
ZIP Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 0:34:36

go fluff yourself - you just made an enemy for life - i will be on the other side of what ever you are, even if i don't don't think it is right, i will be behind the scenes to screw you till the end of this game

this is the end of elysium -
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

Kyatoru Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 0:39:43

Zip what's up? Just sent you a pm.



Aug 24th 2010, 0:51:19

kinda funny that Ely crying when 5 years ago would have done exactly the same thing to an 5 country alliance.

SolidSnake Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 1:25:00

how else did you think random topfeeds would end for you?

joe2 Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 1:38:18

heaven forbid someone grab someone who's bigger than them with low def........

Ron Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 1:50:43

So I got killed after taking 3 legit retals for a double tap on me?
Ok to be fair I made 1-2 hits on LAF for each of the past few days..
But then again, if u were me, n needed to grab to grow.. Who would u pick to random grab?
-Alliance A that farmed me 10 hits a day consistently for the past 10 days; or
- Alliance B who has never touched me all set..

Thomas Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 2:06:55

Typical LaF. Farm guys into oblivion, driving people to quit. Then when they retal, LaF cries foul and kills them.

And you wonder why so many suiciders target them. Most selfish group of players I've seen.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 2:11:45

Maybe Ely should have replied to my last minute attempts to broker a pact.

They ignored it entirely and didn't even respond to messages about it. We have tried on NUMEROUS occassions to stop this, but Elysium would have nothing of it.

Elysium made their choice to be our enemies, it was a decision they made a long time ago and have continued to make. It's obvious we are in an open state of war now, so countries were killed.

Also, Thomas, wtf is your problem? They were TOPFEEDING AND AB'ING AND MISSILING LaF countries who had nothing to do with any hits on them. That's an open state of war they are declaring on us, so LaF is killing them accordingly

So anyone else who wants to come flame LaF... fluff off, we've made EVERY attempt to stop this -- offered a pact before the set started (rejected outright), tried again once hit started (rejected again) and I personally tried to sign one in the last 24 hours (no response from Elysium to my multiple messages about it, which I KNOW were read :p)
We don't want to fight Elysium, but Elysium has made it clear through their actions over the last two sets that they want to fight LaF.

This is not a LaF problem, it's an Elysium problem.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 2:15:27

also, Elysium was GS'ing thier own countries into DR and grabbing LaF's all-x countries.

That, again, is grounds for killruns.

LaF has done everything within our power to solve this situation peacefully - before it started, while it was starting and before it was about to become an issue which required kills. Ely wouldn't even discuss it at any point.

I am getting SO tired of the misdirected LaF hate on this server.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting



Aug 24th 2010, 2:20:58

LAF is a bully but i can't help but shout for joy at ELY getting what they have had coming for too long. I would say i can't wait to see who will come to ELY's aid but I seriously doubt they have any friends in this game left.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 2:21:58

Looks like collab is going to, based on thomas' stupid post.... that guy must be one of those folks in Collab who want to ruin relations between LaF and Collab, for whatever reason.

they seem to be in the habit if making friends into enemies and enemies into friends :p

I'm just going to start treating everyone else like they treat LaF btw. Do unto others and such :)

Edited By: Pang on Aug 24th 2010, 2:34:55
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

jsquared Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 2:23:45

Maybe you shouldn't of grabbed them. Or not farmed them.

diez Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 2:24:25

..and I thought farming was an act of war?

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 2:30:05

that's fine, then why are people complaining that we are performing more war-acts on them?

a state of war has existed for quite some time with Ely, whether it has been officially declared or not.

Peanut gallery, PLEASE REMEMBER:
-LaF offered elyisum a pact BEFORE the set started, which was rejected without ANY negotiation at all. Simply rejected just because we were LaF
-We attempted to broker an agreement, but were rejected again
-i PERSONALLY tried to broker a pact last night and today, and my messges to ZIP were not returned. They were read, but not returned. Marshal's replies to me today were short, and he ignored my last messages which included terms to start negotiating from.

The decisions Elysium made are what caused this to happen, and it would have been avoided if Elysium had done absolutely ANYTHING to try and be peaceful with us.

come on people... I know it's hard to think, but LaF did NOT want this to happen, and tried numerous times to stop it.
We need to replace blind LaF hate with reasoning again.
LaF is a reasonable alliance.... but you have to actually work WITH us, not just spit in our face continually if you want to have a positive relationship with us.

Edited By: Pang on Aug 24th 2010, 2:46:58
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

archaic Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 2:47:48

As much as I dislike LaF, they were certainly not alone in farming Ely. 100+ on 5 farming is a death sentence, Ely decided to go out in flames instead of embers. Ely was left with zero options, they were doomed and they lashed out at the most visible and obvious target. LaF had no choice but to kill the monster they had helped create. Sucks for LaF, but they certainly knew it was coming. I suspect this is the last anyone will be hearing of the 'coalition'.

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 2:52:20

The coalition, besides Ely, is pacted to LaF to my knowledge.

And we wanted to pact Ely too -- we didn't want to continue the beef from last set. They did. This is how it ended, unfortunately.

LaF doesn't want to run players from the server -- despite what you all think. The more players here, the more land there is, and that's positive for ALL netters.

If Ely had just played ball with LaF at all, this whole thing would have been avoided before it started.... everyone, PLEASE focus on that for a while. No one ever really brings that up, they just want to focus on big bad LaF hitting tiny, innocent ely.

If Ely wants to discuss pacting, they can contact us. We are still open to it, to my knowledge. Please do not blame us for the poor decisions Elysium's leadership made.

Here are the grabs made involving Ely all set:

AttClan DefClan total kills
zOMG ElySee 12 0
SancT50 ElySee 22 0
ElySee LaF 45 0
ElySee SoF 7 0
ElySee CFH 1 0
ElySee EVOata 2 0
ElySee ElySee 1 0
ElySee SancT50 1 0
EVOata ElySee 11 0
CFH ElySee 3 0
SoF ElySee 116 0
LCNostra ElySee 30 0
LaF ElySee 302 0

So, LCN, SoF, and Collab all farmed Ely quite a bit as well, without ANY reason to. It's not just a LaF problem, but LaF is getting all the blame. LaF is the only alliance with a legit reason to hit Ely.

So let's talk about the other alliances...

SoF, why are you guys farming Ely with 116 hits? Way to ruin the game, game ruiners!
LCN... 30 hits, you guys are killing what's left of the server :(
Collab... not only are you KILLING the game, you're posting hypocritical things on this thread.
To my knowledge, none of you had reasons to farm ely, other than trying to steal land and hope they don't notice because LaF is hitting. That's WAY lower than anything LaF is doing.
We actually OFFERED them a pact, unlike hypocrites like Collab, because we didn't WANT issues to happen.

Come on people.... look at the facts. LaF is not the big bad alliance you want us to be, we're a friendly bunch of folks looking to play the game and have a good time.

Edited By: Pang on Aug 24th 2010, 3:04:10
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 3:11:54

Elysium actually grabbed more land from LaF than LaF grabbed from Elysium.

archaic Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 3:15:35

Hey, lets face it, LaF had zero incentive to pact ELY anyway. They had a chance to play ball and kiss the ring and they did not. Even after they got farmed and wound up with a horse head in their beds they still did not pact, so they died. I doubt if anyone in Ely had any expectation of surviving this set when they named their countries.

Just don't pretend that LaF actually gives a fluff what happens to ELY, because that BS and we all know it. The spin is as responsible for the anti-LaF sentiment as anything (more for me). This is almost as absurd as the 'teaching them to run better countries' BS from last week. LaF is better off with ELY gone, Laf knew that, ELY knew that, and most importantly everybody else knew it.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 3:20:35

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Elysium actually grabbed more land from LaF than LaF grabbed from Elysium.

I havne't checked the stats, but if this is true.... then NO ONE should be complaining.
Especially when we offered Ely a pact up to and including today -- which would have meant they "won" on the issue.

Stop blaming LaF for Elyisum's poor leadership.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Yamaha Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 3:21:37

I heard that Laf didn't even TRY to pact Ely!

discuss :P
Paradigm - The Nuthouse
IMP - Haters Gonna Hate

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 3:23:40

Evo warstats say that Elysium gained 27,371 acres and destroyed (lol) 2,592 acres.

LaF gained 25,228 acres and destroyed 0 acres.

No idea if it counts ghost acres, probably not.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 3:29:48

ya.... and those 27k acres ely grabbed weren't retals.
they were hitting all-x countries who had nothing to do with the hits at all -- and then ely was GS'ing their countries into DR so we couldn't retal.

anyone else want to claim that LaF's actions weren't warranted?
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Silent Sentinel Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 3:34:40

I blame LaF and I decline to read facts or statistics.

Ron Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 3:35:31

Possible that we got more from laf. Coz I got grabbed by many alliances but I only grabbed Sof n Laf(coz they hit me the most n basically exercised no refrain, n I was in, or fought alongside, some of the other alliances so I let them go hahaha)


New Member

Aug 24th 2010, 3:35:31

fluff urselves LaF!! What do you expect a 5 man alliance to do when they can't reach the ones that farms us? Just accept the fact that we get farmed? Just so you know ZIP didn't ask us to DR it was just only me (check Ely's stats) coz it pissed me off that just because you can grab us doesn't mean we can't grab you. FYI if you look at Silver Wolf's country I only grabed once from each of your members unlike you who would farm us continuously prior to that. Don't give me the crap that only a few of you grabbed us because you could have stopped them. I don't know what you guys and ZIP talked about but as far as we knew for the past couple of days we were ready to make a pact hence I wasn't even grabbing you people since Aug 21st where I could have kept on being DRed and grabbing your members. We were set on taking the retals on other Alliances. Our allies could attest to that. So fluff u!

Edited By: SilverEagle on Aug 24th 2010, 3:38:56
See Original Post


New Member

Aug 24th 2010, 3:38:22

Don't fluffing play innocent you fluffing bastards. You played us and you know it. Enjoy being a fluff in this game. I QUIT!

Ron Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 3:38:34

Oh but my last 3 hits were retals.

Btw we were already told by leadership to stop hitting innocent people. Never my wish to hit the innocent either way but that's the only way to grow n try to retal the people farming us... I can't explore faster than the rate LAF n Sof were farming me at... I tried for a week but can't keep up.. Lol

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 3:48:50

Originally posted by SilverEagle:
fluff urselves LaF!! What do you expect a 5 man alliance to do when they can't reach the ones that farms us? Just accept the fact that we get farmed? Just so you know ZIP didn't ask us to DR it was just only me (check Ely's stats) coz it pissed me off that just because you can grab us doesn't mean we can't grab you. FYI if you look at Silver Wolf's country I only grabed once from each of your members unlike you who would farm us continuously prior to that. Don't give me the crap that only a few of you grabbed us because you could have stopped them. I don't know what you guys and ZIP talked about but as far as we knew for the past couple of days we were ready to make a pact hence I wasn't even grabbing you people since Aug 21st where I could have kept on being DRed and grabbing your members. We were set on taking the retals on other Alliances. Our allies could attest to that. So fluff u!

Why did ZIP not respond to me then, if he wanted to pursue a pact... he told me he did (after I talked to marshal about it) but then didn't reply to any msgs after i said "ok, let's work towards signing one"

I'm sure we can still come to an agreement if Ely is willing to actually discuss the issue and not just flame us....
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting



Aug 24th 2010, 3:54:20

Pang, you gotta see this from others perspectives too...

add up all the hits against Ely, not made by LaF and you get 194, still over 100 less than 302. We in Collab COULD have farmed Ely like you were, I saw that I could have gained 50+ acres per hit on them for 20 hits per day, but I didn't, and much of Collab didn't. Pact or not, you could have exercised restraint on your members, its done all the time with major alliances that hit a Foreign Affairs bump. Its not out of the realm of leadership to restrain members to a few hits on Ely per day.

With the size of this game LaF must start thinking not about what CAN be done, but what SHOULD be done. Look over at the team server and you see it shrinking every set because RD owns 1/3 of the server. Granted they are much more immature over there, but the similarities are striking.

Its time to try and grow the game, not farm the same country 20 times a day because you can.

That said, Ely was an older alliance, sure, but that doesn't mean they are free from what any other 5 man clan would endure. They just happened to know how to run countries to have good farmland where most small alliances hit a shallow well of land. Ely must have decided early that they would continue this spectacle knowing what would happen, or they would have signed a pact allowing them to live through the set. Obviously they chose not to and this happened.

LaF, you should take this as a learning experience and compare what you guys did to Ely to what every other alliance did to Ely. Many hit, but few farmed them into nothingness.


New Member

Aug 24th 2010, 3:56:44

read the thread "Who leads Ely nowadays?"

I know that's true coz he isn't there all the time in site. Do you think we enjoy flaming you while we get farmed or worst even get killed? We don't even post here that often.

Mr. Lime Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 3:59:38

hey now CK RD outlined our rules from the start..leave us alone and we leave you alone...not our fault ppl decided not to believe us...

<--member of collab btw =)
ICQ: 20654127


New Member

Aug 24th 2010, 4:00:26

as for the 5 man alliance...we weren't even expecting to be 5 this set it just so happened many of our members had RL problems to attend to. We were thinking of ending this set peacefully and eventually merge



Aug 24th 2010, 4:00:40

yes yes you did...does that mean it doesn't destroy the server?

Mr. Lime Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 4:05:19

just saying we weren't farming anybody kinda hard to find similarities in that

i'd like to think of it as we encouraged smarter playing

lg non rd= you login to find a retal

lg rd= you get told to make another country upon login

i grant the learning curve is kinda steep on that one but hey we're getting off topic

damn you laf!! damn you for destroying the game and driving ppl out!

kk i'm part of the mob once again

*humps h4*
ICQ: 20654127

Chewi Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 4:09:58

Can I tag over to Ely and retal for them?

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 4:18:58

All of the arguments against LaF are moot, because Ely was offered a pact and they spit in our face....

if their leaders had put effort into working on a pact, rather than rejecting us before even discussing it, NO hits would have happened at all.

LaF was happy to pact Ely to let them rebuild... Ely would have none of it.

Keep in mind that Ely were the leaders and players in RAGE last set that pushed things to war. RAGE was not overly happy about it, so their leaders said :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Mr. Lime Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 4:23:59

Originally posted by Pang:
All of the arguments against LaF are moot, because Ely was offered a pact and they spit in our face....

if their leaders had put effort into working on a pact, rather than rejecting us before even discussing it, NO hits would have happened at all.

LaF was happy to pact Ely to let them rebuild... Ely would have none of it.

Keep in mind that Ely were the leaders and players in RAGE last set that pushed things to war. RAGE was not overly happy about it, so their leaders said :p

hey now ...don't impose your logic and truth upon us!!! we demand you stop killing this game!!

ICQ: 20654127

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 4:40:22

I'm just going to start posting new threads about every sketchy thing that is currently not being mentioned to remind everyone that LaF isn't the problem :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting


New Member

Aug 24th 2010, 4:46:46

"all arguments are moot" yeah sure...I don't know what was going through Zip and Marshal's heads or what they were planning but just because we didn't have a pact didn't mean we wanted to do something crazy like a 5 man alliance vs 64 we aren't stupid. Just because you guys started farming us didn't mean we would just sit back and do nothing. And just because you can grab us doesn't mean we can't grab your members. Heck! I didn't even care much the farming retals after doing the grabs because it kept me in DR (by the way before I got DRed by another ely member I already was 16-20+ deep thanks to the farms) you guys it's land to us it's personal...and now you kill us for making retals? ass!

Edited By: SilverEagle on Aug 24th 2010, 4:57:29
See Original Post

TGD Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 4:51:27

So if you are not pacted to LaF that is grounds for you guys to farm?

that makes no sense what-so-ever

just because they didn't sign a pact with you guys that they should be farmed?

I love how LaF doesn't take ANY responsibilties for its actions but puts the blame on everyone else. yeah maybe they SHOULD have pacted you, but just because they did not entitles them to getting farmed? Um they have no control over YOUR members who, it seems from YOUR stats hit them over 300 times, thats 60 hits per country....quite sad.... :(

oh well 5 more players gone along with 1 more alliance

Unless YOUR leadership takes control over YOUR members more players are going to get angry, suiside on you, causing you to kill them, thus causing them to ultimately quit. Thus leaving you with only pacted alliances left with nobody to landgrab.

Sadly Pang, your members HAVE to learn some restraint on their excessive landgrabing, and this goes for Sol and the other alliances as well. This sever is going to slowly keep on wiltering with the current policies in place. I would love to see LaF in true glory and in when there are 1,000's of players, not just 600 or so left, but it appears you don't want to listen and blame everyone for not pacting you.

Lets try that, everyone should pact LaF....what will happen then? LaFers get angry that they can't farm anybody,

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 5:18:52

Originally posted by TGD:
So if you are not pacted to LaF that is grounds for you guys to farm?

that makes no sense what-so-ever

just because they didn't sign a pact with you guys that they should be farmed?

you need to look at the whole issue over the last two sets.
if you reject our pact offer a set after causing grabbing trouble and forcing us to fight, you better be able to protect your land the next set.

we didn't want to have issues, but when ely kept spitting in our face and ran countries that were NOT good, we didn't feel the need to put a leash on the members who were hitting them.

Normally, we get members to curb grabbing and move targets to DNH and such.... not that I need to explain internal laf policy here. Ely is NOT a normal case, they are a SPECIAL case.

People need to understand that.
Do you see LaF farming anyone else at that level, other than when we are openly at war with someone?
Of course you don't, so your logic doesn't hold.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 5:22:24

Originally posted by SilverEagle:
"all arguments are moot" yeah sure...I don't know what was going through Zip and Marshal's heads or what they were planning but just because we didn't have a pact didn't mean we wanted to do something crazy like a 5 man alliance vs 64 we aren't stupid. Just because you guys started farming us didn't mean we would just sit back and do nothing. And just because you can grab us doesn't mean we can't grab your members. Heck! I didn't even care much the farming retals after doing the grabs because it kept me in DR (by the way before I got DRed by another ely member I already was 16-20+ deep thanks to the farms) you guys it's land to us it's personal...and now you kill us for making retals? ass!

I don't expect you to sit back and enjoy being hit.... but if you don't like the way things are going, come deal with us on an FR level... making AT threads and complaining publicly does nothing but drive your alliance further into the ground.

I don't know if it's pride or hubris or lack of caring or whatever, but Ely has been on a downward spiral for several resets, so please don't blame LaF for what in the end is an internal elysium problem :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting


New Member

Aug 24th 2010, 5:40:03

"I don't expect you to sit back and enjoy being hit.... but if you don't like the way things are going, come deal with us on an FR level... making AT threads and complaining publicly does nothing but drive your alliance further into the ground.."

further into the ground...we're already buried in it thanks to you guys killing us...and you say that after destroying our only retal capacity? Thanks. Oh yeah if you want proof that we were headed to the negotiating table ZIP ordered us this...

Alliance: Elysium
Server: Earth Council
Divison: War Division
Posts: 383

Aug 21, 2010 12:37 PM
hold the hits on LAF for now - we are pacting them,
we did it - they gave us a 72 hr window. lets make the others pay

"I don't know if it's pride or hubris or lack of caring or whatever, but Ely has been on a downward spiral for several resets, so please don't blame LaF for what in the end is an internal elysium problem :p"

We aren't blaming you for our demise...we couldn't get new members and our new ones are slowly leaving due to RL issues or any other reason. Like I said in my earlier post were were expecting this to be our last set as an independent alliance and you guys just had to fluff us...that's what pisses me. So yeah thanks.


New Member

Aug 24th 2010, 5:43:08

Originally posted by Pang:
"I don't expect you to sit back and enjoy being hit.... but if you don't like the way things are going, come deal with us on an FR level... making AT threads and complaining publicly does nothing but drive your alliance further into the ground.."

further into the ground...we're already buried in it thanks to you guys killing us...and you say that after destroying our only retal capacity? Thanks. Oh yeah if you want proof that we were headed to the negotiating table ZIP ordered us this...

Alliance: Elysium
Server: Earth Council
Divison: War Division
Posts: 383

Aug 21, 2010 12:37 PM
hold the hits on LAF for now - we are pacting them,
we did it - they gave us a 72 hr window. lets make the others pay

We were getting ready to retal SoF and the others...

Originally posted by Pang:
"I don't know if it's pride or hubris or lack of caring or whatever, but Ely has been on a downward spiral for several resets, so please don't blame LaF for what in the end is an internal elysium problem :p"

We aren't blaming you for our demise...we couldn't get new members and our new ones are slowly leaving due to RL issues or any other reason. Like I said in my earlier post were were expecting this to be our last set as an independent alliance and you guys just had to fluff us...that's what pisses me. So yeah thanks.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 5:45:24

you should have pacted us.

bottom line.
you rejected our offer without even attempting to negotiate...
we also didn't give you 72h retal windows.... i said we could work on negotiating a pact -- if you had actually talked to h4 at the start, you could have negotiated with him.

STOP blaming LaF when your leaders continually made decisions which put you in LaF's sights over the last two sets. We just want to net in peace, you guys just want to complain.

You got what you want, it seems :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting


New Member

Aug 24th 2010, 5:56:53

Even if our leaders may have rejected the first the hell could we have rejected the second one when you guys didn't give us time? You basically killed us after making legit retals?

"We just want to net in peace, you guys just want to complain. You got what you want, it seems :p"

You're an a-hole for believing that and saying that to me. I arrived in Elysium just over a set ago to try this game and to help out the alliance in whatever way I can. In the old days (4-5 years ago) I never would have done anything like this nor do I post anything at AT that often. I don't do things like this because I just want to but because there is a legit reason to.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 24th 2010, 6:01:04

legit retals?

you were hitting all-x countries and GS'ing yourselvesinto DR.

if you were making legit retals, we'd have accepted them. Those are not legit retals.

also, I have been working on a pact with marshal/zip for a few days....
they were receiving my msgs but not replying to me
marshall was short and ignored my last minute request for a pact

I've personally done everything I can possibly think of to try and end this situation for the last 2 weeks, but your leaders wouldn't didn;'t want to.

blame them... not LaF. Seriously. We are nice folks who wanted you guys to rebuild and flourish or find a new home somewhere.

Don't forget that Elysium was in LaF for quite some time.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting


New Member

Aug 24th 2010, 6:11:05

This was my grab:
Aug 17/10 9:48:53 PM PS Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 655 A

Your retal:
Aug 18/10 12:35:30 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 53 A
Aug 18/10 12:35:25 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 54 A
Aug 18/10 12:34:58 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 78 A
Aug 18/10 12:20:18 AM SS TagiduLaSheYesh (#282) (SoF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 91 A

the only day I asked to be DRed by a fellow Ely:
Aug 18/10 12:35:30 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 53 A
Aug 18/10 12:35:25 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 54 A
Aug 18/10 12:34:58 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 78 A
Aug 18/10 12:20:18 AM SS TagiduLaSheYesh (#282) (SoF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 91 A
Was that a legit retal on your part???
My grab:
Aug 21/10 3:31:25 AM PS Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 1160 A

Your retal:
Aug 21/10 5:57:57 PM SS Currently Logged In (#253) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:37:10 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:37:03 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:40 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:35:36 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:33 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:30 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:27 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:24 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:22 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:19 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:16 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 44 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:12 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 44 A
Aug 21/10 6:34:25 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 44 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:28 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:21:26 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:21:23 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 79 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:20 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 79 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:17 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 80 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:15 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 81 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:11 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 82 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:09 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 83 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:05 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 84 A
Aug 21/10 6:20:52 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 85 A
Aug 21/10 6:20:28 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:20:14 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:18:27 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 88 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:22 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 89 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:19 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 90 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:16 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 92 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:12 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:06 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:02 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:58 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:49 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:45 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:41 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:39 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:36 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:32 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 95 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:14 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 95 A
I held of making any grabs thinking there was a pact
Aug 22/10 1:24:29 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 41 A
Aug 22/10 1:24:25 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 41 A
Aug 22/10 1:24:22 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 22/10 1:24:17 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 22/10 1:22:56 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 22/10 1:22:52 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 22/10 1:22:35 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 22/10 1:22:20 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 22/10 1:21:56 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 22/10 1:21:41 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 41 A
Aug 22/10 1:21:18 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 41 A
Aug 23/10 4:01:12 AM PS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 23/10 4:01:05 AM PS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 62 A
Aug 23/10 4:00:11 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 23/10 4:00:05 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 23/10 3:59:42 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 95 A
Aug 23/10 3:59:10 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 23/10 3:58:51 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 133 A

nothing came we retaled
Aug 23/10 10:40:37 PM SS Elysium (#499) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 745 A (+575 A)
Aug 23/10 10:39:45 PM SS Elysium (#499) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 740 A (+571 A)
Aug 23/10 10:38:16 PM SS Elysium (#499) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 728 A (+562 A)

then you fluffed us


New Member

Aug 24th 2010, 6:13:26

Originally posted by SilverEagle:
This was my grab:
Aug 17/10 9:48:53 PM PS Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 655 A

Your retal:
Aug 18/10 12:35:30 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 53 A
Aug 18/10 12:35:25 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 54 A
Aug 18/10 12:34:58 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 78 A
Aug 18/10 12:20:18 AM SS TagiduLaSheYesh (#282) (SoF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 91 A

the only day I asked to be DRed by a fellow Ely:
Aug 19/10 9:14:37 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 1738 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:14:33 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 1797 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:14:30 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 1853 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:14:26 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 1916 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:14:00 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 1982 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:13:42 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 2102 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:13:37 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 2168 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:13:34 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 2243 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:13:30 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 2321 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:12:00 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 2402 C/38964

My grab:
Aug 21/10 3:31:25 AM PS Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 1160 A

Your retal:
Aug 21/10 5:57:57 PM SS Currently Logged In (#253) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:37:10 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:37:03 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:40 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:35:36 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:33 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:30 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:27 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:24 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:22 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:19 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:16 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 44 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:12 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 44 A
Aug 21/10 6:34:25 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 44 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:28 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:21:26 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:21:23 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 79 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:20 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 79 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:17 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 80 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:15 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 81 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:11 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 82 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:09 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 83 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:05 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 84 A
Aug 21/10 6:20:52 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 85 A
Aug 21/10 6:20:28 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:20:14 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:18:27 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 88 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:22 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 89 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:19 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 90 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:16 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 92 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:12 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:06 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:02 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:58 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:49 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:45 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:41 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:39 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:36 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:32 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 95 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:14 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 95 A
I held of making any grabs thinking there was a pact
Aug 22/10 1:24:29 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 41 A
Aug 22/10 1:24:25 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 41 A
Aug 22/10 1:24:22 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 22/10 1:24:17 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 22/10 1:22:56 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 22/10 1:22:52 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 22/10 1:22:35 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 22/10 1:22:20 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 22/10 1:21:56 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 22/10 1:21:41 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 41 A
Aug 22/10 1:21:18 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 41 A
Aug 23/10 4:01:12 AM PS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 23/10 4:01:05 AM PS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 62 A
Aug 23/10 4:00:11 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 23/10 4:00:05 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 23/10 3:59:42 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 95 A
Aug 23/10 3:59:10 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 23/10 3:58:51 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 133 A

nothing came we retaled
Aug 23/10 10:40:37 PM SS Elysium (#499) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 745 A (+575 A)
Aug 23/10 10:39:45 PM SS Elysium (#499) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 740 A (+571 A)
Aug 23/10 10:38:16 PM SS Elysium (#499) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 728 A (+562 A)

then you fluffed us


New Member

Aug 24th 2010, 6:15:49

This was my grab:
Aug 17/10 9:48:53 PM PS Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 655 A
Your retal:
Aug 18/10 12:35:30 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 53 A
Aug 18/10 12:35:25 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 54 A
Aug 18/10 12:34:58 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 78 A
the only day I asked to be DRed by a fellow Ely:
Aug 19/10 9:14:37 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 1738 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:14:33 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 1797 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:14:30 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 1853 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:14:26 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 1916 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:14:00 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 1982 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:13:42 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 2102 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:13:37 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 2168 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:13:34 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 2243 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:13:30 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 2321 C/0 F
Aug 19/10 9:12:00 PM GS Champs Elysee (#210) (ElySee) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 2402 C/38964

My grab:
Aug 21/10 3:31:25 AM PS Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 1160 A

Your retal:
Aug 21/10 5:57:57 PM SS Currently Logged In (#253) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:37:10 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:37:03 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:40 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:35:36 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:33 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:30 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:27 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:24 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:22 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:19 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:16 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 44 A
Aug 21/10 6:35:12 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 44 A
Aug 21/10 6:34:25 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 44 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:28 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:21:26 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:21:23 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 79 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:20 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 79 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:17 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 80 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:15 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 81 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:11 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 82 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:09 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 83 A
Aug 21/10 6:21:05 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 84 A
Aug 21/10 6:20:52 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 85 A
Aug 21/10 6:20:28 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:20:14 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 21/10 6:18:27 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 88 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:22 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 89 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:19 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 90 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:16 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 92 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:12 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:06 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:18:02 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:58 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:49 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 93 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:45 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:41 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:39 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:36 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:32 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 95 A
Aug 21/10 6:17:14 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 95 A
I held of making any grabs thinking there was a pact
Aug 22/10 1:24:29 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 41 A
Aug 22/10 1:24:25 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 41 A
Aug 22/10 1:24:22 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 22/10 1:24:17 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 22/10 1:22:56 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 22/10 1:22:52 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 22/10 1:22:35 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 43 A
Aug 22/10 1:22:20 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 22/10 1:21:56 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 22/10 1:21:41 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 41 A
Aug 22/10 1:21:18 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 41 A
Aug 23/10 4:01:12 AM PS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 23/10 4:01:05 AM PS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 62 A
Aug 23/10 4:00:11 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 42 A
Aug 23/10 4:00:05 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 94 A
Aug 23/10 3:59:42 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 95 A
Aug 23/10 3:59:10 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) Defence Held
Aug 23/10 3:58:51 AM SS Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) Silver Wolf (#342) (ElySee) 133 A

it still went on so we yeah it's legit
Aug 23/10 10:40:37 PM SS Elysium (#499) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 745 A (+575 A)
Aug 23/10 10:39:45 PM SS Elysium (#499) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 740 A (+571 A)
Aug 23/10 10:38:16 PM SS Elysium (#499) (ElySee) Enterprise NX01 (#147) (LaF) 728 A (+562 A)

then you fluffed us