
Vic Game profile


Dec 20th 2013, 14:48:17

i'm going to come on this server just to own l33tz for fun but would you all please be so kind as to explain to me the server etiquette over here.
1 tap and move on? multi tap some n00b countries if you find them?

strats that work well?
economic dynamics of a,b,c,?
is that how it works - start in game C and top finishers go to B /A ? or B and then A? or ?



EE Patron

Dec 20th 2013, 16:34:29

Casher seems really good here for some reason. Techer is solid but still benefits from a good tech set, commie is solid. Farmer seems worse here for some reason.

Tourney is a free for all without GDI. I've had people hit me with 15 missiles for a single tap. I've 10x tapped people pretty frequently. Do what you want.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Home Turf Game profile


Dec 20th 2013, 18:25:30

Yeah do that. And you will get missiled and abd. I would follow general gentlemans etiquette as opposed to bully tactics. But hey if you want to rumble, by all means have at it.


EE Patron

Dec 22nd 2013, 17:55:07

You sound new to Tournament, HomeTurf.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

major Game profile


Dec 22nd 2013, 19:17:20

i just got AB'ed and chemed for doing a retal ,lol.

Hammer Game profile


Dec 22nd 2013, 20:39:23

Originally posted by blid:

Tourney is a free for all without GDI. I've had people hit me with 15 missiles for a single tap. I've 10x tapped people pretty frequently. Do what you want.

15:1 even with the mandatory GDI?


EE Patron

Dec 22nd 2013, 22:28:19

The GDI doesn't work like Express/Primary. It just tightens the humanitarians from 8x nw to 2x networth. You can declare war to get the looser 8x humanitarians.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Dec 22nd 2013, 22:29:53

To expand on why I'm talking about multitapping here it's because the land pool is a lot smaller. To win you more or less need to multitap. Some will make sure it wasn't worth your while and make you regret it, absolutely, but it's a calculated risk.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

damondusk Game profile


Dec 29th 2013, 16:22:24

I think most players on tourny understand the nuances that necessitate an adjusted "etiquette" but still expect there to be some modicum of civility. I will not automatically missile a guy into oblivion for a double/multi tap here like I would on other servers but I will respond in force to the egregiously greedy ;)
I'd be willing to bet that this middle of the road attitude is where most of us live here.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 29th 2013, 20:44:49

I never double tap, single strike only, have never had a problem with somebody sending missiles, or tanks, or any other form of retal. In fact, I rarely get retalled since most players seem to look at what I've got going on and realize that it's hopeless, they are NEVER going to get all their land back even if they could break my defenses.

As long as you play reasonably, you should have a good game, and yes, everyone starts out in C and works their way up and/or down depending on their finish in that round.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Armadillo Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 2:23:08

All I did for about a dozen sets was single tap everyone and never got anyone going off on me, I also finished between 3rd and 6th everyone of those sets because a few people would go off on a smaller countries and a couple would get away with it and I couldn't compete. I've tried going off on people now and then and some let it go some fight back. This set a guy went off on me for nothing more then a single tap. There is not real good rule of thumb it's all a crap shoot.

Cashers and techers win most sets, the occasional commie can compete if prices are right. Farmers are just for proving everyone else with food and land.

All three games markets are mixed so it holds fairly well to what you'd know from other servers, never a big bushel spike cause the set just doesn't last that long. B/C are the same level just two of them, top 1/4 go to A bottom half of A drops down.

crest23 Game profile


Dec 31st 2013, 0:02:45

Dang! I forgot to jump. Thought the server ends at 7PM CST!
The Nigerian Nightmare.


EE Patron

Dec 31st 2013, 1:38:46

I'm stuck in the lower tier after I defeated 133tz in war.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2013, 23:00:55

I spent the entire set buying oil, switching from Republic to Demo casher. But I couldn't outbuy the oilers and I only sold a few million barrels at over $300. I was going to make $3b and retal everyone who had farmed me :) That was my 10m barrels for sale at $150 near the end there. But, its back to Tourney B...

silentwolf Game profile


Jan 1st 2014, 6:52:58

it was a gamble getafix.. didnt work out.

i gambled with bushels.. didnt pay off either.. morons kept undercutting.

since it didnt work out.. was too lazy to get up and jump..

hopefully this set is gonna be better..