
kmang Game profile


Sep 6th 2012, 3:49:31

Hi please enlighten me:

Is tech phase required for any country to obtain their respective key techs (agri for farmer, indy for commie)?

Why would a techer tech indy and sells them off to public market rather than focusing on bus/res?

- Thanks.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 6th 2012, 4:55:03

A tech phase isn't required, but they do need to obtain their respective techs to be competitive (in one way or another, such as by not grabbing for a day and using their indy/farmer/cashing income) somehow. Just not necessarily by actually teching.

A techer generally techs whatever tech sells for the highest price on the market, in order to maximize his income.

Because res/bus techs also increases the per-turn revenue, the techer also needs to take this into account. Once the techer has over a certain amount of res/bus techs (say 165% or above), it is generally the case teching the higher priced techs will generally get more money.

kmang Game profile


Sep 6th 2012, 13:17:36

Thank you!

Mandy Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 22:38:46

Also keep in mind that you want to pick up some tech allies to work with you.