds.
it's the difference in acres between your country and the country you attacked

your country had 10603 acres and the other country had 19436 acres
thats a blantant 183% topfeed.

now if you were a member of an would know these rules and definitions.

and it's like farmer said.... you cross country retalled(again against all alliance rules) EVO, OMEGA, TDK.
It was just a matter of time before you got killled off

MountainYeti Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 3:33:49

Are you a stones member farmer you seem to be trying very hard to justify heavy handed tactics that were clearly an overreaction on the part if stones.
At no point this set did i target a clan that had not already hit me. You did highlight probably my most reckless attack run which was against tdk but even that triple tap only followed 7 attacks by a tdk member who i had no chance to retal.
Again justify what you want farmer in the end its just a game so big deal but this was clearly an overreaction imo and im not the only 1 that views it this way

MountainYeti Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 3:35:43

This is actually becoming quite entertaining seeing the angry responses from people claimimg i got what i deserve.

farmer Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 3:44:13

yes i am a stones member and have played untagged for many sets it is fun to grab the big tagged countries but dont whine when you get killed.

Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 3:50:10

Originally posted by MountainYeti:

Again justify what you want farmer in the end its just a game so big deal but this was clearly an overreaction imo and im not the only 1 that views it this way

yes you are

MountainYeti Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 3:55:51

There is a big difference between whining and simply stating what has occured in an effort to learn why. I am not a troll, i have not resorted to name calling and verbal insults(g1 on noob comment very original).

If your final answer is that my country was destroyed due to a single top feed thats fine but im not the only 1 that believes such a response was unneccesary when the land couldve been recouped very easily and i had shown 0 suicidal tendencies despite the repeated aggresion i had faced as an untagged

timmie Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 4:20:08

Bro, whilst I get the spirit of wanting to survive a set untagged, its just not possible unless you already have agreements, or history. The only person I know who can get a decent finish untagged is gogy. He still gets grabbed, but its limited and he usually retals hard so most leave him alone...

There isn't enough players, and the ewpp prevents larger alliances early war gaining with oop wars.

Essentially there aren't many targets. If you play untagged you will spend the set in Dr.. Just fyi.

Schilling Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 4:54:11

Originally posted by MountainYeti:
Stones FSed and killed my country. My country is #379. Yes i was playing without a tag(only 2nd time trying alliance) however having read the EWPP above there is nothing stating that it doesnt apply to untags. The only caveat that could've been used against me was if i was labeled a suicider or committed an eaow to provoke stones. Checking my news feed i feel this argument cannot be substantiated since I have never done anything besides ss/ps and my single landgrab on stones only followed 3 initial hits by them.

Again according to the ewpp stones should be killed. The agreement doesn't state anywhere that eaow cannot occur against untags. My limited experience in alliance makes me feel this is a waste of time but wanted to take the time to point this out and see if the server will actually enforce a clear violation

Shut up, fazar. You know the rules.

Hawkster Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 5:21:48

OP statement has so many errors in it, its not even funny.
Originally posted by MountainYeti:
Stones FSed and killed my country. My country is #379. Yes i was playing without a tag(only 2nd time trying alliance) however having read the EWPP above there is nothing stating that it doesnt apply to untags.

True, true and true. Started off well and yea EWPP even specifically states EAoW against any country.

Originally posted by MountainYeti:
The only caveat that could've been used against me was if i was labeled a suicider or committed an eaow to provoke stones.

It also allows for retal policies. Since you state you are new to alliance server, I will point out that some retal policies include KR for excessive LG's. Not only that but one could argue an excessive 'topfeed' is an EAoW, I personally wouldnt, but it is a valid argument.

Originally posted by MountainYeti:
Checking my news feed i feel this argument cannot be substantiated since I have never done anything besides ss/ps and my single landgrab on stones only followed 3 initial hits by them.

Partially true.
You need to check your news feed closer, yea they may have only been ss/ps but one was a huge topfeed. Plus as farmer already pointed out, another you tried to cross country retal.

Originally posted by MountainYeti:
Again according to the ewpp stones should be killed. The agreement doesn't state anywhere that eaow cannot occur against untags. My limited experience in alliance makes me feel this is a waste of time but wanted to take the time to point this out and see if the server will actually enforce a clear violation

False, true and false.
If anything you had already committed an EAoW and therefore the whole server is obligated to kill you. I wouldnt see it that way personally, but you cant try to use double standards. Personally I dont consider it possible to declare war upon a country in an alliance server, war can only be declared upon another alliance/clan. Otherwise it is simply a KR upon a country.

You are correct that nowhere is it stated it cannot occur against untags however, so apparently not everyone agrees with me about declaration of war. But once again we go back to if you want to accept that definition of being able to declare war upon untags or single countries, than you had already done that. A double standard.

Not sure how you can say it is a clear violation, there is nothing clear about this at all. Like I already stated if anything it was clear violation performed by your country prior to them killing you.

MountainYeti Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 5:50:53

Hawkster thanks for a reasonable response that is well written and coherent rather than just calling me out stating(fu untagged)
I wouldnt consider it an excessive top feed given it would have only taken 2 attacks to recoup positive land but that opinion was obviously not shared by stones

Furious999 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 11:50:23

They made an odd decision as the kill run cost them quite a lot of resources.

I find the general attitude towards untagged countries distasteful. And I have an admiration for the people who play untagged through a set seeking to make headway against a wave of multiple hitting that would dispirit most people very quickly.

The so called suiciders look to have quite a bit of fun targetting all the complacent low defence countries and forcing clans to run kill squads and to devote resources to kill runs. But the lack of an end product, over and above the pleasure of the hits, must render that sort of play rather empty.

I hope the introduction of bots may take some of the pressure off people who choose to play untagged. There seems to me to be some early signs that this is happening.

The real fun of the server, though, certainly lies in the opportunity it affords to co-operate within a clan.

Suicidal Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 12:55:54

MountainYeti, I guess what you are saying is that you want to join Stones. We have multiple 15 year plus veterans and a few noobs, like yourself. We have no problem helping you, if you so desire. Stones plays this as a game, as a team, and as a community. Make no mistake though we, as do other alliances, do not accept threats or the actions of a suicide. Oh yeah, we do not consider it a waste of resources in our actions. Hell, that is what the resources were for. That is just how we roll.

P.S. MrFord, you are still an asshat.
P.S.S. I want your babies

Edited By: tellarion on Jan 2nd 2015, 15:58:50

Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 13:59:18

Originally posted by Schilling:
Shut up, fazar. You know the rules.


Home Turf Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 14:20:37

Youll never get them to say they are pathetic and are complete whiny little fluffes. Ive said all along there is no such thing as a topfeed, because there is no such thing as a topfeed. If you are a large country and you don't have enuff defense to protect your land. You don't deserve it. Now the adopted way is to be nutless and whine. Oh they topfed me, oh dear what shall I do. Im worthless at retalling, and I have no offense or defense, but he took my land. So what happens is they whomever they are whine and fluff and whine and fluff.

So rather than their fa's telling them to grow a pair and running a decent country the fas make land for land stupidity etc.... These people are so far from the original way this game was played for about 8 years before the whiners started up, because they were getting their asses handed to them because they were building fluffty countries and getting schooled on landgrabs and retals. Don't know how many countries I had killed due to making massive retals or massive landgrabs. They couldn't play honestly and recoup their land, in a single retal, like quality players can do. No they whined, he hit me. I aint got a pair and I cant run a country.

Now they have the admins and game folks whom are grossly underpaid and mracles workers if you ask me. Even the fluff ones. They put into place things designed strictly for whiny ass netters that couldn't net in the rel world. No they have to have it handed to them, never get touched throughout a reset. And it is killing this game. Real close to being dead. And before you flap your gums about fixing things instead of fluffing about the game. Het I have all kinds of ideas towards regaining this game to where it should be. Anyone get the fact that this game has gone down steadily in players ever since all thus mamby pamby fluff got started. I know I have. Too bad couldn't have told the whiners to grow a pair and get better at the game. Eventually the cream would have still rose to the top, just like it did at the start of all this. But no, got too many p ussies that cant run a country like a man or woman as the case may be.

Ive tried real hard to stay off of my soapboxes around here lately, but it still just irks me that folks cant handle not being as good as someone lese and trying and learning to play better as opposed to stacking the deck in their favor.

Furious999 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 14:44:33

You could do with a bit of anger management.

Here is a start. You are not a victim. Instead of whining get yourself together with a couple of like minded people and challenge the L:L policies you dislike. You'll have fun and, who knows, you may earn some actual boasting rights instead of pretend ones.

bstrong86 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 14:48:47

Here's a thought..

Go play solo servers for a 'man' sized challenge. Alliance affords for people who have little to no time to play to run all x or lower militarized countries, because get this...

Your ALLIANCE is your protection

Even in a game where hundreds of thousands of people, if not a million+ reside if you get smoked you get a 18 hr shield. Almost all games now a days are made to protect the 'lazy' player
The Death Knights


bstrong86 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 14:55:20

And its not even about being a lazy player. It afford the same opportunities to all. Albeit the more active usually will finish better, which they should. They put more effort in.

EE as a whole, is one of the more cut throat gamesstill around. Thats whyalot of people dont play. Its to easy to have 60 days or work go to fluff.
The Death Knights


Furious999 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 15:02:10

The OP plays solo servers bstrong.

If you lack experience of Alliance it can take a while to realise that a fat target is not necessarily a good target.

I must say a single grab leading to a kill run is a pretty extreme example. But the fact that the fat target's clanmates join in the kill run is a forceful illustration of the fact that Alliance is different.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2015, 15:08:55

In my opinion dont play on Alliance server as a solo player and expect any kind of fair treatment. The whole idea of this server is to join an Alliance and play together as a team to go against other alliances. The only strength in this server is the fact that you have people behind you that will keep you safe.

It'd be like being in jail with no protection. You're on your own and fair game to the blacks, mexicans, whites, or any other group.

Home Turf Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 18:32:19

whining, get a grip. Just because I express my opinions and ideas doesn't mean Im whining. And my shrink tells me that me , myself, and I are doing fine in the anger management department. I only have a problem around dull-witted and self serving individuals. So don't make assumptions. if I was a victim you can rest assured I would have the other side become "victims" also. So I don't get whiny, just get even assmunch. whatever it takes. Have a swirve day.

Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 23:22:39

Originally posted by Home Turf:
Ive said all along there is no such thing as a topfeed, because there is no such thing as a topfeed.

Until you realize the fact that almost every alliance on this server has a definition on what a topfeed is in their retal policy posted to wiki you're posting nothing but pure garbage.

Originally posted by Home Turf:
If you are a large country and you don't have enuff defense to protect your land. You don't deserve it.

Please do tell us how much defence is enough?
The rules of the game is set up in such away that puts the defender in an almost impossible position to defend.
The defending country only has 2 defence allies while the attacking country has 3 offence allies and a 50% attack strength in a PS.

Originally posted by Home Turf:
Don't know how many countries I had killed due to making massive retals or massive landgrabs. They couldn't play honestly and recoup their land, in a single retal, like quality players can do.

wrong again!!!

The rules of the game are set up in such a way that when Country A (tyranny, maxed out military strategy tech, 14 Million networth, 5000 acres) attacks Country B (tyranny, maxed out military strategy tech, 14 Million networth, 15000 acres) and Country B retals that attack then the % of acres captured in the land grab and the following retal are equal to one another.
So tell me something sweet cheeks, how does a quality player like Country B get all his land back in a single retal? Please don't insult me by telling me that Ghost Acres will make up the difference.