
The Cloaked Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 18:51:04

Iunno why everyone is getting worked up about it.

Some LaF guy quad tapped Rage. I don't care what anyone says that's somewhere between a fluff move and an idiot move.

Rage gets to retal. I'm pretty sure that most people go land:land with probably a 200 or 400% markup for the quad hit OR they kill the offender. In this case, Rage got 1000%(and 1:1) and opted not to kill.

then they went for more outside of the LaF accepted retal period? Meh. This has nothing to do with size or Rage as an alliance. If MD did the same(an alliance of comparable size to LaF) we'd treat the hits outside the retal period as landgrabs and retal as such.

Some people think LaF are being bullies. That's your call. But I think Candy & dd have handled this in a very measured way.



Aug 25th 2013, 19:25:40

Darrian, if you were going to be a fluffing idiot you shouldn't have brought Rage back.



Aug 25th 2013, 19:49:12

I'm waiting for week 6-7 and if there are topfeeds. on a more related note, how about some clarification on "4+ hits = farm status"

how long does said farm status last?
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Pride Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 20:11:56

Rage should let it go and net the set out.

BladeEWG Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 20:18:59

Message from 133tz (#77) sent on Aug 25, 15:50

Report this message
looks like your death draws near =)

This is how LaF does FA?

Makinso Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 20:26:56

Originally posted by Requiem:
Makinso, read CM's post again. Would SOL accept a 120 hour retal window for that>?

Dear requiem i was responding to the fact That rage involving itself in sol evo monsters Vs sof from day 1 Would be stupid. See lockets post.

Also SOL would not make that many hits on any small or starting tag for that matter to start with as we basically auto pact any new tag on the server (if they ask) by SOL policy. If they dont ask we usually have them on DNH for atleast the first 1 or 2 sets depending on how things go between SOL and that particular tag.

locket Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 20:35:47

I didnt know he was rage when I said that :P I also agree on a first set DNH though to legit clans

euglaf Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 20:36:33

way to completely avoid the qusetion makinso. we know you guys would do the exact same thing from history though. does anyone else remember what happened between sol and danger 2 sets ago? i remember sol farming the crap out of them and they retaliated. when they did, sol went on to just kill them. whether its rage or danger, its the same thing. one bigger alliance didnt accept the retal policy of a smaller alliance and reacted accordingly. actually, the danger situation was even worse because all danger did was server accepeted standard retals and SOL just kept farming the crap out of them which is when they did their weird retal policy thing. yet, i merely digress.

am i against a diplomatic solution? no, i have offered rage a compromise which they didnt even try to with us as far as i know.

post edit: we had rage on DNH actually. just one member, who is relatively new to the game, being pretty dumb. losing 3000 acres for 300 acres in grabs was a pretty good lesson as was.

iScode Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 20:39:30

Originally posted by CandyMan:
2013-08-24 13:17:00 PS Erehwon (#127) RAGE Mustangs For The Win (#169) LaF 270A (455A)
2013-08-24 13:09:53 PS Ackbar (#433) RAGE Mustangs For The Win (#169) LaF 363A (598A)
2013-08-24 11:10:09 PS Sith thucks (#37) RAGE Mustangs For The Win (#169) LaF 826A (1167A)

These hits were made after the 48 hr retal window specified by LaF policy. Rage has some weird policy where 24 hr window is added to each hit after 1 hit to extend the window. A 4 tap would have a retal window of a whopping 48 + 72 = 120 hrs.

LaF welcomes new alliances back to the game, but we will not accept unreasonable retal policies, especially considering most reputable alliances would allow an accidental 4 tap over a couple hundred acres to be addressed reasonably. Rage decided to get multiples of land back within 48 hr while going for even more with their ridiculous retal policy.

Are you serious??? Your country 4 taps and you want to defend it by saying the retals were outside the 48 retal period. Yes 120 is MORE than reasonable for any alliance who has just been quad tapped you fluffing retard.

Normally there would be no retal period and the offending alliance would bend its back to make sure they get there retals and some so they wouldnt kill the country, if I was FA i would be apologizing prefously to an alliance that has just come back to keep this game growing.

what sort of fluffing wankers are you? oh thats right your laf, you could never make any sort of mistakes in your life. bunch of fluffing retards the lot of you.
God of War


Darrian Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 20:41:55

Symac? Wow thats a stupid name

Perhaps you should check with your FA more closely.
~bad as i wanna be~

iScode Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 20:43:27

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
The excuse was he didn't know he tagged up Rage.

Thats bullfluff, its a full 24 hours after he tagged up that he made the hits

2013-08-20 21:20 513 Rafe On (#786) 2,944 358,212 C Alive => [RAGE]

see a whole day before, Laf are just being complete and utter fluffs in this situation.
God of War


BladeEWG Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 20:50:26

Originally posted by locket:
I didnt know he was rage when I said that :P I also agree on a first set DNH though to legit clans

You're the one that sent that message locket?

iScode Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 20:51:38

na locket means his initial reply at the start of the thread which is now edited.
God of War




Aug 25th 2013, 21:02:30

Darrian? What a stupid leader.
You had the chance to cultivate a lasting pact with the biggest land offender in the game. All you had to do was use some common sense and a reasonable retal policy.

You went that extra mile just to piss LaF off. Now you get to be farmland. Congrats.

Son Goku Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 21:10:13

There's some fluffing drama queens in here.

It's a rather obvious mistake from the initial country and instead of taking your land back diplomatically you decide to grab as much land back as possible. If you want to stick it to LaF for a mistake, there's consequences for that decision. That's a rather stupid move from a 22 member alliance looking to reestablish themselves on the server.

Instead of playing the victim card already, why don't you try to find a middle ground and work something out? If LaF was trying to abuse you for land do you really think it would be in a form of a quad tap for under 400 combined acres?

iScode Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 21:14:34

Originally posted by Son Goku:
There's some fluffing drama queens in here.

It's a rather obvious mistake from the initial country and instead of taking your land back diplomatically you decide to grab as much land back as possible. If you want to stick it to LaF for a mistake, there's consequences for that decision. That's a rather stupid move from a 22 member alliance looking to reestablish themselves on the server.

Instead of playing the victim card already, why don't you try to find a middle ground and work something out? If LaF was trying to abuse you for land do you really think it would be in a form of a quad tap for under 400 combined acres?

yeah because when alliances make mistakes against laf thats exactly what you guys do *rolls eyes*

your arrogance is outstanding...
God of War


Son Goku Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 21:18:36

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Son Goku:
There's some fluffing drama queens in here.

It's a rather obvious mistake from the initial country and instead of taking your land back diplomatically you decide to grab as much land back as possible. If you want to stick it to LaF for a mistake, there's consequences for that decision. That's a rather stupid move from a 22 member alliance looking to reestablish themselves on the server.

Instead of playing the victim card already, why don't you try to find a middle ground and work something out? If LaF was trying to abuse you for land do you really think it would be in a form of a quad tap for under 400 combined acres?

yeah because when alliances make mistakes against laf thats exactly what you guys do *rolls eyes*

your arrogance is outstanding...

They don't have to do anything, but it's the smart move for a 22 member alliance. You can try to do anything you want in this game, that doesn't mean it's a good idea. What exactly would you accomplish by throwing yourself at an alliance 4x your size over 400 acres lost? You're not making a valiant stand, you're just suiciding and feeding land and probably losing members.

Why do alliances who can't enforce their retal policies always try to do something different? There's a long history of this being a stupid move yet you see it happen every single year.

Fuji Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 21:31:24

Originally posted by iScode:
Are you serious??? Your country 4 taps and you want to defend it by saying the retals were outside the 48 retal period. Yes 120 is MORE than reasonable for any alliance who has just been quad tapped you fluffing retard.

Normally there would be no retal period and the offending alliance would bend its back to make sure they get there retals and some so they wouldnt kill the country, if I was FA i would be apologizing prefously to an alliance that has just come back to keep this game growing.

what sort of fluffing wankers are you? oh thats right your laf, you could never make any sort of mistakes in your life. bunch of fluffing retards the lot of you.

How were you ever a FA?!

iScode Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 21:33:21

how have they done anything different? the country should of been killed, they instead retalled.

If anything i would say they did try to find middle ground.

The attacking country cant claim he thought it was an untag, its not like he tagged up within the hour of him grabbing, it was a whole 24 hours!

How can you possibly sit there and try and claim the moral high ground, YOUR country grabbed a tagged member of alliance 4 times in its first set back, YOUR member should of been killed, instead rage retalled and yet you guys are now threatning war against an alliance in its first set back??

Get off your high horse, go to rage, apologise and call it even and put each other on a DNH for the rest of the set, that simple.

Or keep trying to drive people from the game, like you have for years and be despised by everyone...

God of War


locket Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 21:47:52

SofScode accusing Laf of being arrogant... this thread is funny. ScodeSof implying like Laf is the only group that drives people from the game... heh. Sof isnt loved anymore than Laf is in this game dude. It isnt exactly common for the top alliances to be loved by anyone since they usually act like they are the top.

iScode Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 22:18:57

im not a leader in sof, my words do not represent the alliance but my personal opinion, you know that, but nice try at twisting it.
God of War


anoniem Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 22:32:10

SoL would do the same? Let's take a look see at the SoL retal policy for 4 hits:
"Four or more attacks on SOL in 72 hours - Choice of Retals, Farming, or Killing the offending country after FR notification."

I actually agree with iScode (to a point). When have LaF EVER let someone else off for making a mistake? As for it being a mistake - the LaF guy DHed first... when you attack you see the tag name next to the country (which I'm assuming was added to help avoid *mistakes*). He then proceeded to attack three more times.

Though, if it were me I'd ask for 200% L:L or 1:1 + 2:1 + 3:1 + 4:1, whichever yields the most, in a 72 hour window. But, guess what Laf have douchebags like eugene, so they'd definitely say no to an extended window. But the number of acres lost was so LOW that really Rage could have just done 1:1 on each of the attacks (in 48 hrs) and left it at that with a warning that in future they'd enforce their own retal policy.

Wait... am I actually saying LaF and Rage both have a point? I need to wake up - I think I'm having a nightmare... LaF never have a point, unless SoF are having a suck.

archaic Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 22:38:01

Sorry scode, you made your choice - you decided to be a very loud mouthpiece for Sof - you're not allowed to pretend to disagree with Laf once you get Hanlong's name tattooed on your ass.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Aug 25th 2013, 22:53:48

Why are we still bringing up Hanlong?

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

cypress Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 22:56:03

As an alliance trying to reestablish/rebuild I would have been plenty happy with taking the first 4 retals (3200 acres??) and calling it even.

Anything more than that, is pushing your luck. Unless you were trying to start some fluff from the get go - then you're getting what you want I guess.

Sov Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 22:58:37

I agree with that cypress said.

Hopefully Rage and LAF can take a step back, find some middle ground and settle the issues.

Darrian Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 23:10:42

It has been settled several hours ago.
I have enjoyed everyone's take on all of this and their choice of words. It was actually settled about an hour after the majority of post started.
~bad as i wanna be~

archaic Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 23:16:21

And for the record, as much as I despise Laf, Rage are being idiots here. You don't get to play weak sauce softball and then hide it behind some ghey retal policy clause. The rules clearly state that in the event of a conflict in retal policies, the alliance with the 4:1 membership advantage shall prevail. No way in hell PDM would ever allow somebody to default to a 120 hour retal window without FA approval, Laf is sure as hell not going to.

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Pride Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 23:16:50

Originally posted by iScode:
im not a leader in sof, my words do not represent the alliance but my personal opinion, you know that, but nice try at twisting it.

Sof killed ICN for a loud mouthed member. Just saying.

iScode Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 23:17:49

your welcome to kill sof due to me. ill accept the consequences.
God of War


CandyMan Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 0:09:01

Any accidental 4 tap, which this case was, would've been resolved equitably on a special case basis. If I were rage, I'd probably take some multiple of land:land or escalating retals and call it a day. Somehow Rage is willing to escalate a 400 acre issue into potential war. Seems dumb to me.

Smaller alliances need to:

1.) Do more due diligence when coming up with their own retal policies so as to make it consistent with server accepted rules.

2.) Be more flexible when special cases arise.

3.) Understand the number 1 goal is to survive and grow as an alliance rather than try to enforce unrealistic principles.

Not doing the above will basically get your alliance killed when conflicts escalate. You can attempt to war 1-2 sets to enforce your ridiculous policies but see where you end up after repeated beatdowns, because any alliance that matters would war you over unreasonable policies.

It just boggles my mind how much small alliances swing their fluffs around thinking they're king of the universe.

locket Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 0:11:34

It boggles my mind that anyone in this game acts or thinks they are king of the Universe

anoniem Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 0:40:06

When will LaF stop bullfluffting? It was NOT accidental. Look at the time-stamps...

archaic Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 1:05:11

Candyman, your hubris is nothing short of amazing. The whole point of this thread is that Laf makes a concerted effort set after set to make sure that no smaller alliances ever live long enough to 'survive and grow as an alliance'.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov



Aug 26th 2013, 1:30:15

So because they are "new", I guess that means there are no consequences for unreasonable actions. Got it.

euglaf Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 1:43:03

id appreciate all laf members stop posting on this thread as it seems to be resolved now...

iScode Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 1:47:42

Originally posted by CandyMan:
Any accidental 4 tap, which this case was, would've been resolved equitably on a special case basis. If I were rage, I'd probably take some multiple of land:land or escalating retals and call it a day. Somehow Rage is willing to escalate a 400 acre issue into potential war. Seems dumb to me.

1. It wasnt a mistake, he meant to hit rage, it was 24 hours after he tagged as well as you see the alliance tag when you confirm the attack. Dont call a blatant farming of a new alliance a mistake.

2. why are you bringing the amount of land in the hits in to the equation when that is not the point, the point as you and I both know is that a quad tap is a blatant disrespect for the tag, you know damn well that a quad tap is worth a kill so you should settle for escalating retals, in this case based on 1:1, 2:3, 3:6, 4:8, would mean Rage were owed 18 retals, i would be prepared to meet you half way at 9 in place of not killing the country with no time stamp.

It is just simple fa work, its standard and its been engrained in this game ever since I started, if you do not know how to do FA then you shouldnt be in fluffing leadership. You are in the wrong, stop acting like Rage is in any way at fault, which is what you are doing.
God of War


iScode Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 1:50:59

Originally posted by Symac:
So because they are "new", I guess that means there are no consequences for unreasonable actions. Got it.

the only unreasonable actions i can see are from laf, so i guess you are trying to say that because the alliance is new laf can do what they want and expect no consequences?
God of War


iScode Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 1:54:22

Originally posted by Fuji:
Originally posted by iScode:
Are you serious??? Your country 4 taps and you want to defend it by saying the retals were outside the 48 retal period. Yes 120 is MORE than reasonable for any alliance who has just been quad tapped you fluffing retard.

Normally there would be no retal period and the offending alliance would bend its back to make sure they get there retals and some so they wouldnt kill the country, if I was FA i would be apologizing prefously to an alliance that has just come back to keep this game growing.

what sort of fluffing wankers are you? oh thats right your laf, you could never make any sort of mistakes in your life. bunch of fluffing retards the lot of you.

How were you ever a FA?!

I am sorry, i didnt realise trying to encourage new alliances and new members to the game made you a bad FA, please, tell me, does a good FA lie to there allies, stab them in the back and make deals with their allies enemies, basically do anything dishonorable to win? If thats what it takes to be a good fa, then i would rather be fluff than be you.

The only thing left for you to do is to cheat, which I am sure you have tried to figure out a way to do so, but that won't help you, MD will never be number 1...
God of War


Fail Diego Fail


Aug 26th 2013, 3:47:39

The reasoning behind extending the window was in the case of a double or triple tap the defender could PS his jets enough to get the retals. I honestly never expected to see it extended to 120 least this kinda fluff makes the game more interesting, no?

Plymmy11 Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 3:48:59

Posting here for my credit. I'm also in LaF, relax.

archaic Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 4:15:56

iScode triple-post FTW!
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Oceana Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 4:35:53

Im guessing Rage should just cave-in like all the others: he double taps EVO and they don't retal, He Quad taps LCN and they dont retal, God why should RAGE get to retal at all no one else does..... OH could be cause they are RAGE and not take the Bullfluff

mdemon Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 4:41:06


HomeTurf Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 6:00:51

just trying to figure out whom will hit LaF first

Rage by overreacting to getting their arse handed to them, by overeacting in the first place to a overretal. Talk themselves right into oblivion, not the smartest move, but most likely. Gives them a reason to justify their lack of netting skills.


MD, whom everyone is trying to goad into making a big mistake. They have done a very good job of ignoring the idiots that have nothing to gain other than to see MD ruin what appears to be a real run at some nice netting countries. LaF isn't provoking them, everyone else is trying to get MD involved, why I don't know other than to get MD killed.


Hell who knows. Seems like this LaF group has some pretty misguided, plainly unskilled, jealous, pathetic people that are trying to have some alliance they aren't associated with attack a alliance that from what Im seeing ingame ie: not whats being spouted on the forums, is only going about protecting a fdp, and protecting their members from overzealous over retalling.

Why is it that no one likes the LaF folks?

my thoughts: jealousy, spite, envy, lack of ability, did I mention jealousy.

Wow, yall really need to get a grip.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 6:18:03

Originally posted by Oceana:
Im guessing Rage should just cave-in like all the others: he double taps EVO and they don't retal, He Quad taps LCN and they dont retal, God why should RAGE get to retal at all no one else does..... OH could be cause they are RAGE and not take the Bullfluff

Laf and Evo were at war briefly...

iScode Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 7:23:33

Originally posted by HomeTurf:

Why is it that no one likes the LaF folks?

my thoughts: jealousy, spite, envy, lack of ability, did I mention jealousy.

Because they like to have there cake and eat it too. For years Laf have been the main alliance to try and push people out of this game through farming, bullying, lieing and cheating.

When I came back to this game i thought i would give everyone (except RD) a second chance, including LAF, but they have shown that they havn't changed, they cheat if they have the opportunity and they will bully anyone given half a chance. They have the skills and the ability do not get me wrong, but if they were a little bit more humble and didnt try and get any possible advantage they could over the competition, regardless of the methods then I would have more respect for them, but years and history has shown they are despicable people who do not deserve any respect.
God of War


Erian Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 7:47:51

Originally posted by iScode:
They have the skills and the ability do not get me wrong, but if they were a little bit more humble and didnt try and get any possible advantage they could over the competition, regardless of the methods then I would have more respect for them, but years and history has shown they are despicable people who do not deserve any respect.

It's ok iScode, we're certainly not humble, and we don't care if we have your respect.

We play this game to have fun on our terms and it's no coincidence we have a mafia theme going strong after all this time. If you have a problem with us, stand up to us or get owned and whine, we don't care. We respect power and ability, not whining.

iScode Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 7:59:19

Originally posted by Erian:
Originally posted by iScode:
They have the skills and the ability do not get me wrong, but if they were a little bit more humble and didnt try and get any possible advantage they could over the competition, regardless of the methods then I would have more respect for them, but years and history has shown they are despicable people who do not deserve any respect.

It's ok iScode, we're certainly not humble, and we don't care if we have your respect.

We play this game to have fun on our terms and it's no coincidence we have a mafia theme going strong after all this time. If you have a problem with us, stand up to us or get owned and whine, we don't care. We respect power and ability, not whining.

I did stand up to you, and we won, a 72 member alliance against what 150? and you called in 7 alliances to try and destroy us? a total of over 1300 countries on 72 members, even after a week we were still killing your top countries, you had no top tens and lost avg nw, now that was enjoyable. You didnt respect it you whined like little fluffes about it being a coward move because we were discussing with IX and SOF on joining your coalition.

You do not respect power and ability, you respect lying, cheating and playing as dirty as possible to win, and you only respect it when its your own members, god forbid anyone play the way laf plays but with negative effects for laf and you whine like little fluffes. Therefor you do not respect anything at all.
God of War


Dark TwizTid


Aug 26th 2013, 8:04:10

In the end, you(we) are all just a bunch of fluffing nerds trying to win an outdated game.

Instead of arguing about which one of you has a bigger fluff, why don't you all stick to doing my math :)