
anoniem Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:08:12

wow, this proves that hanlong is the conniving little weasel we've always thought him to be. astonishingly (*rolls eyes*), he is also a moron.

Used to emphasize a lack of restriction in referring to any thing or amount, no matter what: "do whatever you like".

BattleKJ Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:09:28

Originally posted by hanlong:
and be careful what you wish for kj

i'm going to shove logs so far up your ass, it's going to hurt.

i already showed a few alliance leaders these logs. none of them see your side.

i already told everyone who cared to ask. this is nothing to do with evo, this is all KJ's doing.

I KJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course Rival don't see my side, they wanted help and of course SoF don't see my side, they are butthurt.

anoniem Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:11:14

Hello, Lord Tarnava, are you still running untagged suiciders? Are you still a LaF leader? Are you still a dirty rule violating little prick?

If you answered yes to any of the above - GO fluff YOURSELF.

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:13:11

please continue posting kj

i'll make you eat your words in ways you won't see until all the proof and evidence comes out

i want you to spin yourself more out of this so we can all see what of piece of fluff lying dipfluff we all know you to be

why is that necessary we ask? because i told qzjul and some other evo leaders personally that the problem here is kj and not the rest of evo, so i need more lies from you kj so they can see you are a liar also.

continue on kj =)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 9th 2012, 0:16:33

I'm sure you have your best people fabricating chat logs right now hanlong

this is so terribly exciting, I can hardly take the suspense!

btw, you're a lying fluff

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:19:00


not if logs are seen by many people.

we aren't stupid slagpit if its like a muti person chat, im sure its easy to see who's the lying fluff or not.

unless you are saying everyone here is lying and only you are right.

then i don't know what to say to you
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

NukEvil Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:21:14

I take it that this means the negotiations for the future set pacts are now void?
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:22:31


it's still on as long as KJ stops pulling shenanigans :D i already talked to qzjul

and i dont want no "at war" break clause.

why can't we just have no break clauses so we dont have to spin each other into a circle every reset.

you should ask kj why he's so adamant in having break clauses, and not only that a OFFENSIVE break clause.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

anoniem Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:22:36

there is just something about hanlong's posts that ooze filth. i think i may take a bath just to cleanse myself.

you insinuate everything, but state nothing.

you now have two people calling you a lying fluff. if you have logs pertaining to KJ then post them here, not that i have to believe you. seeing as i remember not so long ago i posted logs pertaining to one of your leaders cheating and running untagged suiciders, but you chose to ignore them =)

^ see i can use lame emoticons too. it makes my post seem less menacing and me less of a lying fluff/sarcasm

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:23:55

im playing the anoniem game.

have evidence, wait 3 resets

and then post.

didn't you do this for LT situation? i promise you won't wait 3 resets this time though, like i said i just want enough KJ lies posted on AT so the likes of diez/qz/nukevil (aka more level headed evo heads) can see the big picture.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

BattleKJ Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:26:59

lol hanlong, 90% of my fa convo's have been shared with other evo heads, so I'm sure you will not have any suprises! Keep on at it to divert attention from the pact breaking

anoniem Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:28:44

another stat: 100% of those level headed evo heads think you are a lying fluff.

nice try though.

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:30:50


maybe share 100% next time.

yes they think i am a lying fluff now.

i can't blame them. but they will see the big picture very soon, because of that 10% that KJ refuses to share ;P
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 9th 2012, 0:30:57

Originally posted by hanlong:

not if logs are seen by many people.

we aren't stupid slagpit if its like a muti person chat, im sure its easy to see who's the lying fluff or not.

unless you are saying everyone here is lying and only you are right.

then i don't know what to say to you

everyone here? no, just laf members so far

you in particular are a habitual offender

remember that set when someone (dagga?) topfed you and an evo country spied you immediately after to see how much stock you lost?

you then went on AT to claim that KJ THE BOOGEYMAN spied your country and gave the break to dagga, which was totally absurd because it wasn't even KJ's country and you knew that the failed spy op occurred after the grab

remember when diez's country was ~$10B ahead of yours, you got grabbed a few times then arranged for tons in extra FA to try to beat him? then tried to claim you were legit?

remember this set when you claimed that rival and laf weren't allied?

I really don't care what you say and neither will anyone with any sense. it's really not that hard to post logs that prove what you say and it shouldn't take over three hours unless you're applying special edits to them. you're a fluff netgainer and a fluff liar, go back to wherever you came from

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:31:29

trust me if its just LaF members so far, i wouldnt' say this would i?

but please continue posting =)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:35:03

and PS i already showed ppl this WEEKS ago so no, no one is editing anything
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

BattleKJ Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:37:04

I'll quite happily post our entire logs of conversations on IRC PM, in IRC rooms and ICQ if we used it... just been looking at the IRC logs they are awfully big and I cannot be bothered looking through them but I have nothing to hide.

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:38:22


how about post every single IRC log you made for the past year or so

i can do the same.

then we can see who's the bigger lying POS.

unless you have something to hide.

come on... i'm daring you =)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 9th 2012, 0:38:40

Originally posted by hanlong:
what KJ forgot is he added this:

- The uNAP can be voided if one of the parties of this pact is involved in a war with one of the other parties FDPs

not me to the pact.

you are at war with Rival aren't you?

What set you in boy? Evo was not at war. Good excuse to try to use though....
next one?

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

BattleKJ Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:39:04

For the past year or so? =) Thats a lot of logs!

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 9th 2012, 0:39:14

well at least you're finally admitting that you're a lying POS, that's the first step!

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:40:07

yah i admit that you think i'm a lying pos because kj kept those 10% logs from you.

once you see that 10% then the level headed ones will see i am not a lying POS and KJ is ;)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

BattleKJ Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:41:16

The 10% I was thinking of were mostly just general conversations about anything!

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:41:35

it is a lot of logs kj, but it will show everyone you are big lying POS while i'm not

right now you have nukevil and qzjul trashing me ;)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

anoniem Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:43:53

Jan 5th about last set:

qz: you guys HIT US for no reason!
Hanlong: bah
you mean SS
i dont know how many times
qz: well, everybody followed him into that
Hanlong: i have to apologize
for it
if i could take that back
i would

hanlong, can never take responsibility for his actions as Don (president) of his pos clan. it is always SS's fault. who is gonna take back you FSing us this set? u gonna spin it again?

give me a break. you are a lying fluff. admit it. seek help. die.

BattleKJ Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:44:00

I mean whats going on here? Have you combined IRC logs with SoF and Rival? Have you gone News of the World on me and hacked me for my private conversations? Haha

You think you're clever but unless you're making up logs yourself or adding comments theres no way in hell there is anything you can post that will make me or anyone in Evolution flap an eyelid. So keep on trying to divert the attention from yourself.

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:45:30

i never saw 100% of all your logs.

i just saw enough to make this situation relevant kj.

let's not play dumb here.

i'm sure if i saw 100% of all of your logs, we'd see more backstabbing and maniuplation by you, some of your manipulation against your own leaders and members also.

that's why i know you won't have the balls to post it, but rest assured, i will ;P
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

BattleKJ Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:45:51

Hanlong people in Evolution do not think you're a lying scumbag because I said you are. People in Evolution know you're a lying untrustworthy scumbag because you show yourself to be exactly that at any given oppurtunity.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 9th 2012, 0:46:21

anoniem, I wonder what is if that you have to do to get kicked out of a clan like laf?

Apparently starting an unjustified war against your Don's wishes isn't a bannable offense as SS is still posting war decs on AT in Laf's name. Neither is cheating and running suiciders on a FDP like you know who did.

Anyone know what it would actually take?

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:46:51

because you maniuplate them yourself to think that way.

you pretty much said it yourself ;)

oh oops no spoilers ;) please post your logs
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

mazooka Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:48:32

laf being laf. always liars. Always lame. 10 years later and nothings changed.

anoniem Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:50:35

Originally posted by Slagpit:
anoniem, I wonder what is if that you have to do to get kicked out of a clan like laf?

Apparently starting an unjustified war against your Don's wishes isn't a bannable offense as SS is still posting war decs on AT in Laf's name. Neither is cheating and running suiciders on a FDP like you know who did.

Anyone know what it would actually take?

I think that sort of thing gets you promoted.

BattleKJ Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:51:05

Haha, I manipulate them myself. Good jokes. See we are a lot different Hanlong, you're the 10year+ leader of LaF, your members and fellow leaders believe and trust in anything you say.

I have been booted from Evolution before for expressing my opinions that other people in Evo disagreed with. I am not in a position to manipulate or play games in Evolution, I have to be very transparent with what I say and do or people like anoniem and Slagpit are ready to try catch me out.

BattleKJ Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:54:35

Literally every FA conversation I have had since becoming a Leader again in Evolution has been passed to Yank also as I do not have the ultimate power and authority that you have, its required that I pass things through him, as you know as I said that to you many times in our conversations.

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:55:18

i think Yank knows also, you are correct. but did i say Yank here?

i specifically indicated guys like qzjul/nukevil/diez/etc.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Ron Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:55:21

Hmm disclaimer: I m playing in evo now. I try to be balanced in my argument but if u think I m flaming blindly then it's your call...

The thing is, my day job is a govt policy maker of some sort (although I wish my day job is just to play Earth and other games online)

When a policy is drafted, there's always a legal definition n policy intent. Yes, sometimes lawyers r overpaid n the legal definition doesn't always serve the purpose of the policy intent, but at least they try to draft the legal doc as close to our policy intent as possible. We dun draft the legal doc in certain way just to mislead people into a false sense of security..

I feel that if u r an honorable clan n if u sign a pact becoz u want peace with a certain alliance, the terms of the pact is the most impt thing. What is impt is whether u signed the pact with the intention of keepin it, or just to get a temp ceasefire so u can fluff the other side up by blindsiding them later. I mean I rem last time when Clan A does smtg wrong that is not to Clan B's interest, Clan B will protest n try to talk things out. Finding a small clause (whether it is even there or not is another matter altogether) to void pacts every set is just not the way things should be.

I miss the days when allies are just allies, u defend them when they r blindsided n need help, just like how u would help a friend in real life. U dun go thru a 100 page documents just to see if u should n could help a friend in need right? If u wanna sign an uNaP, then honor it. I mean it's just a game, I really dont want to see people acting like lawyers n detectives n searching thru logs n arguing over technical details. I have enough of that at work seriously....

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:56:39

there you go

they trust me because i given them every reason to kj. i think 10+ years of LaF members believing what i say is earned, not just granted to me.

you said it yourself. you have many times backstab the trust of people, including your friends.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

hawkeyee Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:57:08

Sooo.... are you two going to just threaten to reveal logs over and over or are you actually going to reveal the logs? This thread is boring.
The Omega
Omega Retal Policy/Contacts: (Earth Wiki)
Apply: (Boxcar)

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 9th 2012, 0:57:45

kj already posted logs that prove that he was right

hanlong hasn't posted fluff

BattleKJ Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:58:08

There is nothing to reveal.

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 0:59:31

i will post it within 1 reset's time.

i promise.

the guys who need to see it has seen it already.

kj can save the trouble by posting his entire 1 year irc and icq log convos? :P

mostly because im sure we'll find more manipulation and deceit in there. there's too many so he's probably not sure which one is the one i'm referencing to :D

but by posting it all, im sure i'll be able to pinpoint which one i'm referring to
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

BattleKJ Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 1:00:01

I posted the logs that have shown LaF broke a pact. Hanlong has since said umpteen times that he is going to post logs that will show me to be a horrible liar.

I doubt very much that his logs will show me to be a liar, and I think he is ignoring the fact that even if it turns out that I am a horrible filthy conniving rat like HIM, it doesnt detract from the fact that he broke an unbreakable pact.

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 1:01:36

like i said, i have nothing to hide. all of people who cared to see and need to see (including non LaF have seen it).

i was hoping i can get you to see if you have anything to hide ;P because i know you are.

speak for yourself, you are the only "horrible filthy conniving rat", not me. you pretty much said that yourself also before ;)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

BattleKJ Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 1:02:49

Sure, why wait to post? Get them posted now son.

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 1:04:36

because i rather you show us everything (and in return you can see all of mine)

then the community can decide.

because this is the whole point of tihs post right? i did not fluffing bring it up to AT. you wanted to...
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

anoniem Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 1:04:47

yank - evo pres
qzjul - evo vp
diez - evo vp
kj - evo hwar

have any of those 4 seen what the hell you are talking about?

have i seen it? has slagpit seen it? in fact has ANY evo member seen it?

stop talking out of your fluffing arse. you are a lying fluff.

i knew you were a liar, but i truly believed that you wanted to netgain at some point. clearly not.

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 1:06:29

kj has. and probably yank since kj claims here that he shows yank everything.

probably not the rest of you
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 1:07:37

just wait anoniem, dont be so impatient =)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

BattleKJ Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 1:08:22

Post your red hot information hanlong, we just cannot take the suspense any longer!

hanlong Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 1:09:22

post your entire year's irc convo. then they won't say i fabricated anything.

i want your own heads to believe what i'm saying, and coming from you is the only way :D

how come you can't see the point i'm trying to make.

if anoniem/slagpit/nukevil/qzjul thinks you are the POS and im not, then i'll be more happily post mine because i can get some results out of it.

as it stands, it needs to come from you
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia