


Jul 13th 2012, 3:48:20

Bstrong they didn't want to lend a helping hand. As I previously said, they needed a main hoe to do all the sucking and bending for them. That's you buddy.



Jul 13th 2012, 3:46:14

Bstrong is it really that I am taking it to seriously or is it that I am enjoying pissing off a bunch of hotheads in a rookie clan? Don't think about this to hard now, I wouldn't want your brain to explode from overuse.... I mean I don't mind teaching you vocabulary since you seem to just be copying everything I say. Ok I will just tell you, the latter is more accurate.



Jul 13th 2012, 3:41:30

Also JT, no need to run multi accounts. I don't cheat nor will I ever. It will just take away all the fun of just having 32 countries wipe XI out next set... Haha hopefully show these one man tags just how weak you really are.



Jul 13th 2012, 3:36:57

I have many names and many faces. Which hat am I wearing now?



Jul 13th 2012, 3:33:54

Really?? What I am saying now is why you killed me off? Didn't know you could see the future almighty main hoe.

Did you see the future there? I just flipped you off with one hand and made a fast up and down motion with a closed fist on my other hand. Then I finished it off by un-clinching my fist as if I were throwing something in your face. Although you saw that because you can see in the future!



Jul 13th 2012, 3:30:41

Hence why I said put a muzzle on her. And no fear, they are filling your head with lies. You seriously trust a clan that hit the fluff out of you? I can't believe how things work in this fantasy world. Here a clan rapes a small one tag clan and he decides to join them and fight on their side? Wooooowwww.



Jul 13th 2012, 3:28:34

I am talking about your main hoe Bstrong. You know your bottom citch that goes around following you guys doing all the sucking and bending that you need him to? Saying you need to keep that gal in line, she opens her mouth way to much.



Jul 13th 2012, 3:18:27

Wow, you can put a chain together JT! Everyone give him a trophy.
I am beginning to think you aren't as dumb as my dog. As for your hoe JT, keep that thing on her leash. I wouldn't want her to scratch me or pull my hair. She is already good enough at being so catty but put her muzzle back on so I don't have to waste my time listening to here repeat the same thing over, and over, and over again. Is she just looking at everything I post then re-saying what I said??

I can tell she is the smart one of you guys though, aint that right JT??



Jul 13th 2012, 3:07:08

You are obviously way to dumb...even to play in XI. Wow you really really surprise me bstrong.



Jul 13th 2012, 3:05:56

Bstrong make sure to put your name in your countries next set. I will make sure all 16 of yours are dead in the first 7 minutes of the war. Then JT, you can be second in line for the train. Kyle I don't actually have anything against you so we will get to you when we get to you.



Jul 13th 2012, 3:03:44

Kyle its not hard, it's the fact that you hit f3er over 70 times in the past 8 days. Let alone the other 60 or 80 times you hit him prior. Yet you say you actually respect him? You hit JB like 400 hundred times, you hit thales another what 90-130 times? You hit TBTHG another 15-20, What do all these clans have in common??? Small one man tags that don't have the power to fight you back! Because you are cowards and looking over you policies for your clan I can see that it's from you pres JT signing a bill saying that you can't hit anyone unless they are 1/10th our size. Again you create all the suicides and try to manipulate everyone else as if you have done nothing wrong. Do you truly wonder why this game has really not see any big growth?? All the nubs get owned by slightly better rookies in clans like XI.



Jul 13th 2012, 2:41:22

Can you guys in XI not read or something? Oh wait yeah that's probably why you're called idiots. Ha I feel like such an idiot for asking that question, maybe I should join you guys.



Jul 13th 2012, 2:40:05

Originally posted by WaWa:
And yes Twain, I know not to hit big strong clans.... that's why we are picking XI. And kyle it's your way over excessive attacks on multiple small tags that don't have the power to fight back. Till of course they get organized.

No again Kyle, it's this. Don't act like what you do to the small clans is ok. And also twain I know suiciders do go attack the netters, that's not me. If it closes down my doors of opportunity because you people in this fantasy world wish to protect and celebrate cowards then so be it, I wish to have nothing to do with you our your members. When we kill off XI next set and you all don't wish to have me then alright. I suppose I can learn to accept my responsibility has a perpetual suicide.



Jul 13th 2012, 2:26:27

Maybe you aren't as dumb as I thought.



Jul 13th 2012, 2:19:33

And yes Twain, I know not to hit big strong clans.... that's why we are picking XI. And kyle it's your way over excessive attacks on multiple small tags that don't have the power to fight back. Till of course they get organized.



Jul 13th 2012, 2:17:30

I never said I was going to war untagged. I said I would finish this set untagged because you would probably kill me again. I am not an idiot and I know you would see a ten country clan all of a sudden pop up. Don't worry JT, you will know who we are soon enough.

TCB= Take Care of Business



Jul 13th 2012, 1:48:47

Alright Dragon I will make sure I take you up on that. Not next set of course, I gotta TCB but I certainly will remember that come the time I just want to be peaceful again. Right now I just smell XI's blood in the air..they have pissed of quite a few people with their extremely excessive attacks on small one man tags... it will be easy to knock you chumps around next set. Unless of course you have to call in some armies from other clans. A move I certainly don't put past a bunch of little boys making. For all the other clans that feel the need to back XI though, I was never talking about you guys having the clans that are poorly managed. I like several of you actually. It's XI and a couple others that are the ones that damage this games reputation for the new players. Just look at their news...they don't pick on anyone unless they are 1/10th their size. They are the ones that create the majority of these suiciders but then most suiciders don't want to waste their time on such chumps as XI. It's not worth it so then they hit the netters because maybe their message will be heard...then people get pissed at the ones who suicide and take it back out on untagged. Then the cycle is repeated.

To fix a problem you don't look at the damages that has been done. Rather, you look for the source of the damage. In this case it's Justin Timberlake and her band of cowards.

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 13th 2012, 2:10:11
See Original Post



Jul 12th 2012, 22:51:45

And I just have to ask, are you a bstrong a thing? It's just to cute to see you have each others backs so well... All joking aside, you two fight through any adversity people give you. Take pride!



Jul 12th 2012, 22:50:23

Stoop to my level? Son you would need a hundred fifty foot cheery pick to reach my level. My level is where I put my voice in for the one man peaceful clans you find it so funny to just go around and farm the crap out of. I am glad the bigger clans are farming you now. They realize it's just a bunch of out air coming from a bunch of nubs that can't play. They see you going around hitting the ones that don't have the power to fight back.
I am just glad to see there are a couple good clans still left.

Haha so chill out Justin Timberlake, you don't ever have to worry about being on the same level as me. After all, no cowards allowed.



Jul 12th 2012, 22:09:26

By the way crazy, where are your other fanny pirates? Or is bstrong just your main garden hoe?



Jul 12th 2012, 22:07:16

Crazy, it didn't take much to figure that out... I mean the supposed "man", more like little girl leading them is making Justin Timberlake references in his signature...? Not only implies stupidity but to be fair it also kinda suggests that you guys take pride in flying your rainbow flag.

As for Bstrong, way to come on crazy real quick and defend her honer. She needs her little fanny pirates to step in as quick as they can to protect the already soiled reputation of a weak skit clan. And what you have name finding missiles? You think you will know if you hit me or not? Well perhaps, I have a lot of SDI so when you fail and I make you look like a chump, then you will know its me.

I let you know I am bringing the war to your front door and you still find it necessary to attack peaceful nations? Hahahaha the admins should really think about reinstating the age limit in this many kids on here.

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 12th 2012, 22:11:23
See Original Post



Jul 12th 2012, 21:39:19

Hey you can listen to them if you want but again this is the same old big guys going after peaceful nations topic. Like their name says, XI is a clan full of idiots. That's the only word they will hold true to. What happens when you round up a bunch of rookies that aren't the sharpest tools in the shed? You get a bunch of tool bags. They will farm ya whether or not you make your self visible and try to get to know them...Dragon is sort of right, the only way to increase your chances of peace would be joining a clan but even then they go to war, so it only increases your chances. But if peace is your game, then don't learn the hard way... no one here wants peaceful nations to exist, so perhaps rethink what game you play.



Jul 7th 2012, 7:02:27

I understand your argument and I know it's sort of ironic actually. I never wanted to fight the system at first. I tagged my 10 countries up and asked around for peace. It's when the cowards turned around and farmed me, got pissed that I retaliated then killed me. What, I should just lay down and take it? Sort of an initiation for this game? Everyone here thinks players come in and read Wiki entries on games..I am a gamer and never once have I ever, ever read any Wiki entry on any game ever. I am a gamer and realize what a true free for all means... sorry I didn't know that it could possibly be misconstrued by about .0000000000001% of the gaming population that thinks free for all means get together and bang on the nubs. Seriously anyone know of any other single game on this planet that has a "free for all" where it's not everybody against everybody? One where you are allowed to have a FREE FOR ALL match? If you don't believe me then just look at the MW definition for free for all. A clan "free for all" is self defeating of the whole entire concept of it being a free for all in the first place. I know I know, you were allowed to have as many countries as you wanted...blah blah. Should be entitled; TEAM- Unlimited Countries? or now that there is a limit; TEAM-16 countries? I never thought I would see the day where I had to explain what a free for all match is to people that are gamers. Insanity.

Although if I am being honest, its fascinating if you actually think about it. Many of the same problems of intolerance in the real world shows up in this fantasy world. Many of the same mistakes and still a whole bunch of warring over nothing. BS politics here, BS politics there, sprinkled with a little bit of lying on top of it all. I guess it just goes to show if the world had a mulligan, we would probably just botch it over and over and over again.

Anyway I wanted this to be a thread to talk to the untags because of how disorganized they are. Looks like they don't actually know where to find these threads. Hmmmm I wonder why that is. But Clans win again, have my thread. I'm out.

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 7th 2012, 7:26:17
See Original Post



Jul 7th 2012, 6:29:54

I mean I joke and poke fun because I like to kid around. If you truly can't then my deepest apologies. Must be a difficult game to play for you.



Jul 7th 2012, 6:28:39

Bstrong you hear worse from your son? Maybe spend less time on here and more time with him...

Rockman it's like I am talking to a rock wall here. I was tagged, I did ask for peace and the clans I asked for peace from turned around and farmed me. When I retaliated against them they killed me. Hopefully you are caught up now. Seriously if you are tagged then what are you doing here? You really can't read or what?



Jul 7th 2012, 4:40:12

I think I got it.

KoHeartsGPA you lick whatever fluff you fluffing want off of bstrongs fluffing face. Then manybe you will grow the fluff up!

Is that more the level you wanted? And no saint sinner, I would just like to play the game. No intentions on ever being in a clan other than my own. I didn't want to war, I didn't want to be killed. Just wanted to have a little fun on my spare time and see how high of NW I could obtain. Apparently peaceful nations are frowned upon here. I tried to communicate with you all, I tried making several truces and I tried making myself visible so others could see that I had no intentions on hitting anyone. Hell I would have been completely cool with people spying on me. I might have asked why but I would have understood if someone told me they were looking for the suicides. Now that I am dead, I figure I will return the favor next set.... But you would have gotten that if you were able to read... so why I am posting this now Saint? No clue, because this will probably go right over your head like last time.



Jul 7th 2012, 4:30:21

Or I guess I should have said I shot fluff in your face bstrong? Pardon my lack of education in communicating with the feeble minds. I can't really get the gist of this elementary school yard's just been so long. I mean I can handle bad grammar but really, you go around fluffing and trolling things?? Weak man. Weak.

Let's all do our parts to at least keep the forums above a fourth grade education. Makes me feel like I am playing with a bunch of tator tots when we don't.

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 7th 2012, 4:32:55
See Original Post



Jul 7th 2012, 4:18:21

"Takes it out and shoots bstrong again"

As for you KoHeartsGPA, you lick whatever you want off of his face I am sure he won't mind your brown nose in his business.

Tigress I sent you a PM. Lets coordinate something even stronger.

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 7th 2012, 4:21:22
See Original Post



Jul 6th 2012, 19:03:34

I am dumb Bstrong? If I wanted my come-back I would wipe it off your face...



Jul 5th 2012, 22:01:47

And Bstrong that was pretty funny. Honestly how I picture all of you look when I kill your countries. By the way good job against us... looks like we hit ya pretty hard.



Jul 5th 2012, 22:00:44

You don't know that Bast. That would be an assumption not a fact, thus you don't actually know anything. Are you regretting your decision to drop out of school in the third grade yet? Seems like that decision kind of made ya stupid for life.



Jul 4th 2012, 2:03:07

I know yall can't read but this forum is for untags... let me guess you want to try and take this away to? Haha how cute the big bad wolves are in fear of us organizing to give them a fight. And your welcome Insane Dave... lead your boys to a perpetual war after all that's what a good president would do. Oh wait, no it's not. Figure I would spell out the sarcasm for you seeing as how the complexity of a normal conversation escapes you.



Jul 4th 2012, 1:45:55

Well thank you Ketchup, means a lot that you would still be willing to give me important information. If I could tell all the other untags I would definitely tell them not to suicide you guys. Unfortunately again, its like a bunch of chickens running around with their heads chopped off.



Jul 4th 2012, 0:52:15

Sorry gambit, didn't know you were one of us...But we need to finalize our plans. We have a clan that just jumped up in priority.



Jul 4th 2012, 0:30:44

Yeah you got me there warster, I do think it was for fun. After all out of the clans I sent a truce message to, 2 of them decided to turn around and attack me. I didn't launch missiles, I had no Tyr countries and I was actually around 60% off and 40% D. Oh and no warfare technology because I had no intentions of launching missiles at anyone. I mean I did have missiles but I didn't choose to make them.



Jul 4th 2012, 0:23:08

Yeah good luck Crazy, you don't have the resources to kill all of the untags. By the way, your blimp like ego is blocking my view of the empire state building...

I hope the rest of us are reading these forums...even if your a peaceful untag, XI is going to try and kill you. Lets stand up this set and the future sets to come!



Jul 4th 2012, 0:11:27

To your first point; Yes the big clans would not find this tool necessary.... hence why it would help only the small one man tags that only run 6-10 countries like me. That's the whole premise of my argument.. It is to help the little ones... you really don't understand??? Thought that one was pretty clear but no need for further explanation, we will just let that one fly right over.

To your second point; Well I see how that is pretty hilarious. But anonymity is our only weapon now. You have mad numbers against us. Gotta remain ninja-esque. Hidding in the forests of untagged players increases our chance of survival and limits detection... Now I can't say much more on that because yall might wise up.

To your third point; refer back to my response to your second point. You have numbers...we need to find ways around that...

Woman down,

Tag down,



Jul 3rd 2012, 23:57:38

Well the whole point of this was to try and recruit flo as another member. But if he suicides on netters then he is not welcome to fight with us. Hey untags we will keep an eye on you. If you are randomly killed by these people then expect a message of recruitment for next round. At this point I have nothing else to say as we will never see eye to eye.



Jul 3rd 2012, 23:53:52

I actually wonder also Warster, if your war is with them then its strange to see a lot of them doing well and not being touched. It's even stranger to see the big clans going after the small tagged people that ask for pacts... looks like some people don't know where the actual fight is.



Jul 3rd 2012, 23:48:30

Wow Crazy.... well lets see how many people it takes to figure this out. I will get you started. I haven't played in over 8 empires was started when???? .......almost there.....might have part of it figured out.....there yet? Well I will just tell ya Einstein. This is my first ever Earth Empires account! And since it's my first ever....that means I am new to this.... (gives you a trophy for being so super smart! YAY!)

And can I seriously ketchup? I thought it would be against the rules if I set them up, I really did. Thats why I just gave them several of my countries. Huh well learn something new everyday.

Well Warster thats unfortunate that the self farmers get suicided. I am not saying un tags don't have idiots running their countries... they obviously do. But you have to understand where there is a fine line. Attacking the small one man clans because you think it's free land when they ask for a pact is pretty low. It's making it so it's very hard for new players like me....yes, to play.



Jul 3rd 2012, 23:21:08

What in the world is a troll thread? And yes I am new to this and yes I sent almost every single clan a message in game because that's how I thought normal people talk in this game. I had no idea about this stupid forum crap was until just a few days ago. I can't tell who is a pres or what rank all of you are from in game so I sent peace messages to random countries within your clans. Since I got mostly "fluff off" replies or no replies at all I am guessing they were low ranking people. Yall keep pretending like you would give everyone a pact...but you don't. You sit here and boldly lie because no one knows who you are.

Also, are you implying I am cheating? yes I have only 16 countries. In fact I gave six of them to my little siblings to teach them how to play even though they asked if I could set them up an account. I told them no I can't because it's against the rules. But again they gave it back after the loud mouths attacked them a lot. I will not tag up the rest of the set as WaWa seeing as how im 99% sure you guys would kill me. How dumb do you think I am? I will wait and attack. I will take my chances of living with the untags. You think you honestly didn't make some dangerous enemies? Mark my words we will be laughing every single set and yes we will do it by playing by the rules... You created yet another suicide member that was actually excited to play his first set back over 8 years. I remember why I stopped playing then but now I can run 16 very dangerous countries. Add in the members we recruited and now we are over 100+ countries... Until clans realize the harsh penalties for ganging up on peaceful nations, we are all officially the suicide members.

And again I know many clans here actually respect the new guys have a no lg'ing policy or at least know how to self farm. They need not worry that their sets will keep getting ruined by players, playing by the rules, set after set after set.



Jul 3rd 2012, 21:28:11

Instead of being stubborn, why not try meeting the good players halfway... Oh right thats because the game moderator is a pres of a clan? Of course he supports the propaganda. Little does he know he is helping destroy his very own game. Soon this game will be ruined for everyone then nobody wins.



Jul 3rd 2012, 21:25:46

Originally posted by kemo:
its funny though how you expect everyone to leave you alone and its still their responsibliity to come to you to talk. if you really wanted peace that badly you go to them as some have chosen to do and were left alone (who knew right?).

im bettin money you aint new to this server at all

Good grief people ok I suppose I can say this again for all of those cannot read. New world you implied I was a coward hiding behind a new forum name...I was explaining to you why I did so...because I was in the open and was attacked a lot. Now that we have leaked a little part of our future plans it's best if no one knows who I am....hence the hidden name.

Kemo...again I sent messages to every single clan, only 3 decided to leave me in peace the rest told me to "fluff off" I never said it was your responsibility to seek me out....but it would be nice if some people out there would meet me half way....

Warster again all this information would have been helpful to hear BEFORE ysll decided to make a suicider. I am trying to help you guys out by explaining to you why you keep making suicide countries and then cry about it as if it's some unfair battle. You treat the untags and one man clans like skit and yall know it. It's because most of yall are cowards and like to pick wars with peaceful nations. Don't pretend it's not your way of forcing others to follow your rules because you can't control anything in real life. You don't want to make this game appealing to new players and you know it. Yet at the same time you see this game going down the tubes and wonder why people don't want to play a game with a bunch of skid marks at the bottom of a toilet bowl? Like I said, things will be different come next set.... we will rid the clan plague that is destroying this game (except the peaceful clans)



Jul 3rd 2012, 19:02:55

Well that's not my battle. If those idiots wish to hit peaceful netters than they should be destroyed. Not a single member we have recruited wants to hit netters nor will we. Sorry we are only a handful of untags but we cannot speak for them all. If I could I would say leave all peaceful nations alone, only hit the cowards and the warring clans. But again, we are just a fraction of them, so I am sure they will not pay me any mind.