
discharged Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:00:57

No declare?

Let me write one for you.

Dear SancT.

We want your land for free, you making retals when we grab you is not OK!

Seems about right, or what do you say?

Armadillo Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:02:27

Try "your over retaling and fluffy attitude twards us is not ok, now you go smush"

discharged Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:05:26

Show me a SINGLE over retal and I will shut up.

locket Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:08:55

I could show you a few, including one that was late.

discharged Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:10:22

Then please do, show me timestamps, attacks and do not forget to add our retal policy if you were thr agressor and your if we were the agressor.

Now go fetch!

locket Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:12:24

It all depends which policy you are using I suppose ;) But that is the point of this whole war I guess

discharged Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:17:55

Originally posted by locket:
It all depends which policy you are using I suppose ;) But that is the point of this whole war I guess

That single statement made your war unlegit. Thanks for it. So thats it small tags, if LaF do not like your retal policy they will continue to attack you and if you try to stand your ground they will FS you.

iScode Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:19:24

a retal policy for the agressor only works if you can defend it or are prepaired to die for it

i guess you were prepared to die for it :)
God of War


Thomas Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:22:27

If you grab us, we retal according to our policy.

If we grab you, you retal according to your policy.

There were no late retals.

This is in regards to #13 who claims there was a late retal. For what it's worth, every issue was related to him and I'm sure he was a LaF leader trying to start a fight with our retal policy. As I said in another thread, nobody had an issue with this policy for 2 years. He decided he didn't like it and continues to push it.

Here is the rationale behind this so-called late retal .... Keep trying to find a reason for war LaF. I explained everything out or you.
Dec 27, 2012 7:32 PM
Copy/Paste the following if you could:

This hit was a RoR:

Dec 23/12 6:22:09 AM PS Xin is the real Slim Shady (#13) (LaF) Sanctuary Lives (#16) (SANcTA) 1777 A (+1009 A)

And because of that, the retal should have been at 200%. And because it would take more than 48 hours to collect 200%, the window was extended to 72 hours, as per our posted retal policy on the site.

"72 hours if 2 or more retals are authorized (and if satisfying L:L requires more than 1 retal)."

That is our exact policy.

So this hit:

Dec 25/12 4:12:46 PM PS verbal (#242) (SANcTA) Xin is the real Slim Shady (#13) (LaF) 2880 A (+2249 A)

Was a retal.

Making these hits:

Dec 25/12 5:08:34 PM PS Xin is the real Slim Shady (#13) (LaF) verbal (#242) (SANcTA) 1445 A (+1027 A)
Dec 25/12 5:07:10 PM PS Xin is the real Slim Shady (#13) (LaF) verbal (#242) (SANcTA) 2096 A (+1337 A)

RoRs, again.

Which will be retalled at 200% of 1445+2096


Sauron NBK Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:24:27

How people still stand up for laf is beyond me. They have been proven to be cheating scum. They pull dirty cheap moves politically to further themselves and constantly pick on the little guys of the server. Truly pathetic.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 30th 2012, 22:24:48

Thomas your policy has been denied. Now you die for it. Was it worth it?

Nekked Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:26:24

Pies all Splat!


Thomas Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:27:15

Yes. Because I'm not afraid to die for what we believe in. Our members stuck around because of the group we have, not because this game is all that entertaining. If we have nothing to stand for, why play?

We aren't going to be forced into playing by rules we do not agree with because a bigger tag bullied us.

iScode Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:31:36

thats not bullying Thomas

thats saying they dont accept your retal policy

i wouldnt accept that retal policy and would of said the same as them.

you choose your retal policy and you choose to die or not for it, sometimes you need to not enforce your retal policy and look for other avenue's in FA like, we will forget all retals and a take Nap for the rest of the set? Laf has been well known to accept offers like that before (not saying they would here.)

""72 hours if 2 or more retals are authorized (and if satisfying L:L requires more than 1 retal).""

that in my mind is rediculas, ether 48 or 72 hours, pick one, dont change it up depending on how many retals there are (fyi imag's is 72 hours on all retals).

just my two cents
God of War


discharged Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:36:10

Requiem you really are stupid, what would be the alternative? rolling onto our backs and let you gangrape us?

locket Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:43:16

Make an FR deal and stop the hits entirely.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 30th 2012, 22:45:40

Originally posted by discharged:
Requiem you really are stupid, what would be the alternative? rolling onto our backs and let you gangrape us?

What locket said. Or I don't know have a retal policy that is acceptable to 99% of every other alliance in the game. If you want to try and enforce a retarded policy (please read Scode's post) then you better be prepared to back it up on the battlefield.

Thomas Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:56:30

It has been accepted. Hence the fact that nobody else has had an issue with it



Dec 30th 2012, 23:12:55

Thomas from what I can see Sanct was benefiting from every hit made (that Laf country was obviously landtrading hits with you guys). He was always running low def too. Look at the hits being exchanged still between Evo Laf and PDM. There are lots of this exact scenario going on, yet everyone is happy. You have just been pig headed in this case and tried to push a policy that was never going to float. You need to be big to push ur policies on others (especially when they are lame,sorry bro). Also if you want to keep Sanct land in sanct and not have unpacted alliances mid feed u with techers u really need to run a couple of retal countries, this is a war game and no one has any right to their land just because they say so.

One last thing sanct had 10 countries all capable of retalling #13 noone is going to give u an extra day to make another retal so just one guy can take it if it was owed.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 23:28:17

So Begins The Server War. . . .
Do as I say, not as I do.