
SuperFly Game profile


May 5th 2024, 14:19:55

Don't worry Drow, we will be running little buddy and his other buddy off the server sooner or later. You can only die 100x times so many times.

Let us all recall that little Wale actually threw in the towel last set but he only stuck around cuz everyone made fun of him for quitting after boasting that he would make 30 other plays leave the game. Had we not clowned him he would already be gone lol

Little Wale is a big joke and why I decided that this was a good name for my country this round: Josey Whales The Joke of 2024 (#265)

SuperFly Game profile


May 5th 2024, 14:19:08

Oh little wale buddy didn’t you already quit in your pitty party thread above? Notice how everyone made fun of you including some high ranking patrons and officials?

Just GTFO you noob and don’t let the door hit your flat ass on the way out

Edited By: SuperFly on May 5th 2024, 14:25:54

SuperFly Game profile


May 5th 2024, 7:21:45

I am sure that you didn’t read that a mod closed your thread yet again.

Save the mods the trouble and stop posting so that they don’t have to bother with deleting and closing your nonsense instead.

SuperFly Game profile


May 5th 2024, 6:58:42

Remember the last thread that you created?

How did that one turn out for you? That should give you an idea on how much you matter around here.

Also based on your closed (yet again) thread we can also add ingrate to the list of descriptors as you are ungrateful noob.

Considering that you and your other pal have literally insulted and name called basically every single poster on the boards in the last few weeks it’s probably better for your sake that Mr Slag doesn’t uphold these rules that you are claiming as you two have committed more violations in the last 7 days than I have in the last 7 years when it comes to name calling and slinging baseless accusations.
You better govern yourself accordingly “little buddy”.

Edited By: SuperFly on May 5th 2024, 7:02:40

SuperFly Game profile


May 5th 2024, 6:06:42

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by Cathankins:

I have a lot of backup coming later in the future and this will get much worse as time goes on.

If evo/merc doesn’t back down I will return with so many player I will we both clans off the servers.

This includes sod and sol.

I do not make promises I cannot keep. You would think the guys here would learn that about me by now ;-) we’ve been through that before haha

That is cute.

We will be waiting for you.

code for he will get multies and bring us down like RD did back in the day!

Milk have you been teaching these guys on how to run facist farmers????

SuperFly Game profile


May 5th 2024, 5:59:53

yup i accused Cathankins of grooming you into a suicider which is the truth as you played in PDM peacefully like a noob for years.

either way general sentiment of the community on the boards is that you liars are unwanted here anyways....

go away and stfu already. I have 0 ties to Evo so you hitting them is as stupid as suiciding with a republic 3 times ffs.

SuperFly Game profile


May 4th 2024, 21:12:28

This guys loves them Rep Destroyers!

Charlie Dont Surf #26 0 acres
Charlie Dont Surf #500 0 acres
Charlie Dont Surf 3 #509 0 acres


Earth2025 Community Relations Manager
Former Leader of Evolution and current life long member

SuperFly Game profile


May 4th 2024, 21:09:07

Buch he is your personal land farm for the entire round now.

Earth2025 Community Relations Manager
Former Leader of Evolution and current life long member

SuperFly Game profile


May 4th 2024, 17:26:31

Who suicides with a republic? Lol

SuperFly Game profile


May 4th 2024, 17:22:20

Would be nice if Slagpit would ban crazy delusional lairs.

Drow start the petition and I’ll back it and get you 30 signatures within the hour!

SuperFly Game profile


May 4th 2024, 0:01:26

Originally posted by Aturan:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
lol but it was trickle down economics man. I bought up so much tech and military and $400 oil with that cash. I didn’t even hoard any of it. Spent it like a drunken sailor on hookers and blow and now I’m poor but with a lot of assets

Sup went on such a bender he got thinkin he could tap me and get away with it!

All that food bushel coke got me noob’ed vs pro…

2024-05-02 15:54:00 PS 82r0n (#40) I R WoG SuperFly n I Retal (#1) 3066A (4378A)
2024-05-02 04:32:43 PS I R WoG SuperFly n I Retal (#1) 82r0n (#40) 1634A (2913A)

SuperFly Game profile


May 3rd 2024, 19:22:40

lol but it was trickle down economics man. I bought up so much tech and military and $400 oil with that cash. I didn’t even hoard any of it. Spent it like a drunken sailor on hookers and blow and now I’m poor but with a lot of assets

SuperFly Game profile


May 3rd 2024, 19:21:01

Originally posted by Drow:

I'm sorry, this from the one attacking unrelated third parties because they have a hard on for one specific player?
That would be like me deciding to farm you and josey because BlackHole made me sad...

I love this one! So becuase BH sending a Chem during a PDM KR is so upsetting to me I am gonna throw a tantrum and farm Omega and Monsters!

SuperFly Game profile


May 3rd 2024, 13:49:01

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by LightBringer:
Well you eliminated demand by making everyone build farms…

This, greed cost you wealth Superfly!

If you could see market history per country I sold a lot of my bushels for good deals. I gave you all wholesale not jacked up prices lol

SuperFly Game profile


May 3rd 2024, 13:46:48

BH just make some Multies I mean recruit Milk style and own them. If it took them 600+ hits to kill you imagine what you could do with 10 countries / players!

SuperFly Game profile


May 3rd 2024, 1:49:41

Well damn it. You all crashed the food market and I’m poor again

SuperFly Game profile


May 3rd 2024, 1:45:38

Keep stacking them bodies high Coalie!

SuperFly Game profile


May 3rd 2024, 1:45:02

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Great job Jim Jones!

Please don’t use Leto’s real name on the forums if you can

Post his LinkedIn or gtfo!

SuperFly Game profile


May 3rd 2024, 1:43:33

BH that is uncalled for! Why would you chem them while they are doing a KR on you!

That is rude of u man. U are supposed to die unwarranted always!

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 30th 2024, 23:42:02

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
does mr ford still drive a chevy?

Chevy and a couple of toyotas actually.

Corvette and a Supra?

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 30th 2024, 2:57:47

Darkness, alpha, beta are hiring

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 29th 2024, 17:19:45

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
dont be sensitive SF.

It'll be okay.

What do you mean? I am acknowledging him and that he was probably battled me 10 years ago. This game 10 years ago was awesome with the amount of players and wars in every server.

Now it is but a shadow with every one crying cuz they got land grabbed or cuz they took a few random missiles lol

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 29th 2024, 14:13:43

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Well fine, if you guys are leaving, then im leaving too.

You just got promoted to president with those guys leaving!

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 29th 2024, 14:11:26

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
All that fluff you talk and just walked right past my comment, you must remember how bad I whupped you

Are you talking to me? I dont even know you and looking at your profile you and I haven't engaged in any battles. All I see is u dying a bunch of times tagged Weedylar and I have never warred my friend Bradens tag.

So either you aint talking to me, you got me confused with someone else or you played under another account name before. Either way in express no one has whooped my ass. Only Gerdler has ever killed me in express on a 1vs1 fight....

I haven't been around for like 10 years, but you have been using I R WoG SuPerFlY or however you do the caps since before the EE days. You've been rekt fool.

Dude 10 years ago? Everyone was getting wrecked 10 years ago. RD destroying alliance, The Sex Offenders destroying Team server, countless suiciders wrecking everyone in express/tourney/primary.

10 years ago I would have also wrecked your ass 10x times over as war is all that went on back then….

But again, I don’t know you cuz I don’t recall you from 10 years ago and your profile doesn’t have much for country history available to even peak at your news so will just take your word for it that we have battled a decade ago.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 29th 2024, 0:44:46

Originally posted by vettiv:
Originally posted by Celphi:
Absolute worse server to return back to the game on.

Highly recommend EXPRESS.

Somehow I find express to be a bit chaotic. Maybe it’s because there’s too many turns and I want something a bit slower? I’m not sure, but I am giving it a try there.

Don’t bother with primary until the next round. Starting late makes you immediate land grab.

Tourney is about to restart it’s slower pay and small levels 10-15 players each

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 29th 2024, 0:41:59

Originally posted by vettiv:
Looks like things escalated pretty quickly

Some people in the game are just a cancer that need to be destroyed quickly and efficiently by the entire community as is the current case with the dead tools

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 28th 2024, 20:57:15

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
All that fluff you talk and just walked right past my comment, you must remember how bad I whupped you

Are you talking to me? I dont even know you and looking at your profile you and I haven't engaged in any battles. All I see is u dying a bunch of times tagged Weedylar and I have never warred my friend Bradens tag.

So either you aint talking to me, you got me confused with someone else or you played under another account name before. Either way in express no one has whooped my ass. Only Gerdler has ever killed me in express on a 1vs1 fight....

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 28th 2024, 20:51:14

Originally posted by Cathankins:
You are an idiot and I am not wasting my time on arguing with a liar. You literally are not worth my time. That’s why I am not digging up pages of estats like your goofy self I actually don’t even care that much

Yet once again completely unprovoked by me you make 3 posts about me... You are a very sick individual. Go seek your God or some medication for your obsessive compulsive disorder and keep my name out of your filthy mouth.

I am done with you as you are a pathetic liar, a waste of time and energy. Your online persona is a waste of internet bandwidth. Have a good life Cathankins and please refrain from ever mentioning my name again as I am sick and tired of you.

Thank you

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 28th 2024, 20:40:46

Originally posted by vettiv:
And people are already dead? What the hell happened?

remember your team thread where I told you to be weary of who you team up with after that one nut job tried to recruit you? Well that is who are all dead.

Choose your teammates wisely Vettiv.

Best of luck on this server.

Edited By: SuperFly on Apr 28th 2024, 20:52:54

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 28th 2024, 20:39:02

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
I wasn’t asking you.

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Helps to identify people who have been killed vs. being a fresh country.

Actually helpful to prevent warring restarts from hiding Untagged and also suiciders from flying under the radar to grow and attack again.

But he answered the question correctly....

He really thought that a high ranking officer like Slagpit was gonna come and answer his question lol. I felt bad for him cuz by JW math it has been a week since he posted and no one had answered his question.

Guess that is what I get for trying to be helpful to someone who cant be helped...

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 27th 2024, 2:43:03

Helps to identify people who have been killed vs. being a fresh country.

Actually helpful to prevent warring restarts from hiding Untagged and also suiciders from flying under the radar to grow and attack again.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 27th 2024, 2:32:50

Originally posted by Celphi:
Exactly proves my point. Never worth it to grab players.

Unless you do it right and you pick the one guy with 0 defense and you farm him into the ground with 360 turns on hand and some in storage.

All you gotta do is immediately hit after he voids GDI and you LG some more cuz he out of DR and then you BR him all within 60 seconds before he has time to react lol

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 27th 2024, 2:29:49

Originally posted by Celphi:
Absolute worse server to return back to the game on.

Highly recommend EXPRESS.

This is actually solid advice.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 27th 2024, 2:28:38

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by vettiv:
Oh I get it now. I was just telling myself no one can be that arrogant or disrespectful to nuke someone multiple times, apologize, then go back to doing the thing they apologized for.

Darkness will see me next set.

This is exactly what I was talking about. He acts like this all the time. If you want to come play with my group send me a message. You are welcome to.

Yea Vetti go join the pathological and demented liar Cathankins and die 17 times like him and his one teammate.

Honestly dude go join weedylar, bad4u or hell even the lights. Your life and mental health will thank you.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 27th 2024, 2:26:32

Originally posted by Cathankins:
You are an idiot and I am not wasting my time on arguing with a liar. You literally are not worth my time. That’s why I am not digging up pages of estats like your goofy self I actually don’t even care that much

Cathankins “I am not arguing with a lair”

Proceeds to post and argue with me on teams and on this very thread immediately lol

Face the truth liar you haven’t beat me once but I sure as hell have been part the kill runs on 17 of your deaths in alliance and in teams the last 6 weeks lol

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 27th 2024, 0:36:14

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Lmao you are such a weirdo how you just lie and twist everything

1. You were mad because I would not dedicate my life to earth empires and mad that I said that was doing too much

2. You left in a hissy fit and I was happy to have you gone because I didn’t realize you were a liar (I don’t mess with people like that in real life much less on a game) or I would have never had you on the team (you asked me to come over and brought all of your drama with you)

3. You then talk crap on express and I stomped you out in a 1 on 1 war

4. Hurt ego and all you run to alliance to save you and make threats that I am dead and say you have organized merc kill runs

So at that point I kill you In self defense.

This entire thing has been because you are a legit weirdo with a hurt ego because you couldn’t handle me 1 on 1

I have a 63 message conversation between you and I after I left your tag in my inbox (which again you can’t delete cuz the code is broken) that says otherwise.

Show me the eestats link where it says that you stomped me out?

You legit fabricate everything that you type and you not once have actually typed anything of truth or even posted one link off eestats to validate anything that you claim.

I wonder if u literally lie to everyone 24/7 and 100% of the time in real life. Here in Earth2025 you are a proven pathological liar and everyone on these boards knows it…

Just today Rokkie a former LaF player and former enemy in 1a called you out on your team board posting:

Originally posted by Rokkie:

To be fair, you seem to just spin anything that suites your current agenda, where as SuperFly on the other hand spits facts and brings the receipts to back it up.

Another factual point for you to consider is that you are beefing with over 2 dozen unrelated players from different tags. At what point do you start to acknowledge that you are the problem and not the other 2 dozen + players?

Edited By: SuperFly on Apr 27th 2024, 0:44:17

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 27th 2024, 0:33:16

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Your entire Tantrum / Meltdown is that I left your tag and you are taking it out on Evo of all tags. Like if you attacked Mercs I would get it cuz I actually play there but you take it out on Evo. A tag that I have 0 skin in as I have never played there and a tag that means nothing to me personally but you do you man....

You’re not welcome in any thread we make Bud. No interest in hearing what you have to say if you’re going to libel us with the terms: racist, bigot, and groomer, and goad religious controversy.

So do us a favor and go make your own thread or make one with black hole where you can talk to each other.

You can certainly Troll in on our threads I guess but know this: we’ve got no interest in engaging with you.

Have a good set Man.

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Your entire Tantrum / Meltdown is that I left your tag and you are taking it out on Evo of all tags. Like if you attacked Mercs I would get it cuz I actually play there but you take it out on Evo. A tag that I have 0 skin in as I have never played there and a tag that means nothing to me personally but you do you man....

You’re not welcome in any thread we make Bud. No interest in hearing what you have to say if you’re going to libel us with the terms: racist, bigot, and groomer, and goad religious controversy.

So do us a favor and go make your own thread or make one with black hole where you can talk to each other.

You can certainly Troll in on our threads I guess but know this: we’ve got no interest in engaging with you.

Have a good set Man.

You have a good set as well Josey. I only engage cuz you and your ally keep saying my name btw….

Stop involving me in your post and you will not see me chirping you.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 22:32:14

Your entire Tantrum / Meltdown is that I left your tag and you are taking it out on Evo of all tags. Like if you attacked Mercs I would get it cuz I actually play there but you take it out on Evo. A tag that I have 0 skin in as I have never played there and a tag that means nothing to me personally but you do you man....

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 22:26:13

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Superfly you are literally the biggest troll that’s ever played the game. 2 months ago you were harassing me because I was a netter who wouldn’t war and you attacked us all the time for that. I can’t take you serious because you just seethe and act like super feminine passive aggressive 24/7. Save the virtue signaling nobody cares it just comes off as weird for a man to do.

two sets ago i joined you in attacking monsters. You tricked me into a LaF war and it was a joke....

You are only mad at me because I left your tag once i realized how STUPID I WAS to join you and Josey. I paid reps to monsters and apologized to Cyref while you died and that is why you are mad at me and attacking Evo. Which makes ZERO Sense.....

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 22:21:34

Originally posted by Rokkie:

I'm Good, I had a small feeling it was you who offloaded the missiles as i know you going for world record :D

glad to hear you good bro. come back for a set and net with us. its all quite netting now days!

btw, I am actively chasing these Earth records currently:

Total Missiles
This leaderboard ranks users by the total number of missiles they have launched across all rounds. Only Team and Alliance countries count towards this leaderboard. This leaderboard is updated once a day.
Next Page
Rank Name Score
1 Scorba 12,919
2 SuperFly 12,171

Total Population Killed
This leaderboard ranks users by the number of enemy civilians killed through special attacks, missiles, and spy ops from all previous rounds. Only Team and Alliance countries count towards this leaderboard. This leaderboard is updated once a day.
Next Page
Rank Name Score
1 Scorba 85,408,384
2 SuperFly 80,302,706

Total Attacks
This leaderboard ranks users by the total number of attacks they have done across all rounds. Only Team and Alliance countries count towards this leaderboard. This leaderboard is updated once a day.

Rank Name Score
1 Scorba 106,806
2 SuperFly 90,539

If i can just secure these records and defeat the legend of Scorba I can go down as the GOAT as I already have #1 spot for Most Land, Top 100 finishes, Top 10 finishes.

As Caty said on another thread I am leaving behind to my kids the legacy that their dad was the GOAT at Earth2025.....

Edited By: SuperFly on Apr 26th 2024, 22:23:50

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 22:14:42

dont forget buzzword bigotry!

also it was posed before just apologize to Evo and screw off with the suiciding and no one will kill you. But you guys just love to keep making yourselves out to be problems for the entire game....