
aten Game profile

New Member

Dec 6th 2012, 11:15:52


aten Game profile

New Member

Nov 14th 2012, 4:17:58

I like sheep pics.

aten Game profile

New Member

Nov 5th 2012, 12:37:29

Originally posted by Helmet:
A simple change like making all previous countries known to an account I think would be an easy first step to holding people at least somewhat accountable for their actions.

I don't see any reason why we can't see who was playing every single country after a round ends.

If someone makes a second account to suicide and hide their actions they should be deleted.

Upping an actual suggestion (beyond ban people who fluffed me up!) which may be missed in all repeated QQing on all sides, and modifying it somewhat, each account could have an account name (NOT log in name) which could be detected in s new spy op to "detect leader".

This would

1) Give an opportunity cost to detecting "known" suiciders, rather than making it a no brainer to simply click a profile and check out country names.

2) Allow alliances to handle it themselves, by pre-emptively killing off said suiciders.

3) Make it easier for others to target the ones they want to hit rather than the "poor innocent inactives" who will somehow be "driven from the game (despite being already inactive)" those calling for bans are so concerned about.

That makes it fairer does it not?

aten Game profile

New Member

Nov 3rd 2012, 4:12:45

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by iScode:

So netters actions of farming untageds and small alliances is not trying to get them to quit?

You cant have your cake and eat it to.

Not even remotely. Netters do not want people to quit otherwise why would we play this game? War clans do not want people to quit for the same reason. Laf does not want Evo out of the game and I doubt Evo wants Laf gone. Same with Sol and Sof. I am sure every group would like some changes made by the others but none are currently trying to force anyone out of the game. Certain individuals are however trying to do so.

So you are arguing motivation as an excuse for banning? If, instead of saying "we want to suicide tag X until they quit", they just state "we want to suicide tag x to make it impossible for them to get a t10/100 but we want them to stay around and keep trying so we can keep screwing them over", would that be all rainbows and sunshine for you then?

aten Game profile

New Member

Nov 2nd 2012, 22:18:37

Every action has the potential to cause players to quit. Anyone recall Arrow leaving as a tag because they were screwed reset after reset?

How about all the people telling Fazer to stop playing and leave already? Are they not also trying to drive players away?

Sucks to be on the receiving end, but who are you to determine when "enough is enough"? What is a proper retaliation and what "just screwing around to force others to quit"?

If they get farmed or screwed with set after set for years on end (e.g. by RD), why is it somehow not legit for them to return the favor now that the game actually has active cheat detection?

aten Game profile

New Member

Oct 30th 2012, 14:08:19
