
Bsnake Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 6:15:15

for the second time... closed the page lol...

MasterC hits 11194 35 kill 320 hpk


Xtinct hits 19537 95 kills 206 HPK

For all swords trashtalk the last few sets are getting spanked by a smaller and new clan, maybe some humble pie.. great effort from these guys, they wanted to earn some respect and sure are doing it.. great job...

NBK NBK 64193 313 kills 205hpk


PANLVxGD 37216 146 255
FoCuSxGD 22240 79 282

Total -59456 hits 225 kills 264hpk

great war all around.. similer to last set for NBK... will the killing off smaller countries work again,just gotta see if pan/focus keep restarting.... but props to both sides, really getting stuck in..

Cerevisi 61442hits 341 kills 180hpk


KAxGD 20351 hits 165 kills 123hpk

fluff restart rate and inactivity have made this an embaressment for KA. supper activity from CC cementing there place as one of the power clans of the server...

Reborn,revold and ares... well noone really care... soz guys..
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

KeTcHuP Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 6:19:26

TKO killed a country this set!

Thats breaking news!"
Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier

Rip It Up Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 6:22:06

wow donny..i actually am suprised by that stat. i dodnt think we would be close to PAN and FOCUS in that area. however im sure the # of countries say over 2m nw is very lopsided to them. they definitely have more breakers, but they are not using them as effectively probably as they should.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Havoc Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 6:22:07

How dare you.
Unholy Monks | The Omega

Bsnake Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 6:22:40

yeah the avg nw is close for all 3 clans in that war too....
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Rip It Up Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 6:23:31

also on a side note..there is more and more walling going on from both sides now that the inactives have been exposed and killed off.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Havoc Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 6:29:43

yup.. there's a huge chunk of your countries that we tend to just avoid hitting at most times of the day cause we know there's a 95% chance they'll just wall anyway. /sigh
Unholy Monks | The Omega

Rip It Up Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 6:30:40

Havoc...i saw in the news today a 4.2m nw country using turns breaking a 500k nw NBK country. i dont think thats the smartest way to roll when there are still plenty of larger NBK countries that should probably be taken out first :-P but hey...each to his own ;-)
Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Kill4Free Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 6:31:14

And NBK isn't killing very many restarts, we are picking a few while coming outta protection, but Pan/Focus is as well.

Im around keeping an eye on things we are killing most of the time, and by far the bulk are good countries.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Rockman Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 6:31:18

Originally posted by Havoc:
yup.. there's a huge chunk of your countries that we tend to just avoid hitting at most times of the day cause we know there's a 95% chance they'll just wall anyway. /sigh

Thats when you fight like Paradigm and use ABs



Feb 16th 2011, 6:35:34

fluff, I made one kill this morning... just to have one of the countries that participated in the kill run get killed. Congrats Xtinct.
SOTA President

a.k.a. Stryke
Originally posted by Bsnake:
I was sitting there wondering how many I could kill with one set of chopsticks

Rip It Up Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 6:38:22

64 to 86...not too much different aye. suprising to me.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Havoc Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 6:47:17

Originally posted by Rip It Up:
Havoc...i saw in the news today a 4.2m nw country using turns breaking a 500k nw NBK country. i dont think thats the smartest way to roll when there are still plenty of larger NBK countries that should probably be taken out first :-P but hey...each to his own ;-)

Eh that's what happens when it's the only country not a restart left with turns and it's low on cash and oil is 200+ and you're at 120 stored turns..
Unholy Monks | The Omega

Rip It Up Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 7:29:27

fair enough then :-P
i had to buy some oil today at 2500 a barrel :-(
Pain is weakness leaving the body.

mdevol Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 9:36:21

Originally posted by Rip It Up:
fair enough then :-P
i had to buy some oil today at 2500 a barrel :-(

you too? that hurt...

someone didnt mind though i bet. i just wish bushels went that high so the techers and cashers could feel the pain...
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Makinso Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 12:54:44

LoL my big ass techers are nicely profiting of all you fools! :-P

joe2 Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 17:21:00

Heres an interesting stat from the xtinct/swords war

Swords---12 active hitters over 2 mil nw

xtinct---90 active hitters over 2 mil nw



Feb 17th 2011, 3:38:10

Cerevisi Vs KAxGD

63,370 Hits
349 Kills
182 HPK

20,351 Hits
165 Kills
123 HPK

MasterC Vs Xtinct

22,087 Hits
106 Kills
208 HPK

12,124 Hits
41 Kils
296 HPK


67,716 Hits
334 Kills
203 HPK

Hits 39,538 25,430 64,968
Kills 155 92 247
HPK 255 276 263

Thomas Game profile


Feb 17th 2011, 5:32:55

GD getting stomped. Holy hell.

Bsnake Game profile


Feb 17th 2011, 5:40:33

No ka got stomped...pan and focus r doing a great job
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

synoder Game profile


Feb 17th 2011, 23:39:35

agreed, pan and focus are doing great. They have been outhitting us fairly often, fortunately we have been walling enough to keep ahead because if not then we would be in trouble.

Bsnake Game profile


Feb 17th 2011, 23:41:55

they have caught up th hits, as they should with a numerical advantage.... still have to see if they can turn that into a major advantage or not...

but good even war all things considered...
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

kwmi Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 0:31:21

Swords, with their epic-fail rainbow-build countries, has failed miserably this set. For all the trash talk about them being such a great war clan, I'm a bit surprised. At least they have stopped spewing their nonsense on the boards.

Junky Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 2:27:45

Originally posted by kwmi:
Swords, with their epic-fail rainbow-build countries, has failed miserably this set. For all the trash talk about them being such a great war clan, I'm a bit surprised. At least they have stopped spewing their nonsense on the boards.

well they coulda had a name that implied good warring.... Killers Anonomous<sp..
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 6:54:56

kwmi: 6-7 out of our 15 members are activily participating in this war. And I can promise you, that if we would have declared on them when we first discussed it, it would have been a different story. Since there entire current top 40 had less than 1k troop GS's at the time.

We did not want to be called gangbangers by hitting them when they were smaller than us. Xtinct played it perfectly. If we hit them first, they would claim they were netting peacefully and Swords is dishonorable. If we waited, like we did. We ran the chance of them outgrowing us in NW.

Swords had to be prepared for war OOP. So we were not able to run with 0 troops, 0 turrets, 0 SDI in order to gain net for war. Xtinct on the other hand, was able to do just that.

You can twist it however you want, but it boils down to 1 thing. Swords got there ass beat by a well prepared clan, who had there agenda and plans already made before the set started. We had always been there target, it was no suprise. I can promise you though, next set, they will not be able to netgain like they did this set without someone smashing there face in. Everyone knows there agenda now, and they will not fool anyone a second time.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DJ Disaster


Feb 18th 2011, 7:15:43

So you're going to hit us OOP next set? Thanks for the warning :)



Feb 18th 2011, 8:28:48

DeDLySMuRF that posts sounds like a bunch of excuses.

After Xtinct FS you still had numbers advantage and still had breakers. Based on what you said above you weren't caught with you pants down and you were war prepped and stocking turns.

If you were watching Xtinct as closely as you say and knew they were gunning for you. You knew they weren't war prepped OOP so why worry about them hitting you then. You could have run normal countries and prepped for war when xtinct did. What you are saying basically amounts to we planned poorly.

There is nothing that Xtinct did that excuses your members not restarting and not participating in war. They didn't kidnap half your members.

Xtinct kicked your teeth in. Plain and simple.

Also to say they were in perfect shape heading into the fight would be stupid as well. Considering IMP farmed them to fluff 2 days leading up to FS.

For an alliance so big & bad last set and so proud to blindside someone new to the server you sure look like a bunch of punks now.

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 9:22:43

DJ Disaster - PM Sent...

Okay "New Member" I'll bite. Swords had to be prepared for war against KA, PANLV, FoCuS or SancTFFA this set. We didn't know where the war would come from. So OOP we prepped for war. Xtinct did not.

When Cerevisi declared on KA, we took KA off the list of potential enemies/targets. That left PANLV, FoCuS and SancTFFA.

SancTFFA never appeared. Instead Xtinct appeared. Claiming to be a New Clan without any ties to SancTFFA. NBK, Cerevisi and IMP all told me that Xtinct was SancTFFA. About 2 Weeks into the set, I spied out Xtinct's top 50. None of them were war prepped. So instead of listening to our allies, We decided to not hit Xtinct. Since Xtinct could be a legitimate New Clan looking to start in FFA from 1a.

Shortly after, NBK declared on PANLV and FoCuS. Leaving Swords with what appeared to be 0 enemies/targets.

Then after Xtinct was pressured by IMP, Xtinct showed there true intentions and declared war on Swords instead of fighting the clan they had issues with.

Which brings us back to square 1. Xtinct = SancTFFA. We gave Xtinct the benifit of the doubt, and it blew up in our face.

Xtinct had all the advantages. Swords had all the disadvantages. And Xtinct planned it out perfectly.

And you are 100% correct, it is not Xtincts fault for our lack of activity. That is our fault and our issue.

I'd like to point out though, when SancTFFA was declared on by Swords last set. Swords + BSS had less countrys and less NW than SancTFFA.

And instead of fighting back, SancTFFA ran like cowards.

This set Xtinct declared on Swords with less countrys, but Swords didn't run anywhere. We are still fighting. Atleast we will never look like SancTFFA fluffes.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay


New Member

Feb 18th 2011, 10:03:03

you kill maybe 16 countries over 1mil nw entire war. thats too dumb fighting. now shut up and kill breaker. are ones gone only ones who knew how kill?

Edited By: rogue on Feb 18th 2011, 10:09:49
See Original Post

Pain Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 11:11:10

Originally posted by Thomas:
GD getting stomped. Holy hell.

how is that getting stomped? getting FSed by a clan thats as well organized and active as NBK is not something easy to overcome, despite number advantage.

you would know this if you were ever involved in a real war.

Your mother is a nice woman



Feb 18th 2011, 11:20:40

I don't think Xtinct = Sanct. If they did they would be gloating and come out by now. There would be no reason why they wouldn't. Seeing how much of a blowhard Thomas is in 1A I don't see him being quiet.

But basically to sum up your post you pissed off a quarter of the server and so had to worry about being hit from day 1.

A clan new to FFA that didn't have established tag protection or any allies was in better footing than you all reset. That allowed them to prepare better for the war you knew was coming at least two weeks in advanced. Your Ally 3 times the size of Xtinct farms the crap out of them (for independent reasons of course). And if we believe what has been posted threatened to hit Xinct if they touched you. And they had every advantage.

I will say this you were man enough to own up to your activity problems.

"We decided to not hit Xtinct. Since Xtinct could be a legitimate New Clan looking to start in FFA from 1a."

Given your history I find that statement laughable!!! You hit that exact kind of clan last reset cause you were bored.

You say it was an even fight more countries vs. more nw. You had fully prepped war countries and a FS last set. You hit a tag that was netting with zero preparation. A tag that hadn't caused you or BSS any issues and was testing out a new server. For completely BS reasons, to quote your post on your war dec "We just wanted to war". You wanted to war and you picked easiest target plain and simple.

The attempt to justify it afterward as protecting one man tags is laughable given you have done the same and you take no exception to it when your ally does the same thing this reset.

I haven't even touched the fact that you drove fresh blood off the FFA server. What Sanct did isn't all that surprising. You play in WOG in 1A. Most 1A alliances gave you temp DNH because you were new and came from another server. If an Alliance just decide to wipe you out cause they were bored you would be livid. You would probably say FU to the server and not play again.

If anyone started a new clan this set. They would be expecting to get hit again for no reason. When a clan 3 times their size starts messing with them that happens to be an known ally for the only clan near their size. What the hell did you think would happen??? The two choices are go Kamakazi on IMP or fight a target they stood a chance against that the big bullies were backing?

You reap what you sow is basically my point. Your history and allies led you to the asswooping you are receiving.

Oh and I am a new member cause I don't need my alliance affiliated with my statements. I am no leader and my opinions are my own. Posting under my normal nick would not allow that separation.

Edited By: CheckTheNews on Feb 18th 2011, 11:27:28
See Original Post

Pain Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 11:36:41

well said, CTN.

Your mother is a nice woman

Bsnake Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 11:57:27

pwned... plain and simple... where is the great "mob bot1.4 doing what he has done since 1904".........

nowhere to be found....

fluff talkers....
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 12:20:04

Originally posted by CheckTheNews:
Oh and I am a new member cause I don't need my alliance affiliated with my statements. I am no leader and my opinions are my own. Posting under my normal nick would not allow that separation.

Your words are meaningless unless you have the balls to post as yourself. So I am through talking to you...

Hey Bsnake,

pwned... plain and simple... where is the great DM, NOW3P, or for that matter anyone from KA?

nowhere to be found....

fluff talkers....
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

Bsnake Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 12:34:23

u got hit by a clan less than ur size and got whacked... i killed more than ur clan this set you fool in a loseing clan...

yeah where where my mates,they went missing...

at least KA got hit by a good clan with a number advantage and a FS...

u got hit by a smaller clan, much smaller and i still out hit you fluffwits....

fluff off deadly u senate still want me cause im better than all u have u fluff wit....

i talk fluff.... look at my stats baby.... still the best without bots..... u aint got a thing
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub



Feb 18th 2011, 12:45:54

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:

Your words are meaningless unless you have the balls to post as yourself. So I am through talking to you...

The nick i post under doesn't make what I said any less valid. But i guess that is an easy way to write me off and not have to deal with my points.

Apparently they make sense to Pain and Bsnake but you have some special view where i am posting gibberish and only thing you can focus on is my nick.

Makinso Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 12:47:18

LoL I actually remember CTN as a very old nick in 1a :-P but that could be my memory failing me.

Juusto Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 12:47:22

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:

Swords had to be prepared for war against KA, PANLV, FoCuS or SancTFFA this set. We didn't know where the war would come from. So OOP we prepped for war.

When Cerevisi declared on KA, we took KA off the list of potential enemies/targets. That left PANLV, FoCuS and SancTFFA.

Ohh good to know Dedlysmurf cos we have a pact in this set... The one which we agreed last set when you wanted us to stop hitting you. Funny how your HFA still remembers it but you dont. I guess swords is also pact breakers like their allies...

PS. technically not cos they havent broken it, yet.


DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 13:41:41

Juusto -

Did we break the pact? No. But did we expect you to honor your side of the pact?

Lets just say we put about as much faith into that pact as we'd put into PANLV policing for us again.

We will always keep to our end of agreement though. We will let others make fools of themselves by breaking pacts.

Now as for Allies that break pacts... Do you mean KAxGD? The clan that on FFAT dropped IMP's pact and told Swords ally BSS that BSS should drop there pact and hit them in defense of the PANLV + KA gangbanging of Swords?
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

DJ Disaster


Feb 18th 2011, 14:40:35

Originally posted by CheckTheNews:
They didn't kidnap half your members.


joe2 Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 14:44:06

Honestly Ive seen Swords fight this reset and being in SanctFFA had some of thier ops, I've never seen so many rainbow strats even getting ops off nubs in primary.

DJ Disaster


Feb 18th 2011, 14:46:32

So they should retag as Skittles?



Feb 18th 2011, 18:07:52

Originally posted by Makinso:
LoL I actually remember CTN as a very old nick in 1a :-P but that could be my memory failing me.

You are supposed to forget things in your old age. But i have no relation to whoever used this in the past. Like everyone on Robot Chicken, any likeness is merely coincidental.