
enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 15th 2012, 17:15:57

5) id love history to be visible to the tag admins, if you dont want admins to know who you are then maybe you shouldnt be playing somewhere

that combined with strict 1 account per person might limit suiciding from a tag

Scorba Game profile


Feb 18th 2012, 23:25:13

You can't prevent suiciding without babying the game down further than it has been. This is another topic that no one will agree one.

I tried to introduce tag warring awhile back in forms to weaken FSs and keep wars as flexible as possible but that was also completely ignored since it involved warring.

Helmet Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 2:07:25

Originally posted by Wench:
PS. Does anyone else feel that if Helmet is truly for changing the server for the better, he would quit SOF as a protest against the OOP wars and gangbangs they participate in every reset? How about a protest over the fact SOF have testicles the size of adjacent fullstops.. Why? they pick on clans that are too small too defend themselves.

You want change Helmet? Look in the mirror.

You're stupid.

Drake Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 3:22:18


what am I going to do when I get bored...stockpile?????

Trife Game profile


Feb 27th 2012, 21:24:49

lets make something happen on this

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 27th 2012, 22:38:10

for suiciders ... see killruns :)
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Eric171 Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 0:49:49

Originally posted by martian:
imo the thing is that there is a certain aspect to this game involving the ability to play untagged or hide your identity when you restart. If you keep country names the same and force restarts to tag then potentially you can make restarting very hard in more involved wars.
I'm not sure suiciding is an issue that needs to be dealt with in such a severe way.. Mind you, this is coming from someone who one set had his tag kill almost every single untagged country on the server (we did accept NAP's from some individuals).... :P

That set was epic. Maybe we should do it again...

Eric171 Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 0:55:36

Originally posted by iScode:
I never thought this forum could get more retarted, then i read this crap.

Here is an idea. How about u just remove attacking and we wil make this a netters only game. I mean really? trying to remove suiciding? fluff off, you need suiciding, without the top alliances would be able to do what ever they wanted with impunity knowing they can piss people of without repercussions.

Take the idea of removing suiciding shove it up your arse, and never speak of it again

you can still do organized suiciding unders these proposed rules, iScode. We just call it war, is all. :p

Trife Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 19:44:09
