
Zues The Greek Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 14:31:42

Nice job LaE for killing an entire tag for absolutely nothing. Thank you Tinysub for sinking me into this and making me believe that LaE would provide reps that you apparently arranged after the fact. Thanks Dark TwizTid for telling me you'd let LaE know to take my countries off of watch. I even messaged you all of my country numbers after telling you that I never had any intention of suiciding on LaE and even gave you my word on that yesterday.

I was going to apologize to the community after being quite ill for several months and on heavy medication all that time. I really thought I could get The Syndicate off of the ground, but now understand even more, why it wasn't possible.

I thought I'd hang low this set and build solid countries with the odd land grab to be expected and simply leave everyone alone. Not once did any of those countries attack another country. For those of you who took the liberties of spying me out before killing me, you also could see I had no jets whatso ever to perform any land grabs at all! But you took it upon yourselves to look big and strong and really proved to the community that LaE store a fair bunch of bully's.

It sure must make you men feel good to wipe out countries for no apparent reason. Forget about the Hellrush issue. I am not like him and would never put myself in his shoes. So please go about your business with him as you please.

As far as you go Tiny, you sold me out and I am very dissappointed in you.

To the rest of the EarthEmpires community, I bid you farewell and good gaming. My 13 years has come to an end unless I can be persuaded to come back to this great game. I really love the game, but feel jaded in more ways than one. I've never really felt like this until the disposal of my countries.

You can thank LaE for finally putting the nail in the cofin and for a few select in LaE, ruining such a great game!



Some Guy


Aug 31st 2010, 14:35:37

Not surprising.

How long are the rest of us going to allow LaE to keep this up?

mrford Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 14:39:47

He had 15 dicts with suicide builds and country names like "bullyclansneedagoodbeating"

we had beef earlier in the set that was resolved, but rumor were still going around that u were going to suicide either lae or nbk

so we both killed you, it wasn't just lae
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Hellrush Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 14:56:33

LaE here you boys go again. its things like this that will get your buts kicked.

Tiny maybe you should just tag over to LaE you been showing you belong in LaE. First giving my countries to LaE now giving out Zues country. Whats next with you?


Zues The Greek Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 15:08:06

mrford, what ever happened to freedom of speech. If you didn't like the country name, does it give you the right to kill them?

What did you expect me to build like, a noob to be left alone? Do you have some special skills that determine when one is running a suicide build? Give me a break. Your excuse is very lame!

So now LaE speculates and everyone in the community has to watch how they even set their respective countries up and even down to the name?

Look around at some of the country names and tell me how many there are that should be killed because of their conotation. Imagine that mr ford!

Your community in my opinion just lost what I believe to be a good supporting member. 13 years mr ford. Enjoy the hatred that LaE brings upon themselves.

I am sure there are great members in LaE and I even know some personally and you may just lose some as a result of these actions. I cannot see how most of your members would condone this type of play!

Hellrush, stay out of this thread, your problems are very different. I don't require you to use this thread as your suicidal recruiting run for future benefit against LaE!

mrford Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 15:17:16

We get suicided on multiple times a set

u told people that your orignal intentions were to suicide lae

lae and you had altercation earlier this set that was uneasily resolved

there were rumors still going around that you still planned to suicide. We have been suicided on around 5 times this set, and we are tired o it. Do you expect us to wait around for you to assfluff us and our stickers with your 15 well built countries? I think not

now if you had made greater efforts to assure is that u were peacefully, this migh of been avoided, but even one of your country names stated thy you were untrustworthy.

It's really nothing personal, but with all the suiciders we are very proactive in protecting our interests
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Hellrush Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 15:21:07

Zues I can use this thread for what I like there is alot of people in your boots and you need to understand until we group together and hit LaE together. they will keep on Push and killing people like you for no reason.

mrford Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 15:26:38

Funny, I just listed 4 reasons we killed him

and we have more than enough reasons to kill you HR

so all ur blabbering about killing ppl for no reason is inaccurate
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Desperado Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 15:29:29

actually, considering zues is th eauthor, he could always ask a mod to delete your post

see... if pang woulda made me a damn FFAT mod like i suggested he do, that'd already be done! :P

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

Hellrush Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 15:30:20

You had no reason to kill me I was in a clan you where pacted with. and you just picked to kill me over something so small. This is why I will show you that doing what you have been doing all set will be LaEs down fall.

mrford Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 15:36:55

We had no reason to kill you? You personally went to our allies and attempted to turn them against us

you told you leaders that you were going o missle dump us

find a single clan that wouldn't kill you because of that. I wouldn't call that something small. I would call that a valid reason to kill you. Stfu and let Zeus have his thread
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Zues The Greek Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 15:41:27

Originally posted by mrford:
We get suicided on multiple times a set

u told people that your orignal intentions were to suicide lae

lae and you had altercation earlier this set that was uneasily resolved

there were rumors still going around that you still planned to suicide. We have been suicided on around 5 times this set, and we are tired o it. Do you expect us to wait around for you to assfluff us and our stickers with your 15 well built countries? I think not

now if you had made greater efforts to assure is that u were peacefully, this migh of been avoided, but even one of your country names stated thy you were untrustworthy.

It's really nothing personal, but with all the suiciders we are very proactive in protecting our interests

Now we're getting somewhere mr ford. Please supply the names of those that stated that my original intentions were to suicide LaE. The altercation between my country and LaE countries had nothing to do with me sir. It was all LaE's doings and I've never been in contact with anyone from LaE that can be construed as an altercation that was uneasily resolved as you put it. Where did you get that information from and from whom?

I did make an effort to assure that my intentions were bonafide with Dark TwizTid and he assured me to take my countries off of watch. SO WHY KILL ME ANYWAY.

Is this how LaE and NBK expect the server to survive?

Please provide your information as to who gave LaE and NBK the thought that I would suicide on them. Let the community know here as I am sick of being jaded this way. Let the community know who the back stabbers are right here in this thread for all to know. Trust me, you won't hurt my feelings, but it will put those in the spot light that others including myslef should know of...

I can understand that it is nothing personal, but someone set me up here and I want to know who!

Thank you...

Desperado Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 15:43:07


if you're gonna do it, then shut the fluff up and do it already. Otherwise, all you are at the current moment is re-affirming why you are a fluffty leader type person who has gotten himself kicked out of what, 4 clans now in 3 resets?

you can't war min, you've proven that already.
you obviously can't fa... again you've proven that all too well this reset.
and you're too mouthy to leade a clan in general!

You couldnn't co-ordinate an attack on LAE if you had NBK's countries and FoCuS' breakers to use, what makes you think you can do much of anything without such resources?

as for you zues, I dunno all the details, but a name like that for a country is a pretty good red flag when cvlans are looking for suiciders and.. well.. everybody hates lae, so lae is always looking for potential suiciders and aim to rid them before they suicide on lae.

it raises questions, and could be a good link to why they get suicided on so much.. aside from various other reasons. but it's their choice, and you've personally ordered moves like that done when you ran syn. now you know how the little guy feels.

as for twiz, he's not even in lae, he's in nbk. As for Tsub, I dunno where all that comes to play, but once again, he's not in lae either. All I gotta say is cut your losses, restart and rebuild... and next set, rebuild your clan, or join one and help make it bigger, and better that it was before.

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

mrford Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 15:44:34

Lol as we were killing you tiny himself said ur orignal intentions were to suicide

I won't give out my other sources till I talk to them
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Zues The Greek Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 15:51:21

Hellrush, please keep your fluffing business out of here so I can see and others see, where the BS is coming from once and for all...

Tinysub[SYN] Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 15:56:43

YOur so ful of fluff mr ford come out with the truth for once.

Zues The Greek Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 15:59:19

Thank you mr ford, one down and one more to go. I don't understand why you need to talk to them first however, but will await your response for all to see...

Countries should not be killed this way and it will be interesting to see how the information was gathered for the purpose of killing innocent countries...

I believe I have the right to know who set me up for my demise for the obvious reasons...

Desperado Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 16:02:14

to suicide on them instead?


Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

mrford Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 16:16:40

Originally posted by Tinysub:
YOur so ful of fluff mr ford come out with the truth for once.

ur forgetting that I have irc logs, as do now3p, de1i, Ozzie, thunder, should I keep going?

Should I post them when I get home? fluff urself and die I'm noy lying
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Zues The Greek Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 16:28:52

I've been away for two sets due to medical reasons and required much rest since the demise of The Syndicate. Coming back this set found myslef spiraled nto this mess and to some degree, I can understand the name thing. But if we were to simply look at the names of countries and label them a threat due to their conotation, then we might as well kill at least another 50 countries while we're killing innocent countries that have done nothing since the begining of this set.

Yes I do know how the little guy feels now Desperado, but two wrongs don't make a right. I was in no position to control The Syndicate 3 or 4 sets ago due to those medical reasons, but I am not making any excuses and am terribly sorry it happened...

There are a few people that were close to me when this occured and I aim to get them exposed for good reason...

When it is done, I am done. I really need to get this out of the way for my own personal reasons for the time being...

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 16:30:02

Absolutely nothing?

BullyClansNeedAgoodScrewing (#398)

[01:18] <@now3p> You actually believe taht Dict farmer is a good NETTING strat?
[01:18] <Tiny> his orignal intentions were to suicide LAE
[01:18] <Tiny> i mean NBK

Now - if you want to explain to me what other practical appliacation 16 Dicts with lotsa warfare and weapons tech are good for, I'd really love to hear it. But given that the above convo wasn't the first time we heard that you were planning on suiciding a big clan, I'm surprised we didn't kill you sooner.

If you're gonna run away and cry because you got cut off at the knees before you got to do whatever it was you were planning on doing, be it.

And as for your PM:

NeverTrustWhenIsayTrustMe (#734)

I'm taking your advice.

Zues The Greek Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 16:59:09

I can see where you're going with that NOW3P...

The names are in poor taste, but they never did anything and all that does is tell others that the LaE's and NBK'rs of the community can dictate how you will survive by the choice in your names and or, how you are built.

There are names in NBK that could be construed as having bad taste and could mean they would suicide on other unsuspecting untaggs or alliances such as

Destroy what you enjoy (#1541)


Kill your clan 4 Free (#2290)

One could imply they mean what they are going to do and order up a kill run on them. It is really no different other than they are safe in numbers housed in a lerger alliance that can do what ever they please. With that said, we are all entitled to our thoughts and opinions...

As for my pm NOW3P, I meant it for all it is worth. Please don't write me off this way and reconsider my apology to you personally, as I meant it. I would not say this here if I didn't mean it 110%. I am not what you think I am. I am slowly seeing who is out to black ball me from inception...

Hellrush Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 17:00:57

Originally posted by Desperado:

if you're gonna do it, then shut the fluff up and do it already. Otherwise, all you are at the current moment is re-affirming why you are a fluffty leader type person who has gotten himself kicked out of what, 4 clans now in 3 resets?

you can't war min, you've proven that already.
you obviously can't fa... again you've proven that all too well this reset.
and you're too mouthy to leade a clan in general!

You couldnn't co-ordinate an attack on LAE if you had NBK's countries and FoCuS' breakers to use, what makes you think you can do much of anything without such resources?

as for you zues, I dunno all the details, but a name like that for a country is a pretty good red flag when cvlans are looking for suiciders and.. well.. everybody hates lae, so lae is always looking for potential suiciders and aim to rid them before they suicide on lae.

it raises questions, and could be a good link to why they get suicided on so much.. aside from various other reasons. but it's their choice, and you've personally ordered moves like that done when you ran syn. now you know how the little guy feels.

as for twiz, he's not even in lae, he's in nbk. As for Tsub, I dunno where all that comes to play, but once again, he's not in lae either. All I gotta say is cut your losses, restart and rebuild... and next set, rebuild your clan, or join one and help make it bigger, and better that it was before.

Think what you like to think about me. But you dont now me I have ran under more then 1 name in earth and some of those names people would run a hide from. to give out a list would be plane stupied on my part. I am one of the last of the beta testers. Its a good thing I am a soler at heart or i would be quiting this game on every server. Its clans Like LaE and NBK that needs me as a war leader to fight them. I can kill out numbering clans that want to fight me every fluffing day of the week. so think before you open your big fluffing mouth because everything you say is retarded when you dont have the info you need.

1. AoDT wanted me back this set.

2. SYN never kicked me out.

3. Tiny needed two Leaders ok to Kick me out and I now he did not get it.

4. NA kicked me out for no fluffing reason I did fluff all to NA when I was in NA.

there reason to kick me out was I nuked llaar in FFA. but by kicking me out of NA for it was cross serving there problems In the old earth that would have been a no no and llaar wouod have been the one kicked out.

also I was in NA and LaE after they both blacklisted me. haha I am to good even for LaE. Heads up when people move from 1 place to another there IPs change. they can join any clan they like under a different name.

de1i Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 17:04:07

[01:18] <@now3p> You actually believe taht Dict farmer is a good NETTING strat?
[01:18] <Tiny> his orignal intentions were to suicide LAE
[01:18] <Tiny> i mean NBK


My favorite part was w/ Ozzite.

Edited By: de1i on Aug 31st 2010, 17:06:24
See Original Post

Ozzite Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 17:37:10

=] Thanks de1i...come hang out more often haha

Freedom of speech is fine, as long as we also have freedom of turn use, which we decided to use to kill you for exercising your freedom of speech.

And if you are referring to US laws it is a pretty bad example. For example, threatening the President is covered by free speech, but is also a prosecutable offence.

blah, free speech is a pretty bad argument IMO

I didn't realize it was you though, Zues, and for that I feel bad, cause I know you from back in the day and are a good guy.

But given the country names, govts, builds, and lack of clan affiliation it was hard to tell you apart from suiciders :( And then when we found out who you were, we were told that you had planned on hitting LaE and then changed you mind to NBK (our FDP).

I am sorry things ended up this way, but seriously man, looking at the facts we were presented with. If you were in Thunder or mrford's position I think you would have done the same thing :-/
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 17:58:59

Oh, and for the record, Tinysub isn't the bad guy in this folks. He's been trying to help out on both sides. He's been very admirable in this, I just suspect that he's not getting the full story on things from Zeus.

Makinso Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:18:15


AoDT never said we wanted you back.

LoL you came to us with the following:

Hey Maki,

I will come back to AoDT if you guys apoligize to me for kicking me out and banning me. Then I will come back.

To which my reply was to LOL at first and then tell you AoDT owed you no form of apoligy or what so ever. I'm sorry bud but I'm not sure where the hell you got that insane idea from.

It's like that oasis in the desert. You always see it but it never was or will be there.

mrford Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:20:55

Originally posted by Hellrush:
Originally posted by Desperado:

if you're gonna do it, then shut the fluff up and do it already. Otherwise, all you are at the current moment is re-affirming why you are a fluffty leader type person who has gotten himself kicked out of what, 4 clans now in 3 resets?

you can't war min, you've proven that already.
you obviously can't fa... again you've proven that all too well this reset.
and you're too mouthy to leade a clan in general!

You couldnn't co-ordinate an attack on LAE if you had NBK's countries and FoCuS' breakers to use, what makes you think you can do much of anything without such resources?

as for you zues, I dunno all the details, but a name like that for a country is a pretty good red flag when cvlans are looking for suiciders and.. well.. everybody hates lae, so lae is always looking for potential suiciders and aim to rid them before they suicide on lae.

it raises questions, and could be a good link to why they get suicided on so much.. aside from various other reasons. but it's their choice, and you've personally ordered moves like that done when you ran syn. now you know how the little guy feels.

as for twiz, he's not even in lae, he's in nbk. As for Tsub, I dunno where all that comes to play, but once again, he's not in lae either. All I gotta say is cut your losses, restart and rebuild... and next set, rebuild your clan, or join one and help make it bigger, and better that it was before.

Think what you like to think about me. But you dont now me I have ran under more then 1 name in earth and some of those names people would run a hide from. to give out a list would be plane stupied on my part. I am one of the last of the beta testers. Its a good thing I am a soler at heart or i would be quiting this game on every server. Its clans Like LaE and NBK that needs me as a war leader to fight them. I can kill out numbering clans that want to fight me every fluffing day of the week. so think before you open your big fluffing mouth because everything you say is retarded when you dont have the info you need.

1. AoDT wanted me back this set.

2. SYN never kicked me out.

3. Tiny needed two Leaders ok to Kick me out and I now he did not get it.

4. NA kicked me out for no fluffing reason I did fluff all to NA when I was in NA.

there reason to kick me out was I nuked llaar in FFA. but by kicking me out of NA for it was cross serving there problems In the old earth that would have been a no no and llaar wouod have been the one kicked out.

also I was in NA and LaE after they both blacklisted me. haha I am to good even for LaE. Heads up when people move from 1 place to another there IPs change. they can join any clan they like under a different name.

i loled

i could out WCL you in my sleep, as can most ppl in LaE

i have seen your warchats, and they are embarrassing. you might of been good back before there were news feeds, but probably not since them. give it up dude, you run ur mouth, it gets you in trouble every single set. go into hidinf for a few sets and just run countries, stay off the boards. then you might get some respect back, and might be able to do all the things you say you can do

as of now, everyone you PM is laughing at you as you speak.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Tinysub[SYN] Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:24:01


2. SYN never kicked me out.

3. Tiny needed two Leaders ok to Kick me out and I now he did not get it.

4th i was SYN i kicked you out. You see how that works

5th i kicked you out. I diddnt need another leaders permission you were being a dumbass and risking your clan mates countries with your selfish need to be a dumbass

so you got kicked your countries were killed. So lets try the truth now HR

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:24:36

mrford...this is hellrush from IFU....did you ever SEE an IFU war chat??? It was like watching retarded kids try to play basketball with a flat ball!

and since HR's wall of text is far too much to read, I'mm summarize it in 1 sentence for everyone:

"I've been kicked out of nearly every clan I've played in, and I'm not even bright enough to realize why."


New Member

Aug 31st 2010, 18:25:57

LaE or any tag has the right to defend themselves.. in any way they can and often do

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Aug 31st 2010, 18:29:46

I can out WCL mrford in his sleep

Why is it 15 instead of 16 anyway?

mrford Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:33:49

slag can run chats like he fluffs

not very well if at all!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:37:14

It's 15 because I killed one a week or so back when I first saw the names.....unfortunately, Zeus jumped into vacation before I could finish off anymore. Maybe that's where Hellrush learned it from....

Desperado Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:37:34

::edit::Started writing this before Aug 31st 2010, 17:58:59 so didn't see all these leaders of posting the exact opposite of what you claim Hellrush :P

well, lets see here ole buddy ole pal

1. Aodt isn't even around this set, thats a real nice reference you got there. Maybe you should have joined tko when they all ran over there. Also, if you are so great as War Min, why is your record here so far.. is... well.. lets just say from what I've seen you can't win unless you have a gangbang FS and/or exceedingly large number advantage.

2. Quit, Kicked, Fired, Forced into early retirement, laid off, got finished screwing over the syn for aodt's petty little advantage and went back to aodt... whatever you want to call it, frankly I don't give a fluff Cause I never mentioned anything about you and the syn, but good job in opening yourself up for further implication... great tactic on you part when trying to recruit people :)

3. Tsub either A: got the two leaders to vot eon it or B: didn't need two leaders like you thought.

Now, as for names.
I don't give a fluff who you are, but to entertain you I'll give you this. One, you clearly must not be a trustable person if you constantly have to change your name and are afraid to give your former aliases. Two, if that is not the case then you simply are such a trouble maker for every clan you join, that you are kicked out with such a loud bang that you have to come up with a new alias and start from scratch.

Me, I've had the same name since 2000 and have held every position from squad leader up, even for departments you simply just don't mention piublically. I don't give a fluff who you are in this game, what you did, who you've fluffed, or how much fluff you've sucked. Point is you are a fluffty leader, and not much better of a player.

You packing up and quitting simply won't be all that detrimental to this game, and if you stay and do what you do, then whatever... you're the type of person that is bound to get you and you clan in a war every single reset and your performance simply isn't good enough to outweigh the fact that you stink.

Edited By: Desperado on Aug 31st 2010, 18:45:35
See Original Post

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

Hellrush Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:37:35

LoL tiny ok you kicked me out of SYN just to let me in EoEA. so why will anyone believe your lies now. your just running your lieing retarded mouth again. Like always.

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:40:18

I think HR leaving will be VERY detrimental to the game - if he does, I'm gonna have to find somewhere else to get easy land.

Desperado Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:42:15

by the way suzy, I don't know where you've been for oh... the last 6 months but trying to demand land:land and cry topfeeding... to one of the biggest speakers against it!

that REALLY shows your intelligence as a leader!!

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

mrford Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:43:19

i feel like now is a good time to mention that HR has retired every set that FFA has been re-born
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Hellrush Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:49:53

Mr Ford I retired once and in that set I joined LaE hehe. Thats right you blacklist me just to have me rejoin latter in another set. the was the best part of all.

Desperado Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:56:24

so thats 5 clans you've been kicked out of?

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

llaar Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 18:56:59

hellrush: you acted like my friend ever since i first met you. you joined both clans of mine that i lead in. i shared my country status and details of my land gaining and stuff all set long, and you were fun to chat with. end of set you throw missiles at the country i worked so hard to make and that i had been chatting with you about all set. so yeah, i didn't think you belonged in a clan with me after that. it was a pretty fluff thing that you did.

and cross server? i ran LaE its last set before NA was created with 2 others, then i closed LaE down, and moved everyone into NA when i created NA and made LaE a division in NA and made those other 2 senate of NA. when FFA was recreated, LaE was created by the old heads. the histories of the two clans are linked by me, so yeah if you do something to me, i will do whatever i want to you if you're in either or both of the clans.

you are the first person i've ever kicked though from two clans at once. i'm a pretty hard person to piss off. acting like a friend and then backstabbing my hard work... pisses me off.

Hellrush Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 19:06:23

wow thats a first no one is calling me a lier about rejoining LaE after getting blacklist from LaE hehe me loving how I am right about this one and can prove I was tagged LaE last set.

llaar Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 19:10:12

honestly, i don't care

NukEvil Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 19:11:20

Bragging about the tiniest victory in a tsunami of defeat seems really out of place...
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Desperado Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 19:19:03

grasping at straws wouldn't you say?

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

mrford Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 19:19:23

last set?

wasnt last set the set you wanted to tag LaE so ur countries wernt killed, and we told you to go fluff yourself? or was that the set before last?

you said that you wouldnt pay reps you owed us if we didnt let you tag LaE to avoid a war. naturally we told you to go fluff yourself
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Desperado Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 19:21:13

btw, nobody is calling you a liar, they instead are proving you are

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

Hellrush Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 19:26:10

I played Last set for like 3 days then quit but in that time i was tagging LaE

Dark TwizTid


Aug 31st 2010, 19:28:01


I dont recall you telling me to tell LaE, I figured they already knew since I recalled Tinysub and Now3p's convo about taking you off the kill list.

I got your message in the middle of them killing you... wtf am I supposed to do?