
Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 11th 2021, 4:14:22

Originally posted by Getafix:
No Superfly, just keep wrecking everyone's countries with 10 hits with your worthless throwaway countries, until its not worth playing the game and everyone just quits in disgust at the waste of time.

Why not just try to win anyways? especially if a lot of players get hit it's likely you still have a chance to win

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 11th 2021, 1:26:04

I guess build your country with defenses and technologies and get allies to prevent attacks because you will always have players attacking other players unless you remove the ability to attack from the game all together

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 10th 2021, 23:56:34

Originally posted by Tmac:
Going expenses all set allows me to entirely skip stocking. The endgame for my rep casher is simply cash turns and buy military as I go, lol.

I like this idea, stocking is too complicated

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 9th 2021, 14:36:28

I could use a better defensive alliance if anyone is interested

I have one that just keeps getting attacked every day now

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 9th 2021, 3:52:24

I had one of those two countries attack me, and when I did my retaliation strike I was then attacked by the other one of them within a very short time, seems fishy

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 9th 2021, 1:25:34

Originally posted by Gerdler:
#38 is probably just saving turns to steamroll him

Wonder if those two who both break GDI on him at the same time are in it together.

Sure seems like they are coordinating their attacks

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 8th 2021, 21:20:26


That is a lot of stocking, I was planning to continue land grabs and then stock for the final 7 days

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 8th 2021, 18:04:35

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Katak getting into interesting waters....

That country hit me as well, and for no reason

It seems that the really good players have the discipline to only attack countries that are approx 1/4 their net worth and then you have these other players who are attacking countries that are the same size as them and can easily retaliate

I've been watching the two or three largest countries in land and watching who they attack and trying my best to mimic their playing styles

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 7th 2021, 17:16:46

40% wow, I guess you would have to pay money to get the extra bonus to get there wouldn't you?

I'm almost at 20% now and the round is half over, and I click those bonus ad things almost every day

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 6th 2021, 18:26:00

What does everyone spend their bonus points on?

I've just been spending them on lowering expenses every time I get 8 points, I figure towards the end of the round it will pay off and I will have much less expenses per turn

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 6th 2021, 16:01:31

I just found out the other day that the terminator series is the prequel to the matrix trilogy

Crazy stuff

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 6th 2021, 3:16:52

Originally posted by Gerdler:
medical tech only helps bring down military losses when you get attacked and to cure bioterrors. So only for war and only when you are being attacked.

It doesn't help with losses when you attack other countries?

that seems strange

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 3rd 2021, 2:02:49

If the cashers, farmers and techers all became nationalists and supported their own private markets first for military purchases, it would cause these industrialist to offer some blow out deals!

Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 3rd 2021, 1:55:29

KoHeartsGPA you should tech military costs and sell it to me because I'm not paying these public market prices for Jets and Turrets

Its at $299 for turrets and that is outrageous


Rocky79 Game profile


Dec 1st 2021, 17:29:54

I guess I should have played a farmer

Food is more expensive than it is in California

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 30th 2021, 23:50:13

I was making a lot of food too

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 29th 2021, 22:49:13

I also enjoy attacking the bots

I think I discovered last round that the amount of money I get from a bot when I land grab seems to depend on how much money I have on hand at the time, which is interesting

I grabbed a bot before and again after I sold a bunch of food on my private market and I think I got a lot more the 2nd grab

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 29th 2021, 14:14:49

Originally posted by g0nz0:

We aren't allowed to share specifics, but I was genuinely surprised to see the builds in tournament. Most people won't hit you for a basic spy ops. They're just happy you didn't grab too.

1000 industrial
3000 labs
3000 farms
3000 rigs

What finish will I get?

Likely not a very good one, I think you're supposed to specialize and not build all different buildings like you have

With 10,000 acres you should build:

500 industrial, 0 labs, 9500 farms, 0 rigs

or 10,000 industrial with 0 labs, farms, or rigs

or 500 industrial and 9500 labs with 0 farms and 0 rigs

Specialization is something even I remember from over 20 years ago

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 28th 2021, 14:52:14

Some of you guys are really funny

I also think Galleri should delete people who land grab my countries

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 7:03:48

You think people are actually going to play a couple turns, and then go switch to the market screen and buy tech, and then repeat that process every couple of turns?

That sounds like a lot of effort for a free text based internet game, especially when it resets every weekend and it seems that no one cares who wins anyway

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 5:40:01

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Rocky79:

There's no way I'm doing anything every 5 turns.. hah

And why not? hah!

I prefer to spend a hundred or two hundred turns all at once

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 27th 2021, 3:25:02

Originally posted by Gerdler:

I suggest
all-xp, 220cs, republic
get max 500 ICs and stop making spies at 50k spies
Other than that either 100% farms or 50/50 ent/res
Spend all cash on YOUR SPECIFIC income techs every 5 turns until the income techs are 95% maxed
run 0 tanks 0 troops(you dont need them until you break GDI, which you dont as all-xp) enough turrets to not look like the best target on your scores list

There's no way I'm doing anything every 5 turns.. hah

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 17th 2021, 2:35:18

Cool, thanks guys

I'll go tyranny techer and then democracy

I still need two tech allies as well


Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 16th 2021, 19:15:53

How many techers is too many?

I only see two who have posted here

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 16th 2021, 16:19:49

What's the best way to go techer on this server?

Tyranny, Theocracy, Or Democracy for full round techer?


Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 15th 2021, 1:00:33

Nice win, congrats

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 15th 2021, 0:05:45

I was the dictator farmer, Irwin Winkler

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 15th 2021, 0:03:50

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Damn i missed end of set! I was all-x as well. Had a lot of cash and food floating on market :(

I also missed the end of the reset, as I was busy reading and posting on here, heh

Oh well,

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 14th 2021, 23:58:14

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Rep Farmer sux lol .. didn't help that I forgot to recall some 8m oil before spending my cash 😆

I'll Do all x Rep Casher or maybe Theo?

Why would you do all explore when there are so many bots who are very easy to attack and don't retaliate?

I got to 50,000 acres and it's only my third reset playing



Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 12th 2021, 3:38:22

I'm going to play and try a farmer

My express farmer is going well



Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 10th 2021, 1:33:02

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Good luck 👍

Thanks, very first turn played I got this

Your research teams made a Nuclear Missile!

That's because of your good luck and thumbs up


Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 9th 2021, 23:29:28

Wow, thanks for all the comments everyone

I will try a farmer this round


Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 7:03:55

So, what strategy are those 50k acre theocracy countries running?

I can understand the first place Communist country was an industrialist

But I don't know about 2nd and 3rd place which were both 50k+ acre theocracy countries

Anyone with insight please let me know,



Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 7:00:24

There are a ton of doctors speaking out against the vaccines,

They are causing all kinds of issues and they are already the deadliest vaccines ever administered in the history of mankind

I'm lucky to have a good family doctor who advised me to avoid the vaccine like the plague

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 18:11:22

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
I remember playing this game in the late 1990's and there were about 20,000 countries in the alliance game

I once got to around 50,000 acres and that was a very land heavy country at that time, I was one of the largest if not the largest country in the game

Things sure have changed a lot


Technically you played earth2025. This game showed up after jolt shut down earth2025.

Yes, it was Earth 2025, which was the year people were supposedly going to be rebuilding countries from scratch after the apocalypse,

Which now in 2021 seems like a plausible scenario!

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 14:23:21

I have enough troops to break your 10 million turrets, maybe I should attack you

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 3:12:52

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Bots don’t retal Cuz the players here are all soft and they would cry, call the bots griefers and quit lol

Maybe some of the players should make a bot retaliation force and start retaliating on behalf of the bots and acquiring land from all of the largest countries

That could be a lot of fun as well

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 2:55:00

Why don't the bots retal?

Seems like it would be fairly easy to program that into the game and would maybe make it more interesting?

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 2:01:35

I remember playing this game in the late 1990's and there were about 20,000 countries in the alliance game

I once got to around 50,000 acres and that was a very land heavy country at that time, I was one of the largest if not the largest country in the game

Things sure have changed a lot


Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 6th 2021, 14:42:52

There are a multitude of treatments available for covid and it's really not that deadly, especially if you look after yourself and get proper treatment if you become infected.

It boggles my mind that no one in a position of authority talks about the importance of a healthy diet, exercise, and vitamin d, vitamin c etc. or the dangers of alcohol and smoking and obesity with regards to covid outcomes.

It wasn't that long ago that basically all of the media networks were telling everyone not to take the vaccine because it was rushed by the Trump administration.

Now that Trump is out of office the media networks and the Biden admin are telling people that you must take the vaccine, despite the fact that it was rushed to market via operation warp speed.

Personally I'm not interested in taking a vaccine that Trump forced the pharmaceutical companies to rush to market via operation warp speed. Vaccines should not be developed at warp speed because in order to move at warp speed you have to skip all of the long term safety studies. In truth there is not a scientist or doctor on this planet that knows what the long term effects of mRNA vaccines will be in 20 years or 30 years from now.

Another important point is that the vaccine doesn't even work like a traditional vaccine because it doesn't prevent you from getting the covid virus, it doesn't prevent transmission, and it seems like it is clear at this point that it doesn't work because they are already rolling out booster shots.

I also find it interesting that I am told I must take the vaccine to keep my job, but illegals crossing the southern border don't have to take the vaccine or even get tested for covid to come into my state. Also, it is just if you want a job that you have to take the vaccine, and you don't need to take it to be on welfare or food stamps.

Want to know who is except from the vaccine mandate? Congress, the Senate, their staffers, the CDC, Pfizer Employees, Moderna Employees, JnJ employees. All of these people are exempt from the vaccine mandate, isn't that weird?

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 5th 2021, 17:11:18

Originally posted by NitelL:

Makes all strats playable now, though it's easier to win on 2 of them if you have the time/commitment.

Which strats are those two?

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 5th 2021, 0:21:28

I think you are automatically in gdi and you would have to leave gdi before attacking anyone if you don't want to be in gdi

Personally I like gdi, I'm not sure why you would not want to be a part of it ?

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 4th 2021, 17:05:43

Yeah, I feel like an idiot because I saw that message on my research page and I messaged several players ingame asking if they would like to be my research alliances and they messaged me back asking what I was talking about

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 4th 2021, 3:52:12

Why do the in-game tips tell me to get research alliances when there is no option for research alliances on the alliance page?

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 4th 2021, 1:37:18

Do we need to do allies?

Do people attack other players or do people just attack the NPC's?

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2021, 17:26:31

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
So... why do they proclaim themselves to be the WORLD champions when they only play in America and only play versus American teams?


When I ask a question, how can you respond with false?

How is a question false without providing an answer to the question, or an explanation as to what is false?

After 25,908 posts one would think you would understand how to write a post on a message board!

So.. I will ask again, how can the Atlanta Braves proclaim themselves to be the WORLD champions? How can the American baseball league call their playoff finals the WORLD series? Did they beat any of the teams in the Japanese baseball league? How about the other Baseball Leagues around the world? Can the winners of the Japanese league not proclaim themselves to be the WORLD champions? What is it about American sports that makes them so arrogant as to think they are the champions of the world without competing against any of the teams or leagues in the rest of the world?

Edited By: Rocky79 on Nov 3rd 2021, 17:29:35

Rocky79 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2021, 15:10:31

So... why do they proclaim themselves to be the WORLD champions when they only play in America and only play versus American teams?

Rocky79 Game profile


Oct 31st 2021, 23:35:02

If he had done that he likely would not have died because I had 25% readiness and had to wait for turns to keep attacking at the end

Rocky79 Game profile


Oct 31st 2021, 19:16:11

I don't know what that means?

He hit me with 6 attacks, 4 SS and 2 PS and then I killed him with guerilla strikes and stir rebellions