
Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 12:46:43

1) Seeing SoF get hit by a huge coalition. The coalition focusing nearly 100% on SoF and then still outhitting all of them. The teamwork during some of those wars and the level of participation/restart rate will probably never be seen again.
2) Getting banned by Mehul for calling him out on sucking as an admin.
3) Seeing Rock fall apart after all of their cheating.
4) Having a 7 acre country in the top ten that everyone is trying to kill.
5) Leaving Omega to kill cheaters and having a bunch of badass dudes that hate cheaters follow me and do the same thing.
6) Catching people posting with aliases. (Viper and Duque)
7) Seeing JJ23 get caught again and quit the game.\
8) Making fun of people on the old AT. When I read my old posts in the atarchive it cracks me up.