
Deerhunter Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 13:41:32

What i have known for more than a year now Fox News has now come out and said we have over 20 % unemployment in the US. Obammas economic recovery is nothing more than some bankers and oil cronies getting filthy rich (along with hedge fund bastards). They are getting so rich our national GDP is up. However, more people are still loosing jobs.

Obammas #s do not include the millions of high school grads every year entering the work force that can not find work and do not qualify for unemployment. They do not count the millions who can no longer qualify for unemployment cause they have been out of work for so long. When will our government (all of them) come clean with the real numbers? When will they stop lying to WE THE PEOPLE.

Lately Obamma has been talking to many of the tech leaders to try to create more jobs. Is he crazy? They can not and will not be millions of jobs in tech. He should be talking to industry! And before people blame unions, consider this, how can we compete with other nations on the price of goods when they don't have to have child labor laws, safety and emissions inspections, and all the other regulations we put on our industry. The only chance we have to do that is trade tariffs. The free trade deals with China, Mexico, and Canada need to be ended with tariffs imposed on them. This would create huge revenues we desperately need and also equal the playing field for our industry.

Most people do not think of this either but we also need to stop selling our natural resources abroad. Or at least tax them very heavily. Countrys like China are buying out raw lumber and other resources for next to nothing and then making cheap crap to sell back to us. We can make that cheap crap here.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

Deerhunter Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 13:42:52

BTW- last year here in America one man set a new world record. In one year he made 5 BILLION in PROFIT on hedge funds.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2011, 13:50:24

I think the biggest culprit is the undervalued Yuan. Unless the administration, past, present, or future, finds the balls to fight the trade war to correct this then nothing will change. Right now we are repeating Japan's 'lost decade'.

Detmer Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 13:52:56

Fox News is less reputable than Joseph Smith...

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2011, 13:55:31

Originally posted by Detmer:
Fox News is less reputable than Joseph Smith...

Now, now, if you can't offend Islam, on a board you certainly cannot offend any other relgions. Even if those two make about as much sense as each other.

Deerhunter Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 14:29:38

Detmer, you just confirmed that you are dumb. Thanks now please never post again.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

ViLSE Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 14:55:50

LOL I wouldnt trust ANYTHING Fox news says to be honest...

Detmer Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 15:34:57

Originally posted by smegma:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Fox News is less reputable than Joseph Smith...

Now, now, if you can't offend Islam, on a board you certainly cannot offend any other relgions. Even if those two make about as much sense as each other.

I actually believe in free speech. If you think I have said you can't offend Islam on the internet then you are mistaken. I also like how you went and made a jab at both at once. ;)

SakitSaPuwit Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 15:48:50

We had a guy "get fired" the other day, because he could make better money on the 99 weeks
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 19th 2011, 15:50:34

we should also look at the underlying factors which lead to this downtown -- which were all started in the 90's or early 2000's

this thread looks like it's out to trash obama, not to actually get at the underlying issues about America's economic downturn, and the economic discussion is far more interesting (to me at least :p)
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

SakitSaPuwit Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 15:53:47

Or we could just blame bush for everything, go get a beer, then head over o the strip club!

(btw not having a unemployment problem at the strip club)
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

Steeps Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 16:26:24

20% of people unemployed... that's 20% of a nation doing nothing... They could be playing earth instead get recruiting!

braden Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 16:31:51

because it takes into account those who do not try and find work? (asking)

shepard smith and bill hemmer are both amazing at their jobs, and carry little discernible bias.

braden Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 17:07:28

"how can we compete with other nations on the price of goods when they don't have to have child labor laws, safety and emissions inspections, and all the other regulations we put on our industry"

those child labourers dumping all the toxic waste in our forests and waters will be death of canada. been saying it for years.

pslayer Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 17:16:02

Something has to be done about the income inequality in the US. When the top 400 earners in the US make as much as the next 500 Million, something is wrong. The apparent fall of the Unions, who went a long way to fight for the rights of the middle-class, isn't helping the US economy. This isn't the only thing wrong with the US economy but a redistribution of wealth is a step in the right direction.

ZDH Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 17:36:44

I don't know if unemployment is 20% I don't count the lasy pieces of fluff that refuse to work...i'd say more like 10-15%.

Obama really hasn't done much of anything not trying to bash him or anything he just had no business being president he got it because all the political correct dumbasses voted for him because he was black and talked smooth...not because of his political views. Atleast Bush could get SOMETHING done even if it was the wrong thing LOL. Obama can't get Democrats or Republicans to side with him.

PowerOfLight Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 17:46:41

You have your fingers in too many pies out in the world. Too much money spent on trying to make every other country into the USA. Spend it at home. The bail outs were ridiculous. Bailing out companies who went broke because they can't run their business successfully?? The first thing they did was give exorbitant "bonus's" to the top executives. BONUS'S...Your President actually had to step in to stop that from happening!! That's YOUR tax money. What a joke. Let them go broke. All that happened is tax money is wasted while they blow it all and go broke again anyways. Then those same companies will turn around and tell you it's the union's fault, LMAO. Print money, print money, print money. In the end your dollar will be worth nothing doing that. Devalued to the point it will fall as the world reserve currency. You think it's tough now!! wait until that happens. Americans will be starving, never mind working.

Fooglmog Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 17:51:18

This thread has more ignorance than I can handle.

Guy with no clue.

ZDH Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 18:13:31

I agree with you Power...but letting those companies fail no matter how stupid the people running them would have cost THOUSANDS of jobs.

As for the rest of the world...let it fluffing burn I don't know why we waste our time with these crap countries (tbh I really don't give a damn if you are offended).

We fought for our freedom...and thousands died but we did it on our own (with some help from the French) and they where payed back 100000x in WW1 and WW2.

Thats how I feal about it...who gives a fluff about Egypt anyway they got police riding on camels with machetes chopping the thats irrelevant I just thought it was kind of funny they are riding camels.

Trife Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 18:47:11

I refuse to even read the retarded first post since apparently it's waaaaaay to tough to spell the man's name correctly.

'Fox News is less reputable than Joseph Smith... '




Feb 19th 2011, 19:57:54

Originally posted by ZDH:
Obama really hasn't done much of anything not trying to bash him or anything he just had no business being president he got it because all the political correct dumbasses voted for him because he was black and talked smooth...not because of his political views. Atleast Bush could get SOMETHING done even if it was the wrong thing LOL. Obama can't get Democrats or Republicans to side with him.

i hardly think McCain/Palin would have been a better choice

and Bush was in charge when all the dominos tumbled
Ragnaroks EEVIL Lady

Junky Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 19:59:38

meh, you can't trust any big news station, local news or bust.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 20:19:13

13% of the population has reached retirement age, so what's that 33% of the population are out there goofing off?

oh, and 20% of the population are 14 or younger...

so, that's 53% of the population that are skating...

Edited By: Dibs Ludicrous on Feb 19th 2011, 20:26:09
See Original Post
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 20:29:37

guess i'd better quit procrastinating and get some work done or a bunch of people are going to starve to death.
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CaptainTenacious Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 21:14:38

Originally posted by Deerhunter:

...The free trade deals with China, Mexico, and Canada need to be ended with tariffs imposed on them. This would create huge revenues we desperately need and also equal the playing field for our industry.

i agree, end your free trade with us (Canada). we would start making so much money off all the goods and natural resources we export to you (you being, the US).

America would not end up making any money off of ending free trade DH, all they do is import now. they have nothing to export, because any sort of exporting industry they had, they have actually been outsourced. so ya, by all means, end free trade, we'll finally be able to charge you for water (canada has a 100% right of ownership on the great lakes), wood, canadian made goods, oil, hockey players (that's our #1 export!)
~The Saucy Buccaneer~
I drink in moderation.
Moderation being an imaginary place i go to when i drink.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 21:27:10

how much do they pay y'all up in Canada to birth babies?
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CaptainTenacious Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 21:42:26

i don't know, i don't have any babies
~The Saucy Buccaneer~
I drink in moderation.
Moderation being an imaginary place i go to when i drink.

PowerOfLight Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 22:00:03

Parents who qualify for the NCBS (ie. "Baby Bonus") receive the money each month, based on the annual income of the household and the number of children. The actual amount you receive is based on your most recent tax return, and changes every June to reflect your most current income.

The National Child Benefit is a joint initiative of the federal, provincial, and territorial governments to help prevent and reduce child poverty, to ensure that families will always be better off as a result of working, and reduce overlap and duplication of government programs and services.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 22:00:31

what kinda percentage should i throw up for house wives, err, spouses? getting dang close to where only 25% of the US population is out there making any kind of money to pay the bills with.
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iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 22:01:36

Originally posted by Steeps:
20% of people unemployed... that's 20% of a nation doing nothing... They could be playing earth instead get recruiting!

"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2011, 22:22:45

the 20% figure is correct, perhaps even somewhat low

figures are derived differently now, as Deerhunter pointed out, with many sectors of the "potential" workforce being missed out altogether - the same figure does not include people that would love to work more hours to get more pay, but there is no work available

the story is exactly the same pretty much worldwide, not just the US =/
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


SaRaveok Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 22:31:01

Go speak for your own 3rd world country

Australia's unemployment rate is at 5%
General of The Fallen
ICQ: 270257516
IRC: #thefallen on Gamesurge

Application For The Fallen:

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 22:36:06

Originally posted by SaRaveok:
Go speak for your own 3rd world country

Australia's unemployment rate is at 5%

you need to tinyurl that farked up url. i don't know how y'all get away with doing that down under... what's it even got an @ symbol in it for? that's like an email dealy-bob...
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SaRaveok Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 22:54:59

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
Originally posted by SaRaveok:
Go speak for your own 3rd world country

Australia's unemployment rate is at 5%

you need to tinyurl that farked up url. i don't know how y'all get away with doing that down under... what's it even got an @ symbol in it for? that's like an email dealy-bob...

there, you happy now you inbread retarted redneck
General of The Fallen
ICQ: 270257516
IRC: #thefallen on Gamesurge

Application For The Fallen:

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2011, 23:06:31

australia's figure is more likely to be closer to 10% than 5%

the best method to massage figures without showing is to increase the population in paid education / training / getting degrees
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 23:08:23

Originally posted by SaRaveok:
Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
Originally posted by SaRaveok:
Go speak for your own 3rd world country

Australia's unemployment rate is at 5%

you need to tinyurl that farked up url. i don't know how y'all get away with doing that down under... what's it even got an @ symbol in it for? that's like an email dealy-bob...

there, you happy now you inbread retarted redneck

what does that mean? i went to the bakery and got 2 tarts for the price of one? how dare you insult me for getting a bargain...
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Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2011, 23:09:19

... you da pimp ! :D
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Deerhunter Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 23:42:33

Canada would not benefit if America ended NAFTA. If we ended it our industry that has been outsourced to Canada would return.

I agree that all our economic problems are not due to Obamma. They are not due to Bush either. If you go back to the 90's it started with Clinton. Most people loved Clinton but he was really bad for America in the "long run". He raised taxes to uber high rates for business here. He was the champion of NAFTA. Doing that was great for the short run as we got lots of cheap things from Mexico and Canada. However, in the long run business gradually left America to set up show in those country's. He also gave China favored trade status (about the same effect as NAFTA). Again great for short run.

Now the long run has caught up with us. We have spent all our money buying the cheap crap from other countries. Our jobs have been outsourced due to high taxes and strict regulations. Meanwhile a business could move to Mexico, pay uber low taxes there, get cheap labor, have 0 regulation or safety to worry about, and not pay any import taxes here in the US.

So, if i was a reel maker why would i stay here and pay 50% taxes on profits and have to follow strict regulation (safety and waste ect) when i could move to Mexico and not pay for any of that. Even if the ignorant workers i would hire (to get cheap labor) made 50% defective products- i would still be coming out ahead.

If we repeal NAFTA and end favored trade status for China we will have many jobs created by industry coming BACK to the USA. Its the only chance we got left. We just need some politicians who are not crooked to be strong willed enough to do the right thing. Save America.

I respect anyone else for liking their country and thinking it's best but the true advantage America has over any other country is that we have the ABILITY to be self sustaining. As of now we CHOOSE not to. No other country has all the natural resources we have. We just need to start using them instead of selling the raw materials and buying junk made by others.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

Junky Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 23:46:09

Cut our Goverments salary by 50% til they actually do something that benifits America as a whole.... we'd probly have them trying to give themselves a large raise the next year...
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

locket Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 23:50:28

Businesses leave both ways Deerhunter.

And you can blame the republican leaders for the debt.

Reagen increased the debt 49% and 40% in his two terms. Carter before him decreased it by .4% Bush senior increased it by 32.7%. Clinton increased it by 13% and then decreased it by .2% and then George W Bush increased it by 23% and 19%.

So, considering the fact that Carter and Clinton are the only democrats since the 80's who have done their full terms I would say the republicans are to blame for all your whining. Which is just one more reason for people to not vote for them.

Deerhunter Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 23:54:03

Junky, Harry Reed (the demo leader in the Senate) had a total net worth of less than 3 mill dollars when he first became a Senator. Now his net worth is over 200 million. How did he do that without being crooked? I know one thing he did was buy land on their states border and then earmark a bill to build a bridge across that land with federal money. He made MILLIONS. How is that not a conflict of interest and where are the whistle blowers? Furthermore why did the people of his state reelect him? How was there not ANYONE else better running against him to beat that? Im not even trying to hammer Harry. The point is there are many in congress who are just like him. Take everything you can and then run like hell.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

Deerhunter Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 23:57:27

Locket you are base. That post was too political and stupid to respond too. This whole topic is not about finger pointing one side verses the other. As far as i am concerned they have all been bad for a long way back (to Clinton at least).
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 20th 2011, 0:03:44

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Canada would not benefit if America ended NAFTA. If we ended it our industry that has been outsourced to Canada would return.

I agree that all our economic problems are not due to Obamma. They are not due to Bush either. If you go back to the 90's it started with Clinton. Most people loved Clinton but he was really bad for America in the "long run". He raised taxes to uber high rates for business here. He was the champion of NAFTA. Doing that was great for the short run as we got lots of cheap things from Mexico and Canada. However, in the long run business gradually left America to set up show in those country's. He also gave China favored trade status (about the same effect as NAFTA). Again great for short run.

Now the long run has caught up with us. We have spent all our money buying the cheap crap from other countries. Our jobs have been outsourced due to high taxes and strict regulations. Meanwhile a business could move to Mexico, pay uber low taxes there, get cheap labor, have 0 regulation or safety to worry about, and not pay any import taxes here in the US.

So, if i was a reel maker why would i stay here and pay 50% taxes on profits and have to follow strict regulation (safety and waste ect) when i could move to Mexico and not pay for any of that. Even if the ignorant workers i would hire (to get cheap labor) made 50% defective products- i would still be coming out ahead.

If we repeal NAFTA and end favored trade status for China we will have many jobs created by industry coming BACK to the USA. Its the only chance we got left. We just need some politicians who are not crooked to be strong willed enough to do the right thing. Save America.

I respect anyone else for liking their country and thinking it's best but the true advantage America has over any other country is that we have the ABILITY to be self sustaining. As of now we CHOOSE not to. No other country has all the natural resources we have. We just need to start using them instead of selling the raw materials and buying junk made by others.

we can't bring the industries back because they cause too much pollution, so we're kinda stuck with farming it out to people who don't quite mind the adverse side-effects on their population.
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paladin Game profile


Feb 20th 2011, 0:18:05

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
BTW- last year here in America one man set a new world record. In one year he made 5 BILLION in PROFIT on hedge funds.

And I'm willing to wager that he worked his ass off to do it to.
Why the hell am I here?

paladin Game profile


Feb 20th 2011, 0:19:17

Originally posted by pslayer:
Something has to be done about the income inequality in the US. When the top 400 earners in the US make as much as the next 500 Million, something is wrong. The apparent fall of the Unions, who went a long way to fight for the rights of the middle-class, isn't helping the US economy. This isn't the only thing wrong with the US economy but a redistribution of wealth is a step in the right direction.

There aren't even 500 million people in this country...
Why the hell am I here?

paladin Game profile


Feb 20th 2011, 0:24:32

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Junky, Harry Reed (the demo leader in the Senate) had a total net worth of less than 3 mill dollars when he first became a Senator. Now his net worth is over 200 million. How did he do that without being crooked? I know one thing he did was buy land on their states border and then earmark a bill to build a bridge across that land with federal money. He made MILLIONS. How is that not a conflict of interest and where are the whistle blowers? Furthermore why did the people of his state reelect him? How was there not ANYONE else better running against him to beat that? Im not even trying to hammer Harry. The point is there are many in congress who are just like him. Take everything you can and then run like hell.

The Republicans ruined their chance to get rid of Reid when they chose Sharron Angle to run against him in 2010.

Edited By: paladin on Feb 20th 2011, 4:44:19
See Original Post
Why the hell am I here?

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 20th 2011, 0:26:14

Originally posted by paladin:
Originally posted by Deerhunter:
BTW- last year here in America one man set a new world record. In one year he made 5 BILLION in PROFIT on hedge funds.

And I'm willing to wager that he worked his ass off to do it to.

no, he didn't... he just abused his position to rip off a bunch of people...
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 20th 2011, 0:32:27

what the heck does 5 billion dollars reward you with anyways?
the right to be chauferred around in an armor car?
the right to live in the woods and grow your own food?
gotta hide from everybody concievable because they're just trying to steal their money back?

oh, young pretty women willing to jump on your old decadent blank shooting peter...

y'alls morals are bent to heck.
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CC Game profile


Feb 20th 2011, 0:35:52

American domestic politics aside, i am amazed at the level of ignorance of basic economics, social policy, tax policy, etc of, i presume, voting Americans. LoL. On top of that, it seems like the politics of misinformation in this internet age is the way of the DeerHunter (and Sharron Angle). LoL.

Canterbury Crusader (CC)

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 20th 2011, 0:37:52

Hi, I'm The President Of The Most Powerful And Influential Society Ever!!!!
But I Can't Ride Around In Public Without The Proper Protective Gear And Thousands Of People Protecting Me, Because People Want To Shoot Me To Detah!!!

Live Long And Prosper!!!

blah, blah, blah, bullfluff!

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