
br3nt00 Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 23:44:32

How important / is this important? Does anyone have any idea when its worth it to stop using bonuses to get more turns and start using to lower resource decay? I guess it's some function of max stockpile you expect to have right? Anybody have some calcs or input on how to do them? What is the standard decay rate - ie with 0% bonus?


Marshal Game profile


Jun 19th 2012, 16:17:47

if you plan to have alot cash in hand (aka over 2b) then max decay bonus as quickly as possible.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

br3nt00 Game profile


Jul 19th 2012, 0:49:59

that statement is not necessarily true. the variables we must define are how much over 2b, and for how many turns?

found a bit on decay (hope its still accurate):

each $ over 2b is subject to 0.1% corruption per turn, or: 1m corruption per each 1b over 2b

so i guess i'll throw out a hypothetical situation to start. say i plan on having an average of 1b over 2b for 150 turns

i would lose 1m per turn, or 150m total.

looking at the tradeoff on the bonus level:
12 extra turns is equivalent to -4.8% decay bonus.
so in this example -4.8% decay bonus is equivalent to 7.2m dollars saved.

and in this case, 12 turns is easily worth more than 7.2m dollars, if you're cashing for say 5m a turn it's a no brainer.


Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 19th 2012, 19:14:44

The decay bonus is a all-or-nothing deal. Either max it to -100%, or don't put any in it at 0%. There is no situation where it is better to have it in between.

The same applies to going MBR, you either go 99% MBR (the remaining being CSes), or you go 0% MBR, mathematically, it is worse to be anywhere else.

Imagine the graphs to be "U-shaped" (it is not a symmetrical U shape, its a skewed U), so the maximum points are at the 0% and 100% extremes. For going MBR, which of 0% or 100% is better though, that is dependent on acres, stock size, turns left in reset, food price, current government and BPT.

qwertyh Game profile


Jul 19th 2012, 21:37:04

Yep. It's an all or nothing deal as Xinhuan said. Do your math and figure out if its worth the investment.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 19th 2012, 21:38:02

Truth. All-or-nothing. When the bonus is maxed out you can hold multiple $billion$ cash and/or hundreds of millions bushels and still play turns with zero corruption or decay.

Attempting to reach -100% resource decay asap can make you manic, to the point of setting alarm times for bonuses.
And there is a strategic impact to consider if you plan to change gov.

br3nt00 Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 1:58:27

don't regurgitate what others have said please. there are many threads to post in to get your bonus in but don't clog serious threads up like this.

as for U shaped graph that's not how it would look like. i realize we're arguing math here but a U shape would define a situation where there is indeed an inflection point, or a spot in the middle, not an extreme.

this situation may indeed be an 'all or nothing' but im not convinced of that. regardless, all or nothing does not equal a u-shaped curve.

qwertyh Game profile


Jul 21st 2012, 0:53:07

I supported Xinhuan's explanation as I deemed it may be hard for you to understand the logic with it.

There are only 2 reasons why you would get resource decay. 1) You are playing as farmers and would like to reduce the decay of bushels you get per day.
2) You are stockpiling and would like to convert all your stocked up bushels for the highest price as possible and not lose the minimum of 12% of your cash convertible holdings (bushels/oil) due to 6% market commission.

For example, you have 500 million bushels, if you sold it about a week prior to the end of the set, the price is 45, but each day afterward that date, bushel prices will go down by $1. And if you happen to be a non-demo player, it's going to cost you 6% to buy w/e you are stocking up with and cost you 6% when you sell them back on the market minimum.

Now to truly benefit from the resource bonus, you want to max out that ASAP, which is why cyref mentioned setting the alarm part or else it may not be worth it. Because even a -90% reduction on resource decay when you are holding 10 billion in 1 million lost per turn.

MB is an all or nothing deal because MBR has such high expenses that they almost never get more land after full conversion. The only turns they spend is selling stuff on market, which is why if you go MBR, you go all MBs to get your private market price as low as possible. All or nothing.

Xinhuan Game profile


Jul 22nd 2012, 17:26:10

Originally posted by br3nt00:
don't regurgitate what others have said please. there are many threads to post in to get your bonus in but don't clog serious threads up like this.

as for U shaped graph that's not how it would look like. i realize we're arguing math here but a U shape would define a situation where there is indeed an inflection point, or a spot in the middle, not an extreme.

this situation may indeed be an 'all or nothing' but im not convinced of that. regardless, all or nothing does not equal a u-shaped curve.

Hi br3nt00. You are thinking of an upside-down U shape. I'm saying it is a U-shape the right side up, thus the 2 maximum points are at 0% and 100%. In this case, there is indeed an inflection point somewhere between 0% and 100%, but that point represents the worst possible case your country can be in.

Whether 0% or 100% is the higher of the 2 points depends on too many factors, which I've listed in my previous post.

br3nt00 Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 20:38:16

ah i see. thanks xinhuan. i'll put some more thought into this one, i'm not convinced!