
Rednose Game profile


Oct 6th 2012, 7:26:40

first off: bonus

second: I thought this was pretty funny

Rednose Game profile


Sep 30th 2012, 9:28:03

this reminds me of sarcastaball...

Rednose Game profile


Sep 25th 2012, 17:49:53

Originally posted by Trife:
it's not like the regular refs were perfect either..

i for one like these replacement refs.. adds an element of suprise to the game. i'm also for nascar putting obstacles on their tracks a la mario kart.

not sure if you're joking with the first part of that, too.

I love to fluff about refs getting the wrong call like any other guy, but with the real refs, we usually had around 5-10 wrong calls on a weekend and not ~30.
I can think of a few pretty grave missed calls this weekend:
-on that one play, they got the posession wrong and missed OPI
-shortly before they called PI on a Sidney Rice facemask on the defender
-Min-SF game: 49ers were allowed to challenge without timeouts left
-Pit-Oak: the hit on DHB went unpunished

and these are just the 4 instances that I can think of

Rednose Game profile


Sep 25th 2012, 12:18:47

what a disgrace! we really need those refs back.
We saw about 20-40 botched calls every week for the last 3 weeks, that's just too much. And often the situations are just to obvious to be that wrong

Rednose Game profile


Sep 11th 2012, 18:19:15

Originally posted by iScode:
bigdog didnt think you would enjoy being spanked by a no good dirty cheater.

Originally posted by ZIP:
damn you scode now you gone and done it!! you publicly called her out. now we will have to fight over it.

went ahead and ruined a perfectly fun thread...
you 2 seem to be quite bitter about being blindsided. But isn't that what you are doing all the time and then ridicule the target for their crying?

Rednose Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 13:06:42

old people thread

Rednose Game profile


Sep 2nd 2012, 11:59:36

ahh, can't say imag isn't honest. They are always straightforward.

Also no need to bait us into posting here. Apart from our FAs, you won't find a monster posting about this war.

Rednose Game profile


Aug 21st 2012, 10:47:06

new bonus?

Rednose Game profile


Aug 6th 2012, 8:45:34

yea, that was sad...
but money league is not for me :(
I'm too poor

Rednose Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 9:32:34

Originally posted by Spear:
I prefer New Vegas, but only by a little. They're both fantastic. The bugs are pretty much gone by this point due to patches. It's nothing to worry about.

This is propably what I'd say, too.
The awesome thing for 3 is that you can actually recognize parts of DC. It's such a long time ago that I played 3, while I played NV only early this year.
Both are really recommendable and not so expensive to get during the current steamsale.

Rednose Game profile


Jul 16th 2012, 8:47:12

yep, I liked that speech, too, when I watched the pilot of The Newsroom.

It was one of the best pilots I've seen in a long time. Truely excellent. Sadly the following 2 episodes couldn't keep up with that niveau. I'll still keep watching whenever I have some spare time.

Rednose Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 11:50:31


Rednose Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 8:09:42

you monsters are weird
*wait* I'm a monster, too
*looks around embarrassed*

Rednose Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 10:00:15

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Whinny lil cry babies, you got DOWed, big fkn deal!, stfu and fight!

That is all :p

the irony is that a few sets back, you were one of them :D

btw, not taking sides. I'm staying on the sidelines. I also don't understand the people who hang out on AT a lot, it just makes me sad how far people go over a game.

oh and also: this bonus post was brought to you by the first thread that picked my interest

Rednose Game profile


Jun 9th 2012, 21:52:26

whoever that was, that's seriously pathetic.
I tip my hat to you for once, imag

Rednose Game profile


Jun 8th 2012, 9:47:59

usually it's just the trolls and ppl that are complaining, that are the loudest.
But I'm quite sure that at least 70% of the EE community appreciates all your work as much as I do.
Thanks a lot for all your work!

Rednose Game profile


Jun 8th 2012, 9:36:45

the AT cooking book ^^

and spaghetti to the chilli, wtf?????
a good chilli only comes with white bread

Rednose Game profile


Jun 7th 2012, 10:30:42

Originally posted by bertz:
200 turrets per Acre

at higher land ranges that's not enough. If you are in the top 10 of land and have 6 mil turrets for 30k land, prepare to get grabbed.

Rednose Game profile


Jun 7th 2012, 10:28:02

Originally posted by Mr.Silver:
Your argument for defence needing to be higher is obsolete since about late 1998 when Mehul increased the military costs to unsubstainable levels on high networths.

Prior to that you could quite happily netgain with 200m networth or more. Now you would lose 100m cash per turn.

As such you can never truely have enough defence to block topfeeds until you jump end game as they can always get more offense.

Combine that with 3 allies instead of two and 150% bonus on PSs.

Only folks saying there aren't topfeeds are those that don't like to or don't know how to net.

exactly. I'd like to add, that everyone who mouths off in a big way here propably never had it happen to them yet.

I'd like to see you build a 30k(that's still pretty reasonable) or more acre country and have it hit by a 10k country, dagga. And not during the last week of the set either, but rather halfway through or so.

I'm not a big fan of L:L retal policies, because it takes at least some skill out of the usual retaling. But if there is no way to regain your land, no matter how much you tweak your country, then you embrace it. And we were already over the case that almost any country can be broken any time of a set.

Rednose Game profile


May 30th 2012, 9:49:47

Originally posted by Anonymous:
I am sorry to say but this is absolute bullfluff.

What happened? Did EA fluff enough of you in the ass long enough that now you enjoy it? Why are you letting a game company dictate the way you play games. Last time I checked (1990s?) the customer's wants dictated the way a game was played.

You paid money (quite a bit at that) for a game. Some may want to play it online, I sure as hell do not nor do many others. Most wanted the ability to play it on LAN or Solo. Why in the hell are you giving a company money that can't even make solo and lan play possible. At this point they can't even get online play right. Most of this game goes against what the majority wanted as a followup.

PC gaming is truly dead, and it's all thanks to people just bending over and taking it.

What should really piss you off is that you paid for the game, in a month (if not already) it will be cracked and the pirates won't have to deal with all of these DRM nightmares.

Enjoy paying a game company to fluff you in the ass.

my sentiments exactly.
-as I said before, because a very large part of games companies' costumers are kids or are still comparably young and don't give a fluff about restrictions like locket does, the game market developed in a way that nearly no other market did. Name me 1 market where it is acceptable:
-to publish that many unfinished/not-properly-working products(bugs, and I don't mean the one or other minor bug, but gamebreaking or crashing bugs)
-to only license out your product
-to severly restrict the user in the way he is allowed to use the product

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Anonymous:
SO basically you are saying you like it and want more?

I am saying that I understand why they did it. I'd rather have the option to play offline but its not a huge deal to me. I can live with the down time too but I don't like it. i just know that it will work smoothly sometime in the near future just like all their other games do.

so you actually say you like it :D

I understand that making it online is the best way of copy protection for blizzard. I don't understand why so many people are willing to bend over for a game that's not one bit as industry-changing(or only in the worst possible way for the costumer) as D2 was. In a few days Torchlight 2 will be released at a cheaper price, with less restrictions from publisher side and with nearly the same quality. It only hasn't the big blizzard tag attached to it.

Rednose Game profile


May 30th 2012, 9:35:10

Originally posted by elvesrus:
locket, quick search showed SC2 has been cracked for quite a while. RTS isn't my cup of tea or else I'd have better details than that.

Erian, it's not exactly LAN when you're connecting to an outside server

I guess he's talking about the MP part, that actually is the bread and butter of it. The SP is pirated of course.

Rednose Game profile


May 29th 2012, 23:34:33

argh mixed up edit and quote again

Edited By: Rednose on May 29th 2012, 23:36:43
See Original Post

Rednose Game profile


May 29th 2012, 23:31:44

well I'm of the complete opposite opinion and it's easy fluffes like locket that we have to thank for, that gaming companies think they can get away with every stunt they pull.(btw I'm also annoyed by the currently developing fluffstorm-culture, where every little problem is made out to be the end of the world on the internet. That doesn't mean that most gaming companies completely screw over their clients)
-What other industry only licenses away their products?
-we already had the car example
-I didn't buy D3 despite wanting to, because I'm not paying for a game where I don't even have the option to play for myself and offline.
-I don't give a crap about the RM auction house. That's actually a smart move, given all the ebay sales of D2 items.

Rednose Game profile


May 27th 2012, 7:29:08

it's called earth retirement home for a reason

Rednose Game profile


May 21st 2012, 8:05:51

already thinking too long what to post here

Rednose Game profile


May 13th 2012, 18:44:31

Originally posted by ld:
Who needs defense if Drogba is going to score a hat trick?

same could be said about the Bayern. Their defense was absolutely terrible yesterday.

Rednose Game profile


May 13th 2012, 5:59:14

I wish you good luck!
It's kinda sad that you quit over a thing that you basically were part of during the last 3 or more sets.

Rednose Game profile


May 10th 2012, 5:33:04

Originally posted by ZIP:
fluff not just on retals soviet but i think we did pretty good on grabbing as well -

and could go on and on. I am very proud of our grabbing and retaling this set. fluff we have not been this land fat going into a war since i don't know when

oh and btw who the fluff plays a FULL set mbr? I haven't seen one of those in years also.

clearly this shows the skill of finding a target 2-3 times your land. Congratulations!

Rednose Game profile


May 9th 2012, 22:44:58

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
I will ALWAYS vote against gay marriage. I am totally fine with civil unions but marriage in my book (bible and nature) is only defined between a man and a woman. And no, sex changes do not count.

actually marriage is first and foremost a contract and only with less importance a religious thing. Religion is separated from government. But now the government denies gay couples the benefits they give to heterosexual couples with religious reasoning. But raf actually said it far better than me
Originally posted by Raf:
It shouldn't have anything to do with religion. If marriage is a legal union being recognized by the state, then applying religious beliefs to define the constraints of that union is going against the separation of church and state.

They should have the same right to get married via the state as anyone else. It is not an infringement on the churches freedom of religion as there is no requirement that the church participate in the union. The state does not define marriage in a religious context.

Rednose Game profile


May 9th 2012, 21:37:16

if you go by that logic, all the guys whose sets got ruined by imags blatant topfeeds should join TIE.

Yes, I'm bitter and whining.

Rednose Game profile


May 6th 2012, 6:38:43

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:

5.) You all are apparently fighting proxy wars between two groups of unethical players and you either don't know it or don't care because the most important thing to you is your side "winning"

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
In Earth the community values politics over rules so whatever happens, half of the community will stick up for the people who get caught and there is no deterrent for future cheaters.

this has been my main beef with earth for a long time. Bravo for putting it so clearly.

Rednose Game profile


May 5th 2012, 15:06:22

Originally posted by Trippster:
I wouldn't count on the calculations too much though. They have changed the formulas somewhat.

the formula on the wiki is correct, though?

Rednose Game profile


May 5th 2012, 9:51:58

I know that there used to be attack calcs.
What happened to them?
Can anyone link me to a still working one.

And don't point me to the wiki, I know how to calculate an attack. A calculator would simply be more comfortable and quicker.

Rednose Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 16:46:50

and as you see, all the drama is still around, too.

I hope you'll play again, no matter where. It's always good to see some old guys back in the game

Rednose Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 16:20:48

I completely agree with MD and SoL on the point of LaF having to earn back their trust for this server.

I don't care, though, about the history lessons, those are always posted in a way benefitting the posting alliance.
edit: ugh that 2nd part sounds too harsh.

Edited By: Rednose on May 2nd 2012, 16:24:18
See Original Post

Rednose Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 11:14:23

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Locutus:
Last time an alliance defeated multiple alliances by means of cheating we banded together and made a stand against it. Elitez never recovered from that one.

Now not sure LaF deserves the same fate, but goddamn talk about massive cheating. And to just remove him as Don does not seem enough.

So more innocent players should suffer because of what those two did?

no, they should look for a new home. Preferredly one that teaches them some better morals than those in LaF. Even before the corruption in their leadership came to light, LaFs methods were highly unethical.
I know that this isn't an ethical game, but sometimes, it would help to not do anything to furhter your cause. It would help to keep any new blood in the game or also keep any guy who is willing to come back.

Rednose Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 7:19:46

your work is highly appreciated. Thx a lot guys!

Rednose Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 6:46:12

thx for all the hard work you put into earth.
enjoy your life and post here once in a while

Rednose Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 7:29:59

Originally posted by Chevs:


after the jags leapfrogged them, it's not that bad to trade down. But the rams still need a receiver who can actually catch a pass very urgently.

Rednose Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 7:12:51

Ronaldo+KaKa=160 mil €. Both still missed their penalties :D

the finals will be interesting, though, both teams will miss 2 or 3 of their starting defenders

Rednose Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 21:16:30

this is golden.
and offensive countrynames have been changed for ages...

Rednose Game profile


Apr 11th 2012, 16:32:29

I'll try to provide a little more insight for you guys:
there are 2 major ways to play this game. either netgaining, aka trying to reach the highest networth possible at the end of a set. a decent finish is above 100 million NW, which you propably wont reach during your first set here, even if you werent busy fighting off guys who try to take advantage of your unexperience. The best players reach 250-400 mil.

The other way to play is to war other alliances by killing their countries. You can kill countries by either taking all their land(with Standard Strike or Planned Strike attacks) or by killing all civilians of a country(which is the easier option 90% of the time) using Bombing Run or Guerrila Strike attacks. Some alliances war almost all the time, because they like it more than netgaining, others do it from time to time for fun and often it obviously is also a way to resolve conflicts between alliances

Rednose Game profile


Apr 11th 2012, 8:38:28

Originally posted by toma:
best advice I can give you is not to just retal PS/SS. If guys farm you collectively suicide as a clan. This way that clan will not be hitting you in the future.

and it will also make sure that they kill you.
I suggest you talk to evolution and lafamiglia first, since their members are usually the first to take advantage of unexperienced players, as you may have already noticed.

Rednose Game profile


Apr 11th 2012, 8:20:19

in case you haven't done yet.
go to and apply for a site. It is tailored to this game. You have forums there and tools, like attack and defense reports, country reports, etc

Rednose Game profile


Apr 6th 2012, 7:49:28


Rednose Game profile


Mar 29th 2012, 7:43:25

to each his own.
It's better playing than bullying any new player that might find his way here out of the game again.

Rednose Game profile


Mar 21st 2012, 8:56:07

I worked on a project last term at university, that evaluated the ecological balance of electric cars, aka not only look at the use of gas/electricity but also at energetic production costs. e.g. with the current state of tech, you have to exchange the batteries far more often than a normal motor.

We did almost all the comparisons with german data, though, and in germany we're way back on hybrid cars, but on the other hand, we already have a pretty decent part of regenerative energy production.
As a result, as long as the production of electricity doesn't move away from coal, pure electric cars cause about the same exhaust as cars with a slightly better than average gas efficiency(in germany; sorry, but in the us most cars are still an atrocity in fuel efficiency)
nuclear energy isn't the solution for the future either, though, because of long-term disposal of the rods

Long-term, I firmly believe that regenerative energies are the way to go as energy source, but we're still far away from that. And as long as it doesn't happen, pure electric cars are not the solution for the environment.
The have a few pros, like the "smart grid" application, that qz already mentioned and not having smog in the cities. But effective at this moment, if you changed all cars to electric cars, not much would change, apart from the need to build tons of power plants.

Urgh, this got a little confusing, but I don't really have the time at the moment, to order my thoughts for this posts ^^

Rednose Game profile


Mar 19th 2012, 23:00:00

I remember a time, when you were on or near the top of the hitting list, set after set after set :)