
braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 21:10:16

how, exactly, do you feel I'm trying to cheat his justice?

and, if you read back, you'd find that actually have no desire to force anybody to do anything.

I might like them to understand there is more at stake than whatever trepidations they may have with being a parent, and I might want them to consider adoption before murder, but ultimately i have no say in either regard (their body, and jesus will judge them, not me)

murdering babies is wrong. This is me cheating Gods justice?

braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 21:12:11

it is true, i enjoy reading what you have to say for those very reasons. there were a lot of other posters back in the day, when i was far younger and less opinionated, but they also made it a lot of fun to read arguments I otherwise had nothing to add :P

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 21:15:21

would you vote to ban abortion because you feel that murdering babies is wrong?
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 21:27:29

it's probably all because of that bloody Samaritan... Christians think they have to suffer under other people's crosses because some bloody Samaritan bore the cross of Christ for a few hundred measly yards. heck, he wasn't even a Christian... just some bloody do-gooder...
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 21:28:35

I would vote yes to making abortions illegal barring any extenuating circumstances.

do we want to discuss what these might be, or have i somehow fallen into your verbal trap where my desire to have children be born is undermining Gods will?

braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 21:33:18

people treated the semaritans very poorly. it is a parable (maybe the wrong word?) about somebody who was wronged by others and himself turning around and doing right.

it is the whole love and respect, kindness and fairness part of this bloody monotheist religion.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 21:34:35

nah, you fell into my non-verbal trap. you can't justify banning abortion because a human soul is at risk. the only soul that is at risk because of the action, is the mother's and she has probably had enough exposure to life to understand the risk of her decision.
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 21:43:54

except it isn't my place to pass judgement on their soul, and so i make no effort to. This is, as one might say, above my pay grade.

i can, however, judge their actions. nowhere in the bible does it say i'm not allowed to think something being done is just really really fluffty (not that i understood it to mean, at least)

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 21:49:44

how you figure that your judgement counts in the least?
if you judged their actions to be sinfull and unworthy of heaven, what exactly are you going to do to get God to enforce those judgements?
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:04:59

i don't know, how do you figure yours does?

"if you judged their actions to be sinfull and unworthy of heaven,"
if you read what i wrote above, i already answered this. before you asked it.

i am, however, allowed to look at things that are happening and decide whether I feel they are right or wrong. This is not an affront to God. Murdering an innocent child I'm pretty sure is.

I didn't say, not seriously at least, that abortive (right word?) parents will be turned away from God. Jesus, after all, maybe twenty or thirty years ago, already died for our sins.

Why would I hate them when i'm specifically told not to, but instead to try and help them see what is right.

This is more of affront to god, right? (i also didn't bring religion into this argument at all that i can recall..)

ThatDude Game profile

New Member

May 15th 2011, 22:08:05

I voted NDP, for change in Canada

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:18:37

well, mine counts because i'm a godling in training...
at some point in time, i'm going to have to give an opinion as to whether or not a specific soul should rott in hell or be allowed to achieve eternal bliss. well, that's essentially the way my particular delusion goes...

you stated that you'd be willing to force people to bear children even though you knew dang well that the child that was dying would be able to ascend directly to heaven because it didn't have the oppurtunity to commit a sin.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:25:25

i'm technically trying to avoid the task... Jiminy Crickets, can you even contemplate how many decisions i might be required to make a minute if the bloody apocalypse comes about? and every soul needs a direction to go?
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:26:07

depriving somebody of a life to ensure they can't fluff it up is riduculous, dibs. And that as an argument for pro-abortion is absurd.

braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:27:27

we'll all be forgiven, we'll all go up.

i refuse to believe in a hateful or spiteful God.

braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:28:28

it certainly doesn't make any sense for Him to send His child to die for me, and then get all pissy when I ignored the smiting part :P

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:29:41

no, a christian trying to abort God's Will is absurd. God gave people the freedom of choice, who are you to demand that it be taken away?
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:33:14

God, he died for your bloody sins, why you go on about that he did it just for you... he didn't just do it because you are you.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:35:51

well, technically, i don't know, maybe he did suffer simply because you were going to be born.
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:39:39

that same God tells us not to murder or have sex out of wedlock. (the latter being less important :P)

God gave us the freedom of choice to kill anybody, to fly planes into buildings if we do desired. Now you aren't allowed to tell me I'm not allowed to fly a planes into your buildings?

Who am I? Somebody who thinks it's important to give those who don't have a voice one that might be heard (i hold no delusions in thinking I am going to change a fluffing thing, mind you :P)

braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:41:34

"God, he died for your bloody sins, why you go on about that he did it just for you... he didn't just do it because you are you. "

i'm sorry but can you reword that so i might be able to understand? :P

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:45:59

no, i'm fairly certain that i have the right to advise you that flying a plane into a building might result in your death...

how you figure that you can run around flying planes into buildings willy and nilly like?
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:48:28

Originally posted by braden:
"God, he died for your bloody sins, why you go on about that he did it just for you... he didn't just do it because you are you. "

i'm sorry but can you reword that so i might be able to understand? :P
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:51:59

then I'm allowed to advise them that God is not at all going to be happy with their murdering of babies.

advise, glad we found a verb we can all settle on.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:52:51

Originally posted by braden:
"God, he died for your bloody sins, why you go on about that he did it just for you... he didn't just do it because you are you. "

i'm sorry but can you reword that so i might be able to understand? :P

Jesus Christ Died Because You Committed Sins. He Did Not Die Simply Because You Were Born. He Did Not Die So That Innocent Souls Could Get To Heaven, He Died So That Every Damn Sinner Would Get A Chance To Avoid Eternal Damnation.
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:53:15

and even so, another affront to god i'm sure, but i would judge that (flying into buildings) to be a bad thing. a very bad thing.

but God gives us the choice to do whatever we want, and nobody is allowed to say anything past that. Your own argument.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:54:36

Originally posted by braden:
then I'm allowed to advise them that God is not at all going to be happy with their murdering of babies.

advise, glad we found a verb we can all settle on.

you're not allowed to advise them about diddly crap as long as you smoke pot.
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:54:58

himself and i suppose his father being who decides what is sin and what isn't.

not me, and not you. right and wrong isn't deciding on sin or not...

braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:55:59

dibs, I should warn you right now, I have been high since i woke up for church this morning..

pot, i do not find to be a sin. and further more, that's a conversation for him and i when i die from emphasema or lung cancer (from tobacco, though, not pot)

braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:57:04

i think deli has ten dollars on me drinking two or three bottles of wine and wandering into traffic downtown looking for ladies of the night.

but, we all should be so lucky

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 22:57:37

i'm not a christian dude, please explain how i can't reccommend that they get eternal damnation...
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:00:47

recommend and believe and feel want are entirely different than presuming to know what God wants or what His will is.

I have no issue with believing that my lord doesn't want me to murder innocent people. I have no doubt in my mind that the good lord wants me to treat others nicely and respectfully. I begin to doubt whether my god wants gays to burn in hell, or pot heads to be excommunicated (or does this only work for the catholic church, of this i don't know?), and he certainly doesn't want us call running around yelling and screaming about what he wants.

this was a moral argument, not a religious one until you brought it up (or whomever did, if it was me i apologize :P)

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:00:59

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
Originally posted by braden:
then I'm allowed to advise them that God is not at all going to be happy with their murdering of babies.

advise, glad we found a verb we can all settle on.

you're not allowed to advise them about diddly crap as long as you smoke pot.

fluff weed smoker...
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:03:57

you're an alcoholic, i chose my poison, you chose yours.

anywhere my arguments don't count, i'd wager yours don't, too.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:09:21

pfft. i can legally drink alcohol to my desire as long as i don't show up in public.
you huff and puff on a substance that you have to obtain thru illegal channels, and spend money which does not benefit one dang member of the constituency that you belong to.

my drug of choice knocks your dang dimple-weed into the dirt.
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:11:50

"pfft. i can legally drink alcohol to my desire as long as i don't show up in public."

The difference bewteen yours and mine, is I can quasi legally smoke pot to my desire **while** showing up in public- during or after the fact. Canada, in all of its socialist bullfluff, is the best country in the world. (I give thanks to the USN for this, yes)

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:13:51

i can drive to Canada drunk without getting arrested, you can't even attempt to cross the border with pot on your breath.
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:15:19

"nd spend money which does not benefit one dang member of the constituency that you belong to"

i'm sorry, i finally found something than i can enjoy that doesn't have this entertainment tax on it.. so, don't worry, the constituency that i belong to gets more than it's fair share of my tax dollars

braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:17:46

"i can drive to Canada drunk without getting arrested, you can't even attempt to cross the border with pot on your breath."

I go to church high. Do you really, really think I wouldn't be high at the US-Canada border?

you can ask martian and alana, I met them in toronto, and I stepped outside more than once to smoke pot, essentially in the open, with out a concern in the world.

And you could not get past customs while drunk, this i'm pretty sure of.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:22:39

LOL, you ain't seen me drive.

and while this is all a splendiferous diversion, you have'nt exactly gotten around to explaining how a christian soul has the right to impose their will on God nor any other decent human being.
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:32:24

it isn't about imposing any will. i take no dictatorial stand on anything. I have no desire to force anybody to do anything. I would hope that person has people in their life that would try and dissuade them from making such a hasty and permanent decision.

nine months to grow and hate the child, give it up. nine months to change your mind and love the child, keep it. or you can kill it, wash your hands of the situation, and wait to get fluffed in the back seat of a camero without a condom, and three weeks later end another life. My stance is simply doing the right thing for the baby that you created. and maybe not being a whore while you're at it. (i still have a bad sense of humour, sorry)

braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:32:52

well, i would vote that they not be allowed to.. i guess this is imposing my will

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:33:55

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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:34:34

i would also like to stipulate, i have no issue with birth control, or the day after pill (maybe even the two day after pill!!!!!!)

braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:36:17

but, since when is casting a single vote one way or another imposing any sort of will..

do i impose my will on liberals when i vote for a conservative, or am i exercising my single vote within a democracy?

braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:37:06

a woman can chose to kill somebody without me imposing my will, but i can not think this is wrong without you imposing your will on me?

sorry for three posts in a row so often

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:38:28

dude, the trap was pretty simple. an unborn child who hasn't had a chance to sin has little to fear from God. so, why are Christians going out of their way to make sure that the child is born?
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braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:41:20

I'll Capitalize Every Word For You Like You Did For Me. But Because Murder Is Wrong. Christians Dislike Murder Because Murder Is Bad. None Of Us Have Much To Fear From God, We Are All Sinners, We Are All To Be Forgiven. Murder Is A Touchy Subject With Forgiveness, Though. I Leave That To Not Me.

braden Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:41:54

Smoking Pot Now.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 15th 2011, 23:42:32

Christians Don't Have A Problem With Killing People.
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