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Besides that, the government has no business telling people what risks they can take with their own lives/health. We also shouldn't be forcing people to wear seat belts, carry insurance, save for retirement (heh.. yeah, like that's really where social security is going) or a myriad of other things we currently force them to do.
So long as the government offers health care to those who smoke it certainly does have a business telling people what risks they can take. Or at least cut them off and not provide them any services. I don't want my taxes paying for your lung cancer treatment because you chose to take a risk.
And that.. right there.. is EXACTLY why I have such a major problem with Obamacare. (Well, it's one of the reasons)
The government is not OFFERING me health care. The government is FORCING me to participate in its scheme. Not only am I forced to give my money to a private company whether I want to or not, I'm forced to purchase a product that the Federal Government approves, whether or not I need it. I don't need coverage for contraception, or pregnancy, or drug addiction, or whatever other excuse they find to suck more money out of us next week.
It is really hard for me to believe that more people were not absolutely incensed by this onerous intrusion into our personal lives and decisions. I can't believe that the majority of Americans couldn't see the next logical step: If the government is subsidizing (or outright providing) your health care, then they have the foundation to rule you completely. EVERY choice you make has impacts on your health. From your diet, to your hobbies, to your "bad" habits, to your sex life, even your chosen occupation.
I like to hunt. I love to just go hiking even when I'm not hunting. These activities put me at greater risk of personal injury than people who do not participate in them. Since my activities carry a greater risk of costing the collective money, should I be banned from doing them?
I like steak. MMMM STEAK! Surely eating too much steak can't be good for someone, and carries a higher risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, mad cow disease, you name it. Will Nanny Sam now give me a limit on how many times per month I can fire up my BBQ?
I'm not particularly fond of spinach. Not only am I costing the borg money by not eating enough spinach, I'm also hurting the spinach farmer by not buying his product! Commerce clause to the rescue! But dont worry. The Bureau of Diet And Food Tasting (DAFT) won't need to kick down my door and force me to eat spinach at gunpoint. They can just have the IRS "tax" me for failing to consume my mandated portion.
Cyclists have a higher risk of being seriously injured than motorists. Is it time to ban bicycles? Or perhaps we should mandate that everybody buy one, because they'll get more excercise. Oh hey, I know! Forced gym membership! And every gym must have a designated cycling track, so that we can all ride our mandated bicycles around in nice, safe circles. Don't forget your government approved helmet!
Oh wait.. I just realized I may have completely misinterpreted your post. Were you suggesting that smokers should get an exemption from government tyranny? If so, I may just have to start smoking again.
/end rant