

New Member

Feb 28th 2012, 19:55:18

My current report about MD is this. Samoan, Zuul, Haderach, Waser and Tokugawa would be kicking out members and untagging their countries if they saw what is about ready to be shown in full light.

The original land grabs that started the love from the MD'er.
Feb 16/12 7:27:03 AM PS Dont stop me now (#788) () Lefvannas lama likes porn (#479) (RIVAL) 201 A (+81 A)
Feb 16/12 7:26:16 AM PS Dont stop me now (#788) () Neo Sabbra Cadabra (#573) (Neofed) 191 A (+86 A)
Feb 16/12 7:24:27 AM PS Dont stop me now (#788) () P A N D A is B A C K (#765) (SOLx75) 200 A (+63 A)

The second set of landgrabbing
Feb 16/12 7:55:44 AM PS Dont stop me now (#788) () The Original NOSTRAbabe (#603) (LCNostra) 260 A (+119 A)
Feb 16/12 7:29:08 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () GardenGnomeLiberationFront (#630) (EVOqz) Defence Held

The third set of landgrabbing
Feb 16/12 8:33:26 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () Nino the Bambino (#399) (TIE) 252 A (+115 A)
Feb 16/12 8:32:23 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () Natsu Dragneel (#318) (ResDogs) 282 A (+96 A)
Feb 16/12 8:30:45 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () 75th Memories (#251) (SOLx75) 342 A (+111 A)
Feb 16/12 8:28:57 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () i (#522) (iMagNum) 176 A (+65 A)
Feb 16/12 8:28:28 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () oops I forgot (#435) (Sanct) 172 A (+46 A)

This continues to these grabs
Feb 22/12 10:44:35 AM PS Dont stop me now (#788) () Rock a bye baby Madison (#39) (TIE) 908 A (+421 A)
Feb 22/12 10:43:41 AM PS Dont stop me now (#788) () My Fair Lady (#282) (RIVAL) 709 A (+332 A)
Feb 22/12 10:41:46 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () In The Company of Wolves (#410) (EVOqz) Defence Held
Feb 22/12 10:39:02 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () how many licks did it take (#70) (xSOFx) 511 A (+206 A)
Feb 22/12 10:36:09 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () I Got the Devlish Flow Rock and (#617) (LCNostra) 513 A (+225 A)
Feb 22/12 10:34:34 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () Euphonie (#13) (MONSTERS) 528 A (+244 A)
Feb 22/12 10:33:05 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () Anonymous (#791) (LaF) 384 A (+217 A)
Feb 22/12 10:31:30 AM PS Dont stop me now (#788) () oops I forgot (#435) (Sanct) 726 A (+236 A)
Feb 22/12 10:29:14 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () NEver gOnna give you up (#156) (Neofed) 456 A (+214 A)
Feb 21/12 10:26:22 AM PS Dont stop me now (#788) () Canadia stole my owl (#708) (ICN) 440 A (+250 A)
Feb 21/12 10:26:18 AM PS Dont stop me now (#788) () Canadia stole my owl (#708) (ICN) 668 A (+306 A)
Feb 21/12 10:24:01 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () Metal Siren (#448) (iMagNum) 98 A (+98 A)
Feb 21/12 10:23:13 AM PS Dont stop me now (#788) () Mr Crimson (#818) (ResDogs) 164 A (+164 A)
Feb 21/12 10:21:20 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () Town of the pig (#790) (EVOqz) 642 A (+297 A)
Feb 21/12 10:19:25 AM PS Dont stop me now (#788) () Fruitopia (#78) (Paradigm) 983 A (+283 A)
Feb 21/12 10:16:29 AM SS Dont stop me now (#788) () Kiwi Express (#587) (EVOqz) 456 A (+215 A)

Granted that the alliances tried to recoup their land as that is normal policy for any alliance to be grabbed by an untagged, even with the amount of jets and the newest fad of landtrading can cause some problems with keeping land. However, you are wondering who would allow this to even happen. It is a scheme that the leaders of MD even allowed this person to even tag up with them after "seeing" how badly tainted this player truly is? However, for warring purposes they could use another country so why not? Wrong, between Arsenal, Jax and the rest of the leadership knew well enough who this player is. Now, you are asking who could it be? All of this during the whole MD/LaF war conspiracy as well! All the "backstabbing" and "secret" talks between alliances to keep the upper hand.

Not only the former president of MD but current Co-President of MD... Locutus. Congrads MD for not only screwing your FDPs out of land but a host of other pacted alliances. Now you demand proof?

Here you go.

Alliance Observer

mdemon Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 19:57:01

why not post under your real user account?



Feb 28th 2012, 19:59:36

Originally posted by mdemon:
why not post under your real user account?

Does his account handle has anything to do with what is presented?
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

mdemon Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 20:02:57

It does not, but why hide his identity? I feel that people that do this are dishonest. Why hide?

Jiman Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 20:03:42

Why dont you let the issues be settled in chats rather then randomly on the forums? It wont do any side any good to speak about the issues on AT where two allies can settle the matter over a cup of tea/beer.

Pain Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 20:04:13

the persons identity is irrelevant. its clearly a member of MD.

i think we found deepthroat!
Your mother is a nice woman

Pride Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 20:06:36

Co-president, since when ?



Feb 28th 2012, 20:11:53


maverickmd Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 20:12:03

Yes someone who hasnt played in MD in more than 6 months was screwing around, and yes he tagged up when LaF attacked us to have some war fun.

Trust me when I say that MD would have been MORE than generous giving FDP (and imag) as much land back as they wanted.

Particularily since all that land is currently belongning to LaF :)

Stupid. Your post is stupid.

DonKarnage Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 20:14:05

Current Co-President?


ZIP Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 20:26:37

i know why he hid - cause he leaked inside info
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

Pride Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 20:45:15

If he was in MD he would know Loc is NOT co-prez

Magellan Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 20:49:53

You are so full of the S word its not even funny.

locket Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 20:58:43

Originally posted by Jiman:
Why dont you let the issues be settled in chats rather then randomly on the forums? It wont do any side any good to speak about the issues on AT where two allies can settle the matter over a cup of tea/beer.

I prefer stuff out here :P more entertaining ;)

DonKarnage Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 21:06:36

I started laughing out loud when he said it was "a scheme".

Bigwiggle Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 21:14:29

What's the issue here? I'm confused. If everyone is so upset about an untagged being an active LG'er then why wasn't he killed?

Pandora's Last Vikings | THE OMEGA

msn -

Trife Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 21:47:43

Would this be considered part of ILS Lovehouse 2: Electric Boogaloo

or would it be

ILS Lovehouse 3: I'll Always Know What You Did Last Reset


lostmonk Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 21:51:12

This made me throw up a little in my mouth...

trumper Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 21:56:09

Originally posted by maverickmd:
Yes someone who hasnt played in MD in more than 6 months was screwing around, and yes he tagged up when LaF attacked us to have some war fun.

Trust me when I say that MD would have been MORE than generous giving FDP (and imag) as much land back as they wanted.

Particularily since all that land is currently belongning to LaF :)

Stupid. Your post is stupid.

While I'm not AO, I do agree with his general sentiment. What happened to the old MD?

Between the logs and being one of those countries hit above, the respect I had for a place I once played in for several resets is really fading fast.

Eric171 Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:06:20

I was hit by that country. It is not in the list but I was hit by it.

I don`t see a single special attack listed. Dude didn`t disrespect a single pact.

Are we down to such levels of whining that we complain when people play following the rules of the game and when untaggeds landgrab without suiciding?

For sure, kill it or whatever. But whining about it is pathetic.

Locutus Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:07:02

lol, this is making something out of nuttin, but ok...

I have been found out! If only I had the smarts not to update my country to my boxcar profile. *shakes fist in the air*

Some facts for the trolls:
- I coin the phrase 'troll grabbing'
- I hold no official position in MD
- No one in MD knew it was me playing that country. I was not even in MD (was a guest on their site)
- I did not plan to play for MD this reset or any of the following ones
- You can blame hanlong for getting me interested in things again. (Let's blame hanlong for everything btw, it feels like the right thing to do)
- I didn't target any specific alliance.
- It was just for funsies :) No hard feelings from me anyway, if people wanna hold it against me then ah well, your problem.
- I did 1 grab per alliance per day. OMG it's like illegal gameplay to target countries with no defense :P

Hey in the end I helped create a lot of land :P Doesn't that count for anything? :P

It must be slow season for this to be news :D

Trife Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:08:52

Originally posted by Locutus:

- No one in MD knew it was me playing that country. I was not even in MD (was a guest on their site)

I LOL'ed

Locutus Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:12:34

And you should. I mistakenly kept on uploading spy ops to their site cos my API key was listed in my boxcar profile. Lol how people not put 1 and 1 together is beyond me. I think Flamey did, he must have seen the uploaded spy ops on Omega boxcar (if he had access there anyway). Cos he is the only one that pegged me beforehand :P

hanlong Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:28:11

i don't see the point in posting anonymously when you also dropped so many clues that pretty much gave away who you are with the people with the right tools
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Jiman Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:32:00

What tools? Can I have some?

Azz Kikr Game profile

Wiki Mod

Feb 28th 2012, 22:33:22

Sure, we'll send TOB to introduce you to his tool. :P

Sifos Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:38:57

Originally posted by Locutus:

- I did 1 grab per alliance per day.

Hey in the end I helped create a lot of land :P Doesn't that count for anything? :P

Yeah, that's only one grab's worth of acres per days lost for us who rather not enter the farming lottery.
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

hanlong Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:45:37


you beat me to it ;)

and jiman, look hard at the screenshot and think.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

NukEvil Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:51:42

I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Locutus Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:53:33


hanlong Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 22:59:36

the guy logged into boxcar at the time locutus was rank 688, 904415 nw and 3553 hits.

at that time his country did 35 attacks in 24 hours, 123 attacks in 72 hours, 206 attacks overall.

PLUS that guy can edit relations (not something you would give to a normal member, for example in LaF that's a head only thing). like in SOL i doubt you give your normal joe member access to change your embassy :P

they also know what kind of level of perms have what kind of menus.

i'm sure MD can figure this out extremely soon.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Jiman Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 1:37:28

Ooo I didnt see the screenshot. That makes sense.

Sov Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 5:54:56

lol @ the screenshot

trumper Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 14:15:05

Originally posted by Locutus:
lol, this is making something out of nuttin, but ok...

I have been found out! If only I had the smarts not to update my country to my boxcar profile. *shakes fist in the air*

Some facts for the trolls:
- I coin the phrase 'troll grabbing'
- I hold no official position in MD
- No one in MD knew it was me playing that country. I was not even in MD (was a guest on their site)
- I did not plan to play for MD this reset or any of the following ones
- You can blame hanlong for getting me interested in things again. (Let's blame hanlong for everything btw, it feels like the right thing to do)
- I didn't target any specific alliance.
- It was just for funsies :) No hard feelings from me anyway, if people wanna hold it against me then ah well, your problem.
- I did 1 grab per alliance per day. OMG it's like illegal gameplay to target countries with no defense :P

Hey in the end I helped create a lot of land :P Doesn't that count for anything? :P

It must be slow season for this to be news :D

As long as MD will be as tolerant as you preach when this happens to them and as long as you weren't the whiney MDer who wrote me two paragraphs last reset about why my tag-to-tag grab ruined his reset with a warning not to do it again (we both gained significant land on the exchange), then c'est le vie.

Mr. Iris Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 14:49:55

Anyone else amused that someone who led a well respected alliance for a very significant amount of time would pretend that he doesn't understand why people would be upset that he acted like a douche bag?
Originally posted by archaic:
see many colors
fluttering in the spring winds
Iris blooms again

Locutus Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 15:46:48

Who said anything about the alliances that were grabbed having to be tolerant? I did not preach tolerance for my actions in my post you quoted =P They could have killed me all they wanted =P I did not dictate any type of response from any alliance towards my country, nor qualify any response as right or wrong. Every day i logged in and was alive, I was surprised and thought, well this can't last much longer :P

If I lead an alliance and a country would do it to my alliance, I would just kill the country. Simple as that. What else do you think I would do lol... It is an alliance game after all :P Any alliance not doing so, well that is their choice. SoF were the first to be smart and start a killrun on me, which caused me to stop hitting em, good for SoF. This is the alliance server after all, so it's kinda obvious that as an untagged you are likely to face the wrath of an organized group of players if you annoy them enough =P

As for Imagnum trying to kill me, good for them to try. though I had already promised to back off earlier, so it was a waste of their alliance resources in my view. But it's their choice. And hitting me after I tagged up MD, well I can not dictate what kind of pacts they have with other alliances :P

And I only played for MD in the reunion reset, so by default I did not write any message =P

As for mr Iris, I can understand people do not like to be grabbed. buttuh once I tagged up MD it was kinda obvious I was not hiding the country identity anymore, so to make a big reveal that it was me... Well that is just silly and making something out of nothing =P

Ah well, at least I know that next time I play a serious country, I'll be suicided upon, just like old times! Weeeeeee :D

Nekked Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 15:54:19

Pies Locutus, just like old times!

Locutus Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:04:17

Better be pie that is not over date, or else I am so grabbing you next set. I already have a fool proof country name to avoid detection so be warned :P

Kalick Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:09:12

Is your new country name "This is not Locutus's country"? Because that would be very sneaky.

EDIT: Damnit. Now I see you posted something similar in another thread. I do not feel witty anymore.

trumper Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:10:09

Originally posted by Locutus:
Who said anything about the alliances that were grabbed having to be tolerant? I did not preach tolerance for my actions in my post you quoted =P They could have killed me all they wanted =P I did not dictate any type of response from any alliance towards my country, nor qualify any response as right or wrong. Every day i logged in and was alive, I was surprised and thought, well this can't last much longer :P

If I lead an alliance and a country would do it to my alliance, I would just kill the country. Simple as that. What else do you think I would do lol... It is an alliance game after all :P Any alliance not doing so, well that is their choice. SoF were the first to be smart and start a killrun on me, which caused me to stop hitting em, good for SoF. This is the alliance server after all, so it's kinda obvious that as an untagged you are likely to face the wrath of an organized group of players if you annoy them enough =P

As for Imagnum trying to kill me, good for them to try. though I had already promised to back off earlier, so it was a waste of their alliance resources in my view. But it's their choice. And hitting me after I tagged up MD, well I can not dictate what kind of pacts they have with other alliances :P

And I only played for MD in the reunion reset, so by default I did not write any message =P

As for mr Iris, I can understand people do not like to be grabbed. buttuh once I tagged up MD it was kinda obvious I was not hiding the country identity anymore, so to make a big reveal that it was me... Well that is just silly and making something out of nothing =P

Ah well, at least I know that next time I play a serious country, I'll be suicided upon, just like old times! Weeeeeee :D

You're right, you did not preach tolerance. It was a poor choice of a word.

My point was that there is written policy and then there is policy derived from precedent. I get the distinct impression that they would probably dislike this occuring to them and cry foul. So I'm saying it now, make the bed then that's fine so long as they're willing to lie in it. (I'm also waiting for Assassin to correct my horrible grammar here).

Mr. Iris Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:12:56

Something out of nothing? You are/were a well respected player in this game and you acted like a douche bag. People are going to hold you to a higher standard because of your history in this game. In example, this is the same type of reaction people give to spawn and his involvement in SAMCRO because he is a Moderator.

On a side note, I don't care about what you did in game I have no right to be, because my alliance like many others did not kill you. I can relate to people needing a change of pace in this game, and it doesn't make what you did right or wrong. However this charade you are putting on the boards in reaction to it is quite stupid, pretending to be naive does not suit you.
Originally posted by archaic:
see many colors
fluttering in the spring winds
Iris blooms again

Kalick Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:13:20

Although, now I want MD's theme next set to be "Not Locutus's country".

Locutus Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:40:58

Kalick : sorry to ruin your moment of wittiness :P

trumper: Seems to me like I am the only one who should be ready to lie in the bed I made :P I was the one being an untagged douchebag ;). At best you can say MD made a bad call accepting me back in, but that could be said regardless if i ran this untagged country or not =P

Mr iris: Again the something out of nothing comment I made reflected the fact this was 'revealed' with much 'spectacle', I did not so much refer to my grabbing spree. Just that it's a bit silly to reveal a semi public 'secret' like it's a big deal. If someone had asked me (after I tagged up and specifying the correct country name (Like Sov misspelled it when he asked me earlier) then I would have just said, yup that was me (or not replied to the message, who knows, who cares) :P

As for being well respected and what not. This is a game, i am not actively playing it (as in running an alliance or trying to play a good country), so how people view it is less relevant.

It does however make for some fun controversy and spy hunting and stuff, which I do enjoy. Hence my posting here, it's all in good fun.

Besides, it's not like I hacked some email or anything, pfffft. heh

Edited By: Locutus on Feb 29th 2012, 16:43:00
See Original Post

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Feb 29th 2012, 16:53:28

Originally posted by Mr. Iris:
Something out of nothing? You are/were a well respected player in this game and you acted like a douche bag. People are going to hold you to a higher standard because of your history in this game. In example, this is the same type of reaction people give to spawn and his involvement in SAMCRO because he is a Moderator.
So RD are allowed to be landtrading fluffs because they're already disgraced but Locutus is not allowed to do single grabs on a range of clans and Spawn is not allowed to retal for excessive farming? Ok.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

TNTroXxor Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 17:03:32

Originally posted by Locutus:
I mistakenly kept on uploading spy ops to their site cos my API key was listed in my boxcar profile.

Dont you have to manually check the site upload box every new set ? This is not done for you automatically.

maybe you check the box, then decides to have fun and went untag, and then join up for war.

But there seems to be no coordinated farming by MD members or maybe there wasnt any chance anyone could farm decent acres from him since his DR refresh faster than a ddos.
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

iTz Klutch Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 17:07:25

Originally posted by Mr. Iris:
Something out of nothing? You are/were a well respected player in this game and you acted like a douche bag. People are going to hold you to a higher standard because of your history in this game. In example, this is the same type of reaction people give to spawn and his involvement in SAMCRO because he is a Moderator.

On a side note, I don't care about what you did in game I have no right to be, because my alliance like many others did not kill you. I can relate to people needing a change of pace in this game, and it doesn't make what you did right or wrong. However this charade you are putting on the boards in reaction to it is quite stupid, pretending to be naive does not suit you.

what he did wasn't anywhere near douchebag-worthy. he did a single grab, and was farmed daily. the only thing he did was redistributed the land amongst others. and people react ridiculously to Spawns SAMCRO deal he's not threatening to suicide on alliances who did nothing to him or his friends, so why not stay out of his news and let them be then no one has to whine.
[Carpe Cerevisi] in FFA

everything else is JUST A TOY

Locutus Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 17:08:54

The box was set in my options so it auto uploads everytime. It does state so when you do the spy op, but i didnt pay attention to that. And even disabling the option to auto upload spy ops doesn't seem to work, it kept doing it. I had to edit the API key in my boxcar profile to avoid it from happening :P

Joining up for the war is Hanlongs fault, he started talking to me and got me involved and shortly after I tagged up when LaF did the FS. So another thing to blame on hanlong. Are we keeping a list somewhere?

As for farming me by MDers, i dunno why they didn't. It was obvious I didnt retal anyone (except 1 SoL guy, cos well why not), so it was fairly save to grab me.

Paranoia i guess =) Owh and LaF was effing fast, we had some fun ingame msgs exchanged :P

Mr. Iris Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 17:09:52

To PP:

I have no desire or reason to argue the sanctity of landtrading with you, if you disagree with it then good for you. I will however mention that I am one of the few in RD that has not/does not trade.

Also nowhere did I say that Locutus is not allowed to do anything, in fact I will go as far to say that he can do whatever he likes as that is his own prerogative. What I AM saying is that he should not act surprised that people reacted badly to it.

As far as Spawn goes, my reference of him was used as an example given the recent events in game and on the boards with him. Like Locutus I never said he was not allowed to do anything, because I don't have much of a problem with what he has been doing. If you noticed my alliance made assurances to make sure we did not antagonize SAMCRO because we very much aware of what SAMCRO likes to do. Hopefully other alliances will take note now and do the same, but I doubt it.

I know you're intelligent enough to understand the points I am making, please try not to be such a troll should you feel the need to continue this conversation.
Originally posted by archaic:
see many colors
fluttering in the spring winds
Iris blooms again

Azz Kikr Game profile

Wiki Mod

Feb 29th 2012, 17:11:36

Originally posted by TNTroXxor:
Originally posted by Locutus:
I mistakenly kept on uploading spy ops to their site cos my API key was listed in my boxcar profile.

Dont you have to manually check the site upload box every new set ? This is not done for you automatically.

I haven't had to check the upload box since i set it up initially. Several resets ago.

Mr. Iris Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 17:14:50

If you check the box in your main profile preferences you don't have to check it again. If you only do it in your country preferences you do.
Originally posted by archaic:
see many colors
fluttering in the spring winds
Iris blooms again