
Xerglacia Game profile

New Member

Aug 25th 2013, 5:44:32

Zen, Prankster's right, I've only created a country the past two sets in order to AB Sheep. That's the extent of my playing.

Xerglacia Game profile

New Member

Aug 20th 2013, 22:05:22


Xerglacia Game profile

New Member

Aug 14th 2013, 21:33:58

To add to this:

I have found that it doesn't occur for me in Primary, when just the bonus turns are given. But it did occur for me in Alliance when I got the 3 bonus turns, and received the message about not being part of a clan while playing on the Alliance server.

Xerglacia Game profile

New Member

Aug 14th 2013, 3:48:28

Since it's hard to reproduce this without waiting 12-18 hours, I figured I'd write it up now.

- Log in to Earth after not playing your country on whatever server for 12-18 hours.
- Play on the server that will give you a bonus.
- On the "Bonus For Your Country" Screen, the Footer which contains the links to Home, Rules, Privacy Policy, and About Us, can be found in the top, left-hand part of the screen... rather than as a footer which is where it belongs.

- It appears as though the "div id='footer'" is winding up in the "div id='mainbody'" instead of the "div id='mainwrap'", due to a previous div not being closed.
- Either "div id='contentholder'", "div id='content'" or "div style='margin-left...'" (Bonus for your Country text) appear to be the likely ones to be missing a closing div tag.

Xerglacia Game profile

New Member

Aug 13th 2013, 16:27:03

That was my job for 5 years... just not with this.

Xerglacia Game profile

New Member

Aug 13th 2013, 5:41:24

- Go to
- View source
- The loginForm table, and create_account table both use:
- The uppercase T on "lefT" is bother me.
- This is more a source aesthetics bug than anything else.

Xerglacia Game profile

New Member

Aug 13th 2013, 5:34:07

- Ensure you are logged out of EE.
- With JavaScript enabled on your browser, go to
- Login using the Log In directly under the EE logo
- Enter into whatever server you have a country for... let's say Alliance.
- If no Captcha appears (it may not depending on how you last logged in), log out of EE.
- This time, log in from or
- Again attempt to enter the same server as before.
- The captcha will appear even though you are using the same browser, and haven't changed any settings.

- Looking at the POSTed content for each case should show you why this is happening.

- Be consistent, and because you've recently changed the login to the longer post content, I'd recommend going that way with it.

Xerglacia Game profile

New Member

Aug 13th 2013, 5:22:17

- Ensure that you are logged out
- Go to
- The text "You have been logged out, or do not have cookies enabled" will be displayed, but the bottom padding around the text isn't being displayed correctly.
- View the page source
- Find the following line:
td colspan='2' class='mainerror' style='pdding-bottom:5px;'You have been logged out, or do not have cookies enabled

- Notice "style='pdding-bottom:5px;'"

- This also occurs on