
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Oct 15th 2011, 18:38:07

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by Rockman:
At least LaF hasn't been lame enough to accuse Evo of being behind 2025's actions. If 2025 did that to Evo, I bet you guys would have immediately blamed LaF for the Russians.

Wow, you really must be LaF to the core if you think that posting the truth on AT is lame. But sure, no doubt that the fact that LaF has farmed 4-5 alliances in the short time EE has been up is just due to a bunch of happy coincidences. You have everyone fooled, honest.

I think the owner of the country killed might argue with you about the "happy" occurrence that lead to his death last set

You mean he didn't know that his role was to do war hits/die in wars while the "good players" farm 300k acres? You should be more honest in your recruiting.

davidoss Game profile


Oct 15th 2011, 18:58:47

Without hate, there can be no love.

locket Game profile


Oct 15th 2011, 20:30:53

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by Rockman:
At least LaF hasn't been lame enough to accuse Evo of being behind 2025's actions. If 2025 did that to Evo, I bet you guys would have immediately blamed LaF for the Russians.

Wow, you really must be LaF to the core if you think that posting the truth on AT is lame. But sure, no doubt that the fact that LaF has farmed 4-5 alliances in the short time EE has been up is just due to a bunch of happy coincidences. You have everyone fooled, honest.

I think the owner of the country killed might argue with you about the "happy" occurrence that lead to his death last set

You mean he didn't know that his role was to do war hits/die in wars while the "good players" farm 300k acres? You should be more honest in your recruiting.

nah he didn't know he would lose his country that would have beaten all of evo just like a few other laf ones did, just for killing a suicider. But pretending to be ignorant is definitely a good way to keep up the trolling so Im guessing you wont care about this.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Oct 15th 2011, 21:05:27

You were going to give him tons of FA and free land? No wonder he was so upset :(

locket Game profile


Oct 15th 2011, 21:26:38

Yah all that FA those top countries had last set for example. I was pissed when i saw it. If those pathetic laf countries get a whole 0 bushels of FA and beat evo just because of those 0 bushels of FA... man that grinds my gears. I totally see where you are coming from though. Xinuan for example had fricking 0 bushels FA'd to him. What a prick. I am pretty sure it is abuse of the system to beat every evo player with ease while getting mass 0 bushel FA'd. Such a shame that he would act like he did.

Rockman Game profile


Oct 16th 2011, 0:13:43

Originally posted by locket:
Yah all that FA those top countries had last set for example. I was pissed when i saw it. If those pathetic laf countries get a whole 0 bushels of FA and beat evo just because of those 0 bushels of FA... man that grinds my gears. I totally see where you are coming from though. Xinuan for example had fricking 0 bushels FA'd to him. What a prick. I am pretty sure it is abuse of the system to beat every evo player with ease while getting mass 0 bushel FA'd. Such a shame that he would act like he did.

Hanlong and SS each got 3B of FA last set .... from each other.

LaF must be abusing the system, with some ghost cash from FAing, or something like that.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Oct 16th 2011, 0:14:02

I'd wager that more LaF countries have been FAed into the top ten than from all of the other alliances in the game combined. If you want to call me ignorant and claim that your alliance has nothing to hide, post your laf's tag news from last set and prove me wrong. Until then, stop acting like a child.

locket Game profile


Oct 16th 2011, 0:52:25

You were acting ignorant with your claims. Thats pretty obvious. I'm acting like a child? Perhaps you should look in the mirror there dude. Why bring up claims like what you just did when I could simply point out KJs country from a few sets back or the numerous ones you farm while intag while they have stock home etc etc. Laf hasn't done anything that evo hasn't done the exact same or worse(except set every top nw record in alliance). So why bother even bringing it up?

It seems to me that you simply don't like looking bad when you make a claim about FA etc and are proven to be wrong(rockman's post sums that up nicely. Tons of free land and FA indeed. HA). I honestly don't see a point for this thread to be this long with pointless trolling but you can't seem to stop yourself. It almost seems to me that you like engaging in kiddy arguments.... especially considering my post simply had to do with the owner of the dead country disagreeing with your opinion on the cirumstances in which he died....childish indeed.

Junky Game profile


Oct 16th 2011, 1:20:36

this thread got wayyyyyy off topic...
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Jiman Game profile


Oct 16th 2011, 1:44:24

Did this thread turn into another Laf vs someone thread.

What the heck is happening now a days?!

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Oct 16th 2011, 2:04:37

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by locket:
Yah all that FA those top countries had last set for example. I was pissed when i saw it. If those pathetic laf countries get a whole 0 bushels of FA and beat evo just because of those 0 bushels of FA... man that grinds my gears. I totally see where you are coming from though. Xinuan for example had fricking 0 bushels FA'd to him. What a prick. I am pretty sure it is abuse of the system to beat every evo player with ease while getting mass 0 bushel FA'd. Such a shame that he would act like he did.

Hanlong and SS each got 3B of FA last set .... from each other.

LaF must be abusing the system, with some ghost cash from FAing, or something like that.

I thought you were a student of mathematics? You can't prove that something is true for all elements in a set by just proving that it's true for one. Although you didn't even manage that, as you didn't even claim that Hanlong only received FA from SS. He had trade pacts with other countries. He farmed 30k acres off a laf country who then suicided on an evo country that had a chance at finishing in the top ten. Hell, he even had a friend from another tag launch an EM and fail attacks so he could take "retals".

LaF is one of the dirtiest alliances in the game who only cares about winning. LaF does not care at all about fair play. LaF does not care about allies. The goal is to win, not to win fairly. LaF used to be proud of those facts. What happened?

As I said before, if LaF's top ten are clean then they need to post the full set of tag admin news to prove it. Playing silly games and posting lies mean absolutely nothing.

Edited By: Slagpit on Oct 16th 2011, 2:07:30
See Original Post

locket Game profile


Oct 16th 2011, 2:13:41

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by locket:
Yah all that FA those top countries had last set for example. I was pissed when i saw it. If those pathetic laf countries get a whole 0 bushels of FA and beat evo just because of those 0 bushels of FA... man that grinds my gears. I totally see where you are coming from though. Xinuan for example had fricking 0 bushels FA'd to him. What a prick. I am pretty sure it is abuse of the system to beat every evo player with ease while getting mass 0 bushel FA'd. Such a shame that he would act like he did.

Hanlong and SS each got 3B of FA last set .... from each other.

LaF must be abusing the system, with some ghost cash from FAing, or something like that.

I thought you were a student of mathematics? You can't prove that something is true for all elements in a set by just proving that it's true for one. Although you didn't even manage that, as you didn't even claim that Hanlong only received FA from SS. He had trade pacts with other countries. He farmed 30k acres off a laf country who then suicided on an evo country that had a chance at finishing in the top ten. Hell, he even had a friend from another tag launch an EM and fail attacks so he could take "retals".

LaF is one of the dirtiest alliances in the game who only cares about winning. LaF does not care at all about fair play. LaF does not care about allies. The goal is to win, not to win fairly. LaF used to be proud of those facts. What happened?

As I said before, if LaF's top ten are clean then they need to post the full set of tag admin news to prove it. Playing silly games and posting lies mean absolutely nothing.

Numerous Laf players want full disclosure. Hanlong repayed all FA he was given last set. Perhaps the same could go for as you suggest or code it into he game... Childishness cloaked with more words then the average child knows.. funny. ;)

davidoss Game profile


Oct 16th 2011, 2:42:51

No one has any need to prove anything. Now please get back on topic. :)

Xinhuan Game profile


Oct 16th 2011, 4:43:22

We don't have access to last reset's tag admin news. Care to tell us how?

Eugene and my country has 0 FA sent and received all reset. At the minimum there is no argument about our 2 countries that finished above 300m.

The FA sent between Bakku, Hanlong and SS's countries are loans and repayments, they were not FA sent for finishing top 10s. Why would they need to FA each other into top 10 when all 3 countries are already top 10 countries to begin with? A top 10 country FAing a top 10 country doesn't magically create a 3rd top 10 country you know.

I agree the 2-stepping via LT's country is not that "clean", but otherwise it wouldn't be possible for Hanlong to regain 200% L:L land, plus stock lost via the top feed which Sanct had to FA about 10 times to repay. Furthermore, if you do the math, you'll easily see that Hanlong's country would have been better off without the topfeed or 2-stepping on LT or any of the Sanct FA by at least 10-20m NW. That is, Hanlong would have finished even higher IF all that didn't happen.

Slagpit, use some logic before you post.

Xinhuan Game profile


Oct 16th 2011, 5:00:47

You can keep arguing about us "FAing countries into top 10", but at the end of the day, we know it didn't happen, and the FA only occurred between countries that would have finished top 10s _in_the_first_place_ without the loans/repayments.

We wouldn't even mind if you implemented a system into EE to allow for full disclosure of the tag admin news. But hey, that's your job as admin, not ours. You can keep talking and not implement it so that we can continue to troll each other on the forums, or you can implement it because we have nothing to hide or lose.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2011, 5:17:12

read "wouldnt mind" as "have been advocating for" :)

hanlong Game profile


Oct 16th 2011, 7:30:47

*sigh* this thread is so dumb.

i can give you full disclosure:

you have to be kidding me if you didn't think my country was "FAed" to t10. i was the fattest country all reset (well diez and me alternated). it's almost like saying diez wasn't going to be t10 last reset too... you can msg him yourself, we started to have a friendly ingame msg exchanging racing for land ever since we were ilke 12k acres and recognized we were both going to be the top farmers in the game.

the techers did beat us though because last reset was too good of a techer reset for casher/farmers to compete.

its crap like this that turns me off from this game. i spent a lot of time camping dr all reset just to give the others going for top spots (xin/diez/ss/eug) some friendly competition. and it was a fun competition between me and diez...

2011-09-07 01:47:03 myDONisHugeANdLONG $8,143,948 65,144 acres F LaF

second fattest in the game was of course diez:

2011-09-07 21:57:01 Y U NO LANDFARM $14,461,892 61,607 acres F EVOlens

after this though it turned gay. we both got topfed at the same time then. him by RAGE and me by sanct.

i got hit by a pacted alliance by a 11k country for 14k acres. and i asked for reps since there was no way i was getting what our pact terms said (200% L:L) from him.

i do agree with you however my country was dumb at that point. i told fudgepuppy myself during those FA talks that my country will end up looking retarded. do the math. i ended up 255M nw. does a 65.8k farmer on 9/7 finishing 255M scream "mass FA" to you? if anything it underperformed... if i didn't get hit by a pacted alliance i would've finished closer to 280M nw. i was neck and neck with diez for rank 4 all reset. i ended up being rank 5 after all the reps etc. were paid. who did i shortchange in ranks exactly? if anything i ended up lower nw/rank than i originally was going to get after all was said and done.

i can bring up examples from previous resets where top evo players/farmers who have a lot of land lost from a mega-topfeed get reps/land back. i don't remember me ever complaining about it because it was obvious what was happening and its accepted as part of the game. never knew that constituted "dirtiness" because you guys do it also....

did we complain about when opo mamita got his reps from PDM when he got smacked last reset? no... because like me, he was hit by a pacted alliance and was paid reps. there was a few PDM topfeeds last reset also that resulted in evo internal farming for the acres back... no complaints here then and now (but i have to bring it up for the sake of argument here).

i was talking daily to fudgepuppy at that time trying to get it sorted out, and figured if i asked a LaFfer who didn't want to play anymore (due to RL stuff) get me back my acres it would be faster since sanct said they didn't have enough stock to pay me back in full quickly enough due to them getting out of a war with SOL... so there was a mixture of land recovered (150% L:L instead of 200% L:L) and reps paid. sanct took a few days to start paying though and i was going on a 2 week vacation around that time so i wanted to build my country for stocking asap so i took some FA from SS to help me rebuild faster.

i paid him back in full afterwards. bakku also took a loan from ss and couldn't pay ss back in time before he jumped so i told him i'll pay ss for him since i was already sending ss back his loan he gave me and bakku can just pay me back later since i was jumping later than ss.

yes i do agree, because of all those events (sanct paying reps, ss givnig me a loan, me paying bakku back his loan so he paid me back also) indicated my country news has a lot of FA received. i don't refute that argument. but i also sent just as much FA (outside of the sanct reps).

anyways, last reset has pretty much turned me off this game... and this lame flaming that goes on doesn't make it any better... just look at all the evo/laf threads for the past few resets. this is from members on both sides too. you guys repeat the same stupid arguments over and over again...

i think everyone can agree that it is getting lame and old. i don't even want to bother posting anymore sometimes because 1) i don't care anymore 2) its the same crap over and over again. and 3) everyone else in the community is sick of it also.

what is the point of all this crap exactly? either put up or shut up.

Edited By: hanlong on Oct 16th 2011, 7:34:37
See Original Post
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

hanlong Game profile


Oct 16th 2011, 7:43:24

[quote poster=Slagpit; 12742; 226671]
Originally posted by Rockman:
He farmed 30k acres off a laf country who then suicided on an evo country that had a chance at finishing in the top ten.

btw the majority of this community disagrees that it was a suicide.

seriously? a untagged retaling someone who HIT HIM FIRST is considered suicide? do we really need to bring this up again?

i got hit by a country in a PACTED alliance UNPROVOKED and what happened was part of the reps package.

lenshark got PS retaled by an untagged country PROVOKED.

it was unfortunate that one LaF's country was involved in both situations. outside of that there is absolutely no connection between those two events.

if you want to call it "getting 30k acres off a country that suicided evo later" then whatever... no one is obviously convincing you otherwise. and i doubt what i just said will either... so can we just leave AT alone and stop posting this crap because no one really cares
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

locket Game profile


Oct 16th 2011, 10:13:07


bertz Game profile


Oct 16th 2011, 10:25:19

All top 10 are cheaters! even the top 10 in our school, in exams in all aspect of our lives!

Junky Game profile


Oct 16th 2011, 22:26:03

True, all top ten are cheaters.. and every Netting Clan FA's their top countries... I really don't see why people are arguing over FA'd top 10s... big whoop.. so they FA'd their top countries better then you could FA your top countries...
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.