
Evolution Game profile


Aug 22nd 2011, 14:02:31

The cycle of hatred. Though it occurred to me, many of the players of this game aren't stupid, then why does human heuristic processing have such a large role.

My assumption was that people who held extreme views were the ones most likely to continue playing. Though on the other hand, is it also possible that people that are prone to thinking in a lazy way are the ones that continue to play.

For those without psychology degrees, our brains are designed to optimise efficiency through heuristic processing, using rules that we are inclined to via genetics and experience. We take shortcuts in how we process the worlds information. Though quite frankly people unable to do this, tend to go insane.

Then do we all have the same rules? or just a tendency for lazy thinking.

Judging by many of the threads, many people seem to use behavioural heuristics;
1.) Judging entire groups by the small subset that they interact with
2.) Judging behaviour and intentions based on a small subset of recent behaviour. (technically recency effect bias, can be a memory heuristic or a recall issue, though it does tie into the third rule)
3.) Ignoring information that does not confirm the beliefs from the first two rules.

Hmmm is it just these three? I have also noticed some individuals apply their own values to judge intentions quite often as well, eg. this is how and why we act, and I believe ou do the same.

This however is really illogical, as if you judge people to be different to own group, then why do you project your own values and beliefs onto that different group.
Not posting on AT as much because Maki/Steeps gave back some of my forums on GHQ. RIP my decade long blog, my blog even had replies from people who are no longer with us :(.

maverickmd Game profile


Aug 22nd 2011, 14:18:33

jack layton died today. Im sad.