
iScode Game profile


Jan 16th 2012, 7:11:29

errrr didnt they volunteer for this? I am pretty sure USA does not have compulsory military conscription (though it should, like all countries)

Until they have been forced to join the army then what ever they do can not be defended by anything you have posted.)

iBA86, if you are around? please as someone who recently just came from serving in Afghanistan, did you have any desire at all to urinate on the bodies of dead Taliban, while filming or taking photographs of it?

You much prefered to do it without recording it right? :P
(iBA86 is an ex imag member who has just got back from serving (in a dog bomb search squad? he can clarify) over there fyi.)

Edited By: iScode on Jan 16th 2012, 7:14:00
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