
Devestation Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 9:54:44

resigning from LAF ITT

Drow Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 10:05:22

and how big is NA these days?
they were second largest alliance after LaF or thereabout at the time.
regardless of whether you keep the acount or not, the fact remains that you haven't stopped his access, nor are you booting him OR TC.
and for what it's worth, I felt NA should have removed llaar altogether when he was caught out too.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

locket Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 10:07:40




May 2nd 2012, 10:08:24


I lack access to do so, and each alliance has different ways to approaching things.

If it was up to me, he would be dropped to the same access level as the guys that are in other alliances, No Access Forum only.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Drow Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 10:23:49

Forgotten, that's a fair call if you don't have the access.
Different alliances might have different ways of doing things I agree, but still. There's a point where ANY alliance would have to say booting is the only option.

BTW, I believe upper level leaders can remove access AND change pass to prevent someone logging into their account, meaning you can keep the account for IP logs.

Paradigm President of failed speeling



May 2nd 2012, 10:36:23

Who says they haven't already?

Also, some of us have relations OUTSIDE of this game that we have built.

I think it's perfectly valid if we let this guy stay in contact with guys he has known for the past 15 years.

Like I said, I don't even have access to be able to tell. But what is the difference between having no access to the account, versus only having access to an No Access Forum that is rarely used?

But as far as the game and other alliance is concerned, I believe that both players involved, and any other players found guilty of it, won't be playing under the LaF tag, if they are even allowed to play after the dust has settled.

I don't speak for LaF, nor shall my comments be considered as such.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

anoniem Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 11:04:58

If you don't speak for LaF, then keep quiet.



May 2nd 2012, 11:06:28

If you have nothing nice to say, then STFU
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Oceana Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 11:10:51


SolidSnake Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 11:39:34

Originally posted by Drow:
can't be in 2 places at once dude.
and just like a suicider, you need to take responsibility as an alliance, for your members actions.
More so because he was your leader.
Nowhere has LaF said "we're sorry for their actions".
Nowhere has LaF said "we have booted them".
all that has been said is that Hanlong is no longer a don, and that his access has been gutted. in fact, right there says he STILL HAS ACCESS!
And nothing has been said of consequences for TC.

He has access so that he has the opportunity to post an explanation (not that anything that could be posted could even come close to justifying it.). He'll never play for laf again. Same goes for TC.



May 2nd 2012, 12:01:24

thank you for clearing that up SS
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Brink Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 12:07:18

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
How does that mean LAF heads were complicit? How did we allow something to go down that we didn't know about?

to be very frank, Hanlong was a bit of a control freak. As he started bearing more and more of the work load, I know I stopped doing a lot, and I can only assume other LAF head types did the same. I often showed up for war chats early, and hanlong would tell me everything was already ready to go/he would take care of it/etc. In a game like this, why would any busy adult fight over who does the work? We work for our alliances because we love our members, if someone else is doing the work, and it seems to be going well, why argue? The system hanlong had developed allowed him to keep everything pretty hush, and questions to be kept very infrequent, even from other heads.

Having been on both sides of this control coin, I completely and totally believe, follow, and get this comment. Understood.



May 2nd 2012, 12:31:48

so i guess it really was anoniem who posted those logs under an alias and lied about it being him...funny

if hanlong had admin access he obviously knew the whole time by matching your IPs or some other GOD mode means.

SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

ArsenalMD Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 12:42:42

LT we'd like to believe you, but you can probably understand why no-one does.

Drow Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 13:03:56

thank you SS.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

dagga Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 13:42:47

Hang on, if LAF permanently boots cheats, why is Tarnarva back??
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

SolidSnake Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 13:46:00

Originally posted by dagga:
Hang on, if LAF permanently boots cheats, why is Tarnarva back??

LT didnt cheat while in laf, supposedly he created a second account while not playing in laf (or anywhere else) and hit evo through that. Qz himself said he doesnt even consider that cheating.

I say supposedly, because i dont recall actually seeing/being told there was any evidence to suggest that did ever happen.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 15:13:41

I didn't and have not cheated, and I am increasingly annoyed and bothered by the SOL/EVO mouthpieces accusations that I did.

I absolutely do not condone what has transpired with hlw/tc if it proves to be true, which I am not denying at this point. In fact it turns my stomach. We are all adults now. A lot of us cheated when we were 14,15 years old, but the general populace of the game is reaching it's late twenties/early thirties. Kind of like how it was acceptable to go throwing eggs at people when you were 15, but I would never enjoy, or dream of doing it as an adult.

echlori Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 15:20:24

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
Kind of like how it was acceptable to go throwing eggs at people when you were 15, but I would never enjoy, or dream of doing it as an adult.

Not sure if everyone thought it was acceptable to go throwing eggs at people when they were 15. I sure didn't think it was when I was 15.

hawkeyee Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 20:06:04

Originally posted by highrock:
Whether or not the whole leadership of Laf was involved, the whole heads team from last reset should resign. It's not about whether they knew about it or not, but the fact it happened under their watch means that they need to take responsibility. It happens actly the same way in the real world. When somebody screws up, the bosses take responsibility whether or not it was their fault.

Yes, that's true, but how many alliances have people who aren't part of leadership but who are ready, willing and able to step up and take that role? To suggest that the entire leadership team step down is essentially suggesting the alliance disband.
The Omega
Omega Retal Policy/Contacts: (Earth Wiki)
Apply: (Boxcar)

hawkeyee Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 20:12:12

Originally posted by anoniem:
If a member of my alliance was consistently getting info from several alliances, then I would become extremely suspicious and not just accept "i have my sources don't question me"

Bullfluff. No you wouldn't. People get information from anonymous sources all the time. Several years ago "I can't tell you that" would be a consistent answer that I gave Jacobus or LOD or Alicia or other members of Omega's leadership team when they asked me where I got certain information from.

And to say that the leadership represents the membership is also bullfluff. Are all Americans adulterous because Clinton cheated on his wife? Are all Iraqi's complicit in genocide because of the actions of Saddam? Were all Germans war criminals because of the actions of the Nazis? Leaders have control over their members. They have the power to influence their members. There's a lot of power that comes with leadership, be it in this game or in real life. I recognize the absurdity of this analogy, but LaF members were no more complicit in the actions of certain leaders than the average German citizen was complicit in the actions of Hitler - and notice, I consistently say certain leaders... I'm by no means saying this was only limited to TC and Hanlong, but it no means extended to the entire leadership team or the entire LaF membership base.
The Omega
Omega Retal Policy/Contacts: (Earth Wiki)
Apply: (Boxcar)

hawkeyee Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 20:14:29

Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
LT we'd like to believe you, but you can probably understand why no-one does.

Speak for yourself.
The Omega
Omega Retal Policy/Contacts: (Earth Wiki)
Apply: (Boxcar)

Atryn Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 20:19:43

[quote poster=hawkeyee; 17262; 317305]
Originally posted by anoniem:
Were all Germans war criminals because of the actions of the Nazis? Leaders have control over their members. They have the power to influence their members. There's a lot of power that comes with leadership, be it in this game or in real life. I recognize the absurdity of this analogy, but LaF members were no more complicit in the actions of certain leaders than the average German citizen was complicit in the actions of Hitler

Wow, Godwin's Law, right there.

I love how that always works.

hawkeyee Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 20:21:04

[quote poster=Atryn; 17262; 317311]
Originally posted by hawkeyee:
Originally posted by anoniem:
Were all Germans war criminals because of the actions of the Nazis? Leaders have control over their members. They have the power to influence their members. There's a lot of power that comes with leadership, be it in this game or in real life. I recognize the absurdity of this analogy, but LaF members were no more complicit in the actions of certain leaders than the average German citizen was complicit in the actions of Hitler

Wow, Godwin's Law, right there.

I love how that always works.

Haha. Didn't even realize that as I was typing. So true.
The Omega
Omega Retal Policy/Contacts: (Earth Wiki)
Apply: (Boxcar)

MADMARK Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 23:40:24

MD getting hit by these guys. Great MD are doomed!

skyhorse Game profile


Dec 22nd 2012, 2:35:26

The info is outdated