
SuperFly Game profile


Jul 26th 2024, 22:13:39

Slagpit, honest question. is it frowned upon to hit same targets as your allies or does it not matter?

Would the news camping thing get you deleted? I dont think anyone has done this but now that this thread has put the idea on various peoples minds (especially mine now that I learned that you can look at allies PS to see breaks) it should probably be addressed as good or not good i think?

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 26th 2024, 13:22:59

Originally posted by Hessman123:
SF, if you set alerts and hit the targets your allies hit directly after they’ve hit them, then you will lose to your allies and gain far less land than they do

What I used to do is take notes of who my allies had hit and how many jets they had sent out on PS and then save that info and use it if it helped me when it made sense for me to hit that target

It makes sense to wait for DR to wear off before making your own attack, you just have to keep note of networth changes and do a bit of estimating

LB - assuming you ally with players who also finish in the top ten, then they will likely have decent weapons tech levels, and if you keep your weapons tech levels high you won’t have to worry about the variation too much

Also, I think it’s more fun to hit without knowing for sure that you will break, cuz you get a little bit of excitement when you hit that attack button :) like pulling a slot machine handle, lol

Although this strategy cost me about 5 DH hits last round

The issue with LGing is that as targets are limited it’s rare to find a 0 DR target if you trying to hit at 1/4 of your NW. Every target is 1 or 2 DR usually

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 26th 2024, 3:58:03

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by LightBringer:
So... what you're saying is if my ally gives me information it's not colluding?

If the game gives you information (the number of jets out in a PS brigade) then it is not collusion.

I was under the impression that is frowned upon that allies hit the same targets one after the other cuz that is collusion no?

For example if I am allied to KoH, Hessman, Tmac, Light Bringer we cant all gang up on the same countries to each LG them into the ground to make retaling hard right?

Now on my original question; isnt it illegal to share spy op / break info with allies? So the work around that I am learning is that I can now just see what my ally sent on his PS and save myself the effort of spying. Good trick I guess. Provided that hitting all of your allies targets is ok.

In my scenario, i idle in the primary news IRC. I can setup alerts for all of my allies country names every time that they make a PS and I can login and hit the same country within seconds of my ally and send my jets based off their PS screen without using an op.

if that is ok than I will set up my alerts and ride the coat tails of all my allies making LGs haha

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 24th 2024, 4:30:09

still looking for that good D ally. Where my usual 40m turret guys at lol

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 22nd 2024, 15:33:55

Guys, any tips for a fellow coop player on destock without being able to drop land and go mrb ?

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 22nd 2024, 14:21:43

Originally posted by HH:
I got like 40 missiles and had SDI at 70+ in preperation for Superfly, but I was left alone! Woho :)

Bro I had the same in preparation for someone to break GDI on me. Lucky for me I was online when he spied me again so I just kept hitting refresh when I saw that he was spy opping to get a break. Dumped my missiles within seconds of his breaking gdi. He didn’t even know what hit him lol

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 22nd 2024, 14:20:01

Originally posted by Hessman123:
I think I’ll start a new goal for tourney, see if I can hit everyone in my game at least once and end the round with the most land grabbed

Make sure you also spy everyone a day or two after the hits cuz they love to be at the bottom of the scores list with no military and then spaz out when they get LGed

This isn’t coop people. If you play without defense you will be hit.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 22nd 2024, 0:01:10

He was actually deleted. I guess the mean spirited messages got him done.

So I actually did find out who he is and yes we had kissed and made up. I told him to be careful with what he messages people cuz bad messages get your purpled.

Hopefully my bruh remembers that for next time that he is upset

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 21st 2024, 21:47:17

Omg I told this guy I was superfly from the get go and he thinks he is talking to someone else and he thinks that him and I are friends. Madness!

Message from needearthrehab (#39) sent on Jul 21, 21:41
Report this message
superfly and i became buddies but lost
track bitcoin disappeared do not know
what happened probable quit playing
because of fluff heads like you, do not
blame him, Reply

Message from needearthrehab (#39) sent on Jul 21, 21:43
Report this message
can you give me another updated spy op
again tough guy lol

He is is so bad that I was sending him my military spy ops cuz he would fail 9-12 times in a row and I didn’t want him to run out of turns failing spy ops lol

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 21st 2024, 21:05:50

Originally posted by Kingme:
That last message was mean!

Totally if the mods check their reports they will delete him!

Multiple messages of insults have been reported. Always sad that small brained players like this guy who pick fights and lose have no better recourse than attack players with vulgar small brained insults. If they are this pathetic in game you can only hope that they are a bit better with other in real life.

I imagine this is the kind of guy who is distracted on his phone. Sits through a green light and if you honk to make him aware that he can go now he flys out of his car in a blind road rage episode.

Edited By: SuperFly on Jul 21st 2024, 21:43:05
See Original Post

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 21st 2024, 21:05:04

Originally posted by HH:
Yesss I managed to avoid Superfly !

Good I am glad that it wasn’t you bro!

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 21st 2024, 20:35:51

Always great when someone makes a retal. Sling threats and then fails miserably so he turns to insults and name calling…

300 turns on hand he had and wasn’t able to do anything more than a dozen ABs despite having 48.5 m bushels in hand that he turned into $1.9b cash on his PM. :(

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 21st 2024, 15:09:30

Originally posted by Requiem:
Carl Douglas will smash 600m.

Gerdler will hopefully take the #1 spot

It’s the return of the king!

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 21st 2024, 14:55:06

Because I am not a netting guru at all; how are you netting elites destock without being able to drop down to 100a?

I will probably have 300m oil and 2.1b food only at end of set

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 21st 2024, 14:53:03

Holly fatty long time no see

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 21st 2024, 14:52:14

Originally posted by Hessman123:
I’m looking for a def ally who plays with hardly any defence

One who makes great choices when selecting which targets to hit for land grabs and doesn’t over-send too much

I just miss my old def ally because I could check my relations page to see who Tmac hit and how many jets he sent and I usually had a good target that I didn’t need to spy on at all

Bro retract your statement on hitting Tmacs targets. They will flag you for collusion and retroactively delete you! For sharing target info and for hitting the same targets lol

Also with the small land grab I mean player base your ally would need to LG every basically every country in the game (1 PS) per day to compete and get 40k land no?

Thanks Vic I can login in 9 hrs and accept once I get ma bonus

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 21st 2024, 6:50:53

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Still need 1 IA, any takers? I typically run pretty good spal.

I will intel ally with you bro!

This Is SuperFly Plz DNH lol (#19)

I am also looking for a high defense ally.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 21st 2024, 4:20:26

Ok thanks guys.

Sorry KoH the white knight brigade is over :(

So all of you are on your own

Btw again for transparency sake.

I am #1. I only BR’ed #16 cuz he went from 0 tanks to 200k tanks after i made my land grab and I had 190k tanks and he failed multiple spy ops on me. Obviously I was going to get ABed for my PS. So that is why I did the preemptive FS on me.

This wasn’t Superfly ABing I top country. I was BRing a bottom feed that I made who was going to suicide me

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 21st 2024, 1:49:23

So where does that leave #5 who came to the aid of #16? A guy who I BR’ed cuz he went and bought more tanks then me and failed a bunch of ops on me?

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 17th 2024, 21:23:35

I love your mom bro. She told me to lay off and to leave you alone :(

Btw this isn’t coop server where you can have 0 turrets and expect to not get LGed lol

This one is PvP and I wanted to build your land and then you missile dumped me :(

Edited By: SuperFly on Jul 17th 2024, 21:33:14

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 17th 2024, 6:02:55

i looking for one more solid high turret d ally.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 14th 2024, 0:31:51

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by galleri:
4 days later and happens to revive the thread with 3 posts in a row to answer questions 1 by 1. There is neat way to add quotes to one post.

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Raztastic:
How old are you people?

Why don’t you have a seat over there my friend with superfly

You should go sit with yourself, but we don't dare argue with a God.

In time you will look back on this post and realize how utterly foolish you have been. Trust me.

If your guys complex doesn’t kick in and you delete it that is.

....and you will read your back-to-back post and realize you were, and forever will be, an idiot

Nah, he is the smartest, dumbest person to ever grace Earth2025. Too dumb I mean smart to realize any thing

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 14th 2024, 0:29:05

I’ll need Allie’s as usual. Heavy on the turrets please!

Will need tech start Allies for agri, buss, res, military, weapons

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 13th 2024, 5:00:45

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Don’t come making excuses for losing to me. You picked the fight with me and lost.

FYI the set prior I killed 2 countries and wrecked ho hell for starting crap with me.

Btw it’s like you are losing IQ points Cath. You are also taking the L in primary, express, alliance, tournament last set. It’s like losing is your new thing now.

Please do the game a favor and go away once for all

Lmao you really are proud that I finally decided to goof off and attack everyone and walk away. If you notice I never played again after that lol

Congrats superfly you finally beat me. Amazing haha

You didn’t play after the round ended? I don’t think anyone did either…

I have only killed you dozens of of times across multiple servers with my teammates and had you deleted in express

Time to move on and stop losing to me bro. Good luck to you in whatever your next earth2025 chapter is..

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 12th 2024, 6:05:45

Congrats guys. I was traveling for a summer holiday today and missed end of set too bad cuz I would have had lots of cash on hand. Oh well better luck next time

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2024, 23:13:43

Its too bad that if we all give him what he wants and we farm him into the ground he would cry foul lol

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2024, 23:12:18

Originally posted by galleri:
4 days later and happens to revive the thread with 3 posts in a row to answer questions 1 by 1. There is neat way to add quotes to one post.

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Raztastic:
How old are you people?

Why don’t you have a seat over there my friend with superfly

You should go sit with yourself, but we don't dare argue with a God.

Put him in a time out again!

This time 30 days in the gulag!

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2024, 14:35:39

Don’t come making excuses for losing to me. You picked the fight with me and lost.

FYI the set prior I killed 2 countries and wrecked ho hell for starting crap with me.

Btw it’s like you are losing IQ points Cath. You are also taking the L in primary, express, alliance, tournament last set. It’s like losing is your new thing now.

Please do the game a favor and go away once for all

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2024, 4:34:31

Originally posted by Cumorah:

What a hero to take one for the team and dedicate themselves to future wars. How brave.

PS, you will find my country next set ready for you to ruin, it will be called Cumorah. 🤣🤣

Thank you for your service Cumorah. Thanks to you myself and a few others were able to out run Cath's retal.

I salute you bro!

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2024, 0:41:02

The mighty Cathankins

75th Ranger Regiment (#81)
Rank 76 Government Fascism
Networth $3,645,784 GDI Yes
Land 5,987 acres DR 129
NW / Land 608.95

Superfly the guy who allegedly loses all the time…

Give Me Dat Hawk Tuah (#3)
Rank 72 Government Fascism
Networth $6,882,614 GDI Yes
Land 10,267 acres DR 7
NW / Land 670.36

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2024, 0:05:57

Always kill them first. No mercy!

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 3rd 2024, 19:38:00

Originally posted by DruncK:
I didn't read every post but there 100% needs to be a rule about attacking before you 8 hr period, otherwise suiciders gonna have so much fun and ready to wall when their 8 hour period is over.

Like vacation mode. If you activate the sleep protection mode you do not earn turns while you are protected.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 2nd 2024, 14:00:16

Originally posted by eevess:
where is wz

Taking a well deserved summer off from the game to travel through South America. I hope that he has a great time sipping wine in Argentina and on the beaches of Brazil.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 1st 2024, 15:27:51

What’s new?

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 1st 2024, 14:25:11

Tertius actually eats beyond meat and thinks that it it better than real meat

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 30th 2024, 22:47:28

Leave gdi and have some fun like #6

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 30th 2024, 6:22:25

Send him to the stake!

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 27th 2024, 6:30:58

Tech is way too expense. Oil is too expensive and food is insanely expensive.

I went as a dict casher. Probably just as bad if not worse than going commie Indy.

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 26th 2024, 2:10:20

Originally posted by Drow:
I am confirming tertius' confirmation, and Req's confirmation of coalies confirmation

I confirm the above statement from Drow as being truthful and correct.

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 24th 2024, 16:42:38

This just makes war worse in my opinion. So if my sleeping time and their sleeping time is blocked that means that I can only attack during work hours.

That’s not ideal for me as I am a high IQ surgeon and I can’t be pausing an open heart surgery to run turns to kill a country

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 24th 2024, 16:40:44

Haha that’s a good strategy to keep the triple crown away from you!

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 24th 2024, 16:39:35

But if he is banned how is he posting? Ban evasion? To the galley with Buch!

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 24th 2024, 16:37:22

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
“3 - Josey attacked my country while we’re supposed to be fighting monsters.”

This is true and it was a stupid mistake on my part. I’ll own it and I apologize. What else can I tell you?

It’s time for you to let bygones be bygones on that one.

Brother Josey, I have no quarrel with you. You are ok in my books.
I was just clearing up the BS yet again cuz I want to be done with the stupid brain dead drama. If there was an ignore button I’d be pressing it left right and center

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 24th 2024, 14:11:24

I am not a troll Tertius. I just out smarted Cathankins in game and on the boards.

Furthermore I have never received a forum ban in my life until I started engaging my former friend Cathankins on the boards. I got a ban because I took it to far and broke him to the point that he shared his dark secret that HE is actually a bully in real life outside of this game and has even cost another person their life as he pushed him over the edge.

This is why I found it so stupid that Cathankins keeps attacking Evo and me and trying to bully us while claiming to be the victim.

I wish all of you would just stop mentioning my name as at the end of the day the only reason why Cathankins is attacking Evo is because he is mentally insane.

The record between what led us here is cemented over various threads of the last year.

1 - i asked Cathankins for FA while Mercs fought LaF. Cath sent FA. LaF killed Cath for FAing their enemy (same thing that Cath and Josey did this set btw in FAing an enemy)
2 - suicidal and I fell victim to Cathankins promises to attack LaF players hiding in monsters. We killed James Bond and then wrecked a few random monsters guys.
3 - Josey attacked my country while we’re supposed to be fighting monsters and then Cathankins refused to use his turns to hit because he wanted to pull a Gerdler and hoard his turns to wall leaving only myself and Suicidal to attack. They both refused to use discord or IRC to coordinate a kill run cuz they are afraid of the US government spying on them so Sui and I made our own peace deals with Cyref and we left dumb and dumber.
4 - because we left their tag and monsters killed Cath and Josey they decided that I wronged them and that the best way to get back at me was to attack Evo who I have never played for.

That’s the story so now stfu and go back to repenting for taking a child’s life away via bullying and stop bullying grown as 40+ year old man on this game….

And both of you quit mentioning my name and leave me out of this stupid brain dead drama.

All of you that keep arguing with the idiot is the reason why he doesn’t go away. Ignore him and his posts and he will eventually disappear. That is the hope….

Edited By: SuperFly on Jun 24th 2024, 14:15:51

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 23rd 2024, 18:18:13

I’d keep away if I was you. Just click posts by Cathankins and read the high level of deranged mental distress that you are gonna be involved in.

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 23rd 2024, 15:50:38

Yes there is a 5 man (half a brain) team server wide punching bag that fits your requested criteria.

Contact their leader Cathankins if you want to join them and die at the hands of the entire server lol