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so what you're saying is to promote the bottom-feeding/farming of noobs?
Ofc u hit people that have a chance of retal. that's what ghost acres are for.
Also, i agree that l:l sucks. it has always sucked. was onl ever put in place to further opress clans that had limited resources to start with and create a bigger gap between them and the 'big guys'.
With that said, i won't play FFA. if i was going to play a multi-country server, i'd much rather play one where everyone started with one country and there were methods of creating new ones if X was accomplished. starting off the mark with 16 countries gives me a headache.
No, I'm saying either go all-explore or get enough defense to bounce retals.
Land:Land was put in place in response to alliances going to war if you got enough defense to bounce their retals. Because midfeeding alliances and bouncing retals causes wars, people stopped doing it (because it would turn a netting set into a war set). Without the need to bounce retals from established alliances, skilled players instead had to keep artificially low networths to have a larger selection of untaggeds & noobs to grab.
When two people trade grabs, the less skilled player benefits. 1:1 retals benefit the less skilled players. 1:1 is just as artificial a policy as land:land. The most realistic policy would be 1:kill.
If you grab someone who has not grabbed you, why should they not be allowed to take back what was theirs?
If you don't like someone doing land:land retals on you, get more turrets.