
Dragon Game profile


Aug 14th 2010, 19:39:23

Because it definitely applies here, too.

Idiots abound.

I'm going along and pretty much minding my own business. Some moron double taps me. Didn't break on the first try and came back for a second shot.

Okay. The "new" Dragon understands that with so few players, double taps are probably "standard practice".

So I retal the guy once, send him a message showing the news of his hits on me and let him know he still has one retal coming.

What do I get in response? A triple tap. Someone tell me why I should tolerate even a double tap when idiots like this can't leave well enough alone?

I try and see the view of people who think that aggressive grabbing shouldn't be met with deadly force, and then when I actually try to play by what they would like the rules to be, it gets shoved straight up my ass.

No more Mr. Nice Guy. My policy is that if you grab me I will retal on the "standard" 1:1, 3:2, 5:3 format unless you're a bottom feeder. In which case, I'll take the appropriate number of attacks in whatever way I see fit.

If you retal a retal, I'll kill you. Period.

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 14th 2010, 19:58:54

RoR'ing is definitely worth killing.

I really don't get why folks get so huffy about getting grabbed, but if someone wants to grab and can't handle getting retalled like a big boy, then they deserve whatever's coming to them.

Dragon Game profile


Aug 14th 2010, 20:14:20

I'm trying to be less huffy about double taps :)

If there were more players and more available land, it would be easier to be a hardass about multi-taps.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 14th 2010, 21:09:59

"Someone tell me why I should tolerate even a double tap when idiots like this can't leave well enough alone?"

Him acting like an idiot really has nothing to do with the issue of double tapping.

Btw, I'd go to war over a RoR too.

Dragon Game profile


Aug 14th 2010, 21:36:54

I'm talking about the larger issue. The popular argument fron the Grab Gang has always been that if you get grabbed, either get more defense, or learn how to retal.

MY question now is that even of you DO have defense and DO retal, how is that gonna stop a farmer from revisiting you?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 14th 2010, 22:52:49

The only thing that can "stop a farmer from revisiting you" with 100% certainty is deleting your country.

Pain Game profile


Aug 14th 2010, 23:13:30

id say killing said farmer would also 100% stop them, at least for the set.
Your mother is a nice woman

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 14th 2010, 23:14:09

Good luck solo-killing in tourney.

Pain Game profile


Aug 14th 2010, 23:52:10

well we are in the express forum, and he said he was referring to express. so i was commenting based on express play :P
Your mother is a nice woman

Deerhunter Game profile


Aug 15th 2010, 1:23:31

Dragon you just name the bastad and ill help you kill it. I know this isnt alliance but im all for helping anyone kill someone. Im in a blood thirsty mood.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

A-Rod Game profile


Aug 15th 2010, 9:30:51

if i get hit and can't retal, imo the guy did a good job picking a target. double tap makes me upset but i get over it, triple you get to be my parking lot.

RoR just pisses me off. totally agree, = kill