
slip Game profile


Oct 18th 2015, 19:42:12

that sounds familiar. I probably tagged some unplayed countries divine.

bomber: missed your IRC message. I dont play there anymore.

slip Game profile


Oct 18th 2015, 16:30:29

didnt he develop an earth clone?

slip Game profile


Oct 9th 2015, 0:15:50

Originally posted by Alin:

My anual earnings will buy a lot of atvs that don t need modifying or fixing. But glad to know you are a mechanic ... no brain there for something better...
Who s the next mothefluffer that is going to pick on my earnings? The plumer?

Originally posted by Alin:
Your lifes resumes to much at earnings mrford. My life is build on books, on people who read them. When people from "don t know where" want to insult me, they call me among others "poor". You are poor, they say

Originally posted by Alin:

Go ahead show me receipts of your guns and atv upgrades. That would just proof my point.

Originally posted by Alin:

Like i said you guys are to stupid for me... postimg a 30k car invoice won t probablly help either. Or my restaurant pay check. You live with the impression i am poor. I live with the impression you are stupid and most probablly i am closer to the truth, your are far away for it nevertheless.

Originally posted by Alin:
Lol this is getting better and better. Is 30k usd, 22.5k eur when parity was 1.3.

I give beggers 50 or 100 ya know? You know why? Because i want to see the shine in their eye when someone gives them hope.

For someone that claims to value books over money, you talk a lot about money.

slip Game profile


Sep 30th 2015, 16:47:32

I can't remember the last time the Raiders had a winning record. No terrible contracts and some promising talent. The same dude I was rooting for in highschool 12 years ago had an interception last sunday. I have no idea what to think. Vern, I think the misery might be over.

Panthers are the only 3-0 team i have seen very little footage of. Mrford, are they good? Or just beating up on fluff teams.

slip Game profile


Sep 17th 2015, 4:32:06

is this the same requiem that played in NA? I think you gave me an iptorrents invite so I owe you thousands of dollars.

I have 474 stars!

slip Game profile


Sep 16th 2015, 1:40:25

xynx would single handily win wars. I hope he was lying when he said he was legit. it's really weird looking at this thread.

slip Game profile


Sep 15th 2015, 19:03:24

how many war stars?

slip Game profile


Sep 12th 2015, 7:16:12

i remember you from IMP.

slip Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 21:51:17

I just checked Bovada.

Raiders are at 5 1/2 wins
Panthers are at 8 1/2 wins
Cardinals are at 8 1/2 wins

mrford and I are moving to vegas. Thanks for the contribution ericownsyou5.

everyone else sucks at this thread.

slip Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 18:45:06

Raiders. 5 wins. Everyone else in our division regresses. I think this is the first year in awhile that the bronco's aren't a shoe in.

Khalil Mack is scary. Carr has a high floor/low ceiling. Defense will be all over the place. We are so good in some spots while our CBs are terrible. We will get lit up by some QBs with an arm.

Fantasy wise, I have an all raider backfield.

L. Murray
R Jennings
D McFadden

For some reason, I feel really good about that backfield.

Edited By: slip on Sep 10th 2015, 18:49:16
See Original Post

slip Game profile


Sep 1st 2015, 1:22:56

i havent done tech work since 8 came out. Safe mode -> uninstall the preloaded antivirus would be my guess.

Edited By: slip on Sep 1st 2015, 20:34:02
See Original Post

slip Game profile


Aug 30th 2015, 0:27:06

I haven't seen him in IRC this round.

slip Game profile


Aug 13th 2015, 23:47:25

Originally posted by Uncle James:
You want old huh. How about XYNX and SEXMACHINE and HOPI WOMAN AND SLIP AND PATRIOT.

I was just a mouthpiece back then. You did the heavy lifting.

Xynx was a beast.

slip Game profile


Aug 6th 2015, 17:19:31

anyone have warstats?

slip Game profile


Aug 1st 2015, 2:34:16

Originally posted by Aphrodite:
You complain moan and fluff about me removing you from facebook which i did because you set my tag (TGA)up for failure where i was teamed up and string killed at a ratio of 7:1. You wonder why? Then when i try to explain i find out you have me blocked lmao. Grow a pair and quit being a shady demonic sadistic ginger fluff. Your threats to war me do not intimidate me. I have already been ran off this server and only play in 1 now. Good luck finding which server i play in you bloody fluff.

everything about this is awesome.

slip Game profile


Jul 24th 2015, 2:04:40

Yall snobs.

slip Game profile


Jul 14th 2015, 20:38:23

Rebel, youre a beast. Enjoy europe.

slip Game profile


Jul 13th 2015, 5:33:57

cool. rank 15 first time back. ill take it!

maybe ill see you guys next round.

slip Game profile


Jul 13th 2015, 2:53:16

Originally posted by mrford:
I will vote for whichever promises to reset Marshal's post count every other week.

slip Game profile


Jul 13th 2015, 2:50:12

is that a typical top 10? This was my first round since w2025, made a ton of mistakes. Im pretty sure i can clear 17m as an all-x

slip Game profile


Jul 12th 2015, 19:35:36

There's only 4 hours left. Isn't there way more supply than demand at this point?

slip Game profile


Jul 12th 2015, 19:35:36

There's only 4 hours left. Isn't there way more supply than demand at this point?

slip Game profile


Jul 7th 2015, 3:53:50

if nothing happens, im recreating Honor Guard and killing mrford, per tradition.

slip Game profile


Jul 6th 2015, 17:32:52

unless something like TKO/IMP/kitchensink vs CC happens - i don't see anything exciting happening for the rest of the round. Does anyone want to do something simliar to leeroy v. mrford in tag dinos?

I would prefer this instead of the solo tags blindsiding each other. Unless another big clan attacks a small clan, I don't see myself FSing anyone. Which probably means im going to get whooped by which ever solo tag decides they want to fight. At our size, FS/Turn Advantage means way too much.

slip Game profile


Jul 6th 2015, 15:51:07

Originally posted by Primeval:

Hello there. I'm sorry that I do not recall. I don't think I had many/any negative run-ins with LEU in the past. Actually, I think that was ungod's clan correct? We were on good terms. I just don't remember too much else other than there was a merger between DoL and LEU

i remember DUEL being our homies. Nothing before that though.

slip Game profile


Jul 2nd 2015, 17:07:33

Offer rescinded. ford is all restarts.

also, does this mean I single handily destroyed an alliance? Neat.

Edited By: slip on Jul 2nd 2015, 17:12:35
See Original Post

slip Game profile


Jun 30th 2015, 23:01:59


slip Game profile


Jun 30th 2015, 20:00:14

for some reason, this makes me miss #xnax on gamesurge

slip Game profile


Jun 29th 2015, 20:42:36

Originally posted by RaTS FYA:
I haven't looked at the changes to the game but it seems to still be the same people that I beat then are the people to beat now. Just because it's easier to get high nets doesn't mean the competition got better

youre still a scrub

slip Game profile


Jun 29th 2015, 5:05:54

Originally posted by Thunder:
I named my astros in a game called Astro Empires after the Holds of Pern :)

do you still play?

slip Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 0:14:31

When will there be a ceasefire?

slip Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 19:40:21

But my point is simple, you're not in love with Jordan so much as you're in love with your memories of Jordan from your childhood.

That article is fluff. But I did like this point. With how basketball highlights work, I have seen jordan shoot 100% over the past 15 years. From a fan standpoint, I only remember him post baseball on one of the greatest teams ever assembled. I kind of remember the first 3peat and he was the best athlete in the world, but I dont know why. He was marketed as a god. Im 29.

People need to stop comparing 90s jordan to lebrons career as a whole. Is it lebrons fault jordan had to run into the celtics/pistons to prevent fluffty Chicago teams making it to the finals? I hate the "Jordan would have won" argument. The Bulls would have struggled with the 2peat Rockets team. Most Bulls have said there was no way they were 4peating during their 2nd run. Jordan's wizard teams didn't make the playoffs.

Jordan is better than LeBron. I hate the narrative that has started to surrounded it.

Edited By: slip on Jun 23rd 2015, 19:43:22
See Original Post

slip Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 19:12:51

Originally posted by Sherita:
Stay tuned for more interesting events to unfold.

I hope so. I've missed so many turns, there's no point in netting.

slip Game profile


Jun 16th 2015, 20:13:03

Pang, hockey is significantly cheaper in Canada. It also varies in the states. Ice time in Seattle is ridiculous compared to Chicago. I can only imagine what N/S Carolina is like. Also, with a smaller player base, used equipment is harder to come by. The sport has also transitioned from a blue collared sport to a rich kid sport. I was right in the middle of the transition in the 90s. MrFord is not getting skates for 30 bucks in North Carolina.

There's a dude on the ducks thats a roller blader. Some of the best dudes I've played with have a roller blading background. Stick work is usually legit.

im actually anti pulling the goalie on power play. The team on the PK can take a shot at the empty net with no risk of icing. But they were down by 2, so i get it.

I rambled. still pretty amped from last night.

Love that some my favorite Whaler got a Cup (dineen).

slip Game profile


Jun 15th 2015, 2:07:59

Originally posted by grimjoww:
i WON vic


slip Game profile


Jun 14th 2015, 2:44:00

Originally posted by ICe Man:
The SEXY DM did it =)

where is this guy.

slip Game profile


Jun 14th 2015, 2:31:11

can you guys stop killing me. this is my first FFA set. We need to retain new players.

slip Game profile


Jun 9th 2015, 21:00:05

Originally posted by Primeval:
xmach retired a long time ago


slip Game profile


May 28th 2015, 23:06:30

Originally posted by mrford:
fluff, before that. Spygate went all the way back to the early 2000s.

wasn't it legal then?

slip Game profile


May 28th 2015, 21:44:03


slip Game profile


Mar 1st 2015, 21:51:41

Originally posted by llaar:
hey hey! :)

slip Game profile


Feb 4th 2015, 18:39:08

After watching that last drive, it's pretty clear Belichick and Carroll have never played Madden before.

slip Game profile


Nov 26th 2014, 18:41:18

Originally posted by llaar:
can i get in on this? lol :P

slip Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 8:36:33

they merged into nation / dead presidents. they were part of xTC.

the love triangle was mattp xmach freya

i have no idea why i remember this.

slip Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 0:10:27

Saw it today. Really really good.

slip Game profile


Aug 3rd 2014, 23:47:56

I haven't played for IMP in over a decade. I know they like to recycle old names over there.

FORD, I hear you play cod from blake. can we play? I'm terrible. Also, no one linked me anywhere.