
Symbolic Game profile


Jul 26th 2024, 9:10:50

[quote poster=King Theoden; 52995; 1040740]There was once a prophecy of a future far away.. the time draws near...

War looms inevitable.. Choose your side before the red dawn rises.

Open war is upon you weither you like it or not!

Symbolic Game profile


Jul 24th 2024, 22:04:57


Symbolic Game profile


Jun 29th 2024, 2:28:36

Originally posted by Suicidal:

We need the real data on sui's "Country" in battle for this statment to be true.

Symbolic Game profile


Jun 1st 2024, 1:17:42

Is recruiting for netting purpose in Co op server, if you wanna join send me a message.

Symbolic Game profile


Jun 1st 2024, 0:58:23

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Cat, why do you think intelligence correlates with web browser game score?

" Unlike you guys I have zero Issue recognizing those 26 men as my intellectual superiors, credit where credit is due. Tmac and Gerdler are a genius. No doubt about it."

I don't think those two things are necessarily correlated.

Its quite clear he's touched with schizophrenia blackhole, maybe we should just give the guy a break?

Symbolic Game profile


May 25th 2024, 2:30:42

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by TAN:
I'm with Slag on this, it's ridiculous to send out pacts to NPCs and get free tech.

>>make the game more competitive by reducing the impact of feeding via tech alliances with humans.

But...that's been part of the game since 2002. You know what hasn't? NPCs and getting free tech that way. I actually think nerfing NPCs is the way to go - there are too many, get rid of at least half of them, it's way too easy to get land. There are people who are going to get over 200k land by the end of the set, that's just absurd and ridiculous.

Yes, but what is or is not ridiculous is not the same thing as good game design. In fact it's completely immaterial with respect to good game design.


Symbolic Game profile


May 24th 2024, 18:01:24

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
You're cooking still sucks.

I dont think you have seen much of my cooking then. Getting 15lb of lobsters for tonight

Symbolic Game profile


May 22nd 2024, 14:55:47

I would say attack speed would be the biggest thing, the other is using turns for readiness as Tyranny.

Symbolic Game profile


May 21st 2024, 1:20:34

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
So Leto and SirJouster attacked all of SoL because I have a big mouth?

And now what, you're leaving the game, and others in M4D I assume, because of Leto's hubris. Because he couldn't just leave me be, and he had to try to get me one more time.

It wasn't enough that you all attacked me in teams three sets in a row, and now in alliance and killed me here twice already. I found some people that wanted to get to know me and give me a chance, and your all's hatred for me caused you to attack them out of spite?

Leto needs to be a better leader than that. That's a really poor reason to get your alliance killed. Don't blame me for his poor choices.
Originally posted by BlackHole:
So Leto and SirJouster attacked all of SoL because I have a big mouth?

And now what, you're leaving the game, and others in M4D I assume, because of Leto's hubris. Because he couldn't just leave me be, and he had to try to get me one more time.

It wasn't enough that you all attacked me in teams three sets in a row, and now in alliance and killed me here twice already. I found some people that wanted to get to know me and give me a chance, and your all's hatred for me caused you to attack them out of spite?

Leto needs to be a better leader than that. That's a really poor reason to get your alliance killed. Don't blame me for his poor choices.

No, they FS'd SoL because SoL was prepping to FS them.
Symbolic already admitted here on AT that he told Leto as much, when queried about mercs players tag jumping to SoL, which effectively gave their FS time away.

M4D simply beat SoL to the punch.
You're just the excuse 🤷‍♂️

I wouldn't call it a punch.

Symbolic Game profile


May 20th 2024, 11:10:33

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Symbolic:
Hopefully some day you can get over superfly of him trolling you.

You guys have a lot of feminine energy on here with this whole aversion to conflict thing. I will never like SF because I think he is a jerk regardless of what happens. That goes for a lot of you.

No because hitting you guys is a waste of my time and turns

Symbolic Game profile


May 20th 2024, 10:18:15

Hopefully some day you can get over superfly of him trolling you.

Symbolic Game profile


May 20th 2024, 2:37:33

Originally posted by SirJouster:
And Mercs, do not think that your treachery goes unnoticed. We pacted with you in good faith only to have a majority of your members untag and join up with Black Sol. Obviously to provide you with deniability they have held off until 72 hr accountability window has closed. We are not oath breakers, and we will honor our word through the end of set. Do not expect this to be forgotten.

We did the 72 hour thing out of faith for your pact. I also told leto the truth and never held anything back. You know some of us like to war in this game and you gotta at least have some options.

We could of not said anything and tag over at the last secound, but thats not very fun is it.

Symbolic Game profile


May 18th 2024, 18:48:31

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Confirmed. CALI hit MKR first and called in DARK when he got killed.

But I killed him.......

Symbolic Game profile


May 17th 2024, 16:45:11

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Originally posted by UgolinoII:
I don't think I have ever netted on teams. Maybe one day :)

Funny you say that, I went back to look at years of MKR on teams that I was not present, and it was war after war, after war after war.....

It was the beginning of of the current political climate it appears.

I didnt know MKR was an alliance intill this set, but all fairness this is nothing personal or an agenda. Just a bunch of bored war gainers.

Symbolic Game profile


May 16th 2024, 23:50:40

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Symbolic:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Also I would like to point out that I am pretty sure he meant that I AM a drama queen but was literally too big of a loser to get this point across, butchering it and insisting I am not a drama queen. Completely untrue, I am all about the drama any time any place

Well you are one, he's not wrong. I also hope your battle plan involves another 40 players lol if not its gonna be ground day for you every set. I think you should be like joesy and seek peace with people that will leave you alone if you leave us alone.

Of course it does. I would never enter into a conflict without a long term plan, especially against an opposing side with superior numbers. I’m a chess player my man. In time you will understand this too and you will regret taking SF back when he was in the wrong.

You have my word on this. I do have a long term plan and you people here have severely underestimated your opponent. Something I expected and hoped for I might add. I had hoped you would all react in the way you have. You have given me everything I need.

Yea and I fly a purple space car to work everyday.

Symbolic Game profile


May 16th 2024, 23:21:53

Sure, its part of the froshing of a new team. We warred pretty much every alliance in teams so your just part of the cool kid club now.

Symbolic Game profile


May 16th 2024, 10:48:18

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Also I would like to point out that I am pretty sure he meant that I AM a drama queen but was literally too big of a loser to get this point across, butchering it and insisting I am not a drama queen. Completely untrue, I am all about the drama any time any place

Well you are one, he's not wrong. I also hope your battle plan involves another 40 players lol if not its gonna be ground day for you every set. I think you should be like joesy and seek peace with people that will leave you alone if you leave us alone.

Symbolic Game profile


May 16th 2024, 0:58:45

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Tertius:
Darkness is at least pretty accommodating with pacts after they stomp you =Þ

It's cause they soft

We like to shoot first and ask questions later.

Symbolic Game profile


May 12th 2024, 14:36:22

Looks like darkness killed him.....

Symbolic Game profile


May 10th 2024, 19:07:01

If anyone suicides from the mercs tag we will kill that country, as for the 72 hour rule that was put in place to help alliances tag jump for war reasons and will not be used for suicide you guys.

Symbolic Game profile


May 10th 2024, 10:12:28

I can promise you if he is tagged mercs he will not attack you.

Symbolic Game profile


May 10th 2024, 0:42:32

I'll even 1 v 1 you for a gentlemans exhibition match.

Symbolic Game profile


May 10th 2024, 0:39:32

Just stop suiciding people, and mercs will leave you alone.

Symbolic Game profile


May 8th 2024, 11:03:47

Superfly is not the leader of mercs. Me, dd and rasp are. The only problems here is your insane logic. Evo will quit the game before ever helping you guys. We at mercs are willing to put this aside and start new. You are not.

Symbolic Game profile


May 8th 2024, 9:56:15

If its what it takes for you to back off. I will 1 v1 you. Pick the server. If I win though you gotta back off with this non sense.

Symbolic Game profile


May 7th 2024, 22:36:45

Originally posted by Cathankins:
The funny thing is they start this convo and can’t handle the bantz when I start roasting them back.

We can do this all day but we all know which side can’t handle the heat in the kitchen and starts snitching

Yea its you, you freak out over the most stupid shizz

Symbolic Game profile


May 5th 2024, 17:45:33

Lol please put down the AI

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 30th 2024, 18:58:20

Too much drama over nothing at pdm. Lol you guys need to war or something.

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 22:09:20

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Can confirm. Have hit evo many a time. They usually finish just fine.

Then cool everyone is happy let’s just play the game then no need to seeth and cry and call everyone generic NPC phrases like the boomers here try to do to as Josey said provoke a religious argument because they are with a guilty conscience and can turn on the news every single day and see us conquering the world in real life so they come on here and seethe at me because I told them 6 months ago all of this was about to
Happen and they thought I was playing lol these fools on here hated on me and said nothing was going to happen and you turn on the news today and obviously these men gathered here are idiots and don’t know what they are talking about haha priceless seething

I willing to squash this, make a new ends. lets make some peace talks.

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 14:22:59

Lol no, it was him

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 13:46:17

SS - Hunting The Whales (#9) [Mercs] -> Band of Brothers (#200) [xBROODx] 16A/20A


Symbolic Game profile


Apr 24th 2024, 22:51:28

What do you want me to do? Publicly flog superfly? Go to his house and beat him up? You people are insane.

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 23rd 2024, 10:54:20

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Drow:
the whole problem with Josey's proposal, is that it assumes that no one will engage.
The sad reality is that people ALWAYS engage.
Further, that it gives drivel a veneer of legitimacy.

It is, as they say, the old paradox of tolerance.

I should have commented on this detail. You are correct Drow. People will always comment but ultimately TFMOIs will prevail and good will triumph over evil.

How long to you think people will engage with some, unless to rake them over the coals, if that person is engaged in racism?

That wouldn’t last long.

Whats your country number

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 19th 2024, 18:54:55

I thought it was just people destocking

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 17th 2024, 19:19:51

Buch for president!

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 15th 2024, 22:16:39

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 14th 2024, 21:51:24

Originally posted by Celphi:
Rybka! 100.

You're 100% a team player; but, I cannot grab you or anybody for that matter to fix the situation.

I lost like 4k land. To rebuild that would take roughly 80 turns.
That's 80 turns of not teching at $3999 a turn.
That's 80 turns I can't buy cheap oil/food early in the set.
Because of the rare conditions of set with so many fascists and few techers there was an extraordinary amount of oil to buy on server (which is almost never the case).

I would have been one of the few rare people to have ever broke 100m with an all explore country.

But I get it.. nobody cares about my sob story & I'm beginning to sound like a broken record. Since #19 is too proud to delete his country I'll just delete mine & you can enjoy your lame a$$ server. I wont hit your netters only because I've gotten several messages of support and I'm not interested in being the fluffhead of the game.

Lol you where never gonna break 100m net.

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 14th 2024, 19:21:03

Originally posted by Requiem:
Req here back from retirement- why would you bros mess w Celphi like that? Did he hurt your egos?

Don't mess with bros like that.

P.S. Rybka 💪

Req- back to retirement.

I think that's a loaded question

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 4th 2024, 16:17:26

Or end up looking like a big dummy

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 4th 2024, 10:15:33

Tyr techer into super spal.

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 2nd 2024, 23:58:33

We should go back to what this post was originally about. Trying to fourm so sort of trust and try to bury some of the hate for each other.

"We must acknowledge once and for all that the purpose of diplomacy is to prolong crisis." Mr. Spock

Symbolic Game profile


Apr 2nd 2024, 13:43:45

Confirmed we are gonna have peace for this set to try and get some needed r and r

Symbolic Game profile


Mar 31st 2024, 2:03:19

Originally posted by Slagpit:
You may want to define "regular spy op". Will you be killing over a market op?

How does killing over a harmful spy op work anyway? Couldn't this be faked?

Well you could spy the country that got spied to see if the attacks spy's did any damage.

Symbolic Game profile


Mar 23rd 2024, 0:41:01

Hey welcome guys, its always good to see new face and changes in this game.

Symbolic Game profile


Mar 17th 2024, 19:55:09

All this shows is that you where mad we didn't wanna join your revenge war now you taking it out on us lol. How could I know what superfly says to you in game? Why didnt you bring it up to me or dd? because you didnt want to.

Symbolic Game profile


Mar 17th 2024, 18:47:34

Did superfly tell you to jump off a bridge, did superfly tell you to put on that tin foil hat? We had no involvement in what happened last set at all. Hell we even condone it , when skol came to us and ask us to fight monsters I said no.

Symbolic Game profile


Mar 17th 2024, 18:15:40

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by BEM684:
I like how you raced to AT to post this. You must have a miniscule member.

Dude it’s funny and awesome

Our little rinky dink clan whooped Merc so bad they literally had to go running for help. That’s on the records man. It is what it is.

We had them beat in a war and they know it and we know it. I am pretty happy with this. I actually did not anticipate they would be that easy to fight. I’m genuinely surprised.

Half us inactive, the other half netting. You blind sided us with fully prepped war country's. Lol if you wanted a fair war you should of asked for one at the start of the set.

Symbolic Game profile


Mar 17th 2024, 0:33:05

it was a fight mercs did not agree with, but you still hit mercs this set. Now you die.

Symbolic Game profile


Mar 12th 2024, 9:08:58

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Its funny cuz I was gonna say that I have KoH and Galleri but than i figured that this guy would accuse me of having mod bias on my side.

Funny enough over the years I have had nooblets accuse me having mod friends who delete my enemies and then i remind them that they cussed me out or that the coordinated on solo servers and all that I did was report them lol.

but yes for the record I have Coalie, KoH, Galleri, Dark Demon, Prime, Rasp, Weezy, Slagpit and Gerdler as friends. I literally do not need anymore!

I feel so left out!

Symbolic Game profile


Mar 1st 2024, 9:54:50

Yea and killing my inactive country was pushing to hit people out of the top 10 ahaha, you guys are a joke. Wait till you see what someone can really do in this game.