
Rockman Game profile


Sep 5th 2012, 15:09:18

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by UBer Bu:
Psst, I supported and contributed to the Roemer campaign. But I must still be an irrational idiot for daring to call out hyperbole, right? And since it was Republican-branded hyperbole, I surely must be the strongest type of Obama supporter there is!

You defended Obama's record on deficit spending. Only an irrational person would do that.
just because economic growth with the extra spending has been "weak" doesn't mean it can't be a huge improvement over not spending that much money...

It doesn't matter whether economic growth is strong or weak. 16 trillion in debt is bad for the country.

iNouda Game profile


Sep 5th 2012, 15:56:54

Just print more money!

trumper Game profile


Sep 5th 2012, 16:47:09

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by UBer Bu:
Psst, I supported and contributed to the Roemer campaign. But I must still be an irrational idiot for daring to call out hyperbole, right? And since it was Republican-branded hyperbole, I surely must be the strongest type of Obama supporter there is!

You defended Obama's record on deficit spending. Only an irrational person would do that.
just because economic growth with the extra spending has been "weak" doesn't mean it can't be a huge improvement over not spending that much money...

What also may have been a huge improvement: just giving every tax filer $6,000. We avoid wasting money on administration of the money, we avoid spending it on politically-connected companies, and we certainly avoid paying for advertisements to talk about the money we spent. Of course it just means we owe $831 billion plus interest down the road. Tack it on to our other trillions.

In fairness, deficits aren't a one-sided problem. But eventually folks need to come to the harsh reality that we're spending way too much money and you can't borrow forever. I'm not sure if we should consider it heart-warming or heart-burning that Congress fought over cutting $34 billion last year.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Sep 5th 2012, 18:35:43

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by UBer Bu:
Psst, I supported and contributed to the Roemer campaign. But I must still be an irrational idiot for daring to call out hyperbole, right? And since it was Republican-branded hyperbole, I surely must be the strongest type of Obama supporter there is!

You defended Obama's record on deficit spending. Only an irrational person would do that.
just because economic growth with the extra spending has been "weak" doesn't mean it can't be a huge improvement over not spending that much money...

What also may have been a huge improvement: just giving every tax filer $6,000. We avoid wasting money on administration of the money, we avoid spending it on politically-connected companies, and we certainly avoid paying for advertisements to talk about the money we spent. Of course it just means we owe $831 billion plus interest down the road. Tack it on to our other trillions.

In fairness, deficits aren't a one-sided problem. But eventually folks need to come to the harsh reality that we're spending way too much money and you can't borrow forever. I'm not sure if we should consider it heart-warming or heart-burning that Congress fought over cutting $34 billion last year.
The problem with giving every citizen in a heavily indebted country money is that they just use the money to pay back some of their debt. Yes, ultimately that money does circulate through the banking system etc. but if you use the money for directed investment you probably achieve a higher fiscal multiplier just because less of the money is spent on debt reduction (which is a hit to GDP). I don't disagree with you that a lot of government spending is done in a very wasteful way and companies like Boeing basically live off of lobbying the US govt into making bad decisions.

Essentially the problem isn't the absolute value of the debt but the value of the debt relative to the wealth of America(ns).
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF


EE Patron

Sep 5th 2012, 19:28:21

good call PP
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 5th 2012, 19:55:05

You are all missing the point.

It is generally accepted in political theory that the political spectrum isn't a line, but a circle. As a result, as you move further to the extreme right or the extreme left the views/beliefs tend to converge.

Libertarianism is an illistration of that relationship.

oats Game profile


Sep 5th 2012, 20:03:11

I watched some clips of this and it made me feel awkward enough to watch no more.

I can watch televangelists swindle money from old people, no problem. I feel like people are at least aware of the game and they generally participate in a manner that is mostly harmless (although silly, imo).

But this shindig made me kind of uncomfortable. Firstly because it wasn't a televangelist who limits his game to soaking people out of their money and jewelry. These are the managers (sometimes mistakenly referred to as leaders) of our country. They enable torture, death sentences, wars and actions that lead to large scale poverty causing the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions. They've managed to cross breed religion with politics and replace the priority of human rights with a singular focus on money, despite the ever increasing lawless and arbitrary nature of the monetary system. And these people gather to hoot and holler, reinforce their biases and generally put on a show fit for a bunch of lunatics.

I can't follow this at all. It's beyond me.

oats Game profile


Sep 5th 2012, 22:45:41


This clip from the Dem convention is also rather ridiculous.

The vote is to change an amendment to say:

"Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel"

Must watch clip to understand.;feature=player_embedded

This type of shinanigan doesn't only happen at the RNC.

Atryn Game profile


Sep 6th 2012, 2:23:53

that sucks too oats.


I could "almost" get it if he was making a "majority" call, but who could call either of those 2/3????

BILL_DANGER Game profile


Sep 6th 2012, 5:36:20



Neo: Why do my eyes hurt?
Morpheus: You've never used them before.



Sep 8th 2012, 16:26:26

I think it's hilarious that people think Romney is the solution to anything...

Tigress Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 20:14:28

Looking back at how they spent the 800 billion, or much larger figures floating around I do not see any current political party as being viable.

24 million Americans out of work or underemployed, and no solution in sight. The kicker is they have money to burn on propping up the old system. i.e. when is the next round of Quantitative Easing QE3 going to be implemented?

33% of the 24 mil. out of work, could be put back to work as entrepreneurs with the kind of money they are throwing around. Many franchises can be purchased for under 100k, and come bundled with the equipment, business plan, name brand, training, and upper management, needed to make the investment work.

An alternative is providing the business planning services needed, vouchers to fulfill the business plan doled out as the business grows thru its start up phase. Not all businesses take $1-2 million to get off the ground. Another piece to the puzzle is to offset some of the licensing and regulatory costs to a later date when the business is profitable. The gov is already sitting on huge amounts of empty office space and unused equipment. So leasing office space and equipment for an offset amount to be paid later is not going to be anymore detrimental then leaving it empty and unused.

This is not a freebie, there would need to be an agreement between those getting the money for a business and the gov. Anyone helped under the system would pay slightly higher taxes for 10 years on the profits generated by the business, to pay back the initial investment. Or any other creative vehicle the gov can come up with to get the money back. If someone fails to get the business going then it reverts back to the Gov to be handed off to another person willing to take on the responsibility.

We can continue to pay out, benefits to people on unemployment, and/or welfare with no ROI, or spend the money in a smart way and rebuild the small business base in the US. No large business is going to survive without a solid foundation to stand on. That foundation is small business. Our jobs come from and are directly related to this foundation.

I am not hearing anything even remotely approaching ideas like this to get people back to work. FDR used the money to hire people directly and put them to work on gov infrastructure projects. the key was bottom up, start at the bottom and give the money to the average worker, and then let economics take its course. Top down never works, and is only used to protect the status quo, which both parties are hellbent on doing.

Edited By: Tigress on Sep 8th 2012, 20:17:32
See Original Post
Happy Hunting




Sep 8th 2012, 20:58:59

i agree wholeheartedly.

Watch Inside Job... an excellent documentary on this.

oats Game profile


Sep 9th 2012, 2:55:03

While benefits to people who are not working may seem like a drag it's certainly a better stimulus to the economy than QE to prop up some financial segments of the economy. The people at the very bottom are forced to spend money due to necessity. They have to inject the money into basic consumer goods.



Sep 9th 2012, 4:29:55

In France there is a law that the price of bread can never go over a certain price, so everyone can afford it and not starve. Sounds like a good idea to me.

lymz Game profile


Sep 9th 2012, 6:13:07

Ahhh geez, the Democrats did the same thing with the voice vote?! *sigh* It seems like their both puppets to the teleprompters...