
mrford Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 20:41:19

Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by TAN:
I think we should add an attack delay to the FFA server. WHO'S WITH ME??



Ford -> Out of any single server, FFA has by FAR the most unique, server-specific code and one-offs. I'd invite you to remember that before you start criticizing the changes we make for ALL servers.

Bullfluff. FFA players have complained about every single blanket change made in the last 3 years. This game is based on the alliance server, I get that. Just leave FFA alone.

Edit: i appreciate all the work done to create the game and FFA and what not, but the server environments are extremely different. Your ghost acre changes, your DR changes, your attack changes, they all fluff FFA up. So maybe stop making blanket changes and roll FFA back like the entire server has been asking for.

Edited By: mrford on Aug 22nd 2014, 21:03:02
See Original Post
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

tulosba Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 20:47:14

Originally posted by Pang:

The other thing I wanted to do that no one else supports is turn the # of turns down from 120 (120) to 80(80) for this server.

You should ramp it up. Max 80/80 for week one & two, Max 100/80 for week three, max 120/120 for week four
That way you add an element of - how long to wait before surprise FS'ing the other guy, do it earlier and you have less of an advantage -> day 10 wars become day 15, day 14 wars become day 21

TAN Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 20:48:58

That's....actually a pretty interesting idea. It'll mess up finishing statistics though.

En4cer Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 21:01:02

I'm going to back the admins/developers here. There are a lot of us stomping up and down about how this game should be coded when we have absolutely no right or entitlement too. They have provided this game to us to play for free and it's development is ongoing. I trust in time they will finish with their tinkering when they are happy with the product they have provided and we can get into some kind of norm :)

Marshal Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 21:10:42

doubt we see that day when qz et co are satisfied on game mechanics etc.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

iccyh Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 21:31:21

Originally posted by tulosba:

You should ramp it up. Max 80/80 for week one & two, Max 100/80 for week three, max 120/120 for week four
That way you add an element of - how long to wait before surprise FS'ing the other guy, do it earlier and you have less of an advantage -> day 10 wars become day 15, day 14 wars become day 21

That sounds interesting.



Aug 22nd 2014, 21:33:21

I'm all for lowering total turns, it would diminish the FS advantage, a power that currently is settleing the vast majority of all wars in the first 48-72 hours. It should not affect the speed of kills tho, as most people hit daily you wont see a steep decline in killtimes...

As for walling I'd rather see a function similar to planned strike but for defense, rendering your troops unable to attack for 20h but they remain home dug in instead. Say it lowers civillian losses by 25% and increase military power by 10-25% or something similar, cost would be alot more then 2 turns, say 10turns

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 22nd 2014, 22:10:39

Originally posted by tulosba:
Originally posted by Pang:

The other thing I wanted to do that no one else supports is turn the # of turns down from 120 (120) to 80(80) for this server.

You should ramp it up. Max 80/80 for week one & two, Max 100/80 for week three, max 120/120 for week four
That way you add an element of - how long to wait before surprise FS'ing the other guy, do it earlier and you have less of an advantage -> day 10 wars become day 15, day 14 wars become day 21

Excellent suggestion for this server!!
I'd probably suggest we want to ramp up max turns daily along some sort of curve rather than do hard caps.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 22nd 2014, 22:27:43

Originally posted by XiQter:
As for walling I'd rather see a function similar to planned strike but for defense, rendering your troops unable to attack for 20h but they remain home dug in instead. Say it lowers civillian losses by 25% and increase military power by 10-25% or something similar, cost would be alot more then 2 turns, say 10turns

I really like that as well. There may be a B&S thread on it or maybe it was discussed in the staff channel. I think I remember suggesting that it be 1 attack's worth of turns (based on gov) and take another attack's worth to wake your troops up early. Also, around 4-8 hours would be a more ideal range, IMO. I'd rather use it as a tool to promote engagement (logging in) instead of a "set it and forget it" thing you do after you spend your turns after a war chat.

There also has to be deeper look at how much military you dig in vs the pop they are defending to determine how much civilian defence you get. Or it could just be a country-level mode where all your troops/tanks at home are in defence mode. That would be simpler to code :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

TAN Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 22:27:52

It's 80(80) up until turn 1200:

All govs (except Tyr, Fas): +1(1) per 50 turns.
Tyranny: +2(-0.5) turns / 50 turns
Fascism: +1(0) turns / 50 turns, starting at turn 800

Accrued turns are either reset or reduced upon 2nd government switch to reflect new government.

New bonus perk:

Add 50 turns to Turns Taken: 16 points

Trife Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 22:36:36

also, we need battleships/naval units in earth!

as well as:

being able to privately sell oil on the private market, and FAing it



Aug 22nd 2014, 22:39:13

Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by XiQter:
As for walling I'd rather see a function similar to planned strike but for defense, rendering your troops unable to attack for 20h but they remain home dug in instead. Say it lowers civillian losses by 25% and increase military power by 10-25% or something similar, cost would be alot more then 2 turns, say 10turns

I really like that as well. There may be a B&S thread on it or maybe it was discussed in the staff channel. I think I remember suggesting that it be 1 attack's worth of turns (based on gov) and take another attack's worth to wake your troops up early. Also, around 4-8 hours would be a more ideal range, IMO. I'd rather use it as a tool to promote engagement (logging in) instead of a "set it and forget it" thing you do after you spend your turns after a war chat.

There also has to be deeper look at how much military you dig in vs the pop they are defending to determine how much civilian defence you get. Or it could just be a country-level mode where all your troops/tanks at home are in defence mode. That would be simpler to code :p

Ok say its 8 hours no attacks, how about the next 12 you can attack but at the cost of readiness per attack is doubled?

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 22nd 2014, 22:39:58

@TAN -> I think I prefer making it the same for all countries on the server at all times. Making it based on turns taken puts late starters at an inherent disadvantage regardless of gov.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 22nd 2014, 22:41:34

Originally posted by XiQter:
Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by XiQter:
As for walling I'd rather see a function similar to planned strike but for defense, rendering your troops unable to attack for 20h but they remain home dug in instead. Say it lowers civillian losses by 25% and increase military power by 10-25% or something similar, cost would be alot more then 2 turns, say 10turns

I really like that as well. There may be a B&S thread on it or maybe it was discussed in the staff channel. I think I remember suggesting that it be 1 attack's worth of turns (based on gov) and take another attack's worth to wake your troops up early. Also, around 4-8 hours would be a more ideal range, IMO. I'd rather use it as a tool to promote engagement (logging in) instead of a "set it and forget it" thing you do after you spend your turns after a war chat.

There also has to be deeper look at how much military you dig in vs the pop they are defending to determine how much civilian defence you get. Or it could just be a country-level mode where all your troops/tanks at home are in defence mode. That would be simpler to code :p

Ok say its 8 hours no attacks, how about the next 12 you can attack but at the cost of readiness per attack is doubled?

that doesn't really address my concern about it becoming a once-a-day set it and forget it mechanic but increasing readiness cost per attack is an interesting point.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

TAN Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 22:44:43

Originally posted by Pang:
@TAN -> I think I prefer making it the same for all countries on the server at all times. Making it based on turns taken puts late starters at an inherent disadvantage regardless of gov.

Late starters would be placed @ 80 turns x day of the set for purposes of turns taken or something.



Aug 22nd 2014, 23:01:53

I think we are talking about different things tho, my timewindow wouldnt nessecary be the ammount of time you get the defensive bonus, just the window where you are unable to make attacks.

The defensive bonus could be a much smaller window.

Resetting the defensive bonus would just add upp more time with of your offensive disadvantages.

Say you get 4h of defensive bonus, after 4 hours you log in again, add another "fortify", you would then get (8-4)+8 hours of no attacks, the 12h would be a fixed number that wont add up, it wouldnt auto renew you would have to log in to get a new bonus. Add a max number similar to 5 PS:es that would give you.

4+4+4+4+8=24h of no attacks and 12h of increased readiness cost for attacks.

What you can do then is add a certain increased defense% / civ loss % for every stacked "fortify"

This can be used to build up and counter a FS and add a new level of tatics to the metagame.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2014, 23:58:38

K - eep
I - t
S - imple
S - tupid

I financially support this game; what do you do?

Syko_Killa Game profile


Aug 23rd 2014, 0:17:00

Originally posted by King_Cobra1:
Personally I think its working as intended. The biggest reason for 20 second average kill times atm is because there is literally 30-40 people in the chat able to hit at any given time. Most wars you don't get that many chats. This SERVER war is very different then most wars. I personally think changes should be based on the normal wars not the server wars where between 4-6 alliances are sitting in one chat. Where War chats can on average have 3k to 4k turns on average without trying.

The last two attempts at slowing down kills runs personally did nothing real but, create undo grief.

My only suggestion is lets bring back the pop hit change again. That way if you do log on and do a buy up the amount of pop killed starts back over. This was a great feature which only require people to get on and could make a kill run require 350 to 400 hits instead of 250. This would really change the aspects of a game. Making more incentive for people to attempt to stonewall.

Heh, can you imagine how much the wars would change on this server if they had team rules here in 1a? Whoa, wars would actually be pretty fair. As long as the activity was the same of course.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 23rd 2014, 0:49:57

Originally posted by Requiem:
K - eep
I - t
S - imple
S - tupid


ya, that's why I sort of like the idea of having a global max turn counter on a simple, known track and having a defensive posture for your country for a shorter window. both are simpler implementations that address several problems related to war on this server. Plus, unlike deep mechanics changes to DR and kill runs, both of those changes could be written fairly easily and confined to a subset of servers.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 23rd 2014, 0:54:44

and Xiq -> ya, I'm thinking of it more like the "declare war" mechanic than the PS mechanic when it comes down to it. what you discussed certainly has merit as well. i bet qz would prefer it if you asked him :) :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Syko_Killa Game profile


Aug 23rd 2014, 5:01:12

implement FAing Turns;)
Do as I say, not as I do.

Hawkster Game profile


Aug 23rd 2014, 7:54:43

Originally posted by tulosba:
You should ramp it up. Max 80/80 for week one & two, Max 100/80 for week three, max 120/120 for week four
That way you add an element of - how long to wait before surprise FS'ing the other guy, do it earlier and you have less of an advantage -> day 10 wars become day 15, day 14 wars become day 21

Hmm that is interesting. I still do not like this idea, but will admit it does have merit and better pro's than the blanket 80(80) all set suggestion.

1) The beginning of the set is when one normally is wanting to spend turns more quickly (at least imho). This will slow that down, especially coming out of protection. But it will do so even for many hours after as you will have less stored turns as well.

2) This will also kill the bulk batch explore of 126 turns (towards end of first week ?? think it is) and ruin a lot of strats.

3) While it may encourage clans considering the FS bit later in the set and not doing it so soon, this change is a major change and has far more reaching affects and impacts than just this. It will impact everything from max NW, to bulk explores to even having smaller amounts to put on market in early days of the set, etc. I think if the main idea is encourage delaying the FS, there should be better suggestions to address that, than one that affects so many other things.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 23rd 2014, 12:32:36

Upsetting the status quo isn't a reason to not make changes. Strats will adjust based on mechanic changes. It's the same for everyone.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Untagged Hunter


Aug 23rd 2014, 16:44:18

Just leave it the way it is please. It's a server war ffs. With 30-40 active hitters from 4-5 clans, of course you will die faster.

Zorp Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 23rd 2014, 17:03:47

It seems to me the easiest way to accomplish this is to increase the rate at which readiness goes down. Make it go down much faster, but also make it go up much faster for each turn spent.

With that being said, please just leave it the fluff alone. I don't understand all the changes. It's pretty clear to me that each time some core game component is changed, people leave over it. I have considered it. Why not polish up the in game messaging system and/or forums, or something else like that which needs fixing? That's a win/win for everybody. Nobody will be pissed off, and everybody will be happy about it.

Constantly changing game mechanics is some serious weaksauce.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Aug 23rd 2014, 17:28:39

Yeah, ingame messages are an unholy mess. I would really like to be able to see the messages I sent too.

That said, if you just have a slowly expanding cap on the stored turns and leave the "turns on hand" portion alone, that would address the startup points and the FS advantage points at the same time. Start it at 120(40), then let it go to 120(80), then 120(120).

Atryn Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 0:29:04

If it is currently 120(120) how about:

start at 60(180)
then 80(160)
then 100(140)
then 120(120)

Riddler Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 1:22:19

Originally posted by Pang:

The other thing I wanted to do that no one else supports is turn the # of turns down from 120 (120) to 80(80) for this server.

I'd be comfortable with a 100 (80)

VicRattlehead Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 1:34:38

Originally posted by Atryn:

If it is currently 120(120) how about:

start at 60(180)
then 80(160)
then 100(140)
then 120(120)

That actually makes the start up objections more valid.

hoop Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 4:04:47

I'd think something more along the lines of no stored turns to avoid altering the batch explore or changes to batch exploring, but again as long as everyone's equal no issue there. Still by not allowing stored turns early that promotes activity and whiles the first day the FS still has power, by day two it's gone (not sure how much day one vs day one plus two matters in this however).


New Member

Aug 24th 2014, 4:12:09


kemo Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 17:11:50

ffa should be the only server with conditioning tech. win
all praised to ra

Die Laf Die


Aug 24th 2014, 17:30:14

How about 360/360 express style

Trife Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 17:31:38

who cares about FFA?

ain't nobody with a RL got time fo dat

Pain Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 17:45:22

who cares about making more game changes for the dwindling whiny player base. why not work on facebook integration to get more people. this game has like 100 less players then when i played last, thats a steep fall off.
Your mother is a nice woman

major Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 20:17:27

just keep it as is.

Marshal Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 20:30:17

Originally posted by Trife:
who cares about FFA?

ain't nobody with a RL got time fo dat

apparently over 100 ppls has time.

you must be lcn village idiot.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

DJBeif Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 21:10:08


EL Rapy


Aug 24th 2014, 21:44:21


Trife Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 21:45:11

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by Trife:
who cares about FFA?

ain't nobody with a RL got time fo dat

apparently over 100 ppls has time.

you must be lcn village idiot.


you say that FFA has 100+ people, cool

well so does team and it's a broken cesspool of a server

Marshal Game profile


Aug 25th 2014, 2:47:47

ffa works much better than team (especially when its warring time). team is broken since it got molded wrongly when it was made.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

tellarion Game profile


Aug 25th 2014, 15:35:18

Originally posted by Marshal:
ffa works much better than team (especially when its warring time). team is broken since it got molded wrongly when it was made.




Aug 25th 2014, 15:50:11

this thread makes me want to kill 2 countries in under a minute (total) on team
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Trife Game profile


Aug 25th 2014, 16:08:07

Originally posted by elvesrus:
this thread makes me want to kill 2 countries in under a minute (total) on team

i dare you to try

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

Aug 25th 2014, 16:16:29

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by elvesrus:
this thread makes me want to kill 2 countries in under a minute (total) on team

i dare you to try

Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

Hawkster Game profile


Aug 25th 2014, 17:25:02

Originally posted by Pang:
Upsetting the status quo isn't a reason to not make changes. Strats will adjust based on mechanic changes. It's the same for everyone.

I understand this and definitely agree if it is the best and most viable solution. But that is not the case here. There are so many other ways to directly address this without affecting so many other things.

Back when e2025 was in its early days, the internet was lot slower than it is now. PC's and especially mobile phones processing power was lot slower. Things have changed and sped up, so I understand there might be need for change.

This could be addressed by changing the DR rates. Prolly wont be most popular but it would work.
Or could be changed by adding delay to attack again button. Once again not best but it would work.

However you could combine things:
Like have higher DR in beginning day, each day slowly changing until it stabilizes out around by day 15 of the set or w/e day you want to the current DR calc being used now. This would encourage one not to FS so early in the set.

Could have reverse of this too. Attacking countries that do too many hits when just starting out, their own population will flee the more attacks they do, because population considers it to be a young unstable country. If your country is less than 24hrs old for example if you do more than 10 attacks, growing portion of your own population flees for each extra attack you make. If 24 - 48 hr you do like more than 15 attacks a certain growing portion of your own pop flees. Etc until you get to day 15 or w/e day in which their is no population loss for the attacking country.

Or instead of a delay to attack button, you could alter the DR drastically for the first 15 seconds or 30 seconds. This will ensure that a country survives at least 15 (or 30) seconds, but can still be killed fairly quickly. The disadvantage to this would be it would require more hits to kill than currently. (But you could change DR for that too after the initial 'x' amount of seconds). Unless you do one or two attacks to start the timer ticking, wait x amount seconds and than continue hitting which would be most efficient way to do KR. Plus it allows defender that small window of chance to start walling.

These are just some examples that can be done to address mainly this issue, along with other suggestions posted here previously by others.

Of all the turn change suggestions though, I do like VicRattlehead the best, where it is stored turns that are lowered. Not sure it will keep FS being done so early, but if they do they will definitely be slower wars w/out so many stocked turns.

juice Game profile


Aug 25th 2014, 17:55:17

The idea I like best, and slightly modified by myself is this:

create a warDR, where when hit, these get piled on very fast, but also drop off very fast.

So, for every 10 hits, you get something like 5 times the amount of warDRs as you would nomral DRs

The war DRs would would drop at a rate of 100 per every minute, or 10 every 5 seconds, or something like that.

this would encourage clans to make a group of attacks in waves ever so many seconds.

Obviously this needs to be calculated a bit to find the right amount to gain and lose and the time period.

Basically it takes around 200 hits for a kill, so, make it so that a kill in under 30 seconds would take something like 800 hits, but a kill in 3 minutes would take only 200 hits and make the DRs scale between these two amount.

I think, overall, with the added benefit of more stonewalling, average kills would end up taking about 400 hits, if this was put in.

clans would start attacking in waves every 30 seconds to get the most efficient use of their turns.