
locket Game profile


Dec 20th 2012, 4:14:44

Originally posted by Supertodd:
Originally posted by UBer Bu:
Bonus post, here's a question! How many assault rifles (by any name) and high capacity magazines are required to defend yourself from tyranny, when the military has cruise missiles, drones, armored vehicles, and nuclear weapons? If some tyrannical government force truly wanted you dead, no amount of armor-piercing rounds would save you! Does the second amendment, in this particular interpretation, therefore allow me to seek anti-aircraft artillery or RPGs to fully defend myself?

I'm sorry, but a "militia" in the traditional has been utterly obsolete since the dawn of mechanized warfare, an age into which every person reading this has been born. Do you really think the National Guard, the Reserves, and all those active military people are going to sit on their asses while this tyrannical government sweeps in to power?

Nobody is trying to take all your guns away, give up with this obnoxious strawman for crying out loud. What I'd like is for somebody to please explain to me how assault rifles and high-capacity magazines are required for sport shooting, hunting, or self defense.

First off.. Strawman? Seriously? You do know what a straw man argument is, don't you? And that just declaring someone else's point of view to be a strawman argument does not automatically make it invalid.

What you are calling an obnoxious strawman argument - the desire to create as many barriers to tyranny as possible - was a driving force behind the creation of The Constitution.

So, since the military has terrible weapons that could overwhelm me, or vaporize entire cities in the blink of an eye, my 2nd amendment right to own whatever weapon you deem unneccessary no longer applies? You're right that if I had an assault rifle (I don't) I wouldn't be of much use with it if I were alone. But the first few words of the 2nd amendment clearly reveal that the founders didn't expect a single person to thwart tyranny alone: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state".. etc etc (I hope you know the rest already). From those words it seems clear to me that the founders were thinking in broader terms than just one guy trying to protect his personal interests from tyranny.

Now, I have a question for you. If 10,000 people stood together against tyranny, facing an army of 1000 opponents with tanks and rockets, do you think the 10,000 would have a better chance of succeess with semi automatic rifles, or with muzzle loaders?

"Do you really think the National Guard, etc, would just stand by?"..

Well, has it happened before? I would argue that it has. And you don't have to look to foreign shores for an example. Throughout our history, the Federal Government HAS committed tyrannical acts, and I can't think of an example where the military stood up to and stopped them. Genocide of Native Americans, sending Japanese Americans to concentration camps, the immoral seizing of private property by a local government in order to give that property to another private citizen... Did the military step in and stop any of these things?

And finally, you ask for an explanation of how assault rifles are required for self defense.. The answer here seems incredibly obvious, but I'll go ahead and type it out anyway. I think this one is best answered by requesting that you answer the following question for yourself: Are "assault" rifles more dangerous than "regular" rifles? If so, then it would seem to follow logically that someone trying to do me or my loved ones harm would be worse off if I did have an "assault" rifle. And if "assault" rifles are not more dangerous, then why do we need to ban them?

Your constitution was written in 1787. It is no longer 1787.

Pain Game profile


Dec 20th 2012, 4:17:37

thats a stupid statement. very stupid.
Your mother is a nice woman



Dec 20th 2012, 4:40:55

Supertodd, I think what locket is trying to say with that last comment is he believes the way he does, simply because he does. As you said, tyranny is the rule, not the exception throughout history. Unless human nature has changed in the past few hundred years, our Constitution is as relevant now as it was then.

In short, locket is more of a troll when it comes to gun control than a thinker and contributor to the conversation.

Supertodd Game profile


Dec 20th 2012, 4:57:31


While IMO your last post was pretty worthless, I'm glad you're here anyway. I had a question for you in another thread, which I notice went unanswered. Maybe you'll see it here. [edit: I see now it was actually in this very thread, just a few posts up]

You've ridiculed those who see the need to be vigilant against tyranny as stupid and crazy. Can you please explain to us how tyranny is impossible in the modern world?

If you won't at least try to answer, then I'll have to assume CKHustler is right, and you have no interest in making worthwhile contributions to the discussion.

Edited By: Supertodd on Dec 20th 2012, 5:10:27
See Original Post

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 20th 2012, 6:14:29

Look at the world that they lived in when they wrote the 2nd. It's quite different than today.
The EEVIL Empire

Pain Game profile


Dec 20th 2012, 6:18:41

it doesnt matter. you dont get to pick and chose what amendments are still relevant or not. its either all or none. if people want a new constitution that doesnt include a second amendment, then they need to fight for it like the people who wrote the first one had to.

good luck doing that without your guns :)

i think some things allowed by the first amendment are stupid, but we have a first amendment and wether i like it or not ill defend the rights afforded by that amendment

Edited By: Pain on Dec 20th 2012, 6:20:41
See Original Post
Your mother is a nice woman

Syko_Killa Game profile


Dec 20th 2012, 6:39:26

So when a gang of dudes jumps your ass to death your gonna wish u had your best friends smith and wesson
Do as I say, not as I do.

UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 20th 2012, 10:17:20

Equating reasonable restrictions on firearms ownership with the total abolition of all guns, for the purpose of arguing against both, is about as obvious as a straw man can get. Tunisia has the lowest per-capita gun ownership in the world, and were still perfectly capable of overthrowing their tyrannical oppressors.
-take off every sig.

Supertodd Game profile


Dec 20th 2012, 14:14:09

Originally posted by UBer Bu:
Equating reasonable restrictions on firearms ownership with the total abolition of all guns, for the purpose of arguing against both, is about as obvious as a straw man can get.

Ah, ok. Thanks for clarifying. I see now why your accusation of a straw man argument was so confusing for me....

I just went back and read this entire thread over again. Nowhere in it did any pro-gun poster "equate (your idea of) reasonable restrictions on firearms ownership with the total abolition of all guns". Helmet and Mr Copper both talked about how banning guns in general won't help, but both did so in response to people like locket, Detmer and others, who WERE making blanket statements about guns in general, and how guns, not the wielders, are to blame for gun violence.