


Oct 9th 2015, 19:27:31

Hide the knives...



Oct 9th 2015, 19:26:12

Originally posted by drkprinc:
a sea of gypsum rock?

No... that has a y in the spelling... perhaps dumb dumb meant to say gypsy?



Oct 9th 2015, 0:13:11

În țigan rahat România ... capră te javrelor.



Oct 9th 2015, 0:09:37

Originally posted by Alin:
Lol this is getting better and better. Is 30k usd, 22.5k eur when parity was 1.3.

However i ain t giving you fluff. An invoice with my name and adress on it when clearlly a person like swell could be the type of guy that shoots you in the street is somethign stupid do be done.(remembers me of mrford actually giving his real name in this game). Stupid ford.

I give beggers 50 or 100 ya know? You know why? Because i want to see the shine in their eye when someone gives them hope. And you come here and tell me about your atvs upgrades? You stupid fluff ...That s why me and you will never have nothing in coomon, because i am on another level.

I would have to travel to the fluffhole of a country which you live. The max range of any weapon I currently own is 1k meters. The third world is more than 1k meters from my home.

You are welcome.



Oct 8th 2015, 23:29:14

Originally posted by Heston:
You are a liar alin. An uneducated liar. Nobody cares about your invoice of a 30k tront (or whatever currency) fiat diesel. Get in that mother fluffin piece of fluff and drive around at with your head out the window and get some of that fresh air. Go through Then have many grams of liquor.

Liquid measured by weight.... not volume? fluffing tards.



Oct 8th 2015, 20:58:28

Originally posted by mrford:
If I am an idiot that makes you a vegetable.

A cucumber even.

The original?



Oct 8th 2015, 20:57:10

Originally posted by Alin:
Your lifes resumes to much at earnings mrford. My life is build on books, on people who read them. When people from "don t know where" want to insult me, they call me among others "poor". You are poor, they say

When i want to insult you however ... i would talk aboot books. Money means to much for you and of course means something for me too. But the above retard (heston), said it best. "I spent on upgrading atvs what you earn yearly".

So i told him "hey stupid, i read to many books and talked with to many smart people in my life- i have nothing to discuss with a stupid like you".

Don t go heston style mfrod. Despite feeling the need to argue/make me look bad.

Picture books perhaps. The sheep says baaaaaaa.



Oct 5th 2015, 21:35:56

Originally posted by tellarion:
Running out of tools rather quickly. This is more or less a last ditch effort here..

There are plenty of tools here...



Oct 5th 2015, 3:55:09

Just vote for the guy with beady eyes and a flappy head.



Oct 4th 2015, 17:19:28

Originally posted by braden:
who the fluff are you to presume to speak to me?,0,214,317_AL_.jpg



Oct 4th 2015, 17:15:11

Originally posted by mdevol:
One of my poli Sci profs was a former member of house of representatives. Without going into much detail, she didn't like me about as much as she didn't like texas...and made that very clear.

No one likes Texas...



Oct 4th 2015, 17:14:26

Originally posted by Angel1:
You do understand that similar legal cases don't have to involve marriage at all?

I think we get that you don't care about this because it doesn't involve your little part of the world. I refuse to have such a limited point of view.

Even situations that have no implications for you, personally, can still be interesting.

Perhaps I have important things to do and fluffing about someone not doing the job they were elected to do is low on most Americans list of fluff to give a flying crap about. Unless you are a constitutional lawyer who would like to argue precedence in front of SCOTUS for a similiar issue, no one outside of KY should/will really care.

Edited By: ssewellusmc on Oct 4th 2015, 21:51:59
See Original Post



Oct 4th 2015, 15:30:29

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by tellarion:
I absolutely agree with you on this nonsense about assault weapons. That is a distraction that is used to get media attention and isn't the real issue at stake here.

And I am not questioning the context that lead to the second amendment, and I'm not devaluing its place in our culture. What I'm saying is that your biggest champion is TWISTING it to make money for themselves. Eisenhower was spot on when he talked about this 50 years ago. And you'll notice I didn't say in any way shape or form that the second amendment should be removed. I studied politics in college, I understand the second amendment. What I'm saying is it is being twisted by the NRA and the military industrial complex in the same way 'dem librals' twist the whole "assault weapon" stuff. Both sides are using fluff like this to score political points, so instead of focusing only on how 'dem librals' twist it, why not take a look at how your own side is doing the same?

The fact is, this type of fluff doesn't happen NEARLY as much in most developed countries. Gun violence is an epidemic in the US, and it should be treated as such. But please, show me how I'm wrong in that statement. You can't...

You studied political science in college... therefore you understand the second amendment? Get the fluff out of here. I will rewrite your sentence for you so you can edit your post.

I studied politics in college, so I understand what my professor wanted me to understand.

I didn't mean it as a way to toot my own horn. My degree has done very little to me and has no applicability in my life right now. I meant that as 'hey, I had to spend a ton of time studying the Constitution and its amendments'. And you know what makes colleges in the US superior to colleges where I live now(Japan)? The fact that they don't jam facts and data down your throat; instead, they teach you how critical thinking skills so you can apply that, along with your personal beliefs and opinions, and make rational judgements about things. In fact, most of my professors spent a great deal of time presenting arguments from all sides, many of which directly contradicted each other, in order to facilitate a better and more multifaceted understanding of the issues affecting our society.

So yeah, when I made that claim, I wasn't trying to say that I am an expert in Constitutional law. I meant it as I did actually have to sit down and actually STUDY the issues surrounding the second amendment, and I understand the history behind it, and its origins, which is what mdevol was talking about in HIS post.

Not all colleges in the U.S. don't jam it opinions down your throat. In my own experience, State funded schools do in fact jam them down your throat.

Also, you are so easy to get worked up. Thanks.



Oct 4th 2015, 15:23:06

Originally posted by tellarion:
Considering she is violating a SCOTUS decision, yes, it's a national issue.

You realize that's how the judicial system works, right? It has to start with a 'local' issue and work it's way up, since the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is incredibly limited(thanks to Marshall).

You do understand that it still doesn't make it a problem for every American citizen because not ever citizen lives in the cesspool that elected her? I guess you assumed all 300M+ citizens live in one county in Kentuky?



Oct 4th 2015, 15:06:04

Originally posted by Angel1:
Someone failing to use the resources that they have is something that can happen anywhere on just about any issue. I bring this point up because we should all be aware of the little details, like this one, that can change our understanding of situations. Oh and this is a situation that can easily be repeated around the country.

You are assuming every state issues marriage certificates the same way.



Oct 4th 2015, 14:42:55

Someone not issuing a piece of paper? It is a local issue, one of which does not affect your constitutional right. I guess you need something to fluff about?



Oct 4th 2015, 14:20:19

[quote poster=Angel1; 37647; 686415]
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Angel1:
Under existing Kentucky law, Kim Davis has a right, as a Kentucky government official, to not take part in issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Under existing US Supreme Court ruling, Kentucky (not Kim Davis or County Clerks in Kentucky) has an obligation to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The proper place to reconcile these conflicting issues is in Kentucky state court.

Kim Davis had and still has the right to seek relief from Kentucky courts. She has not done this.

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
This is important in your life? Do you have something better to do?

Matters of interesting applications of the law are important in my life. It is important for all of us to understand the proper and full application of the law.

So you are a constituent who has been harmed by this lady?

Understanding the law and its full implications is important whether you are a constituent of this lady or not. All Americans are constituents of the US Constitution/laws and their respective state constitutions/laws. We should all get into the habit of looking into a situation fully and not making a snap
Originally posted by Angel1:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Angel1:
Under existing Kentucky law, Kim Davis has a right, as a Kentucky government official, to not take part in issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Under existing US Supreme Court ruling, Kentucky (not Kim Davis or County Clerks in Kentucky) has an obligation to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The proper place to reconcile these conflicting issues is in Kentucky state court.

Kim Davis had and still has the right to seek relief from Kentucky courts. She has not done this.

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
This is important in your life? Do you have something better to do?

Matters of interesting applications of the law are important in my life. It is important for all of us to understand the proper and full application of the law.

So you are a constituent who has been harmed by this lady?

Understanding the law and its full implications is important whether you are a constituent of this lady or not. All Americans are constituents of the US Constitution/laws and their respective state constitutions/laws. We should all get into the habit of looking into a situation fully and not making a snap judgement.

So I'm going to go ahead assume no.. you aren't a constituent of Kim Davis since you didn't answer the question. It is a local issue and not a constitutional issue.



Oct 4th 2015, 14:03:39

Originally posted by Angel1:
Under existing Kentucky law, Kim Davis has a right, as a Kentucky government official, to not take part in issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Under existing US Supreme Court ruling, Kentucky (not Kim Davis or County Clerks in Kentucky) has an obligation to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The proper place to reconcile these conflicting issues is in Kentucky state court.

Kim Davis had and still has the right to seek relief from Kentucky courts. She has not done this.

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
This is important in your life? Do you have something better to do?

Matters of interesting applications of the law are important in my life. It is important for all of us to underst9and the proper and full application of the law.

So you are a constituent who has been harmed by this lady?



Oct 4th 2015, 13:45:55

Originally posted by tellarion:
I absolutely agree with you on this nonsense about assault weapons. That is a distraction that is used to get media attention and isn't the real issue at stake here.

And I am not questioning the context that lead to the second amendment, and I'm not devaluing its place in our culture. What I'm saying is that your biggest champion is TWISTING it to make money for themselves. Eisenhower was spot on when he talked about this 50 years ago. And you'll notice I didn't say in any way shape or form that the second amendment should be removed. I studied politics in college, I understand the second amendment. What I'm saying is it is being twisted by the NRA and the military industrial complex in the same way 'dem librals' twist the whole "assault weapon" stuff. Both sides are using fluff like this to score political points, so instead of focusing only on how 'dem librals' twist it, why not take a look at how your own side is doing the same?

The fact is, this type of fluff doesn't happen NEARLY as much in most developed countries. Gun violence is an epidemic in the US, and it should be treated as such. But please, show me how I'm wrong in that statement. You can't...

You studied political science in college... therefore you understand the second amendment? Get the fluff out of here. I will rewrite your sentence for you so you can edit your post.

I studied politics in college, so I understand what my professor wanted me to understand.

Edited By: ssewellusmc on Oct 4th 2015, 13:58:00
See Original Post



Oct 2nd 2015, 21:36:55

This is important in your life? Do you have something better to do?



Oct 2nd 2015, 12:09:00

Originally posted by Colo:
But.. Huh... Wait..let me get this straight. This guy brought guns to a school that was clearly designated gun FREE? What complete disregard for the law!

I do believe students could have guns on campus with the proper permits.



Oct 2nd 2015, 4:21:19

Originally posted by elvesrus:

It is on the internet... it must be true. A credible sours as well... double true



Oct 2nd 2015, 4:19:30

Originally posted by Dissident:
Am i allowed to be racist against those swedish dogs?

No... you will make tella cry.



Oct 2nd 2015, 1:18:09

I sense the butt hurt... all puns intended.



Sep 30th 2015, 19:54:28

They disbanded. All dead.



Sep 28th 2015, 3:10:15

Originally posted by farmer:
Stones! great bunch of guys and gals



Sep 28th 2015, 1:51:30

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Celphi:
Ya, know -- when the mods delete a player, they should at least make an email to them stating why they were deleted. Not everyone reads these boards for 'provocation'.

Or at the least sent him a warning--

Perhaps you should just shut your vag before you bleed all over the floor.

So, now that your wife left you and you have nobody left to beat, you want to vent your PTSD frustration here huh? I'm sorry working in the kitchen peeling potatoes was so traumatic Scott, but really you need to let it go, it was a pretty small cut.

Something tells me you couldn't get laid with a billion dollar bill hanging out of your zipper. I'm still married. I have never peeled patatoes... in fact, the wife still does that fluff because we prefer the food to be edible.

Edited By: ssewellusmc on Sep 28th 2015, 11:50:55
See Original Post



Sep 27th 2015, 17:01:52

Don't pm me this fluff cerb.. leave it here. I saw what happened when you 1 v 1 ford.... so why make this retarded statement?

From: Cerberus
13 m
To: ssewellusmc
You also don't know what you are talking about. In ANY game, I am going to be able to defeat Ford one on one. The only reason that things are as twisted as they are here in the alliance game is all those "artificial rules" imposed by the alliances.

By the rules of the game, I CAN take land from ANYONE in my scores list.



Sep 27th 2015, 16:20:24

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Oh, and Ford, if I was to hit you up for that land, then ONLY you can do the retal. :) How's that? You'd have to dump your stock to even attempt to retal me. LOL And THAT is why YOU SUCK.

In an Alliance game, my method of playing makes sense, because there are always going to be people who don't like your alliance and need to be disposed of. That's what makes me a good player as I look out for my alliance mates and don't do fluff that makes people hate them. You on the other hand, get up here and run your mouth, mostly crying about having to suffer the indignity of having to be landgrabbed from, completely disregarding or ignoring that that is EXACTLY what you expect the other players to do.

If this game was truly played in a competitive fashion, people who play like you would be on the outs because you'd NEVER be able to have the amount of land you have since you would NOT be protected by your "tag" as your defenses.

You cannot stock like you do in a truly competitive game because you would need to have military to protect your land, rather than a tag.

Is this the original celphi? Cerb is garbage and exhibits the same lack of logic as celphi.



Sep 27th 2015, 15:08:50

Originally posted by Celphi:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Perhaps if you werect so retararded, you would have understood it.

Only thing you got turd?



Sep 27th 2015, 15:00:38

Originally posted by Celphi:
Ya, know -- when the mods delete a player, they should at least make an email to them stating why they were deleted. Not everyone reads these boards for 'provocation'.

Or at the least sent him a warning--

Perhaps you should just shut your vag before you bleed all over the floor.



Sep 27th 2015, 4:06:39

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Celphi:
You might want to retype your sentence.


you might want to rething your entire set of social skills

you either twist fluff more than anyone i have ever met, or more fluff goes over your head than anyone i have ever met. either way, there is no way you regularly interact with humans in your every day life.

I'm waiting for that thing to start babbling on about not being a "normal" internet user... how she can't be banned, and how the game will fail without. I whole heartedly expect her to post of all your personal information and try to justify it with fluffing retarded logic.



Sep 27th 2015, 3:53:22

Originally posted by Celphi:
You might want to retype your sentence.


You quiting this server as well... just like express?



Sep 26th 2015, 18:04:29

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Dutchy:
Somewhat, yes.

Although in my humble opinion, if you're going to have 30k + acres, you should have more than 5M turrets.

Landgrabbing v harmful spy ops... hmmm. Which is worse?

You think that because you are a garbage netter.

Matter of fact, you are just a garbage player in general.

Imag is garbage.



Sep 26th 2015, 17:47:18

Originally posted by Celphi:
And there he goes--- purpled as predicted. Told ya, selective moderation. Mods go MIA when DrunkSex demos clans at war. Go figure.

Look at Celphi being a butthurt princess... yet again. Someone give that loser some attention before he kills himself.



Sep 25th 2015, 15:37:35

Yeah... you would probably self delete and cry he cheated.



Sep 25th 2015, 15:29:16

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by mrford:
no one cares what a dumbass that runs the same 6K acre dict rainbow thinks.

you are literally too stupid to get any better at this game. so why would i expect you to understand anything else? the over zealous late set grabber in LCN has already offered me reps or assistance in dealing with the imag flufftard through an o-ally and other members further offered further assistance if needed. that is what clans do. that doesnt mean imag isnt full of assholes because my clan isnt.

remember what happened the last time you challenged me on FFA? you rage quit 10 minutes into the war when you were given the FS and i had already been in 2 seperate solo wars previously that set. you literally are a joke.

just like most members of imag you arnt any good at the game, you just get your kicks out of preventing others from enjoying the game. it is a toddler mentality. the dude wasnt going to do anything with the land he took from me days before sets end, he just wanted to start some fluff. it is the only reason.

You just keep on believing your bullfluff, Ford. :)

Run your mouth too much and I'll landgrab your ass, and then see how you really feel. :)

And I'm going to make sure that it's OK to do with my alliance mates too. :)

You should 1 v 1 ford again. It will last all of 5 minutes.



Sep 24th 2015, 15:06:32

Kill them all.



Sep 24th 2015, 11:18:51



Sep 22nd 2015, 20:52:35

Originally posted by DruncK:
/me beats Celphi with our wheelchair

Didn't see that coming with all your 1337 h4x0r programming skills did ya?


Also, the pot has called the kettle black.



Sep 22nd 2015, 3:14:51

Originally posted by Ti annichilisco:
Otherwise this server is too boring and with too few player.

Particularly keeping on killing them.....

The original cucumber talks...



Sep 22nd 2015, 2:58:21

Originally posted by DruncK:
You have enough affairs as it is sunshine ;)

So you were lying?



Sep 22nd 2015, 1:24:04

I am already playing team. Send me my FA... you know the country number.



Sep 20th 2015, 21:57:52

Originally posted by Marshal:
and get sentenced for life.

The world IQ will jump 10 points.... well worth it.

Edited By: ssewellusmc on Sep 21st 2015, 18:59:28
See Original Post



Sep 20th 2015, 18:54:56

Originally posted by Cerberus:
When you place me upon your burger, you find a savory compulsion to add MORE Bacon to your burger. This does not happen with the Cheese.

I RULE all sandwiches upon which I am placed. Place me on a Grilled Cheese sandwich and you will know in your heart that I am indeed Greater than the Cheese.

The Bologna, nor the Salami, nor the fresh roasted pork can compare, The pepperoni is almost my equal, but in terms of usefulness, falls far short of the mark I the Bacon have established for ALL TIME!


The Bacon will bring you peace and prosperity.

The bacon scares tan.