
Twiz Game profile


Apr 27th 2014, 18:26:42

Originally posted by mdevol:
2-stepping is killable offense if not resolved in a quick manner

The point is though, can he enforce it?

Twiz Game profile


Apr 27th 2014, 18:25:17

Like that will happen. You said you didn't even have countries, but everyone already knew you were playing lol

I know how hard it is to leave this damned game though. I stayed away for almost a year and got dragged back in alliance.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 27th 2014, 16:29:34

Yeah, one wouldn't want to be too naive about it right?

Twiz Game profile


Apr 27th 2014, 2:51:59

I would have to say it's worth it. All you have to lose is a few minutes a day of your time.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 27th 2014, 2:44:54

Originally posted by mrford:
You know me so well

I love you like a martin loves a red headed nympho. Shebangs Shebangs.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 27th 2014, 2:26:49

Well I know what he is saying, but if he were gonna tag up NBK, don't you think he would have already? We also wouldn't get a string of 1-3m nw countries to tag over after you tagged up 8m nw breakers. That is just retarded. Maybe contact your unap Ares about the string?

Edited By: Twiz on Apr 27th 2014, 2:31:17

Twiz Game profile


Apr 27th 2014, 0:45:30

I am the father of swampys child.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 27th 2014, 0:42:18


Twiz Game profile


Apr 26th 2014, 6:43:58

I have a Saturn Vue... it is decent on gas, but we don't drive very far. Only during pow wow season.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 26th 2014, 4:22:19

Originally posted by Raging Budda:
Less talky, more killly

How many times do I have to repeat that.

Many times. Donny doesn't listen to his owner and keeps posting. Bad dog.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 26th 2014, 2:30:15

Originally posted by Heston:
I see i fluffed myself syko killa silly with an e in there . I shall go reflect on now on my mis spelling for the triple post fail.

Meh, we all do it from time to time don't we? I mean... on my phone I sometimes have to post 2-3 times because it's just that much more work editing :P

Twiz Game profile


Apr 26th 2014, 1:17:49

Originally posted by Heston:
Very wow. Dark twiztid. Scarey powereful.


The name isn't the point n00b :)

Twiz Game profile


Apr 26th 2014, 0:08:13

Funny when you make a new account and all you see is fluff, makes your sentence much more laughable.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 20:17:20

Originally posted by Heston:
Gawd damn. Jesus christ all the explainging why is making cc look like punks especially to a fluff group like nbk. i wouldnt give two squirts of piss to anyone outside my allies or feed a fluff like pele or twiz on the boatds.
fluff the world.

I agree, cc does look like punks. I also disagree that NBK aren't pussies, just have better motives to do fluff than any other clan. You were sucking on the NBK teets like 10 sets ago lol

Twiz Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 20:15:13

Originally posted by mdevol:
i planed for him to be in hiding? no. he was a solo tag that wanted to join the war, so we had him save turns before he hit.

I didn't even know this guy existed until about 80 hrs ago.

but yea, keep talking to colo about the conspiring going on... i know he got really riled up earlier about this.

I mean it was HIM that said the war was already over a few times in this thread... wouldn't wanna spoil a month of a reset without war now would we? (yes, that was sarcastic)

i didn't realize 1 string of 16 would cause such a hissy fit in a war that you guys were in such control of. as you claimed.

I am done talking about this.

Sure you didn't know he existed. Like people are going to believe a liar :)

Also a string of 16 breakers can change a war, don't be retarded. Sad that you just won't admit you planned hiding players from the start after complaining about honesty lmao

CC the trash clan. You were a decent clan a couple sets ago, but you have went way downhill. Sort of like IMP.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 19:02:36

Originally posted by Donny:
twizzy weiners!

"waits for panlv FS round #2" hahahahaahaha

You want my D

Twiz Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 18:51:55

Originally posted by Donny:
THERES the most gloriest rainbow ever!



Better listen to your owner mutt :)

Originally posted by mdevol:
I said this war was far from over because I knew what was coming today, dumbass....

had this not happened, you guys, because of a devastating FS (yes that did happen) would have likely rolled us. mostly in part to Colo wasting his countries breaking us while you sat on stockpiles of cash and tech and let him do it.

this makes things a little more interesting.

i am not justifying or making my case. it is simple: we got hit, we were losing badly, (to which you guys made very clear above in this thread) so we called in 1 string
I don't see the big deal.

is it likely going to change the outcome of the war? I don't know, but it will make it more interesting that's for sure.

So you planned on having this string in hiding? I see.

Why do we want a "interesting" war with CC?

Edited By: Twiz on Apr 25th 2014, 18:53:55
See Original Post

Twiz Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 16:54:45

ADHD much? Lol

You and you owner mdevol are still the only big babies around.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 16:52:00

CC has always been a joke. Cry when they get FSd and then say the other clan is crying when they pull a dirty move lol

Twiz Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 16:48:25

Lol the fact you need 15 IRC posts and a forum post to get your point through is kind of ridiculous and shows how bad of a mental problem you have lmao

Twiz Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 16:03:48

I am done with this thread though, no point in talking to a half wit who will say anything to make his case.

We might as well tag over 2 full strings of 10m countries because we don't like even wars :) that's what donny says so we are going to do that.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 15:48:08


So I agree with you that this war is far from over, and now you go against it?

You are a real piece of work. Like I said last night, you are always trying to justify fluff.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 15:30:43

Also nice tagjumpers. lmao How did you plan this one? Tell him to tag up way later to help you out with breaking? Or persuade him to tag over? lmao

Twiz Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 15:29:37

Lol. "To your knowledge".

Twiz Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 5:42:49

Originally posted by mdevol:
This spying/ failed spying thing has noting to do with the outcome of the war. Just fluffty people doing shotty things and then running away from it pretending they didnt do it.

If people were honorable about it, it wouldnt have been an issue, no?

You are making it an issue. Also if it was anyone in NBK doing it(which I don't know and don't care) why would it matter if it was honorable to you? You broke a pact with NBK, what does that say about you?

I think it's funny though how you try to be Mr Anti Dirty Tactics. I mean most of your clan comes from AoDT, and would bet on it that half of your members cheated at least once or twice in their history playing this game.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 24th 2014, 23:45:08

Originally posted by mdevol:
I colo is new to NBK, perhaps you can teach him a little about how the war (of this reset) is far from over...

NBK of all clans should know that.

Of course it is far from over. You just didn't need all the excuses. I would take a loss honorably if a clan would just shut up and war without all the BS.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 24th 2014, 7:55:38

Originally posted by Desperado:
Originally posted by Donny:

4. why do i feel like NBK is crying right now more than i normally do?

because obviously its not that time of the month for you yet

When he starts posting on the boards he is ovulating. He tried to message me earlier asking to have his babies :(

Twiz Game profile


Apr 24th 2014, 7:36:49

Originally posted by Colo:
Originally posted by Donny:

3. its obvious you didn't want a challenging war this reset but hey whatever, although i can not knock you for FSin us, i mean its not your fault we had 3 inactives. numbers were masked on our end.

You are absolutely right, we wanted a really easy set to relax and just kill stuff. Why you think we picked CC??


Twiz Game profile


Apr 24th 2014, 5:27:48

Originally posted by Donny:
and you even spelt atrocious like the real whooze ! +1 lulz apolagizes lulz

Says the guy who says "He looses the war" instead of "He loses the war" lmfao

Twiz Game profile


Apr 24th 2014, 2:52:26

Tis ok Gambit, apparently he thinks nobody knew who I was. It wasn't a secret.
He is just fueling his raging boner for a clan that isn't even around anymore. He also thinks his own alliance is clean, but that just shows he knows nothing of the past.

We can't do anything about it though, just let him whine, cry, or try to come up with excuses why his clan is losing. It's nothing new though, AoDT was a clan that lost and disbanded, why not CC? :)

Twiz Game profile


Apr 23rd 2014, 23:51:18

Damn new members...

Twiz Game profile


Apr 23rd 2014, 15:51:17

All we hear from CC is excuses.

"We lost the war because we had a member self delete"
"We lost the war because we had 2 members quit"
"We lost the war because you have an RDer"(mdevol before rage quitting #nbk)
[22:17] <mdevol> you guys fluffing pathetic, good to see you all buddy buddy with RD colors Colo
[22:17] * mdevol () has left #nbk
"We lost the war because you got us at the wrong time"

How about, you lost the war because the better alliance got you? You can twist fluff all you want, but the only reason there is a war was because you broke a unap, and you even knew this was coming, so don't try to spin that either dagga jr.

Also yes, you should key your room if ONE person outside the alliance knows it because of this exact reason. Just because it's not on a different server doesn't mean someone can't do /server servername just to join that server. It's not that hard.

Now quit whining. All I see you do is whine about fluff and bring stuff across servers to try and help your claims. Sorry whiny fluff, that doesn't work.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 23rd 2014, 6:37:27

You finally used loose correctly, my job here is done.
Nice edit btw :)

Twiz Game profile


Apr 23rd 2014, 6:34:56

Oh so you made them looses it. That is funny.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 23rd 2014, 6:13:29

how do they looses?

Twiz Game profile


Apr 23rd 2014, 5:04:05

Dude, just key your warroom. I went in and talked with RB for like 10 minutes, because it was that easy. If you want to complain about a "spy" just key it. Problem. Solved.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 23rd 2014, 2:45:22

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by gambit:
well we know 2 key details

that its a swede and they come from alliance, not ffa, cause missy isnt a public enough figure here :P

are you suggesting it was not an NBK member?

Key your warchat, and it's not a problem :)

Twiz Game profile


Apr 23rd 2014, 1:17:08

Well that's what happens when we let PapaSmurf select our targets... :P He has this weird theory about how mexicans are tasty like chickens, and then selects a target based on that. If you have any questions ask him about it.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 22nd 2014, 23:19:03

This war was coming, but I think only good can come from it. Both sides are in the same position NBK and AoDT were in before AoDT disappeared. We are bored of each other. This FS was more than justified though.

Donny no more fluffin, you guys could have a chance to comeback, not every war is set in stone from an FS alone, and if our target selection is as bad as you guys repeatedly say it is, then you should have no problem.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 22nd 2014, 1:33:57

Sure bud, you know where I am :)

Twiz Game profile


Apr 21st 2014, 22:37:44

Anything about whores are usually about Gambit :P he's not a 10 but we love him.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 21st 2014, 20:08:38

When was donny out the equation? You whore :P

Twiz Game profile


Apr 21st 2014, 19:19:58

Originally posted by Colo:
Originally posted by mdevol:
also, next time, you wont be getting your land back, jerks.


Well I for one like that mdevol, fully knowing he was not getting a pact still did the right thing. :)

Good luck to CC in this war.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 21st 2014, 19:15:23

Afaik we are only killing the one country and then hugging trees again lol

Twiz Game profile


Apr 21st 2014, 19:13:02

Offline target basically... we're all netting and in different timezones.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 21st 2014, 18:16:51

LOL. Already with the excuses.

Twiz Game profile


Apr 21st 2014, 9:34:37

Twiz Game profile


Apr 21st 2014, 9:01:06

You can talk about poor target selection all you want, fact is you have 1.5 players on right now with you and bomber.
You can also come begging for a unap again next set ;)