
llaar Game profile


May 13th 2010, 3:20:17

i is win

llaar Game profile


May 13th 2010, 3:19:52

i'd rather no one hated on anyone

llaar Game profile


May 13th 2010, 1:29:36

*stares deep into cypress' eyes*

llaar Game profile


May 13th 2010, 1:26:43

>> i do lead alliance! the whole alliance server must bow to my will!


llaar Game profile


May 13th 2010, 1:24:05

you're missing the point entirely

1 person in NA cheated, deleted

1 person in PDM cheated, deleted

3 people in SOL cheated, deleted

2 clans break pact with NA, one of them FS's NA

no repercussions for PDM / SOL

i'm saying that NONE of the clans deserve punishment... only the members involved that were deleted

i'm trying to say... stop hating on NA! thats really my whole point. leave us alone and i'll just go back to spamming my NA forums with my members. NA as a clan did nothing wrong, so stop hating on us!


llaar Game profile


May 13th 2010, 1:19:39

someone refreshed this a lot... lol

*eyes cypress*

llaar Game profile


May 13th 2010, 1:19:02

wiki deleted 2025 though and EE i thought?

llaar Game profile


May 13th 2010, 1:14:46

dude 1 person running multies could happen to any clan

why don't you look into your own IA practices before you point fingers

llaar Game profile


May 13th 2010, 1:12:29

hey skythe, i totally trust you on this one. i gave you kudos in the other thread for reporting the error and not taking advantage, something the others, who abused the bug, did not do.

llaar Game profile


May 13th 2010, 1:07:12

madam detmer! w00t

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 21:17:53

well just ignore fordys posts here then, he's trying to be funny not serious

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 21:16:02

Originally posted by lolicon:

you know whats interesting is your country is still alive despite it being legitimately killed via GS

newsfeeds indicate exactly 1 missile were sent at you during the last kill run on you

so isn't it cheating to ask for reinstatement of your country when your country was not affected? o wait, i forgot it's ok if it benefeits llaar or NA (my bad)...

dude, skythe sent 110 GS attacks...

the bug was on GS and on chem ya douche

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 21:09:03

Originally posted by TAN:
I am not talking about NA llaar.

I am talking about FFA, and from what Pang said about your posts he blurred out, they were pretty incriminating in that you might have got involved there.

"what i did was a postponing an answer to something i didnt want to answer... when i'm purposely vague i have no intentions bro"

i already answered you buddy :)

my vagueness was enough to keep the people in LaE at bay without expecting anything, and at the same time is enough to make me look incriminating.

sucks for me the way it looks... but i didn't cheat and wasn't going to

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 21:07:26

the mods found out hours after i did anyway. its easy to look back and say anything, you wouldn't believe it either way. the facts are that i didn't cheat, that i didn't intend to. and what was i going to do with the new knowledge? i didn't even have time to figure that out. it really was a few days of woah... woah... woah.. for me for all the new stuff coming out and the crazy FFAT posting. so i just stayed off the boards since i didnt really have a hand in doing anything. when people start going after NA and stuff, now that becomes personal. and then i started posting. i'm quite an active poster now aren't i? hehe

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 21:00:03

what i did was a postponing an answer to something i didnt want to answer... when i'm purposely vague i have no intentions bro. when i have an opinion, i state it pretty clearly. i'm pretty sure you can tell that from how i write. especially on these boards. i tend to be a very direct person, and if i'm not, theres a reason. i never even asked them how they did what they did, cause i didn't want to know. if i was all excited to go cheat, wouldn't that have been the first thing i'd want to know?

i offered you full admin access to NA's site already too TAN. i honestly have nothing to hide. i am playing, and have played legit here.

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 20:53:00

Edited By: llaar on May 12th 2010, 20:53:25

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 20:51:51

by not talking about my country, somehow you equate that to me asking for deletion?

i fail to see this hobologic

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 20:50:58

oh i totally got it W


llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 20:50:00

my members are perfectly in control

its some of you other guys im not so sure about

*eyes pally*

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 20:41:55

admins need emails to the mod email or personal contact

they have said they cant just keep on top of all forums here

mr ford went and made sure they knew. he made first contact, that is a fact

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 20:36:11

Edited By: llaar on May 12th 2010, 20:36:45

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 20:34:36

now that you had 3 members deleted for abusing the rules of the game, compared to our 1 member, that means you had 3X more cheating members than we did.

so, want to call off the war now, since you really can't claim the higher ground anymore?

Edited By: llaar on May 12th 2010, 20:34:57

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 20:29:31

thanks AoS :)

and slagpit is 100% correct, reporting is good, exploiting is bad

and our countries are still missing their SDI, so compensation wasn't perfect which is why things shouldn't be abused, and the abusers should be deleted, to discourage abusing in the future

and this issue has nothing to do with my country, no where have i even said my country was involved

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 20:07:09

you're 1 of 7 countries that now have lower SDI due to SOL and PDM abusing the bug

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 20:04:55

really? wouldn't your inactive comwoody be upset though?

anywho i said kudos to skythe in the other thread

zodiac however, exploited the fluff out of the bug

in 2025, if you did this, and killed countries via a bug, you were deleted.

even with the fluffty admins there

my issue is not with the clans its with the members who did something wrong

and the fact that when i have a member do something, its blamed on my whole clan, not just on the member. which it should be blamed on the member

it goes both ways my friend.

people dropped pacts with NA simply because 1 member ran multies without anyone elses knowledge

you had 1 member cheat by exploiting a bug, should people drop pacts with you?

SOL had 5 members cheat by exploiting a bug! and they were the ones that claimed moral highground just days ago!

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 19:57:22

for having members that blatantly abuse ingame bugs for their benefit?

are SOL/PDM going to boot these members for breaking the rules and exploiting in game bugs?

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 19:51:06

Originally posted by lolicon:
I was asleep when all this happened. Although I'm disappointed to see bug abuse happening; however, bugs can't be fully confirmed without sufficient data. As such, I'm not surprised several people were able to send massive amounts of missiles.

llaar before you start pointing fingers at an entire alliance did the following thoughts ever cross your mind when you assessed the situation?

1. Perhaps, the bug abusers merely saw something strange in the newsfeed and wanted to investigate. Upon personal investigation of the matter, they promptly reported it to the admins.

2. Simple math tells me that a handful of people does not equate an entire alliance.

Seriously, reading your posts is like reading propaganda. Everything has to have its own spin. Somehow everything is either llaar-centric or NA-centric.

Let's be objective about this and give the benefeit of the doubt to those individuals. The admins have already taken action on the issue. It's time to drop the issue and carry on with life.


Originally posted by llaar:
i do NOT fault the leadership of the opposing clans. you guys are great leaders.

should the members involved take accountability for their actions?


should the clans be persecuted?


Edited By: llaar on May 12th 2010, 19:51:56

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 19:04:29

oh cool, thats hard work, one of my friends just passed the bar in FL

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:52:00

or who knows.. infinte landgrabs? eek

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:51:36

i think jets would still have been subtracted?

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:50:42

hey TGD, how you been anyways besides all the recent drama?


llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:49:25

and is this something you actually think slaggy? hit me up in private if so, cause i'd like to correct it!! cause that is not true!

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:48:24

what in the world!?

DM didnt run a single country in NA nor was he a spy for us

<3 evo

theres absolutely no reason i'd want to spy on evo, thats retarded, y'all are my friends


llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:45:23

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Getting 872million NW and you didn't abuse the bug.

That's llaar logic for you.

the bug allowed you to kill infinite countries

not gain NW

do you know how to read?

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:16:10

FYI: thats exactly how the 2 bill expense bug exploit worked in 2025

anyone that ever exploited that bug, was deleted, in 2025

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:13:01

omg slag told me i'm right

*does a dance*

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:10:52

from earth:2025

the 2 billion expense bug gave a country unlimited turns to use on unlimited missiles. this was exploited summer of '05 ffa, and a ton of top100 countries were completely killed. the 2 bill country was deleted

i created a 2 billion expense country in december of '05 in ffa for netting purposes.

i was deleted.

i then sent this email to swirve:

"Concerning the earth 2025 game‏
From: ()
Sent: Sat 12/10/05 2:29 PM

Dear Mr. Patel,

I am a patron supporter of the game and would like to know why one of my countries in the free for all server was deleted. llaar (#95) was deleted. I see no reason for this to have happened and have worked really hard for over 2 months on that country. I have also been playing the game for 4 years and have never had this happen before.

I am also aware that there has been countries in past sets surpassing 1 billion NW and exposing a -2 billion income bug. I remember that these countries were either deleted by the admin or were self deleted. I have no intentions of using this bug to harm other countries. If my country were to attack another country in this improper manner, then I would understand why it should have been deleted. However, I do not feel that just the potential for exposing a bug is justifiable reason to delete a country. All countries have the potential to expose bugs, but it is up to the player themself as to whether or not they will do this. I would really like to know why my country has been deleted. Thank you very much for your time and your consideration,

i was reinstated. and i never abused the bug.

last year i also achieved a 2 billion expense country in Earth Council with the record breaking 872 million NW country, Blackberry.

Again, I did not abuse the bug.

Abusing a bug like that to kill off clans, is really really wrong.

I do hope that judgement comes to those that abused the bug for their own gain and for the hurt of others.

Edited By: llaar on May 12th 2010, 18:11:11

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:01:13

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
Originally posted by llaar:

Skythes Country (#597) (PDM50) - made 149 attacks last 24 hours

#597 is the only one of the bug abusers that did not go on a killing spree with the other players. he also seems to be the first player to have experienced the bug, who must have told the others, who then went on a bug abusing killing spree

here's the quote from our PF when he noticed the bug:
"I stopped attacking, as didn't want to 'exploit' this bug or whatever is going on.. but technically I could of probably killed him too...."

it's not like he went to IRC and started advertising the bug.

zodiac is an asshat who should have known better.

I 100% believe you. I had already guessed as much and thats why I said "since after seeing the bug, skythe seems to have not tried it further. which is the proper course of action"

I applaud skythe for that.

the others however... did abuse intentionally a bug in the game, for their own gain, and tried to kill a whole clan, until they were stopped.

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 17:58:31

Thats why I posted a clarification ;)

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 17:50:13

(TAN used to play in NA for those that don't get Walding's comment)

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 17:49:08

steeps: lol you edited the post, so it doesnt say that it was 'only 1 or two people and wasnt a warchat'

guess you posted before you read my other post about all the countries involved ;)

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 17:48:01

i believe thats 5 SOL + 1 PDM, doing alternating hits in killing for 7 straight kill runs all in a row, immediately after 1 PDM guy finds a bug...

that would appear to be a coordinated multi-clan warchat to me

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 17:43:02

++ anyone who wants to troll, and wants to come to the darkside

<3 <3

*couldnt resist*

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 17:39:44

ok so here's what happened as i see it:

the major abusers were:
Zodiac (#534) and My President Is Halfrican (#282) and land of oz (#400) and It hurts when I pee QQ (#396)
they each sent 100-400 chems, in coordinated kill runs on 7 countries in a row

Zodiac (#534) (PDM50) - made 629 attacks last 24 hours, about 400 of them chems, attacking 7 different countries in kill runs
My President Is Halfrican (#282) (TSA) - made 178 attacks in last 24 hours, about 150 of them chems, hitting 7 different countries in kill runs
It hurts when I pee QQ (#396) (TSA) - made 651 attacks in last 24 hours, about 400 of them chems, hitting 7 different countries in kill runs
land of oz (#400) (TSA) - made 123 hits last 24 hours, about 110 of them chems, hitting 7 different countries in kill runs

then we have:
MooMmmOoo (#633) (TSA) - joined in on using chems against 2 of the targets that #282/#396/#534/#424 so must have exploited the chem bug along with them
YoUr SOL iZ MiNe (#424) (TSA) - joined in on using chems against 1 of the targets that #282/#396/#534/#633 so must have exploited the chem bug along with them

they each jumped in on a couple of those kill runs that Zodiac (#534) and My President Is Halfrican (#282) and land of oz (#400) and It hurts when I pee QQ (#396) oganized

Skythes Country (#597) (PDM50) - made 149 attacks last 24 hours

#597 is the only one of the bug abusers that did not go on a killing spree with the other players. he also seems to be the first player to have experienced the bug, who must have told the others, who then went on a bug abusing killing spree

this was definitely a coordinated bug abuse session perpetrated by those who did the coordinated killing together

which in my opinion include:
Zodiac (#534) and My President Is Halfrican (#282) and land of oz (#400) and It hurts when I pee QQ (#396) and MooMmmOoo (#633) (TSA) and YoUr SOL iZ MiNe (#424) (TSA)

since after seeing the bug, skythe seems to have not tried it further. which is the proper course of action

not commencing a tag kill of another clan via bug exploit

Edited By: llaar on May 12th 2010, 17:40:45

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 17:10:02


hey snawdog, remember saying this:

Member Tue Dec 15 10:28:44
I personally will call abuse of a bug cheating...there, I said it out loud.....
Member Tue Dec 15 11:48:10
After seeing this from NA set after set in the old game, I have come to realize that the leadership there just can't help but be cheats, it must be in their very core.............. "

hows it feel now that your clan was involved in bug abuse?

no it wasn't TAN...

neither was it our leadership back then

it was ONE member

just like this set, the deletions were ONE member, not leadership


this bug abuse seems to have been clanwide on pdm/sol's part

i 100% believe PraetorNLS when he says, that he didnt condone or support it

just like NA leadership didnt condone or support what happened to us this set

but our whole clan is being burned for one members actions

but now here you have MULTIPLE people abusing an ingame bug

i do NOT fault the leadership of the opposing clans. you guys are great leaders.

please do not fault OUR leadership with what happened either. i do think we're good leaders too!

should the members involved take accountability for their actions?


should the clans be persecuted?


llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 16:58:48

jeezus blank posts my bad

just found what i remembered reading:

Tue Dec 15 12:45:52

But just incase people want to talk about exploiting and what happens if you do it, I'll clear the air a little.... if you are ACTIVELY exploiting a bug (ie you are using it to try and win/cheat, and not reporting it once it's found) then there is the potential for deletions and bans"

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 16:56:56

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 16:56:45

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 16:18:33

haha, well thats one solution!

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 16:17:53

Edited By: llaar on May 12th 2010, 16:57:10