
anoniem Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 14:18:27

1) You didn't get mass farmed OOP. You'd have 1k acres tops and are therefore unable to be "mass-farmed" because the returns are worse than exploring. Your players were getting raped because they had 0 defence at large acreages. If they were hitting you straight OOP as you are saying why would you have Ivan whine on AT (over what would have been 60a~ returns or lower)?

2) ABing SoF oop wouldn't benefit Evo. Wouldn't we AB LaF or some netting tag to slow them down? You don't seem to be very good at deduction. Seeing as your post is a walking contradiction.

3) You tried to blame some suiciding on players such as BobbyATA who had played in EVO, but that was easily ruled out as I knew which untagged he was, and he made 0 attacks on SoF that whole set. In fact, he was having FA issues with EVO. You need to get your head out of the clouds. Your idea of proof and the definition of the word proof are miles apart. You also tried to blame Bater at one point. Yet, I also gave you (chevs or aponic) his untagged country info. He made no attacks on you, despite your farming, because I asked him not to retaliate.

4) We had a pact (I think), yet you never provided proof of Evo players suiciding. Where is the proof? The only approach from SoF to Evo at the time was asking where some of our inactive players were. As stated in (3) I was completely open with the players that were actively logging into the evo website, yet not playing a tagged country, not that they had access to any of our tools anyway, as inactive players are placed in purgatory (with access only to the public forum & picture forum).

5) As for RD blaming KJ for the suicider on them. I wasn't provided with any evidence that it was his country, and at any rate KJ was warring with MD. Can't you get it through your head that when a player leaves an alliance that they are no longer part of that alliance? Regardless, I offered to pay RD reps, because it seemed like they truly believed it was KJ. Does that sound like me trying to get around a pact? If I think Evo have made a mistake then I'll happily have it remedied. If you even knew me one iota then you'd know that I'd do my utmost to discourage a player from playing untagged or exacting their revenge on an alliance solo.

6) As for flaming SoF. There is one good reason to flame SoF - you have the most ignorant and unintelligible player to ever grace the game, namely Ivan. You may not like me or my opinion, but I base my opinions on fact not hearsay or gossip. I don't invent facts to suit myself. Your problem is that you just can't take it when someone disagrees with you. I think that says a lot about your mentality.

7) iMag and Evo have been friends for 5+ years now. I don't need to make some veiled AT post to achieve that. Though, I will admit your translation was mildly amusing, if not extremely childish.

Flamey Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 14:58:19

As I said in my other post, we have been hit oop, a few days in and midset. We've had people with low and high defence hit, and we experienced this every set until we started enforcing the two-stepping clauses (and during the period where you guys were trying to isolate LaF by turning us neutral).

Some of those suiciders were confirmed Evo, others we knew came from other places and some we were not sure about. Bater was one, he left his API code in another alliance, he was caught red handed.

Regarding the RD thing. Tools linked it to him or his wife, he even denied a country being his despite it being set to public, another caught red handed. You say he was playing in MD, but Hanlong told me he was the most active person in your website, preparing all the foundations for your future war. And we all know now that Hanlong got that information through illegedly hacking, but that doesn't make his findings any less true.


1. "You may not like me or my opinion, but I base my opinions on fact not hearsay or gossip. I don't invent facts to suit myself."

2. "As for flaming SoF. There is one good reason to flame SoF - you have the most ignorant and unintelligible player to ever grace the game, namely Ivan."


And maybe my memory is going fuzzy, but I'm sure I saw Evo heads mocking iMaG on AT only a few sets ago.

Atryn Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 15:26:15

Originally posted by Flamey:
MD: "Rival are dirty"

Translation: Well things are not going the way we wanted it to, so we'll resort to calling everyone we dislike dirty or allies of dirtyness. We do not like Rival because they stood up to SoL's bullying last reset, just like RD stood up to us. Sooo, lets call the close allies of the alliances' we are trying to make peace with (after dumping and FSing them for our own agenda) 'dirty'.

Is this an MD position???


oh look, "dirty".

anoniem Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 15:27:17

Originally posted by Flamey:
As I said in my other post, we have been hit oop, a few days in and midset. We've had people with low and high defence hit, and we experienced this every set until we started enforcing the two-stepping clauses (and during the period where you guys were trying to isolate LaF by turning us neutral).

Some of those suiciders were confirmed Evo, others we knew came from other places and some we were not sure about. Bater was one, he left his API code in another alliance, he was caught red handed.

Regarding the RD thing. Tools linked it to him or his wife, he even denied a country being his despite it being set to public, another caught red handed. You say he was playing in MD, but Hanlong told me he was the most active person in your website, preparing all the foundations for your future war. And we all know now that Hanlong got that information through illegedly hacking, but that doesn't make his findings any less true.


1. "You may not like me or my opinion, but I base my opinions on fact not hearsay or gossip. I don't invent facts to suit myself."

2. "As for flaming SoF. There is one good reason to flame SoF - you have the most ignorant and unintelligible player to ever grace the game, namely Ivan."


And maybe my memory is going fuzzy, but I'm sure I saw Evo heads mocking iMaG on AT only a few sets ago.

There is nothing on the Evolution website pertaining to planning any war, except the reset where SoF fsed Evo (Evo were planning to FS LaF in retaliation for the previous reset) and this reset whereby we were discussing options of "hostile/friendly" wars. I find it quite funny you're claiming KJ to be some mastermind, particularly when you've got the fact that last set and this set are the first times Evo have declared war on another alliance in 5 years. I guess he was plotting (along with Evo on our forums, because hanlong told you so) the demise of SoF/LaF all along, yet failed to tell anyone else in Evo about his plans, thereby rendering him alone in his war plans.

SoF farmed Bater to fluff, and he didn't retaliate. He was in purgatory, and left Evo to play untagged then joined KSF the set after. "Some of those suiciders were confirmed Evo" - sorry that doesn't cut it. Who were these Evo suiciders? You have a plethora to choose from (going by what you've said along with ivan's claims) and of course you thoroughly investigated it at the time, so it'll be easy for you to post here country names, resets and nicknames of the offenders? Oh wait... if you had any sort of proof you'd have posted it already or would have taken retaliation on Evo that reset.

I can see you are clutching at straws when you can't even draw an example of what you're trying to prove. Whom were these Evo heads mocking iMag? Considering Evo have only three heads (and only two heads in the reset you're referring to) it's not very difficult to point out who it was.

As, for the 1+2 argument. Going on Ivan's posts (fact for all to see): it wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to think somebody gave the Incredible Hulk a computer.

PG Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 15:56:13

Why do RIVAL threads always end out in EVO, SOF, LAF, MD, SOL stuff :(

keep to the topic ppl!
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message



Jul 29th 2012, 16:11:11


Elihaar Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 17:52:42

I see rival winners 0_0
Words that rhyme with rival are:


FireFox Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 19:49:48


Zahc Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 21:16:17

+1 to anoniems #6
llort orp s`fos



Jul 29th 2012, 21:17:21

/popcorn again :)))

Ivan Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 21:19:23

So far i cant recall anoniem making any posts with actual facts in them that he hasnt twisted into what he believes happend instead of what actually happend

Zahc Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 21:29:02

Who really gives a fluff. Its all politics, ofc ppl are going to spin things to make them look like the good guys
llort orp s`fos

Flamey Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 22:38:18

Originally posted by anoniem:
I find it quite funny you're claiming KJ to be some mastermind, particularly when you've got the fact that last set and this set are the first times Evo have declared war on another alliance in 5 years. I guess he was plotting (along with Evo on our forums, because hanlong told you so) the demise of SoF/LaF all along, yet failed to tell anyone else in Evo about his plans, thereby rendering him alone in his war plans.

[11:25] <Makinso> We could give open ball to KJ
[11:25] <Makinso> as a person
[11:25] <Makinso> keep Evo on the backburner a bit
[11:25] <Makinso> he can do that
[11:25] <Makinso> he's done it before
[11:25] <Makinso> me and him incited the whole LaF/Evo riot and evo loves playing victim


[11:36] <BattleKJ> i wouldnt share anything with anyone but yank at the moment
[11:25] <Makinso> We could give open ball to KJ
[11:25] <Makinso> as a person
[11:25] <Makinso> keep Evo on the backburner a bit
[11:25] <Makinso> he can do that
[11:25] <Makinso> he's done it before
[11:25] <Makinso> me and him incited the whole LaF/Evo riot
[11:25] <Makinso> for over 8 months
[11:26] <Makinso> before the rest of evo even knew what was going to happen
[11:26] <Makinso> lol SOL and Evo were unpacted
[11:26] <Makinso> Plans got stuck up
[11:26] <Makinso> when LaF decided to gang upon us with MD and LCN I think
[11:26] <Makinso> Hence I simply don;t like letting him in the dark
[11:26] <Makinso> the longer I do that
[11:27] <Makinso> the more questions it will raise
[11:27] <Makinso> I could also explain to him discretion is very much needed
[11:39] <Makinso> Yank follows KJ aslong as Yank is presented with a decent plan
[11:39] <BattleKJ> yank listens to me
[11:39] <@Arsenal> ok
[11:39] <BattleKJ> and hes safe with any info
[11:36] <BattleKJ> as to be perfectly honest with you, it wouldnt be safe, as a number of evo heads are not all that keen on MD
[11:37] <Makinso> uuhmm yeah that's on point
[11:37] <@Arsenal> MD's done alot for evo and sol (as makinso knows) that you don't know about and your heads don't
[11:37] <BattleKJ> also, none of them would be safe with secrets anyway, as we dont have secrets :P
[11:48] <BattleKJ> In 3 sets time, myself and other Evo heads have already said we should strongly consider hitting LaF when our pact is over with

anoniem Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 22:45:31

Does that somehow make my statement redundant? Looks to reinforce it. Thanks.

Flamey Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 22:50:26

Sounds to me like your president had the whole thing authed all along (even if it was hidden from other heads), including the deteriation of relations with LaF, while playing the victim card.

Wulf Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 22:51:12

TIE is just lucky I quit this game or they would have been roflstomped.

Palmen Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 22:57:32

Would had loved having you in this war Wulfy :(

Wulf Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 22:59:11

Shame, I had plenty of time this set to break my walling record too.

anoniem Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 23:01:43

Yank listens to everyone, which is why he is president. Yank didn't declare war this reset, and was AGAINST FSing LaF last reset, so that shows how much u know.

firstly, you call KJ into question and then you try and use what he says as truth. which is it - is he untrustworthy or trustworthy? you cant have it both ways.

de1i Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 23:06:20

Just because someone is deceitful in his dealings with people outside his alliance doesn't mean he isn't a trustworthy figure inside his own.

anoniem Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 23:10:05

i never said i thought he was trustworthy. i simply pointed out the contradictory nature of flamey's argument regarding kj - all of which were "external" dealings.

de1i Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 23:18:58

It isn't a contradictory argument, I believe the point is that KJ when not acting as a Representative of Evo is that he is a piece of fluff.

BattleKJ Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 23:49:09

no u!

PG Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 23:51:00

Originally posted by Wulf:
TIE is just lucky I quit this game or they would have been roflstomped.

Ohh we could have used a vet more back :(
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

Jul 29th 2012, 23:53:46

either give honor to TIE or gtfo this thread =p
My attitude is that of a Hulk smash
Mixed with Tony Montana snortin' bags of his coke stash

Nekked Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 0:58:25

So back to the orginal question! Who won the WARS? Rival/Tie and the sperm wars

Flamey Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 1:01:07

Looks like:
LaF/SoF + RD beat SPERM
Imag beat NA, are beating Sanct
and TIE/imag will beat rival.

Kumander Otbol


Jul 30th 2012, 9:04:49

durex beat sperm. that is all i know.
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting



Jul 30th 2012, 9:07:32

random post for points
ICN- Alliance Server

Pride Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 9:10:07

Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
durex beat sperm. that is all i know.

Lies. Never trust a condom :P (I'm being serious) lol

Kumander Otbol


Jul 30th 2012, 9:23:33

Originally posted by Pride:
Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
durex beat sperm. that is all i know.

Lies. Never trust a condom :P (I'm being serious) lol

works with me. :D
WD sucks.
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

Pride Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 9:36:58


Kumander Otbol


Jul 30th 2012, 9:44:31

Originally posted by Pride:

opposite of deposits. :p
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

Pride Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 9:46:15

Lol ;)

iTarl Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 10:45:00


Drow Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 12:35:43

I think archaic was referring to the fact that since they came back rival have not had over 36 members tagged, then suddenly massively jump in numbers during this war. Be interesting to see how many members rival has next set, or end of next set. if they are back to that 36 or below, then I would call shenanigans, that all these new members show up for not even 1/2 of a set.
Tie got the tagkill cleanly despite being FS'd.
Honour to TIE, and well done. This is definitely a TIE win.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

Drow Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 12:40:20

LaF/SoF beat us, but the result isn't clean as a result of RD jumping in at the pivotal moment, skewing the result entirely.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

NukEvil Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 13:12:17

Originally posted by Drow:
LaF/SoF beat us, but the result isn't clean as a result of RD jumping in at the pivotal moment, skewing the result entirely.

Whether or not a result is "clean" doesn't matter. What does matter is certain alliances ended up towards the bottom of the scores sheet, and certain other alliances...didn't.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Locklen Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 13:15:36


Drow Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 8:04:35

ok I have to give you that.
It's just a shame that this server has declined to "we can only win by calling in and getting as many people in on our side as simultaneously possible" than because people are actually good at what they do. If LaF were so good as they claim, they should have been able to even up the odds v SoL/Evo, given how much SoF/LaF have talked them down. Instead, LaF felt they needed to double up and make it 2 v 1 numerically.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

Dooman Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 9:03:30

let me get this straight

Is TIE, and SPERM, claiming that they *wouldnt* try and recruit back vets if they were in a losing war because it might tilt the war in their favour?

locket Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 9:11:46

uhh so when you get surprise FSd by two clans with a similar membership to you when you are nowhere near ready and have no saved turns I would love to see you turn it around that fast. And PDM trash talking about war performances? lol.

Also... how can you possible say that it is definitely a TIE win when they lost or are almost tied in every single category? Their TNW is nowhere near Rivals and numerous other things. I have no idea how Rival gained in membership and to be honest, when you speak of who won this war, that doesn't matter. Rival gained more members than TIE(Who also gained and I dont see you complaining about that) and they won the war in the end. TIE put up a hell of a performance and honestly both sides can go back feeling like they performed well and can find areas they won in.

Atryn Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 12:16:56

Originally posted by Dooman:
let me get this straight

Is TIE, and SPERM, claiming that they *wouldnt* try and recruit back vets if they were in a losing war because it might tilt the war in their favour?

There is no spokesperson for "SPERM". There is no unified stance or policy for "SPERM" that is an AT construct, not a real entity.

As for MD, we are always trying to recruit back old members and find new ones from other servers/games, etc.

locket Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 12:21:35

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Dooman:
let me get this straight

Is TIE, and SPERM, claiming that they *wouldnt* try and recruit back vets if they were in a losing war because it might tilt the war in their favour?

There is no spokesperson for "SPERM". There is no unified stance or policy for "SPERM" that is an AT construct, not a real entity.

As for MD, we are always trying to recruit back old members and find new ones from other servers/games, etc.

Can i be the spokesman then?

Nekked Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 12:30:55

please stay on topic

tellarion Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 13:01:46

Warstats for SPERM?

maverickmd Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 14:23:06

None of us got TNW, so LCN is the winner!

Zahc Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 15:06:07

Laf should have atleast one in the t10 after warring all set. They win
llort orp s`fos

Zahc Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 15:09:03

Speaking of pdm war performance....this news that just popped up basically sums up pdm war abilities.

15:07 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:06 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:05 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:05 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:05 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:05 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:04 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:04 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:04 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:04 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:04 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:04 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:04 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:04 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:04 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:04 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:04 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held

15:03 07/31/12 AB A Whales Eighth Vagina (#1659) (Paradigm) something witty (#1732) (LaF) Defense Held
llort orp s`fos

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Jul 31st 2012, 23:24:50

Originally posted by Dooman:
let me get this straight

Is TIE, and SPERM, claiming that they *wouldnt* try and recruit back vets if they were in a losing war because it might tilt the war in their favour?
The fact that the timing of these recruits coincided with RIVAL starting to lose and LaF/SoF starting to win is what kind of led me to decide that the recruiting effort probably wasn't just "vets returning"
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF