
Steeps Game profile


Nov 15th 2017, 11:03:28

* I can make you very rich with BTC, give me your BTC and I will trade it riding the spikes with my bot - nothing wrong with that.
* I will issue you with a new coin, BCC. This is your "share" in our system, you can trade it back for BTC after a fixed locked in period - errr... not too sure about that
* I will pay you all "profits" in BCC, you can trade them for BTC but you'd make more money if you gave it back to us - right....
* I will give you even more BCC if you convince other people to give us BTC, then you can reinvest that too! - So I get my friend to give you money so you can pay me more money?

I think you need to watch more Hustle on the tellybox, common part of the scam is the "convincer" where you get a mark involved in your plan, you start off with a small operation where the mark "wins" and sees that "the system works", get them to invest big, even better if they drag their friends into it, then pull the plug.

Already you've said they are downscaling the referral system, that means the cash is going to slow down as the pyramid is getting bloated, keep the current suckers paying in for a few more months while they are locked in on their fixed term then one of the following will probably happen:

* The wallet disappears completely, file for protection like MtGox, directors are scott free with 1bn of untraceable BTC
* The value of BCC tanks against BTC once the funds dry up, all your profit gone. Directors pay out original investments (or less) but sitting pretty on their BTC nest egg.

The structure of this pyramid is akin to timeshare holiday lets when they were riding the property markets prior to the financial crash.

Steeps Game profile


Nov 14th 2017, 17:01:24

No, it's the UK. 7/11/17 = 07 Nov 2017 First Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off

Looking at the records they've set up the PLC (PLC just means public listing so shares can be sold outside and not limited to "investors", doesn't have to be on a stock market but that is what you would need to be to be listed) in an effort to reduce the risk to shareholders and pump funds into their company, again artificially inflating the price in an effort to encourage a buyout and cash out legally. The more I look into this the worse it looks.

Steeps Game profile


Nov 14th 2017, 10:02:53

Yes, busted. Bitconnect has 2 months to clean up its act or the UK government will be seizing assets and that's on official documentation.

Steeps Game profile


Nov 13th 2017, 21:55:31

It is, a strikeoff notice is pretty serious. There's a reason they want you locked in for a fixed period of time, enough to get other mugs to invest then cash in at the end.

But as there's no real asset, just pull the plug and it's job done! Funds gone.

Steeps Game profile


Nov 8th 2017, 19:22:10

Not all target directly, mine's offering a marriage only relationship site currently.

Some will be bought slots based on target customers, some will be based on cookies.

Steeps Game profile


Nov 7th 2017, 12:03:13

My last set of ads were for greeting cards and presents, considering I have no friends I find this ad inappropriate and not targeted at me. I want Derrick's adverts.

Steeps Game profile


Nov 6th 2017, 13:02:00

Manboob needs support too.

Steeps Game profile


Nov 3rd 2017, 11:04:21

Playing possum :(

Steeps Game profile


Oct 26th 2017, 13:38:47

I'm only wearing a tie.

Steeps Game profile


Oct 22nd 2017, 12:32:36

Fake News!

Steeps Game profile


Oct 19th 2017, 21:14:41


Steeps Game profile


Oct 17th 2017, 8:42:47

The advantage of this scheme though for those running it is people are paying them bitcoin to join and encouraged to re-invest their BCC back into the system, why take it out when the "gains" are so good? While people are happy to flood money into it there's no need to stop, once the value of BC starts to fluctuate the creators of BCC could empty the BC wallet and crash their value of BCC, meaning everyone else will have nothing and can't sell up, and the BC spent can't be traced.

This is one of the reasons why we have departments like the FCA in the UK, but virtual currencies are a law upon themselves and the only winners of this scheme are those who get out before BCC pulls the plug.

Steeps Game profile


Oct 16th 2017, 14:50:45

How much have you made from this scheme and how often do you get $10 to reinvest? Looking at the history of this coin it's hit a current peak, will drop a bit shortly, then will pick up again in a few months time. No chance you will make a 9x return in 9 months, at best you will double your cash.

The only winners from this would be the Pyramid Ponzi, so your referral would help you out but no one else below you. A fair way to spread the wealth would be if each person signed up, then signed up the next person... but you wouldn't get your 9x return doing that ;)

Steeps Game profile


Oct 10th 2017, 17:01:54

Not enough goldfish to run countries these days :(

Steeps Game profile


Oct 9th 2017, 1:40:47

Pretty good summary that.

Steeps Game profile


Oct 6th 2017, 16:52:08

He's been round the block a few times.

Steeps Game profile


Oct 2nd 2017, 23:34:32

Originally posted by elvesrus:
Originally posted by Steeps:
Because Suicide Squad was a pants film so they had to use crew instead to not be associated with it.

Academy Award wining Suicide Squad ;)

For hair and makeup? Great film if that's all that's good about it :D

Steeps Game profile


Oct 2nd 2017, 14:04:37

Because Suicide Squad was a pants film so they had to use crew instead to not be associated with it.

Steeps Game profile


Oct 1st 2017, 23:09:35

It wasn't sent to LaF's enemy, unless Elders got FA from LaF?

Poor wording in pact.

Steeps Game profile


Sep 29th 2017, 8:12:15

Did you not see the adverts on MySpace?

Steeps Game profile


Sep 26th 2017, 14:02:09

Hug anyone? :(

Steeps Game profile


Sep 26th 2017, 11:53:09

Need to get your body in sync with warchat times. A good time to go is usually inbetween targets at a warchat :)

Steeps Game profile


Sep 26th 2017, 11:27:53

No bathroom tablet for those extra long sessions?

Steeps Game profile


Sep 23rd 2017, 2:03:04


Steeps Game profile


Sep 17th 2017, 23:39:20


Steeps Game profile


Sep 6th 2017, 17:57:09

Working fine for me

yesterday, but not today.

Steeps Game profile


Sep 3rd 2017, 0:35:02


Steeps Game profile


Aug 26th 2017, 0:09:43


Steeps Game profile


Aug 19th 2017, 23:29:19


Steeps Game profile


Aug 12th 2017, 21:20:56


Steeps Game profile


Apr 12th 2016, 22:22:29


Steeps Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 2:12:03

always is :o

Steeps Game profile


Jan 23rd 2016, 18:47:00

oi! stop stealing my EM's!

Steeps Game profile


Jan 18th 2016, 11:52:53

Had a good run, nearly died replying to in-game messages!

Steeps Game profile


Jan 11th 2016, 21:10:25

Is that news from your country or someone else's?

Steeps Game profile


Jan 11th 2016, 14:54:27


Steeps Game profile


Jan 8th 2016, 21:41:34

Originally posted by Bikerman:
SOL suck monky donky! - let go!

Much love :)

Just doing a bit of housekeeping ;)

Steeps Game profile


Jan 5th 2016, 13:12:12

I hit max missiles last week, but I figured I'd be diffused before I get a chance to fire them all so I'm happy to sit where I am. Up to them if they want to keep diffusing EM's.

Steeps Game profile


Jan 3rd 2016, 2:12:40


Steeps Game profile


Dec 22nd 2015, 12:13:32

Why would you want set long warranty? After 500 turns of your purchase you can buy the same tech for 2k a unit anyway so you're better off saving that 2k and only buying it again if it breaks! With that level of saving you can buy your own gold plated car or sony home entertainment device... but you're probably better off hiring a really attractive secretary as they can make sandwiches too.

We give you good price and if you join our Democracy loyalty card we will even remove the commission!

Steeps Game profile


Dec 21st 2015, 11:45:13

Our tech is high quality import tech and we back it with a money back guarantee. If it fails within 500 turns we will replace it after we have received the faulty tech back absolutely free!

Buy our cheap tech because we don't pay our staff much, passing the savings on to you!

Steeps Game profile


Dec 19th 2015, 21:10:11

I've seen about 50 films at the cinema this year and would only say 3-4 of them were better than this, just saying it would have been nice if they'd written an original story like 123 tried to do.

Steeps Game profile


Dec 19th 2015, 20:55:05

I would hardly call it a nerdgasm, I don't know the universe and only seen the other films a couple of times, only recently re-watched so I could get in the spirit which I do with every new film release in a franchise. If I wanted to be all nerdy I'd be going into little crappy details like why did it take Solo so long to find the MF, but then has to ditch it at the first sensible planet because it's an easy ship to track, how someone can master the force in 3 days when they thought it was just a story, when those with proper training take years. Chewie going absolutely nuts when Solo is frozen in carbonite in ep5 but it's fighting as usual in the last battle as if nothing serious had happened... but the evil guy destroys consoles when someone forgot to put a dirty bowl in the dishwasher.

Even the 10/10 reviews are saying the same. 1st review I saw on IMDB:
"The only partial negative aspect is its somewhat lack of originality, it acts more as an homage to 'A New Hope' than an original tale. But if you overthink points like this when viewing it, you won't enjoy it"

How can it be a 10/10 film when it's the same story? It feels like Avatar, beautiful film and really well shot, broke records on release... yet we've been given nothing new story wise! Lucas kept tinkering with the original trilogy adding effects, more scenes, tweaking bits here and there and re-releasing the DVD's fluffing off fans in the process. "Leave the trilogy alone it was a masterpiece"... yet we've just been fed pretty much the same story and as it has a 7 on the box instead of a 4... "wow totally amazing best thing ever!"

Still gets a 7/10 from me as I did enjoy it and I will probably see it again over the christmas holiday as it genuinely felt like a Star Wars film (adding to the box office success), but there was so much more that could have been done to make it a better film than re-hashing what's already happened. It's not my problem alone as there are many review sites and forums discussing exactly the same thing. It's probably the first time I've finished watching a sold out IMAX film where people couldn't wait to leave to stretch legs/go for a pee rather than loiter in the isles with a look of amaze on their face after watching what should have been the best film of the year.

Hoping this will be the "ep1" of the new series of films coming out. Keep this standard of pace and effect but get some writers please.

Steeps Game profile


Dec 19th 2015, 19:16:54

The easiest way to describe this film is a re-hashed Star Trek: Into Darkness, where we take exactly the same story plots from Ep 456, change little details.

As there's a spoiler tag already in the title I have no issue with posting this:
*naughty steeps*

It is a good film yes, but it felt more like a reboot than a new film with fresh ideas.

Edited By: elvesrus on Dec 21st 2015, 2:55:16. Reason: spoilers

Steeps Game profile


Dec 19th 2015, 16:12:31

Star Wars deserved better. I'm not saying it's a bad film but they had an opportunity to make it so much more than it was. Barely any original ideas or expansion of the universe.

Steeps Game profile


Dec 19th 2015, 14:06:56

Considering the hype and reviews coming out, it was a let down story wise, but then again that is probably to be expected having JJA (A close relation to JJBinks) at the helm after what he did to the ST: Into Darkness film.

At the start of the Star Wars films you get the rolling text, this sets the scene. Who's who, what the plan is etc... characters are then introduced and developed to give the story and you enjoy the action. In this one once it gets going you are CONSTANTLY reminded who's who through some really bad and awkward dialogue and the key plot point is mentioned so many times, why can't they just get on with it!

Again JJA has basically done what he did with ST:ID and applied it to the Star Wars universe. All that budget and talent available and they couldn't come up with something original. It's made me appreciate EP 2 and 3 more because at least Lucas tried to expand the universe.

Steeps Game profile


Dec 18th 2015, 10:47:25

Did they release the same film over here? Good film but let down by some of the plot/acting of originals/writing. Better than Ep1, can't really judge it properly until Ep8 is released.

Steeps Game profile


Dec 17th 2015, 10:35:12


Steeps Game profile


Dec 13th 2015, 15:22:32

Two monitors, currently using a 16:9 27" landscape and a 16:10 24" portrait. Less desk space used, large area for editing, less space wasted scrolling/reading using the portrait screen. Not moving head so much compared to both in landscape.