
Sifos Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 22:55:30

Originally posted by Chand:

I have to admit, most Rivalers see this as a sign of defeat. Calling in err.. allies? Hired mercenaries?


Originally posted by Chand:

actually I doubt anyone cares what you think.

Were not in this to make people care what we think.

Originally posted by Palmen:
Imag bringing in their warready countries against our restarts should be a good chance for them to finally win a war against us :)

We have won every war we have had with you. Sorry.
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Wulf Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 23:04:10

If you're in EVO/SOL and co you'd all be crying gangbang right about now lol.

PG Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 23:57:25

Ohh sifos. Last war Imagnum had with Rival, I think u did a 1½ kill FS?

And I think Rival had a member who made top 10 country of imagnum acres..

But yes imagnum won the restart rating!
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

crag Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 0:25:52

rival got to do one of these so i decided i would do one myself:

rivals thoughts on the tie war

Chand: Pre war- we are awesome tie cant war we will roll over them.
during the war- fluff tie can actually play pg hold me idk what to do.
Now- yay we were losing the war for 6 weeks lets go brag we started to win for 3 days

PG: pre war- hehehe im blonde and have boobs tie cant beat us
during war- i know lets get fa from sof and say we were sending aid to sof what a great loophole in the rules. (later on) ohh man we are gonna lose lets find as many new members as we can and hope we can win the war.
now- yay camming with all those Russians to get them to join rival paid off

some random rival leader cuz i dont really know any others:
pre war- /me struts
during war- /me runs around crying
now- thanks Russians for helping us win you can go back to Russia now

*this is for entertainment purposes only i have no evidence pg is camming with ppl for them to join rival so dont ask her you pervs*
TIE President

crag Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 0:37:51

ps as imag has not even hit rival yet all it has done has let rival whine for a bit when something didnt go their way.

one could even say that tie got out recruited but rival got out politiced. assuming we called in imag which we did not.

so stop whining rival
TIE President

Bee Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 0:43:29

Originally posted by Chand:
So rather than try and fight back, tie calling in the lapdogs? Nice! I'm assuming you're already fearing the end set statistics tie?

I'll assume the conversation went like this:

Sigma: What's a decent way to preserve our warring reputation?! We fought hard, tried our best, but damn Rival just didn't roll over like we expected!

Redx: How can Rival's -dirty- tactics affect the outcome to such an extent?! We had 7m nw advantage at the starting of war! Omg, why has Rival tried to close the NW gap by adding members?! Dirty tactics because it's unfair!

Crag: Omg help! Our members got exhausted by such a long war! The activity has dropped! We're losing! Help! Someone! Anyone!

iScode: Fear not! We'll save you! We have nothing better to do! We need a better challenge! Bullying small clans is just not fun anymore! Can we join in the fun? :(( I'm sad to see everyone ignore iMag! We need attention, we need to be worth something!

* My heartfelt apologies for using your nick sigma, but I doubt crag is capable of strategizing. Thus I assume this is the result of your leadership panicking into making terrible decisions.

And this is why we were "complaining" about Rival doubling countries just to catch up to us. I KNEW a DB like chand, who's probably gotten too much praise from his mommy that he now cannot comprehend he's not as great as his mommy makes him believe, would go and boast that they "won" the war.

If they had just acknowledged they lost EVEN AFTER FSing and that they are adding members to try to beat us in stats I'd accept that - there's honor in that. But pulling cheap tricks like doubling membership ad then trying to convince ppl that they won, that just shows immaturity.

It baffles me that ANYONE in Rival can think they're "kicking TIE's ass" considering its the last week of the reset, they've had +10 member advantage for 4 weeks, and are JUST NOW catching us in kills and ALMOST getting a tag kill. I mean seriously, how arrogant do you have to be to believe that?!

Oh and Chand, maybe we're just "recruiting" them, like you said, nothing wrong with that right? Except we didn't need to recruit them, they wanted to kill you too, see how much ppl hate you guys?

Sov Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 0:53:21

I find it very convenient for TIE's leadership that they signed a pact for next set with SoF and then they think they can trash talk us and invent lies.

crag Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 1:17:00

which part was trashing sof?
TIE President

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

Jul 30th 2012, 1:19:32

where did we say that Sov?
Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

cypress Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 1:24:54

How come RIVAL didn't FA me??!!

Sov Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 1:35:09

I consider you lying about us sending FA to Rival trash-talking SoF. You've basically ignored what I have previously said and continued with the false accusations.

That is okay though, you can hide behind our pact for next set. Don't think we will forget it though.

crag Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 2:08:43

no i said pg said she found a loophole in the rules. and i never claimed anything in that post was true. i had the log of pg saying that. ill see if i can find it. tho even if i find the log you can just say i faked it
TIE President

Sov Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 2:21:01

Originally posted by crag:
PG: pre war- hehehe im blonde and have boobs tie cant beat us
during war- i know lets get fa from sof and say we were sending aid to sof what a great loophole in the rules.

It is irrelevant what PG said in her logs. In posting the above you are insinuating that SoF sent Rival aid which is completely false and I find it offensive to SoF.

If you believe SoF sent Rival FA than I challenge you to present evidence of it. If not, then it would be nice if you acknowledge we did not send FA.

Not to mention you accused SoF of tagging members over to Rival and when an indepedant observer (iScode of Imag) verified we had not you did not acknowledge that.

crag Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 2:25:20

i dont think rival got fa from sof. they probably refused aid from sof as we have done with imag. i said thats what pg said. it is irrelevant if rival got aid from sof or not as i was paraphrasing from pg not accusing sof of sending fa. most of that had been done by sperm
TIE President

sigma Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 2:30:46

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by crag:
PG: pre war- hehehe im blonde and have boobs tie cant beat us
during war- i know lets get fa from sof and say we were sending aid to sof what a great loophole in the rules.

It is irrelevant what PG said in her logs. In posting the above you are insinuating that SoF sent Rival aid which is completely false and I find it offensive to SoF.

If you believe SoF sent Rival FA than I challenge you to present evidence of it. If not, then it would be nice if you acknowledge we did not send FA.

Not to mention you accused SoF of tagging members over to Rival and when an indepedant observer (iScode of Imag) verified we had not you did not acknowledge that.

There is no evidence to suggest RIVAL had any ingame pacts with SOF at anytime; SoF has not FA'd RIVAL; nor has Crag stated SoF has aided Rival. Furthermore, TIE leadership has claimed numerous times over that the people RIVAL has tagged up did not come from SoF. There has been complaining on the TIE side about the recruits that RIVAL has picked up, but that complaining is about the sheer amount of recruits they picked up---not where they came from (we know where they came from).

There also was nothing to suggest in those logs that SoF was informed of Rival's brainstorming idea regarding fa.

If you want to talk further, perhaps irc is better. Too much crap on here =p

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 30th 2012, 2:32:25

chill and have another beer please sov ;)

as sigma said, take it the fluff to IRC please
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Jul 30th 2012, 2:43:34

Originally posted by Sov:
That is okay though, you can hide behind our pact for next set. Don't think we will forget it though.
lol classic SoF

#2 alliance overall, #1 by far for threats on AT towards other alliances

edit: meant to say it doesn't really matter what rank SoF is actually, they're pretty sure to be #1 in barking out threats over AT
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Ivan Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 4:16:19

Indeed PP, Probably has something to do with all the loudmouths on AT making things up

PG Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 5:30:52

ahha I know what logs we talking about here.. it’s a FUN message between me and a friend, where I say, in the event of all the "FA" talk.

I found a loophop in the war, no one said it wasnt allowed for RIVAL to FA SOF, instead of SOF FAing RIVAL.

i also know that FA lines further down that log, im sitting and LOL cause I think my idea is f***ed

Originally posted by cypress:
How come RIVAL didn't FA me??!!

FA u some men pictures ;)

Edited By: PG on Jul 30th 2012, 6:55:10
See Original Post
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

cypress Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 6:27:47

no thanks! :P



Jul 30th 2012, 6:36:45


Duff Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 30th 2012, 6:57:17


Palmen Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 7:37:50

Its amazing how TIE actually feels the need to defend themselves over and over and over now when we are overtaking them. I dont think that RIVAL won this war, but neither did TIE, they couldnt muster enough power to tie the bag up (no pun intended!) and finish it.

Slowly but steady we are crawling back with the added effort of a load of recruits, whats wrong with that? We started to loose and needed to find a way to climb back, how we did it doesnt really matter, what matters is that we did claw our way back and overtook you.

It took time because you did a good damn job of killing our new players that didnt have as good restarts and you did a great job of AB'ing our longtime restarts so they couldnt just start over. But in the end its the end of war that matters in my eyes and RIVAL will "win" the warstats even if TIE "won" tagkillfirst-medal. What is most important? I guess that depends on if you are RIVAL or TIE, or SPERM or LAF/SOF :P

Palmen Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 7:44:17

What Im trying to say is that "winning" is all about perception and how you decide to look at it. We wont ever agree so why are we even trying to discuss it? Why not just accept that it was a fun war and that it was funnier then sitting on our asses for 2 months? Ive had a fun time for the first war in EE and I love the challenge of trying to take down TIE's topcountries that outgrew us.

What I dont enjoy is TIE trashtalking (and I dont like RIVAL trashtalking TIE either) and I dont think its fair to say that we play dirty when we did what we needed to. If TIE could had done the same they would had done that no question about it.

About Tie flufftalking SoF, its not just leaders doing it, it has come up a few times in EE channel aswell that members of TIE accuse SoF of FA-ing us and that we are hiding SoF restarts, despite post after post with "evidence" from iScode that it never happened. Why? Do you actually feel the need to have a "reason" that you lost warstats other then that we outrecruited you? Thats the single reason and you dont need to invent other reasons and piss of SoF even more.

Pride Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 8:17:41

The way you put that Palemen one would think you lost? Imag will be hitting you soon so I'd think you either lost, or are about to lose. "It doesn't matter how you lost, you lost"?

Maybe I read that wrong.

In the end I think you guys need to just let it go. Rival vs TIE was the best war this set. All of the warmongers in this game are jealous ;) Good job to TIE and Rival.

(PS you are NOT forgiven RD :P)

Kumander Otbol


Jul 30th 2012, 8:47:01

Originally posted by PG:
Originally posted by cypress:
How come RIVAL didn't FA me??!!

FA u some men pictures ;)

she won't refuse if it's all mine. :D
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

Sifos Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 9:22:14

Originally posted by PG:
Ohh sifos. Last war Imagnum had with Rival, I think u did a 1½ kill FS?

Last war we had with you, we had a set of warring. Thus we won.
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Kumander Otbol


Jul 30th 2012, 9:25:55

Originally posted by Sifos:
Originally posted by PG:
Ohh sifos. Last war Imagnum had with Rival, I think u did a 1½ kill FS?

Last war we had with you, we had a set of warring. Thus we won.

if a war alliance finds a war, it's a win! :D
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting


New Member

Jul 30th 2012, 16:08:57

Originally posted by Pride:
The way you put that Palemen one would think you lost? Imag will be hitting you soon so I'd think you either lost, or are about to lose. "It doesn't matter how you lost, you lost"?

Maybe I read that wrong.

In the end I think you guys need to just let it go. Rival vs TIE was the best war this set. All of the warmongers in this game are jealous ;) Good job to TIE and Rival.

(PS you are NOT forgiven RD :P)

In some aspects I think we lost, they tagkilled us first (or as true as a tagkill can get with the restartrules) and they have more kills for now. In some other aspects I think we won, like ave nw.

I dont mind losing, but I do mind people satig we play dirty because we try to win by what means we can find. Recruiting just happened to work this time and we got a lot of vets to help out and some new players aswell. What we sure didnt do was cheat in any way and we fought by the book but still TIE kept their stand, if we had got the reinforcemets just a tad earlier before you killed our last breaker and started to outgrow us we would had crushed you, now its all about resilience :D

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

Jul 30th 2012, 16:18:55

Could of should have would have its neither here nor there I had fun this set and I hope everyone else did to.
Originally posted by Coalie:

Good job man. We’re all out here playing chess. While you and Leto are playing checkers.

Well played.

PG Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 16:23:27

Originally posted by Red X:
Could of should have would have its neither here nor there I had fun this set and I hope everyone else did to.

some of us did =)
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

BattleKJ Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 17:14:26

Theres definitely bits in the logs that would suggest both LaF and SoF have FA'ed Rival countries. Also is anyone buying that a terribly run alliance like Rival managed to recruit like 30% more members at a time they were suffering a humiliating war performance? No, come on lets be realistic its LaF and SoF restarts tagging Rival.

Very obvious.

iNouda Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 17:20:19


It all makes sense now. KJ is wise.

PG Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 17:46:46

All hail the mighty KJ
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

Palmen Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 19:42:01

Omg you caught us KJ, now Evo has to FS Imag and kill iScode for lying, go for it!

Not to mention that TIE probably allyspy us every day just like we do to them just to make sure its a clean war and they havent said anything about LaF or SoF. Or do you think they would lie to protect us? :P

pele Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 19:50:02

Palmen said some true words:
What Im trying to say is that "winning" is all about perception and how you decide to look at it. We wont ever agree so why are we even trying to discuss it? Why not just accept that it was a fun war and that it was funnier then sitting on our asses for 2 months? Ive had a fun time for the first war in EE and I love the challenge of trying to take down TIE's topcountries that outgrew us.

It was (is) a fun war.
/TIE Fighter



Jul 30th 2012, 19:56:55

Yes RedX we had fun, i know i did just i bit upset i didn't get to wall with my 1'st country but hey fluff happens :P

Edited By: Soultaker on Jul 30th 2012, 20:50:00
See Original Post

Zahc Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 20:52:39

If it was laf/sof restarts wouldnt they start with 300+ cs? Did you see all their ops or you going with the classic evo accusation with no proof?
llort orp s`fos

Palmen Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 21:01:32

Zahc, dont mind KJ, he needs to see ghosts or he cant stay at Arkham Asylym and play with Harlequinn.

Bikerman Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 21:06:18

Where do KJ gets all the logs from? - seems like he have log of everything...


Elihaar Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 21:08:20

IMAG is rescuing TIE
Words that rhyme with rival are:


Chand Game profile


Jul 30th 2012, 21:46:20

Originally posted by BattleKJ:
Also is anyone buying that a terribly run alliance like Rival managed to recruit like 30% more members at a time they were suffering a humiliating war performance?

Interesting! Your standards for war performance seem awfully high BJ. Looking up your clan's performance.. I wonder how you manage to justify being a war head with those results. Also BJ if you want help with updating your recruitment techniques, drop me a message, I doubt many of your members will want to stick around next set.
-Rival HC-



Jul 30th 2012, 22:46:44

all of you! get a new thread.. this is supposed to be iMagnum declares war..

Unsympathetic Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 0:11:33

A war over ingame issues that isn't the continuation of a grudge from 2003, and doesn't include unmerited accusations of botrunning? What fun!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 31st 2012, 0:53:04

Originally posted by Sifos:
Originally posted by PG:
Ohh sifos. Last war Imagnum had with Rival, I think u did a 1½ kill FS?

Last war we had with you, we had a set of warring. Thus we won.

Basically what he is saying is this: iMag considers it a win if we have to restart and if we war at all. We play for the fun of war.

Nextly iMag hereby changes the reason for this war dec....the new is that fact you people have hijacked this thread and made it about Tie/rival.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

iScode Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 1:02:58

ill take a bonus post for $100 please.
God of War


ZIP Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 1:55:29

fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

Gabalin Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 2:03:24


iTarl Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 15:43:40


Flamey Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 19:21:54