
Soviet Game profile


Nov 4th 2014, 1:23:16

I'm assuming from all of the funny-as-fluff ABs on LaF. Again, no one even attempts to communicate before killing him. What a shame.

It's also abso-fluffing-lutely hi-larious that Every. Single. Hit. to kill #492 is by non-LaF alliances. Way to go rest of the server. You guys must be so far up tella's ass you can't even see daylight!

Keep giving us reasons to FS you :D
Imaginary Numbers

tellarion Game profile


Nov 4th 2014, 1:44:56

Communicate? Why? You made your position pretty damn clear already.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 4th 2014, 3:20:04

So I am guessing this is a waste of my time being here to try to fix all this mess. Thanks for letting me finally letting me know Tella.
Shoot, you could of told me this in the other 10 threads.

Edited By: galleri on Nov 4th 2014, 3:25:21

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Spoonman Game profile


Nov 4th 2014, 3:27:01


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 4th 2014, 3:28:41

Originally posted by Spoonman:


Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Riddler Game profile


Nov 4th 2014, 14:00:04

Soviet, you'll notice Rage was the ones killing #492 and look at the string of AB's he did to us before moving to LAF therefore we were also justified in killing his country. We weren't doing for anybody but one of our better netters with an all - x strat getting AB'd

Nekked Game profile


Nov 4th 2014, 14:21:51


Hawkster Game profile


Nov 4th 2014, 15:29:38

You make a ton of AB's on countries and seriously expected not to be killed. LMAO.

Why would anyone attempt to communicate, actions speak louder than words, and all those AB's were saying you had declared war, so I see no point in trying to communicate after that. If it had been done on only one country, maybe, just maybe attempt to communicate. But that would have been a very generous thing to do and certainly should not be expected.

Sifos Game profile


Nov 4th 2014, 17:53:21

I had declared war? Which rock did you climb up from under? You guys already did that, remember.

"Because a violation of the pact against any recognized clan (non-spam tag) is considered an act of war against all signatories, and because the 29th day of the set is still a little way off, all the signatories of the pact are now at war with Imag."

Where is the CF? Or did your EWPP, which everyone is supposed to know of and abide by even if they didn't want it or had any say in it at all, now also include a kind of new relation in which one side can hit while the other is expected to nothing? One side type of war thing.

You declared war on us. I hit you while we were on red, I.E. no CF had been made. We were put on yellow, I didn't hit that day, the next day I am dead. The color was wrong, we are at war.
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Riddler Game profile


Nov 4th 2014, 21:37:44

cry me a fluffing river....RAGE had you guys as DNH when you pulled the AB or else I'd have already farmed every last one of you long before your AB, if your leaders wanna talk to our leader then they can talk but until I hear of an official "DNH LEADERS WORKING TOGETHER TO RESOLVE ISSUES" thread here on the AT that both sides are aware of I will continue to lead the charge against any and all acts of aggression toward my clan mates. Granted I wont farm you guys because seriously enough is enough, but try to AB my country and I'll farm all of you

BUTTMAN Game profile


Nov 4th 2014, 21:42:05

more wars, please!

Sifos Game profile


Nov 4th 2014, 22:01:09

How nice of you to respect the small guys Riddler... Only that you didn't quite do that, now did you?

I guess we'll dance until a CF like in any other war. The irony is that a war started over lack of communication now can't be ended for the same reason :P

I work by the same principle though. Keep killing my countries, and I'll keep hitting what I can. It's not much, but I can't do any more than to continue this lost war. It is very satisfying to return the favour, wasting a few guys sets, and many others turns though, even if no one else seem to give a jack. Thanks for helping me understand suiciders while not actually having to become one myself!
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Riddler Game profile


Nov 4th 2014, 22:16:17

you just dont get it. the pact was held up by all signatories, RAGE however didn't want to drag this fluff out, hence the purpose behind the pact, you know, avoid long drawn out wars, therefor Robyn had placed you guys on DNH, after all I am assuming the idea was, "ok they learned their lesson lets move on. let them rebuild in peace without being farmed" If you continue to make dumb decisions you will continue to recieve the consequences. I'm not mad, heh, my country is built for war, I DONT NET, but hey go ahead and ruin my set. I can assure you ALL of imag cant break me down, even if you could I'd congratulate you and restart...Iwould just recommend you get Soviet or Gallerie or whoever to talk to our heads before this gets blown even more out of proportion.

Nekked Game profile


Nov 5th 2014, 0:22:58

cut down all trees and WAR!


Soviet Game profile


Nov 5th 2014, 0:31:47

Riddler if your so-called leader Robyn placed you on a one-sided DNH after killing us and expected us to not give you anything in return...

What the hell man?

RAGE committed an act of war against MY clan, so you know how we feel.

Again, no communication is going on for either side. RAGE and the other douchebags decided to hit us. We were returning the favor. Don't like it? Talk to us. I am a very level person when you are being level with me.

So again, if LaF, RAGE, TPA, SOF, etc want to contact me or galleri and TALK about the issue, I will be willing to. I doubt anyone will, but the offer is on the table.

Edited By: Soviet on Nov 5th 2014, 0:33:48
Imaginary Numbers

Fuji Game profile


Nov 5th 2014, 2:03:35

Live by the sword, die by the sword. Get over it.

Riddler Game profile


Nov 5th 2014, 2:46:43

Thats the thing Soviet, we did make an act of war to hold up to our end of the EWPP, I am not a leader in Rage, havent been for quite some time, but her point was pure in guys got quick tagkilled, ok it was done for us. we didn't want to pour salt in the wound, fine. We werent going to farm you guys..fair enough, thats all I'm saying, if you guys actually did talk then a lot of fluff could be changed. I've spoken to you several times in the past Soviet and you were always a stand up guy. I respect that, was just explaining my thoughts on why we killed sifos, it was because of his AB's against us, we didnt kill him because of his ABs on anyone else...had we not killed him someone else would have...If he wanted to AB someone he should have targeted some others who were more persistent in attacking is all I'm saying... oh well I'll back out of here now and leave knowing I said my 2 cents and I'm not entirely sure I should have even opened my mouth. Good luck Soviet in whatever decisions you guys make on the rest of the set...

133tz Game profile


Nov 5th 2014, 12:32:34

I am an EE noob.

133tz Game profile


Nov 5th 2014, 12:32:34

I am an EE noob.

Sifos Game profile


Nov 5th 2014, 18:49:24

Congrats Riddler, we can't break you down huh? Did you miss the part where in my last post where I noted I cannot do much. Dumb decisions? For each of my ab runs is preceded by one of countries being killed. All things considered we are still at war, and being at war and not hitting doesn't make sense.

If your idea was that we had learned our lesson and want to move on then why don't you get a cf in place? That usually involves a "real" DNH, the one sided you put in place is clearly nothing you are honoring during this war anyway. I don't see why you would do this anyway, the whole notion of putting an alliance you are at war with on DNH is ridiculous.

Be assured that while we are at war, I will do what I can, no matter how futile this effort is. Dumb decisions... A second/third/fourth restart isn't worth much, I bet the value of them buildings and you turns is worth way more.

Blown out of proportion? Your leaders have maneuvered yourselves into a pact where 90% (or something, who cares) to declare war on a tiny alliance and you are saying my actions are blowing things out of proportion? You are clearly the one not getting it.

If your mighty EWPP conglomerate doesn't want to keep doing this, stop blaming it on a soldier doing his work and end it they way it is usually done.
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

archaic Game profile


Nov 6th 2014, 1:48:53

So wait, a suicider tags up in the middle of a suicide run and the server is supposed to stand down?


Too bad I was travelling, I had turns.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Riddler Game profile


Nov 6th 2014, 3:00:49

"stop blaming it on a soldier doing his work and end it they way it is usually done." Your arguments are good when they are in your favor? because I could say the same thing about the reason we killed you. The entire point of this post was we killed you without contacting your leadership. Sorry Soviet but he is arguing against you lol. "All things considered we are still at war, and being at war and not hitting doesn't make sense." SO if we were indeed at war then what would it have mattered whether or not we contacted leadership. Like I stated multiple times I am not a leader. I dont claim to be, I am simply pointing out the obvious, you guys have your hands full with multiple other aggressors, there is a possible olive branch here somewhere, you guys might look into it. You can't blame a soldier for following orders, you're right! And well, our soldiers were following the orders that we were bound to follow, because we signed a pact. we honor all pacts we sign.