
mcdaddy Game profile

New Member

Oct 3rd 2019, 18:49:14

[quote poster=DerrickICN; 47799; 915342]I got the message too.

If he manages not to multi, which would surprise me honestly, it's not like he will be an asset. He will probably just suicide someone oop and die. Like me for example.

The last time he made it three days playing ffa, he suicided me and got deleted before i even had time to kill him back.

Is it really worth having a known repeat offending cheater here to ruin other people's sets and chase off players assuming he does manage to play clean?

And not only that, but this is what now, the 4th time he has promised to not multi and then multied within his first two sets back.

Fool me once shame on me, fool me 5 fluffin times?

He's already messaged me a half dozen times with borderline threats of what he plans to do with his multies when he comes back. It's redundant, old, tired, and a waste of my time and everyone else's to deal with his nonsense and cheating.

[23:28] <Derrick> Oh believe me. It's a warning. I dont like getting lied to
[23:29] <macdaddy_mib> i lie to everyone
[23:29] <macdaddy_mib> what the fluff have you ever done to me
[23:29] <macdaddy_mib> i dont owe you fluff
[23:29] <macdaddy_mib> i can lie to whover the fluff i want

At least he can't say he was never warned about his lying and cheating. [/quote]


The ironic thing about this comment is that this fluff couldn't even follow through on his warning.. I stomped 8 of his countries out before he even had a chance to respond...… Lesson dumb ass. Don't make cheques you cant cash.. He makes a warning then gets his asss kicked and instead of seeking revenge in the game he cries to the mods to ban me..

Spoken like a coward and not the head of a FFA clan. You should be ashamed of your yellowness and resign from Head of LOC.. Because you are a fluff.

mcdaddy Game profile

New Member

Oct 3rd 2019, 18:48:39