
Sifos Game profile


Mar 31st 2012, 6:08:52

Originally posted by NightShade:
Originally posted by Sifos:
Ah, makes sense that both accounts are used then, sorry sigma.

Sifos = iE1M1

Only that I don't use (or even have) the second one here.
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!



Mar 31st 2012, 8:10:12

Originally posted by iZarcon:
ok. i thought about deleting this thread, but i thought it better to explain the mayhem i caused.

The conversation did start out talking about the history of the 'i' but i dont think we told him he had no right to use it...

From there, we all started using other nicks, and Sigma used my registered nick, so i ghosted him once. at this point i thought it was actually an iMag'r using my nick, so when he came back on again, i /kill'd him.

it was only after things settled down that i realised it was iSigma i'd killed and he hadn't returned. i have been waiting for sigma to return to irc to apologise for the mistake.. just seen him today and he told me about this thread.

Good fun reading the rants tho.. its amazing how much a story transforms in a few days. and just to confirm, nobody ever registered his nick to continually ghost him. he was only disconnected twice, and that was me. both times he was using one of my registered nicks. I think BattleKJ could vouch for that

you had me until you mentioned the least credible person in EE.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Mar 31st 2012, 22:22:00

:-P i just remember him being there, and he isn't imag.
EE Developer